  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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    ♦ Blarg:
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Комментарии • 573

  • @the_cacco
    @the_cacco Год назад +1946

    can we get a petition for the next podcast episode for mcnasty to throw it back on camera

  • @unholypaladin4702
    @unholypaladin4702 Год назад +484

    I love how Blarg always keeps that semi-straight face during the intro

    • @MidTennPews
      @MidTennPews Год назад +28

      He's imagining flying a plane into McNastys window and that beatbox being the last thing he hears.

    • @chastediking8749
      @chastediking8749 Год назад +1

      he was making sure we enjoyed it

    • @achilles-_-
      @achilles-_- Год назад +4

      Feeling like a villain

    • @andrewhaffelder6389
      @andrewhaffelder6389 Год назад +1

      He’s waiting for McNasty to get good at beatboxing

    • @nam6128
      @nam6128 Год назад +2

      I was aggressively vibing in blargs face while mcnasty spun the remix

  • @Gary_Johnson
    @Gary_Johnson Год назад +105

    They're really finding creative ways to kill that "no cursing in the 1st minute" thing

  • @kennedykilla9344
    @kennedykilla9344 Год назад +188

    Being able to watch the goons during a free period at school is heavenly

  • @kylegoode299
    @kylegoode299 Год назад +355

    This podcast is the sole joy I have locked in my uncles basement

      @BTTRSWYT Год назад +13

      You and soup have the same uncle i see

    • @SQUIDY909YT
      @SQUIDY909YT Год назад +10

      Soup is my uncle

      @BTTRSWYT Год назад +5

      @@SQUIDY909YT Ah. He must be dealing with his trauma responsibly then.

    • @SAMPLETEXT285
      @SAMPLETEXT285 Год назад +2

      You met uncle dicky i see you know theres a reason he's called that

    • @Inf3rknows
      @Inf3rknows Год назад +1

      you let sole joy outta your goddanm uncles basement now ya'here

  • @puttumsftw8478
    @puttumsftw8478 Год назад +69

    GOONS Podcast ep 1: "I feel like golf is a sport that old men who hate their wives play" -Blarg
    Blarg has evolved

  • @WildGamingDark
    @WildGamingDark Год назад +161

    Finally! Now I can listen enjoy at least 1 hour of work

    • @Fry-Borg
      @Fry-Borg Год назад +14

      If you listen to it 8 times, then you can enjoy the whole shift

    • @tornadotayte
      @tornadotayte Год назад +1


  • @abledhorizon5027
    @abledhorizon5027 Год назад +186

    Matt is staring at my soul

  • @WyattRobbins14
    @WyattRobbins14 Год назад +6

    1:32 “I want to take a baseball bat, and set it on the ground…and let it…ferment….AH” ~ McNasty 2023

  • @HalfCycle
    @HalfCycle Год назад +53

    Dooo's scream at the beginning had me like wtf this man got them GUTTURALS

    • @dasapples
      @dasapples Год назад +3

      That ain’t no guttural boi

    • @Rhodonyte
      @Rhodonyte Год назад +2

      He could totally be in a metal band with that

    • @marcusrichards5527
      @marcusrichards5527 Год назад

      I was just saddened it was an inhale

  • @Ace-115
    @Ace-115 Год назад +17

    Blarg staring at the camera like the broke friend watching you eat the last buffalo chicken wing

  • @crilpydingleconch4046
    @crilpydingleconch4046 Год назад +18

    I feel like Blarg has definitely taken the life of at least 3 old people and played in their blood
    Just a hunch

  • @henlo5378
    @henlo5378 Год назад +26

    Blarg has finally found something to do in the intro other than just laugh awkwardly

  • @matthewbain3983
    @matthewbain3983 Год назад +143

    Can we all agree that McNasty has essentially done a face reveal already? What is that slight blur really doing 😂😂😂

    • @notsmii7y
      @notsmii7y Год назад +28

      It’s slowly but surely unblurring

    • @rsbcjester
      @rsbcjester Год назад +8

      “Oh my god he looks like a generic white guy!” Honestly he’s just keeping the vague blur to limit your people recognizing him IRL. But honestly if any of us heard his voice we would know

