Gohan BEAST vs. Ultra Ego Vegeta: Pride of the Beast | FULL MOVIE

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • In this thrilling what-if story by DarkHans0, Ultra Ego Vegeta and Beast Gohan engage in an all-out battle at full power!
    #dragonballsuper #vegeta #gohan #gohanbeast
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    ⭐️ Andrew Jack Chiasson AKA Mr.Voicebox as Vegeta & Grand Priest
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    🎺 @Android Orchestra
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    🎧 Pokemixr92 @PokeMixr92
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    🎸 Friedrich Habetler
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    🎹 AVIAND @aviand
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Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @RisingFist
    @RisingFist  8 месяцев назад +52

    Watch the 1 hour+ Movie of ‘Dragon Ball: Bloodlines’ 🔥 FREE:

  • @UnwantedGhost1-anz25
    @UnwantedGhost1-anz25 Год назад +263

    Everyone loves Shintani art style despite being over five years since then. At least it's top tier, with a combination of 90s DragonBall Z at peak moments. And props to all voice actors.

    • @dl0680
      @dl0680 Год назад +2

      Nah man, Shintani's style is overrated. It feels too soft and childish to an extent. The RoF Movie was the top tier one.

    • @ZarrarAAli
      @ZarrarAAli 10 месяцев назад

      Agreed ​@@dl0680

    • @JerryCurl1127
      @JerryCurl1127 10 месяцев назад +10

      @@dl0680well despite your OPINION, doesn’t change that this was a great watch. The dude makes it work.

  • @malikthomas8452
    @malikthomas8452 Год назад +742

    I love when vegeta give gohan respect and motivation

    • @yinglahtoramer6697
      @yinglahtoramer6697 Год назад +46

      Indeed. Even being a bitter man, Vegeta still care and fighting fairly.

    • @balloutrio2216
      @balloutrio2216 Год назад +38

      He just wants to see his fellow saiyans win

    • @haileyraaa
      @haileyraaa Год назад +4

      we need an actual vegeta vs gohan rematch

    • @r6-AgentScorpionParkerKRider23
      @r6-AgentScorpionParkerKRider23 Год назад +7

      Vegeta saw what he’s capable of being the first to go Super Saiyan 2, and he’s a half-Saiyan to boot which really initially made Vegeta rage out of not understanding and just well pure Vegeta rage

    • @malikthomas8452
      @malikthomas8452 Год назад +1

      @@haileyraaa frl he did gohan dirty last time lol

  • @jordantaylor9446
    @jordantaylor9446 Год назад +300

    A fight between ultra ego vegeta and beast gohan sure is gonna be a fight to be remembered

  • @vacuumlotl1807
    @vacuumlotl1807 Год назад +722

    Vegeta being embarrassed about wearing the earring is just so Vegeta.

    • @ssctiyo4735
      @ssctiyo4735 Год назад +33

      His disgust to Potara earings has left a mark LMAO

    • @user-zi7jo7lv2e
      @user-zi7jo7lv2e Год назад +18

      Wandering cat!!!! 😂😂😂

    • @cormacdoyle5625
      @cormacdoyle5625 11 месяцев назад +15

      Vegeta: "What kind of role am I subjecting myself to because of that wandering cat?!" Beerus: " I'll show you a wandering cat vegeta. HAKAAAIIII!!!!!!"

    • @TheJinx1
      @TheJinx1 9 месяцев назад +4

      Hehe this writing is so underrated

    • @ranzsison8956
      @ranzsison8956 4 месяца назад +2

      I’ll be laughing if beerus is not only strong in fights also in hearing something behind his back😂😂

  • @tonyhedgehogzamora6888
    @tonyhedgehogzamora6888 Год назад +73

    This is the proper character development for Gohan needed in super

  • @TheShadowdetective12
    @TheShadowdetective12 Год назад +546

    Nice voices you chose. They sound really close to the originals

    • @RisingFist
      @RisingFist  Год назад +66

      Thanks buddy, appreciate it

    • @realtonymurray
      @realtonymurray Год назад +8

      dude amazing work! thank you for making this. Did you use AI to make these voices?? they are really good!

    • @shadowldrago
      @shadowldrago Год назад +5

      @@realtonymurray There's a cast list in the description.

