  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @yeatle
    @yeatle  11 месяцев назад +102

    Want a more in-depth explanation? Perhaps even a react to what 6v6 advocates might have to say? Look no further!
    Here's a 1-hour long react to a react by the biggest pro 6v6 gamer Samito!видео.html

    • @FarmerInArmor
      @FarmerInArmor 11 месяцев назад +4

      why didnt blizzard give us a poll for 5v5 or 6v6. ow2 "cancelled" pvp such a cash grab, remove a tank buff the rest and slap a 2 on the name

    • @Twizzzums
      @Twizzzums 11 месяцев назад +3

      I think Doom should be moved back to DPS and Venture should be moved to Tank. I also think no Ultimate ability should be cancellable with the exception of sleep or EMP (and only EMP not hack ability). I also think, Immortality and Suzu need to be removed from the game. The get out of jail free cards have got to stop. Idc how many times I do or don’t die, but I get closer and closer to having a heart attack everytime I’m robbed of a kill from an ABILITY. Like Lucio has Beat, his ultimate. How do you surpass beat? Just do as much damage as fast as possible. Zen does crazy healing and is near invincible as his ultimate. How do you beat it? Anti healing effect. How do you beat an ability suzu? You don’t. There’s no counter, and its free every 14 seconds. At least you can shoot immortality. Just remove the abilities from the game entirely or make them their ultimates I promise it will be better for everyone.
      Finally I think the Devs need to stop releasing Characters who have hyper mobility. We have too many now. Cass is great but at this rate he can’t compete. Rein can’t compete. Ashe can’t really compete. Zen can’t compete, etc.
      The goal of a hyper mobile character in every game ever even in OW1, is someone who’s fast, hard to hit, but low health, with average damage. A Glass Cannon. A hit and run. Look at OG Genji and Tracer.
      Now Venture gets shields and she has a kill combo that works on practically every hero. Sojourn can snipe across the map better than widow. Doom can die, get back on the largest map and get a pick in 10-15 seconds. Sombra has a kill combo that works on pretty much every hero and an escape. Etc.
      Like look at Genji and Tracer. OG hyper mobile heroes. They have to be careful of their play of they will die. These other heroes get away with murder and nobody talks about it. Idk, games busted.

    • @cobemorris5990
      @cobemorris5990 11 месяцев назад

      trying to take the footsy battles as a rein vs orisa or roadhog, i think rein should get a little jump like lifeweaver

    • @ethidian3444
      @ethidian3444 11 месяцев назад

      Simpler solution for Winston: new passive where all damage taken has a flat damage reduction of 2 or so, like old armor but worse. This makes machine guns and shotguns, his omega counters, significantly easier to deal with.
      Zarya: clicking right-click gives you a Winston-like hitscan snipe that has a fixed timer on it like Mei, but if you hold down right-click and exceed the timer you get an empowered version of her current right-click instead.
      A simple but problematic idea for Ball: take about 15% less dmg while CC'd. Or a much crazier idea: reduce his CC duration, giving him unique interactions and animations vs. every major CC in the game. E.g. he makes a Hamster noise and pops up out of Junkrat trap early, and he has a defensive explosive to pop Cassidy's grenade early, and he starts burning up when frozen by Mei ult, etc. Crowd control like being hit by Doomfist into a wall, will have no change however.
      Overall I really dig the solutions in the video though, I think this is the content the game needs to move things in a healthy direction.

    • @-KFAD-
      @-KFAD- 6 месяцев назад

      I feel stating tank role is "MVP" is a bit misleading and some people might find that triggering. Imo way better definition is MIP, most impactful player.