    • @notsmii7y
      @notsmii7y Год назад +2

      @@rsbcjester if i met mcnasty irl I’d be cool about it and let him be on with his day

    • @annflorcosky728
      @annflorcosky728 Год назад +3

      It's slowly but surely happening on one of the podcast. A few episodes ago he was talking about doing a face reveal just because he's eventually going to have to because of his band

    • @fondoe2804
      @fondoe2804 Год назад

      No I don’t know what he looks like

  • @RewindingFilm04
    @RewindingFilm04 Год назад +14

    I met the Phoenix Suns Monke Mascot when he visited my elementary school one time. He grabbed numerous kids and swung them into the gym floor at full speed with his basketball Monke strength. He terrorized all the children with his mad ball skills. Greatest elementary experience ever, would relive trauma again.

  • @jamesmclean2871
    @jamesmclean2871 Год назад +30

    Blarg we gotta to see you bust even just a slight move during an intro soon

    • @rsbcjester
      @rsbcjester Год назад +2

      Petition to make blarg bust a move

  • @Cybetrexs
    @Cybetrexs Год назад +3

    Dementia definitely sucks for you as well. The worst part of it isn’t forgetting, it’s that dementia patients *know* they’re demented. They’ll often do things like forget they have a son, then their son tries to talk to them. It isn’t just that theu forget they have a son, they’ll forget they have a son, but *know* the person is someone they know. They only forget bits, living in a constant frustration at knowing they’re forgetting things but not knowing what it is you’re forgetting.

  • @jetfrostgaming
    @jetfrostgaming Год назад +1

    Speaking as someone who lives on the West Coast. Salmon fishing is one of the most fun types of fishing there is, because they fight so hard. You guys would definitely enjoy it, especially soup.

  • @zeotheloyal
    @zeotheloyal Год назад +7

    Everyone jamming out, and then there's Blarg trying to make a damn trade offer to the void

  • @michaelforbes94
    @michaelforbes94 Год назад +4

    I love how blarg just sat there through the intro looking like a concerned parent who just found out their kid is smiling pot.

  • @flyingUranch284
    @flyingUranch284 Год назад +12

    I like how as soon as dooo says "the autism is off the spectrum!" They cut to soup and he says "sayonara 🐓 🍭's 🖖". I literally shot beer out of my nose

  • @Splitrix
    @Splitrix Год назад +8

    As someone who has now lived in Az for half a decade I’m glad you enjoyed your time here and didn’t die of heat poisoning

  • @senyumLebarr
    @senyumLebarr Год назад +2

    Every " Didn't ask " moment could be add to the dementia moments

  • @woody8577
    @woody8577 Год назад +12

    Thanks for adding a little sunshine to this somber day, guys. Rest In Peace Mr. Gordon Lightfoot❤

  • @christianverde2726
    @christianverde2726 Год назад +26

    When will McNasty face reveal dammit?! Im expecting any GOONS PODCAST video to have an unblurred McNasty as an opening surprise. Also the beatboxing is getting insanely better man we love it!

    • @kirstypie
      @kirstypie Год назад +15

      He’s said before not until his band has enough songs out to do a show

    • @sure_shot_gaming
      @sure_shot_gaming Год назад +3

      Start a tour with just one song

    • @sure_shot_gaming
      @sure_shot_gaming Год назад +3

      I'll buy a ticket

    • @orderlyalpaca8072
      @orderlyalpaca8072 Год назад +4

      ​@@sure_shot_gamingsame. Just have them play the one song for an hour or two

  • @rafaelgranados6910
    @rafaelgranados6910 Год назад +20

    I remember genuinely being worried for Paul the time he wasn't there to introduce himself.

  • @DiabeticsDay
    @DiabeticsDay Год назад +2

    Just gotta say, Iron Maiden is currently touring with all the original members. If you wanna get technical, Bruce Dickinson is actual the only “non” original member, he started on the 3rd album

  • @vortexmazz1137
    @vortexmazz1137 Год назад +6

    0:26 blarg you never get down with the goons.