    • @reaper61989
      @reaper61989 5 месяцев назад +2

      Like scary close too. Haha. It’s so crazy. Dang voice actors. Haha

    • @gustavosifuentes3991
      @gustavosifuentes3991 3 месяца назад

      Frrrr especially the way the voice actor for Vegeta said "emergency" in the beginning really embodies the spirit of the character and original VA for Vegeta. For all characters in this film honestly! Amazing work here !!!

  • @Randomartist13
    @Randomartist13 11 месяцев назад +256

    The visuals: stunning
    The Story: stunning
    The Emotions: Overwhelming
    The voice acting: stunning

    • @emondragon4444
      @emondragon4444 7 месяцев назад

      Is this really in the manga?

    • @shadowx2652
      @shadowx2652 6 месяцев назад


    • @Tooley610
      @Tooley610 Месяц назад

      Nope, all fanmade, he drew it all himself

  • @djlesmatiqhyena
    @djlesmatiqhyena Год назад +260

    The way Vegeta transformed to ultra Ego. Like an obsessed demon 😈

    • @Mistercodmobilefan8378
      @Mistercodmobilefan8378 10 месяцев назад +11

      Ikr when he is laughing too i was like oh damn

    • @ZeitGeist_TV
      @ZeitGeist_TV 8 месяцев назад +7

      @@Mistercodmobilefan8378Let's just hope that the anime does it justice.

    • @The-Endo-SymArmor
      @The-Endo-SymArmor 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@ZeitGeist_TVUltra Ego Vegeta gives me Majin Vegeta vibes💪💪🤣🤣

  • @haydenvaughn00
    @haydenvaughn00 Год назад +421

    The artwork in this episode is by far the best!! It looks so beautiful and the effects make it even better

    • @RisingFist
      @RisingFist  Год назад +47

      I agree. DarkHans0 really is the best DB artist in the fandom right now.

    • @TheMeriot1
      @TheMeriot1 Год назад +5

      Yes finally on par with their true character designs

    • @l_cuzzo_l1214
      @l_cuzzo_l1214 11 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah I thought I was watching a color version of the manga. It’s very impressive and sad that fan made stuff is better than the original sometimes

    • @jdbm
      @jdbm 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@l_cuzzo_l1214 Have to agree with you in that. Another good example of a Fandom storyline (at least in my opinion) was the Dragon Ball a New Hope. It had an interesting concept storyline.

    • @hthompson2237
      @hthompson2237 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@RisingFistthis is outstanding. I forgot I wasn't watching the real thing. My blood is boiling right now!

  • @AngrySinn
    @AngrySinn Год назад +107

    Vegeta fighting Gohan for real and teaching him a lesson throughout the battle is amazing

    • @mezykin
      @mezykin Год назад +10

      Vegeta respects the hell out ot Gohan

  • @jarvaruscarter
    @jarvaruscarter Год назад +650

    To me, this story shows how much Vegeta legitimately respects Gohan

    • @KALICOE
      @KALICOE Год назад +72

      Vegeta told Gohan on namek he's was the strongest one there he was just inexperienced remember him and nappa already noticed about hybrids from earth

    • @thizzmonkey7846
      @thizzmonkey7846 Год назад +57

      Vegeta has always had a deep of respect for Gohan’s abilities but not his lack of drive. He knows Gohan is stronger than any one of them he’s just mad cuz Gohan squanders that power.

    • @LeeMillerRTV
      @LeeMillerRTV Год назад +20

      ​@@thizzmonkey7846 If Gohan was Vegta's son he would have whopped his ass in shape years ago😅

    • @starsiren9592
      @starsiren9592 Год назад +7

      @@KALICOE Gohan is just given everything for free without even training. He's a horribly written character that makes no sense. He spends years without training while Goku and Vegeta train non-stop (with gods) and get millions of times stronger over time... Gohan, whom rarely ever trains just gets mad and all of a sudden he's the strongest? It's completely non-sensical. Goten and Trunks are also hybrid Saiyans just like Gohan, yet they have always been weaker than pure Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta. Gohan is just a gag character like Arale that is hard to take serious... They just grow unlimited powers out of their ass.