  • @onlyfacts4999
    @onlyfacts4999 11 месяцев назад +2653

    Playing tank = playing goalie. You exist for your teammates to make the big plays and they blame you first if the enemy team scores

    • @Larg_Man
      @Larg_Man 11 месяцев назад +451

      you are the most important player with the least playmaking potential while constantly getting balls kicked at you

    • @BoomTownTTV
      @BoomTownTTV 11 месяцев назад +65

      Perfect analogy 😂

    • @miks2421
      @miks2421 11 месяцев назад

      Tanks are sooks. You have the most ability to carry and you all suck ​@@Larg_Man

    • @Uhhhhhhhhhh546
      @Uhhhhhhhhhh546 11 месяцев назад +11

      @@Larg_Mangk’s can have playmaking potential if played in the correct system ie Ter Stegen, Ederson, Neur, Noppert, and other ball playing gk’s

    • @MCPeeBoy
      @MCPeeBoy 11 месяцев назад +8

      No. That is what supports are for. Do you even play the game?

  • @Steb__
    @Steb__ 11 месяцев назад +192

    Can you imagine getting your weapon jammed by winston and then getting hacked by sombra, and then you literally just dont play the game

    • @geffbob8960
      @geffbob8960 11 месяцев назад +56

      Yeah I audibly laughed so hard when he said that. The rest of the video also has some questionable takes but that one's the worst. Imagine being a dps player and winston pokes you from halfway across the map and you're just like "well guess I'll go put my finger in my ass for how useful I'm going to be for the next few seconds"

    • @ZachofPotatoes732
      @ZachofPotatoes732 4 месяца назад

      @@geffbob8960I think the best outcome would just make them reload. Although Ashe players would probably riot. Still not the best idea

  • @bryankopkin6869
    @bryankopkin6869 11 месяцев назад +3036

    Yeah with all the problems with tank rn I think nerfing genji would really be the only solution

    • @RossBravo45
      @RossBravo45 11 месяцев назад +174

      I think realistically he should be hit with two nerfs just to be sure

    • @tehgehrmanwalf9765
      @tehgehrmanwalf9765 11 месяцев назад +134

      *cries in dragonblade getting replaced with a pool noodle*

    • @Adventist1997
      @Adventist1997 11 месяцев назад +102

      That pool noodle would do too much DPS. We need to nerf it into a single blade of grass.

    • @audax117
      @audax117 11 месяцев назад +34

      I legit stopped playing the game because of this bs

    • @BidenBlast420
      @BidenBlast420 11 месяцев назад +37

      ​@@Adventist1997a BLADE ??? nah they should nerf that

  • @trashc4nn
    @trashc4nn 11 месяцев назад +605

    The reason people play tank is because either
    1. No one else will
    2. The other players are worse at tank.

    • @raystimphil8280
      @raystimphil8280 11 месяцев назад +47

      3. +HP = don't get one-shot

    • @1Edyn1.
      @1Edyn1. 11 месяцев назад +66

      Or 3.:
      You like the hero from the lore but get immediately jawpunched by reality

    • @darkcat6530
      @darkcat6530 11 месяцев назад +25

      Dang feels like i'm the only one who likes playing tank

    • @trashc4nn
      @trashc4nn 11 месяцев назад +26

      @@darkcat6530 yeah. It’s sad cause tank used to be SO much fun but honestly now it feels like you’re just a damage/cc sponge. I miss 6 v 6 TBH.

    • @RyuuRider
      @RyuuRider 11 месяцев назад +16

      My playtime on DVA is inspired by the countless other DVAs who filled me with rage by never using their defense matrix. I am the #2 case.

  • @tkills2099
    @tkills2099 11 месяцев назад +4159

    Bro just chased a brig around for 45 secs on Winston.

    • @deenmohammad385
      @deenmohammad385 11 месяцев назад +162

      Idk why he didn’t go after the mercy

    • @rick-db1wr
      @rick-db1wr 11 месяцев назад +560

      @@deenmohammad385 *flys away*

    • @rick-db1wr
      @rick-db1wr 11 месяцев назад +373

      @@deenmohammad385gets packed by brig

    • @Glizzyman
      @Glizzyman 11 месяцев назад +210

      @@deenmohammad385 because killing mercy is impossible when she has a brig with her, with brig if you have tracer and winston can kill her but not mercy

    • @lucaccca
      @lucaccca 11 месяцев назад +339

      Well, if you think about it. The other team is left without support, since they’re both focused on one tank. His team SHOULD be able to follow up on that.

