My Wife Won $9 Million, Filed For Divorce, And Kicked Me Out, But She Forgot....-Best Reddit

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • My Wife Won $9 Million, Filed For Divorce, And Kicked Me Out, But She Forgot....-Best Reddit
    My Wife Won $9 Million, Filed For Divorce, And Kicked Me Out, But She Forgot The Prenup Her Parents Forced Me To Sign Before Marriage.
    The story centers around a man whose wife won a $9 million lottery and filed for divorce, kicking him out of their shared home. The man, who came from a humble background, had signed a prenuptial agreement under pressure from his wealthy in-laws before their marriage. The agreement stipulated that any large assets, including lottery winnings, would be shared marital property. However, when his wife won the lottery and filed for divorce, his in-laws tried to keep the winnings for themselves, forgetting about the prenup that protected his rights.
    Despite facing intense pressure and threats from his wife and her family, the man fought back with the help of a lawyer, taking legal action to ensure he received his rightful share of the winnings. The court ultimately sided with him, confirming that the lottery winnings were indeed marital assets. He received a significant portion of the money and used part of it to help his parents, who had supported him throughout the ordeal.
    In the end, the man was able to move on from the toxic influence of his in-laws and rebuild his life. He found solace in his newfound independence and the knowledge that he had stood firm against exploitation. The experience changed his perspective on trust, marriage, and money, but he emerged stronger and wiser.
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Комментарии • 75

  • @TrueRedditStories99
    @TrueRedditStories99 Месяц назад +217

    So she thought she could take everything and run, but the prenup only worked when it was in her favor? Gotta love instant karma

  • @MadManUSMC
    @MadManUSMC Месяц назад +94

    The guy would have received more than half. When your spouse gets a win fall and then IMMEDIATELY files for divorce, judges know it's an attempt to keep it all and will almost always partition the winnings heavily in the hurt partner's favor. If kids are involved it's even larger because the kids also have a right to the winnings. The 50/50 is only true if things break apart after a good amount of time and both partners are aware of the winnings and agree to go separate ways.

  • @Dustee2515
    @Dustee2515 Месяц назад +144

    This whole story is inching along only to be separated every few sentences with "the preenup they tried to use against me was their downfall".

    • @illuminaticonfirmed1389
      @illuminaticonfirmed1389 Месяц назад +10

      or repeating that the prenup says that that the lottery winnings are shared property. like jesus dude, do we need to be reminded every two sentences

    • @elemen274
      @elemen274 Месяц назад +4

      Reminds me of this other story where this guy kept repeating that "he pays the mortgage, buys groceries, etc" every other sentence and I just couldn't listen to it anymore

    • @illuminaticonfirmed1389
      @illuminaticonfirmed1389 Месяц назад

      @@elemen274 💀💀💀

    • @RedditFamilyChaos
      @RedditFamilyChaos 21 день назад

      Haha, right? It does feel like the prenup was the real main character of this story! 😂 But honestly, watching them get trapped by their own plan was kinda satisfying. Sometimes, karma really does have a flair for drama! 🎭

    • @ericr154
      @ericr154 18 дней назад

      Or getting cornered/intimidated by the inlaws 😂

  • @winniethepoohandeeyore2
    @winniethepoohandeeyore2 Месяц назад +60

    That's literally part of divorce laws anyway, and you actually would have gotten the ENTIRE 50% THAT YOU WERE LEGALLY OWED. Never mind you signed the prenup under duress. Right, you cannot toss a co tenant out especially since he paid half the bills he was due repayment and wrongful eviction.

    • @MadManUSMC
      @MadManUSMC Месяц назад +2

      Maybe. I know several people who won very large sums of money, hid it from their spouse, filed for divorce, and then lost EVRYTHING in the divorce. Guy did that crap and left his wife for Vegas to party on 20 million. Wife found out during the divorce and she ended up with the full 20 mil and all future payments ( it was on a creation he had sold. )

    • @winniethepoohandeeyore2
      @winniethepoohandeeyore2 Месяц назад

      @@MadManUSMC He needed a better lawyer. If hubby and me won the lottery, We'd move to another country, change names and move again. I know for a FACT each of our evil criminally insane spawns of Satan's families would want to all of a sudden play hApPy FaMiLy.. aint happening.

  • @Anonymous98766-e
    @Anonymous98766-e Месяц назад +36

    If the lottery was won when they were still married, those winning are community property and should be split evenly in the divorce. Most of the things in the prenup weren’t something OP would get in a divorce anyway.