    • @KALICOE
      @KALICOE Год назад +3

      @starsiren9592 I've never took him serious you hit the 🔨 on the nail on namek it made sense cell he just hit level 2 before everyone else but the buu saga heck no especially in super ultimate Gohan wasn't stronger than 3 but he can fight goku at God level I never got how the original vegeta was born with a power level of 20k but he stays blow for blow with the others

  • @devink4653
    @devink4653 Год назад +1196

    The hair is just right for Gohan’s beast form in this video, the fact that Goku had to go Super Saiyan 3 to stop that blast from a unconscious Gohan is crazy, 😂don’t sleep on Gohan literally

    • @iangoldman4003
      @iangoldman4003 Год назад +60

      Plus he should have been next to zero on energy.

    • @devink4653
      @devink4653 Год назад +55

      @@iangoldman4003I know its almost like Goku was thinking how much power he should used to block a blast from a unconscious Gohan, he couldn’t just use base blocked it in base but he goes 3 right of the back that’s says something

    • @Mr.DripRadish
      @Mr.DripRadish Год назад +7


    • @SuperStudiousman
      @SuperStudiousman Год назад +26

      Unconscious, but he was still in mystic form

    • @Trizon_
      @Trizon_ Год назад +12

      Ssj3 Goku easily did it tf you mean

  • @CondeDrareg
    @CondeDrareg Год назад +87

    RUclips recomended this. What a display of talent, effort, and understanding of the DB essence. This is literally perfect, I can only say thank you. I'm subscribing.

    • @Omega_Blaq
      @Omega_Blaq Год назад +2

      I subbed as well because the effort put in this vid, this was a great dbz battle.

    • @Zayweston
      @Zayweston 7 месяцев назад +1

      I agree

  • @wing0291
    @wing0291 Год назад +224

    Finally master vegeta teaching gohan is about time this needs to be animated 💪😡

  • @joelnelson8778
    @joelnelson8778 Год назад +52

    Bruh if fandom art looks this crazy then....DBZ has an mighty future ahead with fan made anime and manga❤

    • @Nocoslim
      @Nocoslim Год назад +2

      As long as they don’t turn into pokemon

  • @hritikgahlot19
    @hritikgahlot19 Год назад +49

    Bro you are the one who is filling the void that Dbs left and your growth in these past few years you are truly a once in a lifetime human beings ❤

  • @supremegalaxycentral
    @supremegalaxycentral Год назад +5

    The fact that it took ssj3 goku to stop that blast just shows how much gohan has grown. It’s to the point where goku can’t just use ssj 1-2 for fun anymore, he has to jump straight to 3

  • @dominicg3316
    @dominicg3316 Год назад +16

    Bro as a die hard fan of this show since the age of 5 I can’t tell you how amazing this was. The voice over and the work you put into this really made it cool.

  • @NewAb22
    @NewAb22 Год назад +36

    This was an amazing fight. An adult Gohan vs. Vegeta at their full powers is exactly what we needed. And you delivered

    • @chosenNahar
      @chosenNahar 9 месяцев назад

      Eventually ... Vegeta gets more student,
      Trunks, Cabba and now.... Gohan.
      Vegeta now a good teacher.
      Goku: none

  • @TheAlan11223
    @TheAlan11223 Год назад +12

    Vegeta is shocked yet so proud of Gohan willing to fight to the death with him. This was a fight Vegeta needed to know if Gohan’s potential is real. Real enough to protect the world they love.

  • @muhammadgerryalfareza3030
    @muhammadgerryalfareza3030 Год назад +30


  • @mourneris
    @mourneris Год назад +3

    I love how the fandom is producing better content than the official sources. Gohan stands to be one of the greatest warriors if he spends time with all his mentors. He could benefit greatly from spending a training arc with Vegeta. Each mentor from his father to Piccolo to Vegeta all have something to offer him.