  • @michaelbowman6684
    @michaelbowman6684 11 месяцев назад +323

    The problem with Roadhog: he's not a tank, he's a bruiser that has been forcefully thrust into the tank role.
    Roadhog was at his best when there is an actual tank on the team and he is free to roam and pick priority targets, when it's just Roadhog it doesn't work because he was not designed to be an effective tank operating as the backbone in a team fight in the first place. He's a chunky assassin that obtained said chunkiness at the expense of mobility, it's why he has a hook because if he can't go to the enemy, he'll just bring to enemy to him, and why he has a selfheal and a lot of health because if you can't dodge attacks, then you need to be able to survive attacks.

    • @coltonthesultan2994
      @coltonthesultan2994 11 месяцев назад +8

      You say that but at the start of OW2 he was broken as shit and right now is in a good spot. He wasn’t really an off-tank, he had a lot more success with D.Va in OW1. Flank hog was more of a meme and more for DPS players that wanted a short queue rather than true hog otps

    • @chainsawboy2388
      @chainsawboy2388 11 месяцев назад +49

      @@coltonthesultan2994balance and character design are not the same thing dude no shit if he can one shot half the cast he’s gonna be OP that doesn’t make him a good tank like OC said it makes him a good assassin

    • @lulzywizard7576
      @lulzywizard7576 11 месяцев назад +5

      Idk, i like hog. He punishes anyone they put themselves in a bad position. He's strong at shooting at tanks, he's strong at hooking dps or support. If you dive past him, he WILL just yoink you back to the frontline as winton or doom. The only change I'd like from this is bouncing on pig pen. Lol

    • @Axoe
      @Axoe 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@coltonthesultan2994 hog was a very popular dps alternative when ow1 first came out, a decent chunk of top 500 in the early days were hog players and flank hog was the best playstyle for late ow1 hog by far. He was never designed to be a true tank, firstly nerfed by role queue then by being forced to become a tank hero and lose alot of his identity in ow2

    • @coltonthesultan2994
      @coltonthesultan2994 9 месяцев назад

      @@Axoe Because again, DPS players didn’t want DPS queues. The only times Hog was actually meta in OW1 was as a main tank. He was a hybrid

  • @BallotBoxer
    @BallotBoxer 11 месяцев назад +652

    Achievement unlocked: "When pigs fly"
    Get 3 eliminations in one match while bouncing in air on a Pig Pen trap.

    • @MrZebanHai
      @MrZebanHai 11 месяцев назад +45

      This should already be in a game. When two Roadhogs whole hog each other simultaneously.

    • @mariustan9275
      @mariustan9275 10 месяцев назад +6

      When I read that achievement I thought it would be to get a kill as Roadhog mid-air

  • @Fungias
    @Fungias 11 месяцев назад +25

    I disagree that doomfist ult should have a red line indicator cause you can already know where it is by hearing it

    • @CC-nn8bs
      @CC-nn8bs 11 месяцев назад +3

      Also the landing time is slow as hell compared to all the movement abilities in the game

  • @Aentismik
    @Aentismik 11 месяцев назад +2107

    i STILL can't believe after almost 10 years that FIREstrike does NOT set enemies on fire...
    Just sayin...

    • @mentlegen3887
      @mentlegen3887 11 месяцев назад +223

      I also cant believe that hog having one shot with pig pen and hook, they still think it's okay for a slow ass shield tank like rein to not have two shot fire strike

    • @ShanyeSoT
      @ShanyeSoT 11 месяцев назад +42

      @alfred8448well the issue with Rein is that he’s still good, even now, in low ranked games like silver-low plat.
      Meanwhile he’s effectively useless in T500 or pro play.
      You gotta admit, it’s pretty difficult to balance a hero that’s strong in one rank but weak in another. Idk how I’d go about it.