  • @Usmain-u7q
    @Usmain-u7q Месяц назад +230

    It’s common for relationships to hit rough patches, yet there’s always a way to move forward. My own marriage faced serious obstacles, but with the right support, my wife and I overcame them and grew closer. With effort and teamwork, solutions are possible. Don’t give up-answers are attainable.

    • @Iyik-t8w
      @Iyik-t8w Месяц назад +1

      I’m struggling with serious issues in my relationship and can’t bear the thought of losing her. My love and desire to have her back in my life are immense. I’m willing to do whatever it takes and would be very grateful for any guidance or suggestions.

    • @Usmain-u7q
      @Usmain-u7q Месяц назад

      Parting ways with someone you deeply care about is never easy, but in my particular circumstance, I was aided by a spiritual mentor who averted the collapse of my marriage. Her name is Suzanne Ann Walters.

    • @Iyik-t8w
      @Iyik-t8w Месяц назад

      I'll immediately seek her out online. Appreciate it. I'm hopeful that implementing this method will also bring me success; I miss her dearly.

    • @Usmain-u7q
      @Usmain-u7q Месяц назад

      You should... I promise you will not regret it

    • @RedditFamilyChaos
      @RedditFamilyChaos 21 день назад

      That's great to hear that you and your wife managed to work things out! In this story, though, it feels like the issue was less about a "rough patch" and more about greed and betrayal from both the wife and her parents. Sometimes, no amount of effort can fix things when trust is completely shattered, you know? But I respect your optimism! 👏

  • @mryuksiesta
    @mryuksiesta Месяц назад +11

    idk why when OP said “compelled me to sign” i thought her parents were vampires or something 😂 i watch The Vampire Diaries too much 😭

  • @lushstories247
    @lushstories247 Месяц назад +17

    The person who is reading this comment, may each day draw you nearer to the brilliance of your true self, where love, hope, and endless possibilities abound. 🌈💖❤

  • @chaoticdemise4494
    @chaoticdemise4494 Месяц назад +12

    Now thats the best Uno reverse card i ever seen lol

    @HANSTORIES-s Месяц назад +3

    The wife is the real gold digger! She benefited from the marriage, but the moment she got money, she tossed her husband away like a worthless item. Karma came fast!

  • @StickmanConfessions
    @StickmanConfessions Месяц назад +2

    Oh, so she thought she could pull a Houdini with everything in tow, but oops-turns out the prenup only counted when it benefited her? Life really said ‘Reverse, Uno card!’ Gotta love a good plot twist!

  • @davidherbst
    @davidherbst Месяц назад +24

    The longer these stories go, the lazier the writing gets, and the more errors creep in. This one started to go off the rails when the author uses "lavish" instead of "laughable." I am curious about those "glossy suits," though.

    • @bush3867
      @bush3867 Месяц назад +4

      Either OP is a writer or AI

    • @byrondavies1846
      @byrondavies1846 Месяц назад +4

      Actually when the story refers to the mother in law as "he" is when it started to fall apart.

  • @wasted-blaster.
    @wasted-blaster. Месяц назад +9

    Anything less then 7.5M you got screwed.

  • @deathby1808
    @deathby1808 27 дней назад

    The real winners? The lawyers.

  • @RedditProductionLine
    @RedditProductionLine Месяц назад +5

    Prenup BABY! 🗣

  • @justcurious7505
    @justcurious7505 29 дней назад +3

    Prenups are good thing ...there was nothing wrong with it

  • @The_G_89
    @The_G_89 Месяц назад +18

    I’m gonna guess he got $3.5-3.75 million around that. Which is still a Huge amount of money for one person.

    • @ericr154
      @ericr154 18 дней назад

      He got $0. Its obviously some AI imagination BS

  • @StolenMemes323
    @StolenMemes323 21 день назад

    If I heard this story without the preface/title, I would've seen the red flag of her saying "I" won the lottery, not "we" won the lottery.

  • @dariusreedo
    @dariusreedo Месяц назад +8

    Strange to state that on a prenup. They treated him like a gold digger the entire time.

  • @MrsRedditTales
    @MrsRedditTales 27 дней назад

    They really thought they could kick you out and keep everything-then boom, the prenup backfired! Karma hit them fast. 😂

  • @itsNicoRobiiGaming
    @itsNicoRobiiGaming Месяц назад +4

    now what the hell kind of actual person uses “paradoxically” in a sentence

  • @ericr154
    @ericr154 18 дней назад

    Programmer: "how many times can we repeat the same thing?"
    AI: "yes"

  • @andrewdavis7620
    @andrewdavis7620 Месяц назад +1

    The prenup on this story serves absolutely no purpose

  • @Talos21
    @Talos21 Месяц назад +4

    The family was still getting like 3mil with a clean divorce (if they wanted it)….talk about being stupidly greedy 😂

  • @doncjack5913
    @doncjack5913 Месяц назад +1

    Ha hahaha, great to have a prenup because sweet justice was served. Don't be messing with no gold digger!