  • @Ryujibarbarian
    @Ryujibarbarian Год назад +110

    I like the base hair style of gohan, it really shows the difference in ultimate form and base

    • @kingades1013
      @kingades1013 Год назад +1

      I see it as silly. I remember when ultimate was his base. I don’t mean the change is silly but ultimate no longer being his base after it was for years is imo

    • @Ryujibarbarian
      @Ryujibarbarian Год назад +5

      @@kingades1013 I completely agree with you

    • @kingades1013
      @kingades1013 Год назад +1

      @@Ryujibarbarian Yh, also how gohan was barely weaker than in the cell games after 7 years of peace without training but somehow became unsure of even going ssj during the resurrection of freiza. I hate when the plot happens for the sake of it which is why I hate super more than any other db series. The others aren't perfect but the excuses fit the lore.
      Such as ssj3 coming late is really just because toryiama didn't think of it until the last second but the reason in the show is that it takes too much energy and would drain goku's time on earth. Plot conveniences that work around the show rather than the other way around are good.
      Sorry for the long rant

    • @Ryujibarbarian
      @Ryujibarbarian Год назад

      @kingades1013 I respect it. I dislike Gohan getting weaker even though his potential his unlocked, and then he can tap into beast form with ease in the manga, which doesn't make sense to me

    • @kingades1013
      @kingades1013 Год назад +1

      @@Ryujibarbarian Yh for real. I would’ve just kept potential unleashed but gohan just gets stronger as he fights. Any new transformation after is kind of unnecessary

  • @UnwantedGhost1-anz25
    @UnwantedGhost1-anz25 Год назад +86

    People are cooking so early. It's incredible. Thank you, Rising Fist.

  • @MichealHolt
    @MichealHolt Год назад +26

    I've been following DarkHans0's story of Gohan vs Vegeta for a while, and I always thought it would be amazing to see your dub of it. Like one long movie. This has made my weekend infinitely better

  • @Kavail
    @Kavail Год назад +25

    Man this captures what dragon ball used to have all the hype about. I love this

  • @55Ignis
    @55Ignis 10 месяцев назад +36

    Vegeta was essentially egging Gohan on like he did with Cabba to turn Super Saiyan on his own.

  • @fizzy1550
    @fizzy1550 Год назад +19

    Dude, goose bumps EVERYWHERE!!!!!
    The hair on my body stood up FOREVER!!
    This was so awesome!! Thank you, everyone for this wonderful video, and all your hard work!!! :3

  • @JovanniEspinoza-bd6yn
    @JovanniEspinoza-bd6yn 3 месяца назад +6

    21:00. The best trio

  • @Thatonecreature2
    @Thatonecreature2 Год назад +64

    8:30 God damn. That s an evil laugh if I've ever heard one

    • @julmarbrooks1039
      @julmarbrooks1039 Год назад +4

      Why did that laugh remind me of Super buu back in the buu Arc? 8:24

  • @JLPfrmthaWAU
    @JLPfrmthaWAU 4 месяца назад +1

    THIS was the DB fix I needed. “His body reacting to his will to win.” *chefs kiss*

  • @lass961
    @lass961 Год назад +4

    This entire video was awesome, it genuinely felt like a fight from the official series. I love the reference that was made with the one handed by Gohan towards the end of this fight, mirroring his beam struggle against Cell.

  • @taecampus
    @taecampus Год назад +1

    9:30 😂😂😂😂
    Ngl, i was soooo into this. The art, the voice acting, the visuals, everything. But this little abrupt inner monolog got me 😂 very nice touch 👌

  • @keyonedwards403
    @keyonedwards403 Год назад +9

    It good to see they have their rematch after all these years. Good job rising 👊 for remaking and reanimated this fight.

  • @EclipseZen
    @EclipseZen Год назад +9

    Follow this channel since Goku SSJ2 vs Cell was released, always awesome story and artwork, keep the great work Rising Fist, truly a masterpiece creator!

  • @RisingFist
    @RisingFist  Год назад +147

    Special thanks to manga creator DarkHans0 for this spectacular story! 🇧🇷
    Support manga creator DarkHans0 on Patreon:
    DarkHans0 Instagram:

    • @NetterSR8459
      @NetterSR8459 Год назад +3


    • @jeffdaigle5487
      @jeffdaigle5487 Год назад +2

      Thank you to everyone who helped create this masterpiece. Truly a great story and amazing art work.
      Oh and I'm very sorry the sound track. Chefs kiss😘 funny thing is I went to school for sound design.