    • @yaboibigsmoke2733
      @yaboibigsmoke2733 11 месяцев назад +94

      @@ShanyeSoTthat reasoning has always been bull no lie, they buff orisa and mauga every other patch like they aren’t brain dead easy hero’s that bad players struggle against in low ranks

    • @Aentismik
      @Aentismik 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@yaboibigsmoke2733 this ☝️

    • @ShanyeSoT
      @ShanyeSoT 11 месяцев назад +23

      @@yaboibigsmoke2733 That’s just an issue with character design though, not balance.
      Mauga is literally designed to be the easiest tank. You have one job: shoot the enemy tank. Orisa is a little more complex but barely. Yeah they’re braindead easy characters, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that they’re treated differently between ranks.
      I honestly see more Maugas get shit on in lower ranks than I do on my upper diamond games. I feel like lower skilled players shoot tanks more bc they’re the easier targets. Orisa is a literal raid boss in high diamond, she doesn’t die. Meanwhile she’ll just blow up in my plat games.

  • @checktec9582
    @checktec9582 11 месяцев назад +109

    About Zarya and the contesting snipers thing: how about a right click you can charge for a short time to make it fly faster and further? maybe give it a little damage increase to keep the dps of spammed right clicks and charged right clicks the same.

    • @fat2slow
      @fat2slow 11 месяцев назад +16

      This is a Better Solution. I wish more Characters had charge shots.

    • @423Gumby
      @423Gumby 11 месяцев назад +2

      yeah the projectile speed increase with no proposed damage reduction would make Zarya the most broken character to ever touch ow

    • @nullravager
      @nullravager 11 месяцев назад +3 just delete zarya from the game

    • @exnivus3548
      @exnivus3548 11 месяцев назад +5

      how about she doesn't need to contest snipers cause she literally outplays any character that isnt a sniper

    • @sethpatchett7400
      @sethpatchett7400 11 месяцев назад

      or u just swap to sigma if poke is bad for u LOL

  • @goldcobraarima9819
    @goldcobraarima9819 11 месяцев назад +740

    Reins ult is not the problem, the problem is that he gets hard countered by half the tank base and gets kited by everyone else.

    • @courier7049
      @courier7049 11 месяцев назад +98

      Is just broken support abilities and inconsistency, why developers thought is a good idea to give new tank a charge with orisa fortify or supports that deny a rein pin (lifeweaver)/cheap instant shatter deny(kiriko). Supports are the main reason the game is unfun because they got too many get out of jail free abilities

    • @GraphiteBlimp27
      @GraphiteBlimp27 11 месяцев назад +59

      Rein is made to be a frontline brawler but in OW2 the frontline is just a single giga-tank that you can’t diff because of the amount of HP and support focus. That, or the enemy tank is a dive style tank so your only play is to aimlessly chase squishies, or as I’ve discovered post S9, just holding a corner without swinging and surviving so your team can win. Far less empowering and fun than landing a 6 man shatter… now you just go for that 1 confirm with shatter but stand the risk of a suzu or lifegrip (let alone a simple petal platform).

    • @jaded-harper
      @jaded-harper 11 месяцев назад +28

      @@courier7049 agreed 90% of the reason ow feels so shit is because of support abilities. strongest ults/strongest tacticals and a lot of them require almost 0 thought to use at a passable level. lifeweaver being the most egregious example. literally cannot miss with that hero. at least with mercy u have to be somewhat close and thats all she does

    • @TooEaxy
      @TooEaxy 11 месяцев назад +21

      Actuslly he is Countered by every hero and what made him viable was his offtank using cooldowns to give him value and made him fun and interactive

    • @primary2630
      @primary2630 11 месяцев назад

      This is why i like open queue with my friend. He plays sigma and I'm a Rein main so we compliment each other and we crush people

  • @Someone-sq8im
    @Someone-sq8im 11 месяцев назад +74

    Imagine Winston alt-fire with a Sombra. Literally unable to do anything

    • @psigreen3864
      @psigreen3864 10 месяцев назад +15

      Yeah, having ways to just disable other players' ability to play the game is just directly unfun.