  • @uninterestedcat8429
    @uninterestedcat8429 Год назад +21

    Intro is an interesting one this run, would be better to hear more layers from everyone else too tho😂

  • @QueenBoo420
    @QueenBoo420 Год назад +3

    Lmao Blarg staring into the souls of all while we break down to an epic beat box intro 😂

  • @Cantaloupesandwich
    @Cantaloupesandwich Год назад +10

    0:11 blarg looks like he’s about to plan nine eleven the remake

  • @durrylegion
    @durrylegion 10 месяцев назад

    Intro went hard and Blarg just stares into the camera like everyone has lost their mind 😂

  • @Biscuit450x
    @Biscuit450x Год назад +2

    You guys need to go on a deep sea tuna fishing trip. It's cool as hell going out on a charter and you go out like 60 miles and you're out there for a whole day. Another cool thing is that everytime I've gone, I've seen dolphins, whales and one time I saw orcas so it's dope as hell.

  • @Stubbs___
    @Stubbs___ Год назад +1

    Sounds like blarg doesn’t respect his elders lol

  • @bismarck3055
    @bismarck3055 Год назад +6

    this was great to listen to whilst building a scale model

  • @ally5750
    @ally5750 Год назад +1

    THAT WAS ME IN THAT REDDIT THREAD lmaooo. I was so happy when I saw blarg reply to them

  • @diminoc4023
    @diminoc4023 Год назад +1

    43:03 Just went back to that bit and once again died of laughter, definitly one of the funnier things ya'll have done

  • @thebeanband1t
    @thebeanband1t Год назад +11

    This is a certified Monke moment 🤘👹

  • @goots4585
    @goots4585 Год назад +1

    So the intro is soup and dooo are dancing
    mcnasty is beatboxing
    and then blarg is staring into your soul wondering about the sins you have done 21 years ago
    yea i am in the right podcast

  • @scrubbabubog
    @scrubbabubog Год назад +2

    Officially been 3 years since episode 1 came out. Can’t believe it’s been this long

  • @KrayzLCK
    @KrayzLCK Год назад +2

    12:41 “how do parents get so much shit” as soup is sitting in a garage full of shit 😂

  • @jwasikowski1
    @jwasikowski1 Год назад +2

    The iron maiden plane has the band, crew and all of their equipment including the stage and pa system.

  • @majin_jay999
    @majin_jay999 Год назад +2

    Goons fishing podcast would bang

  • @donaldcummings8407
    @donaldcummings8407 Год назад +7

    Watching my 4 adopted sons makes my day,lol

  • @Colbartson
    @Colbartson Год назад +1

    Y'all didn't come to the right part of Arizona, it's exactly what youd expect where I'm from

  • @khemp_
    @khemp_ Год назад +1

    Never thought I'd see gorilla for the suns on a thumbnail

  • @fratercula3548
    @fratercula3548 Год назад +3

    soup is drinking good beer now!!!

  • @_Trey_
    @_Trey_ Год назад +1

    They get dementia and start talking about 11 billion crabs…

  • @19DannyBoy65
    @19DannyBoy65 Год назад +2

    the pittsburgh style steak im pretty sure comes from steel workers cooking steak on literally glowing red hot metal for like 5 seconds on each side

  • @shaunflanders2740
    @shaunflanders2740 Год назад +4

    I found that Mcnasty’s rapid movement of his mouth immediately after the intro was quite silly hehehaha

  • @damaan1243
    @damaan1243 Год назад +1

    Bruce Dickinson does actually fly Iron Maiden's Boeing 747

  • @levihenderson6937
    @levihenderson6937 Год назад +1

    I started listen to the podcast November and listened to every podcast already lmao

  • @goofydawg5011
    @goofydawg5011 Год назад +1


  • @ermuuuuu
    @ermuuuuu Год назад +1

    The origin story on why a gorilla was the mascot for the Suns is pretty dope. It was actually just a random person in the 80s who was hired to wear a gorilla mascot in a Suns game. His performance was well-received by the fans and they requested him to continue to do it. Everybody loved the Gorilla and later on would be announced to be the official mascot of the Phoenix Suns.