  • @xeroxiuszero6331
    @xeroxiuszero6331 Месяц назад +13

    "Money is the root of all evil"
    Not entirely true, but it is the downfall of marriage and relationships

    • @arleneclark6369
      @arleneclark6369 Месяц назад +2

      The actual saying is " The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.

    • @klader12
      @klader12 22 дня назад

      Thank you ​@@arleneclark6369

  • @binoTALES
    @binoTALES Месяц назад +1

    This is a very nice and interesting video.! Thank you very much!

  • @Agent_Nick_5000
    @Agent_Nick_5000 27 дней назад

    bro, you really don't need all that legal work to read a paragraph
    😂 IT'S in their contract

  • @Cute_Papya
    @Cute_Papya 24 дня назад

    Honestly why did she ever marry the guy if she was going to dump him the second she accumulated some wealth? Like did she ever even love him?
    Some humans are just so pathetic they don’t even make sense.

  • @blender4464
    @blender4464 Месяц назад +3

    Why would he need a lawyer to fight signing the prenup in the first place

    • @janelleg597
      @janelleg597 5 дней назад

      It's a legal document. Involving two parties..thus...lawyers

  • @3minstory
    @3minstory Месяц назад

    She must be regretting so much 😂

  • @FoxBatinaHat
    @FoxBatinaHat 20 дней назад

    If the law prevailed:
    (Legal costs) were covered as well. Fair is fair. Black on white. If a signed contract clearly states in writting.
    Its a clear cut case.

  • @Shmeages
    @Shmeages Месяц назад +1

    Nice creative writing story

  • @RedditFamilyChaos
    @RedditFamilyChaos 21 день назад +1

    So she kicked him out thinking she'd keep the millions, but forgot the prenup her daddy forced on him? Karma's got a sense of humor!

  • @enmarzz
    @enmarzz Месяц назад +2

    Damn, time wasted loving the devil

  • @kagame6524
    @kagame6524 12 дней назад

    This seems fake. She comes from a rich family, then decide to divorce after more money? Doesn’t make sense

    • @bambi507
      @bambi507 3 дня назад

      The richer the person, the greedier they are.

  • @_samuelajayi
    @_samuelajayi Месяц назад +7

    I hate AI stories!

    • @vavi_
      @vavi_ Месяц назад

      ...yet here you're

    • @_samuelajayi
      @_samuelajayi Месяц назад +1

      @vavi_ I would agree if I actually listened past 3 mins. It's all repetitive BS.

  • @straycat1674
    @straycat1674 Месяц назад

    I don’t know what country this is, but in the US lotteries a marital asset. Any thing pretty much you get while married is a marital asset. The only exception but I’m aware of is some states when you are legally separated whatever you earn or get is yours.

  • @monkey-man7430
    @monkey-man7430 Месяц назад

    I 100% bet the lottery part was meant so if he won then when she leaves him she would get half but it backfired when she was the one to win the lottery

  • @genecps
    @genecps 24 дня назад

    Why not half?

  • @Madi-yh8ix
    @Madi-yh8ix 25 дней назад

    I saw this on Facebook and looked it up online,and it's the same story, but with all the genders reversed

  • @subjectdelta17
    @subjectdelta17 Месяц назад

    Her lawyers would have caught the prenup immediately, and she would not have been blindsided by it.
    I dont mind these stories being fake, but I wish they were at least somewhat believable

    • @TheBg29st
      @TheBg29st Месяц назад

      Yeah keep thinking everybody perfect.

  • @Nee-wc3mk
    @Nee-wc3mk Месяц назад +2


  • @Porchy.
    @Porchy. Месяц назад +2

    Sharing of earnings from windfalls is already in default in law. No need for prenups to support that.

  • @TheDinoBoy-YT
    @TheDinoBoy-YT Месяц назад

    8:56 BUSSS!

  • @usptact
    @usptact Месяц назад

    Nice fairy tale

  • @hihp
    @hihp Месяц назад

    This is so AI-generated.. it's basically the same stuff over and over. The asstes get frozen, like, three times? And how many times does the mother offer a stupid amount of money? I mean, seriously...

  • @ling0s138
    @ling0s138 Месяц назад

    AI gets worse at writing these stories every day. The whole premise makes no sense. I think I’m done listening to these channels

  • @makdonalds
    @makdonalds Месяц назад +5

    Obvsly fake but also just a bad story.