  • @donovan4222
    @donovan4222 11 месяцев назад +865

    Playing tank in OW2 season 9 feels like being an under appreciated and overworked house wife. You have to play perfect and babysit the whole team so they don’t die, for no reward, because the dps and supports get to take all the risks, secure kills and make the big plays. A DPS can die 13 times and no one will notice but if the tank dies once or makes one mistake it’s a tank diff and your whole team will flame.

    • @HelalAndre
      @HelalAndre 11 месяцев назад +97

      THIS! Almost every match there is someone typing “tank diff” in the chat. Im tired of this

    • @arcijsx
      @arcijsx 11 месяцев назад +98

      I've lately switched from tank to dps and even when I play quite poorly I dont get blamed like ever as dps. But as a tank even if I played good I still got blamed so ye this is not fun.

    • @mentlegen3887
      @mentlegen3887 11 месяцев назад +33

      Lmao, this is a good way to describe it. I suppose when the enemy team also joins in on reporting and flaming you as well it's like when disgruntled abusive husbands in the 40s used to tell the neighbours and work colleagues about how awful his wife is 😢

    • @KarlKognitiv
      @KarlKognitiv 11 месяцев назад +4

      I switched games 2 seasons back. Had enough.

    • @Dlorah
      @Dlorah 11 месяцев назад +10

      That's what happens when 1 out of the 3 roles has half the players in it

  • @Jaxiepie
    @Jaxiepie 11 месяцев назад +64

    The problem with tanks is the fact that they are affected by non tank abilities at the same rate as DPS and support.
    Grannies melatonin dart probably shouldn’t affect the 7 ft German man in armor the same way it does a 100 lb teleporting woman

    • @charKT-7461
      @charKT-7461 11 месяцев назад +18

      well, it also doesn’t. sleep dart was a pretty bad example imo lol because it actually lasts shorter on tanks

    • @Shadowical
      @Shadowical 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@charKT-7461it still doesn't matter though, because that little bit of sleep is enough to get a Rein out of his charge and he can't block anti then

    • @VexingWeeb
      @VexingWeeb 9 месяцев назад +1

      The game isn’t even realistic so that’s a horrible reason/example 😂

    • @just_bladeok2041
      @just_bladeok2041 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@Shadowical Then don't mindlessly charge near an Ana, the supports and several dps and other tanks would be straight up trash if all tanks were just immune to any form of CC

  • @Randomness662
    @Randomness662 11 месяцев назад +640

    Other tanks: *suggests QoL changes that would make sense and restore flow and keep their identity intact*

    • @astupidlylongnamethatstoolong
      @astupidlylongnamethatstoolong 11 месяцев назад +43

      Tbf, Orisa is baseline more of a tank than any other tank right now, hard to kill, takes attention away from enemies, has cc to prevent death of team/herself. Other tanks don't even come close to her in terms of being a traditional tank thats hard to kill. The only thing I have an issue with is that she has soldiers level of dps if you maintain the overheat mechanic. Like, im not kidding, she's a projectile soldier with 3 get off me buttons with no reloading needed if you cycle buttons right.

    • @nt0027
      @nt0027 11 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@astupidlylongnamethatstoolong yea but has the hitbox of death star😂

    • @Randomness662
      @Randomness662 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@astupidlylongnamethatstoolong Yeah Orisa's kit may scream tank go brr u cant kill me get away, she still consistently performs poorly across many ranks because she doesnt have that "outplay" factor and her cd cycle isnt all that good. Sigma for example has an actual real shield he can summon wherever he wants on top of suck, plus his high burst damage, which makes him very good at dealing with certain situations. I think the Orisa flying thing while silly would provide her with the last bit of utility she needs to close the gap and actually have an outplayability factor to her gameplay loop

  • @iamdacheezburger784
    @iamdacheezburger784 11 месяцев назад +102

    I genuinely like almost all the changes but with the Winston one it would make Winston sombra dives miserable to play against not being able to use abilities or primary fire would literally make you unable to play the game