  • @dustinwagner3601
    @dustinwagner3601 Год назад +2

    Blarg wanted nothing to do with that intro while the rest are just raging out lmao

  • @Trx_dude
    @Trx_dude Год назад +2

    Blargs face was pretty cool 0:10

  • @UnimpressedGoose
    @UnimpressedGoose Год назад +2

    0:16 Blarg looks like he’s about unleash he devious plans of stealing all the worlds dirty underwear

    • @mexirage2431
      @mexirage2431 Год назад

      Why he hitting us with the patrick bateman stare

  • @EPTCG
    @EPTCG Год назад +1

    I went fishing in the ocean once. It was really cool. We were hella far out on this big fishing boat. It was a school trip but I had a great time. I went fishing with my dad and I had a love for it. I fished until they said I had to bring my line back in. It recommend it. Especially if you can do it with friends. Had a blast going out there.

  • @perceptionascending439
    @perceptionascending439 Год назад

    Last week I was able to overthrow an oppressive dictatorship with the extra hour I didn't spend watching goons...
    Now I am an oppressive dictator.

  • @rorywilliamson9709
    @rorywilliamson9709 Год назад +2

    You know weirdly enough I study to your podcasts😂. Last week I remembered the names of all human evolution stages because I studied it when Blarg talked about sleeping in someone’s car

  • @gLobbZ
    @gLobbZ Год назад

    Deep sea fishing, is some of the most fun you could ever have, all 4 of you would have a riot on a charter boat.

  • @moderator8309
    @moderator8309 Год назад

    I love that they couldn’t figure out a runoff but tried 11/10

  • @tylerfox9640
    @tylerfox9640 Год назад +1

    Aye, I never thought I'd see the mascot of my sports team since I was 6 as the thumbnail, but here we are.

  • @yeetmeister5565
    @yeetmeister5565 Год назад +1

    37:00 a medium burger is perfectly fine if its house ground if its store bought you have to cook it to well done

  • @nam6128
    @nam6128 Год назад +2

    One time my great grandma with dimensia packed 2 bags for the airport and then stood at the mailbox waiting for the mail man. When the mailman pulled up my 90 something year old great grandma started hitting him with her purse and tried to fight him out of the truck. Apparently, she thought she would overpower him and steal the truck and take herself to the airport and fly back to germany

  • @HJRLiminal
    @HJRLiminal Год назад +3


  • @LeveyHere
    @LeveyHere Год назад +1

    The constant thought of Goons trips makes me hyped for those videos lol

  • @taayyin4k
    @taayyin4k Год назад +5

    watching this while high on edibles is pure fucking gold 💀

    • @YooItzAroy
      @YooItzAroy Год назад

      Bro I just ate a piece shits gonna be crazy

    • @joeycrespo
      @joeycrespo Год назад

      i’m right there w you bro 💀

  • @JWood5.7
    @JWood5.7 Год назад +4

    Much love boys… Perfect way to start my morning at work

  • @jamesyates9378
    @jamesyates9378 Год назад

    Hearing the goons talk about metallica is amazing

  • @drotakuwu
    @drotakuwu Год назад +12

    I predict we get like 5 more podcasts before Mcnastys has fully taken off the filter over his face

    • @drotakuwu
      @drotakuwu Год назад

      @StrikeMire GoulHop FoulHour didn't you see?!? He already face revealed!

  • @dasapples
    @dasapples Год назад +1

    I’m jealous of these guys’ weather. It’s supposed to be almost 100° this Friday for me

  • @eli.braun9894
    @eli.braun9894 Год назад

    I dressed up in a gorilla costume to go skiing on the last day of the season. I am the suns mascot

  • @ryan-cochran
    @ryan-cochran Год назад +1

    Dooo opening with a pretty nice scream

  • @TheGoldenKaren
    @TheGoldenKaren Год назад

    Took me a month but I’m finally all caught up with the videos. Between listening on spotify and then on youtube. Riding around in the work truck and listening to the goons definitely helps with having the day go by better😅

  • @graniteface
    @graniteface Год назад +1

    We finally get to see the famous soup dip

  • @labrynthrps3378
    @labrynthrps3378 Год назад +1

    I've never experienced so many commercials during one of these.