    • @creatorsfreedom6734
      @creatorsfreedom6734 Год назад +2

      do you have something you are makeing your self in the work shop ?

    • @Wildfrontier1357
      @Wildfrontier1357 Год назад +1

      Goku vs orange piccolo

    • @michaeleverett1376
      @michaeleverett1376 Год назад

      Do one with Orange Piccolo next.

  • @christianklarr184
    @christianklarr184 Год назад +6

    Man this was a great video I really liked how Gohan's hair looked too

  • @JayDee-ez4rd
    @JayDee-ez4rd Год назад +7

    That was AMAZING. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!

  • @pablojoel3217
    @pablojoel3217 Месяц назад +1

    I love Vegeta. What I love the most is how rare he mentions the name "Gohan." Respect.
    Love your videos. I hope you are doing well.

  • @maxgeorgie1992
    @maxgeorgie1992 Год назад +5

    I loved the dialogue and voiceovers in this! Been awhile since I appreciated a Dragonball video this much.

  • @tjcrooms
    @tjcrooms Год назад +2

    I absolutely love it. It definitely shows how much Gohan could progress and catch up to Vegeta and Goku. Gohan has always been my favorite character especially when he fought against Cell.

  • @Tyrant820
    @Tyrant820 Год назад +52

    UE Vegeat vs Gohan Beast is the perfect match up 💪🏿💪🏿

  • @Omni313rd
    @Omni313rd Год назад +1

    Vegeta may be angry all the time but he has capaof being a great warrior, friend and Father.

  • @Astralchains
    @Astralchains Год назад +25

    We're here before the battle begins

  • @Aaron.Seabolt
    @Aaron.Seabolt Год назад +3

    Most people are waiting for DBS to return. Meanwhile I’m waiting for Rising Fist to release master pieces like this. This was so amazing.

  • @kishinpain
    @kishinpain Год назад +132


    • @RisingFist
      @RisingFist  Год назад +33

      Eyyy Kishin! Thanks for checking out the vid bro 😄

    • @nnamdiuyalorjr2896
      @nnamdiuyalorjr2896 Год назад

      @@RisingFist Keep up the great work and strive for even greater heights of success. I believe you could start doing collaboration videos with Mondo Cool and Unrelent Gaming.

  • @josesalazar6691
    @josesalazar6691 Год назад +6


  • @williamsaiyanjayrarcher4566
    @williamsaiyanjayrarcher4566 Год назад +6

    This is amazing. Love the Broly movie artstyle, the interactions, dialogue, battle and how well the characters are true to their original self. Keep up the epic work, we appreciate you and team passionate work. Kudos to the artist and creator of this manga.

  • @nico_.esquivel_
    @nico_.esquivel_ Год назад +7

    This was incredible man, an insane adaptation of an insane fan manga. This match up works extremely well to push Gohan's limits with Vegeta, and seeing it beung prortrayed in such a spectacular way is simply unbelievable. Thank you so much for this 👏❤️‍🔥👏

  • @julian_david4556
    @julian_david4556 Год назад +9

    This is why I followed you! More action like this!
    Awesome job!

  • @LiveByFaithh
    @LiveByFaithh Год назад +3

    I loved this fight! The whole fight I was smiling from ear to ear. This legit gave me goosebumps, man. I truly believe this how the fight should go down. Nothing but utmost respect for Gohan from Vegeta, I love it. I always wanted to see another fight between them, or fight enemies together or even just more wholesome character interactions with one another. Gohan is my favourite character and he needs to be on par with Goku, Vegeta and Broly. I loved this video, bro. Amazing job 👏🏾🔥

  • @DraBlm3335
    @DraBlm3335 Год назад +25

    Okay... I don't follow your update for long time now but let me say this. YOUR TEAM WOULD BE DUBBING Darkhans comic?! Dayumm! Been follow the comic till the end. But man. Now we would get dub 😊🎉🎉

  • @joshuahecht6866
    @joshuahecht6866 Год назад +7

    Akira Toriyama

  • @gokumasteredultrainstinct1235
    @gokumasteredultrainstinct1235 Год назад

    18:48 Goku's face after Vegeta punched him was like "yep i shoud have expected that he would do that".

