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Buddahs Playground
Buddahs Playground
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Shrunken Step-Son Flushed Down

9/3/19 4:49 PM15 min326 MBmp4720p
Price15.49 EUR


I am so sick and tired of my lazy step-son. I give him chores and errands to do while I am at work and always come home to see he has done absolutely nothing bu play his video games all day.

It appeared to be a normal mundane week in the small town I live in, but something took a strange twist on this particular day...

 I was giving my step-son a lecture about him being lazy and not pulling his own weight around here when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't believe my eyes at first and even told you ( my step-son) to grab your cell phone and record what we were seeing because nobody would ever believe us!

 It appeared to be a portal of some sorts right in our back yard !

You were scared and reluctant but being your step-mother, I made you transport trough it with me.

Stepping back through seemed to be a disappointment because it appeared that I didn't really go anywhere. I ended up right back in my house...

until... weird things started happening. It's as if I might be coming into some type of magic or something. I did mess around with it for a few seconds, but got distracted when I stepped on something.

... that's something being my step-son !!! Somehow the transportation must have made him incredibly small.

I decided that ( since we were in an alternate universe ) I was going to teach him a lesson and show him who was really boss! I begin by placing him in my armpit so he can enjoy the nice humid temperature. I then place him in my voluptuous cleavage and enjoy that for a while. The entire time my step-son ( you) are mouthing off and being quite hateful and rude to me. Being rude to a gentle giantess like myself is not recommended, you see, I will be kind and loving, but once I have had my full.... there will be no coming back !

I finally decide to just flush your ungrateful, whining ass down the toilet bowl... after all.... we aren't in the REAL world... so you should be fine!

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