  • @its_reality_3719
    @its_reality_3719 Год назад +7

    We can almost See mcnasty... the time nears

    • @albadude1922
      @albadude1922 Год назад +2

      He looks like he has a keemstar beard

  • @achilles-_-
    @achilles-_- Год назад

    Blarg at the intro feeling like a demonic villain with Mcnastys beatbox

  • @GerinoMorn
    @GerinoMorn Год назад +1

    As a burger expert (xD): rare/medium rare burgers are perfectly safe, IF the meat is freshly cut/minced. Also may I remind people of steak tartare :D

  • @jacobmarsh2072
    @jacobmarsh2072 Год назад +1

    Her name was Zoe, she died suddenly and it was really traumatic cause of how gruesome it was, it was like 3 months ago and i still call her name sometimes when i drop food.
    But yeah no Paul was sick, F to pay respects to Paul.
    (if you dont get this 53:00 is the timestamp)

  • @karlbekai2249
    @karlbekai2249 Год назад +1

    0:53 soups "siyonara cocksuckers" killed me

  • @leechion2933
    @leechion2933 Год назад +2

    Dooo do you have a ceiling fan? if not then tf is the shadow demon doing in the corner of your room?

  • @bruhhugo2183
    @bruhhugo2183 Год назад

    Checking my phone to see whats going on just to see blarg stare at me like that actually made me jump

  • @jrjoker4419
    @jrjoker4419 Год назад

    The suns ended up with a gorilla as the mascot because back around the 80's a dude was hired to deliver a singing telegram dressed as a gorilla and the fans loved it so much that the team hired him as the mascot officially

  • @squibblez2517
    @squibblez2517 Год назад +1

    i live in michigan, close to the area blarg lives, and it has been nothing but wet and cold for WEEKS. It literally snowed and hailed on april 27th.

  • @SuicidalGrind
    @SuicidalGrind Год назад +1

    I thought Blarg was a picture for a second there.

  • @thegoodone4104
    @thegoodone4104 Год назад +1

    Bro looked like he was scheming at a rave

  • @LeFleneur
    @LeFleneur Год назад +5

    Our weekly brainrot are here bois and gurls

  • @huntertrnka7080
    @huntertrnka7080 Год назад

    51:47 I’m never soft because I pull hard enough 😂

  • @Claritycx
    @Claritycx Год назад +1

    Goons podcast on my birthday at work IVE BEEN BLESSED💜

  • @Tiberadolphus
    @Tiberadolphus Год назад

    I hope to have many more episodes to listen to! I love to have actually found a podcast where the boys just laugh and chill

  • @Joe_the_ogre
    @Joe_the_ogre Год назад

    I live in the same area as Blarg and the fishing here is wonderful. Just have to dry out of the cities (and even then there is usually good fishing in the cities). There are 1000s of ponds, streams and a few rivers in our area. He just hasn't given it enough time or effort.

  • @Tucksravine
    @Tucksravine Год назад

    This is my favorite podcast and I have no idea why I literally sleep to it lmao

  • @mfcrumbs
    @mfcrumbs Год назад +1

    Crazy that Blarg saw the suns beat tf outta Russ and the clippers. All love to y’all bro

  • @AntonioBugattti
    @AntonioBugattti Год назад +4

    Doo is back

  • @dxdrabbit6935
    @dxdrabbit6935 Год назад

    A lagoon is when the goons go to Italy.

  • @brianewing591
    @brianewing591 Год назад

    God the beginning beatbox is what I live for

  • @bradenmatcham9772
    @bradenmatcham9772 Год назад +1

    I love y'all talking about Knocked Loose (best hardcore band ever) thanks for bringing some exposure to the scene

  • @JasserFX
    @JasserFX Год назад

    wheels on a shopping cart be like: 0:27