  • @OnPoint_247
    @OnPoint_247 Год назад +3

    Wooow!!! Amazing work! I cant believe,how good this mix of manga and animation is!!! Keep working dude! And great soundtrack in the background,special brucefaulconer in one moment!!!!

  • @cyberrex7071
    @cyberrex7071 8 месяцев назад

    8:23 My hair stood on end just by that laughter alone. Almost thought he was possessed by Baby again!😂

  • @ninjawaver
    @ninjawaver Год назад +11

    Looks amazing! Glad to see your AWESOME growth! Keep it up!

  • @robert.mcdonald
    @robert.mcdonald 8 месяцев назад +1

    This is so good 😭
    I was worried it might have lowkey disrespected Gohan when Vegeta went ssj2 but this ending is way better than the one we got with the Goku vs Gohan fight. Peak 🔥🔥🔥

  • @Alexandru96317
    @Alexandru96317 Год назад +12

    I've seen this video a lot of times
    But yours is better than I expected
    Congrats dude 👏👏👏😁😁😁
    I like it

  • @AntiDarkus
    @AntiDarkus 2 месяца назад +1

    Well, I didn’t see Goku if he Vegeta yet but at least we get to see Gohan do it. It’s not like the first time we see Gohan defeat Vegeta he defeated him in the Saiyan saga

  • @jordansori4049
    @jordansori4049 Год назад +43

    That’s looks pure perfection and fantastic Rising Fist!

  • @Laoruperteen18
    @Laoruperteen18 10 месяцев назад +2

    these animated comics are fucking incredible, you guys are one of the next best things to the actual show! and the best thing about it, is that you make everything as epic as you can and provide tonnes of fan service to boot, keep it up!

  • @ZachLinscott-u3i
    @ZachLinscott-u3i Год назад +3

    Hakai Final Flash!?!? Damn that’s dope

  • @CivisMilitarum
    @CivisMilitarum 11 месяцев назад +1

    Gohan and Broly going to be the new Goku and Vegeta.

  • @joshualowe959
    @joshualowe959 Год назад +3

    While the real Dragon Ball Super manga showed Gohan Beast being tested against Ultra Instinct Goku, this fan made manga shows Gohan Beast being tested by Ultra Ego Vegeta.

  • @kuro4136
    @kuro4136 Год назад +2

    This was amazing, been a while since seeing a dragonball fight give me some chills. Seriously thank you guys for making this.

  • @travisjohnson311
    @travisjohnson311 Год назад +3

    Bro you really understand these characters in a way other creators don’t that’s all I’ll say amazing again bro

  • @owenhu3400
    @owenhu3400 10 месяцев назад +3

    the voice acting go crazy!

  • @VarjoFilosofi
    @VarjoFilosofi Год назад +4

    Vegeta is a true, mentor, king, and leader for Saiyans. Well, for every Saiyan except for Goku. Damn, he would have been a great king.

  • @Gohan257
    @Gohan257 Год назад +6

    i love it when vegeta to get gohan to awaken his beast form and it was awesome 🙌😎✨

  • @Gamerdude9317
    @Gamerdude9317 Год назад +4

    Just makes sense for Vegeta and Goku to win against the beast form at this moment. They have been freaking fighting celestial beings, gods, angels, intergalactic warriors etc etc. They are far more experienced, gohans getting there. I wonder if we'll see like a mastered UE and maybe a full power UI against Black Frieza in the manga?
    The fight between gohan and goku right now, i think Goku will win, but by a hair kinda like this fight.

  • @taylorlukes4810
    @taylorlukes4810 11 месяцев назад +3

    This was really great. The narration, illustration and visual editing was really impressive. Gifted if you're not writing your own Manga you should be this was really cool.

  • @matthew5553
    @matthew5553 Год назад +9

    Amazing video Rising Fist, love seeing DarkHans0's manga on your channel!

  • @wateredwater828
    @wateredwater828 Год назад +24

    This fight is what would've happened if the super manga decided to make vegeta fight gohan instead of goku. This was very explosive and exciting for me to watch, and I hope you will continue to make content like this in the further future because I loved it.

  • @Blessed_2be
    @Blessed_2be Год назад +8

    Man! that was great , thank you for this video 👍

  • @ABOUBAKARization
    @ABOUBAKARization Год назад +2

    This is by far the best manga video you have ever made. Even the voice acting and music was incredible, Youn really need to add the the "Gohan VS Freiza"

  • @JizzleKizzle
    @JizzleKizzle 10 месяцев назад +3

    Ok voices and manga style animation , drawings are perfect hmm 🤔👍👍

  • @TheDream992
    @TheDream992 Год назад +3

    The voice acting and the animation is just clean .I'm a huge fan

  • @der-andyman
    @der-andyman 6 месяцев назад +2

    Wow, this was simply amazing. Unbelievable that this was not made in the official production studios. :O

  • @FyeniRetroBaby
    @FyeniRetroBaby Год назад +1

    I would pay over 50 dollars just to see this in Theaters!

  • @EhRandom
    @EhRandom 10 месяцев назад +6

    15:01 dimension shattering clash

  • @adonutplaysgames
    @adonutplaysgames 3 месяца назад +1


  • @malone4735
    @malone4735 Год назад +22

    W Rising Fist 👊🏽💯

  • @TheLifeofRon
    @TheLifeofRon 2 месяца назад +1

    BRAVO!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 this was the first video I’ve seen of yours and I’m very impressed 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 earned my sub!

  • @WFF1191
    @WFF1191 Год назад +5

    This was amazing!!! Please do more on gohan and Vegeta!

  • @saifhussain9701
    @saifhussain9701 Год назад +2

    I love the fact that many content creators are now making and giving gohan more luv after Ep 102 of the dbs manga just dropped first unrealentgaming and now you Paul ppl like you are what us fans be appreciating

  • @zairewilliams9564
    @zairewilliams9564 Год назад +3

    This was everything I wanted to see amazing job, as always risingFist

  • @RongDMemer
    @RongDMemer 3 месяца назад

    Gohans feeling humiliated at goku's doubtinghis power is a self fulfilling prophecy

  • @Joseph1988
    @Joseph1988 Год назад +4

    This. Was. Brilliant. We need more! Loved it!!!🔥🔥🔥

  • @Retro88
    @Retro88 Год назад

    I just saw this whilst browsing here on RUclips, and I must say, wow, this is the best ever! I wish this could really be animated 100%

  • @ZenithAfeyleon
    @ZenithAfeyleon Год назад +5

    Wasn't expecting a February treat 🎉

  • @lazyjames3096
    @lazyjames3096 Год назад +3

    Love your work it's the closest to animation that I've seen. Colors and great voices 👌

  • @markassassin91
    @markassassin91 Год назад +1

    Better than the manga right now. Enough said.

  • @davidpoole9676
    @davidpoole9676 Год назад +1

    Never once has Gohan called Vegeta "Mr.Vegeta". I guess that's why it's called original and untold stories lol. Still great work like always.

  • @vincentshadetree
    @vincentshadetree Год назад +6

    19:48 Uncle Vegeta spitting knowledge to his nephew ❤️

    • @SleepiZero
      @SleepiZero Год назад

      To bad Gohan and Vegeta aren't related so don't know why your saying uncle Vegeta. Vegeta is just family to Gohan at this point

    • @vincentshadetree
      @vincentshadetree Год назад

      @@SleepiZero Bless your heart 🤣 you're thinking too deep about a random RUclips comment. Go do something better with your time.

  • @Wawinator
    @Wawinator 8 месяцев назад +1

    The story line was absolutely flawless! I wish dbs could have produced something as great as this for their next movie.

  • @Come_back2016
    @Come_back2016 Год назад +3

    Naw bro you got it you are the goat of these dbz fan mades😭😭 this is hard asf

  • @SuperSaiyanX-0014
    @SuperSaiyanX-0014 Год назад +2

    At this point, I've given up on believing that "DB Super" or any other official DBZ creators will bring the Morro/Merus Arc, the Granola/Gas Arc, UE Vegeta, and Black Frieza to the big screen. I now solely rely on Fandom animation RUclips Channels such as this to fill by DBZ loving desires.

  • @ciurdypsyco
    @ciurdypsyco Год назад +3

    I lost myself into it. Great work!