    • @toaq1964
      @toaq1964 11 месяцев назад

      It would be tied to his slower single target secondary fire. In team you would have to decide between consistent multiple target damage or single target disruption. Two seconds is a bit much but I like the general idea of giving Winston some shutdown capabilities

    • @astupidlylongnamethatstoolong
      @astupidlylongnamethatstoolong 11 месяцев назад +20

      ​@@toaq1964I despise it lol, the idea was to disable characters that counter him for a bit so he has counterplay, but all it does is enable a worse meta to come around his alt fire. Sombra and Winston combined would deny people from playing and they'd die. And regardless of any idea you may come up with, I'd only allow an ability that disables ability to play the game to be on an Ult and nothing else.

    • @heyyou9903
      @heyyou9903 11 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@toaq1964 the slowness doesn't matter if it's effective
      You only need it once per target if the duration was a second that matches a sombra hack that could be applied at the same time so a sombra shooting at you and a winton you're probably died in that second if you aren't a tank and that's assuming no one else is also firing at you

    • @fergusbarnett2316
      @fergusbarnett2316 11 месяцев назад +2

      How about half the attack speed for 5 seconds on a around 20 second cool down

    • @heyyou9903
      @heyyou9903 11 месяцев назад

      @@fergusbarnett2316 idk how good those numbers are but the idea seems frustrating or unnoticeable with an invisible cooldown too

  • @lordsmorgasbord2646
    @lordsmorgasbord2646 11 месяцев назад +762

    it's nice to see someone actually propose potential ideas and solutions to the tank problem instead of just saying "this is the worst season for tanks" over and over again

    • @thunderstone6096
      @thunderstone6096 11 месяцев назад +23

      Too bad these changes will never actually become a reality

    • @inpoverty4128
      @inpoverty4128 11 месяцев назад +62

      Tf you mean too bad 😭. Bro suggested flying orisa

    • @inpoverty4128
      @inpoverty4128 11 месяцев назад +55

      At this point Blizzard has to bite the bullet and go back to 6v6

    • @saswag2004
      @saswag2004 11 месяцев назад +49

      I am sorry but these changes are ridiculous. You want tanks that people have been loving and playing for 8 years to get reworked because blizzard can't admit their mistake of dumbing the game down to a worse format ?

    • @donovan4222
      @donovan4222 11 месяцев назад +19

      instead of the solution of trying to eliminate the weaknesses of all the tanks, they could just allow 2 tanks

  • @yrga7195
    @yrga7195 11 месяцев назад +9

    The visual cues for Zarya bubbles, and Dva matrix are very good. In low elo one of the main communication problems I see is that people tend to ignore voice chat. They dont join the channel, and sometimes, language barriers exist especially in Asia Servers. I play tank so most of the time I get to call the shots. Its mostly the tank who tracks the zarya bubbles. Having a visual indicator will further encourage my team to punish zarya who uses her bubbles.

  • @NoSleepDaChimney
    @NoSleepDaChimney 11 месяцев назад +271

    my biggest issue with tank is I’m the only one so if I mess up I get put on blast every time without fail

    • @donovan4222
      @donovan4222 11 месяцев назад +79

      I agree, the DPS can die like 13 times and no one notices, plus they get to have fun securing all the kills…but the tank makes one mistake and everything collapses and it’s a tank diff

    • @JaronPalone
      @JaronPalone 11 месяцев назад +36

      Tank feels like a job.

    • @mobaisi13
      @mobaisi13 11 месяцев назад +14

      Its always been that way. Tank is in front so the whole enemy can see you fuck up. Meanwhile your Ana that is playing the monitor off challenge that couldnt hit a double decker bus in front him, inting your game away will get off scott free because they are in the back

    • @abudgie6909
      @abudgie6909 11 месяцев назад +39

      I get flamed even when I carry. People are obsessed with micromanaging what the tank does, especially when it comes to hero choices. I have 100 hours on Winston, yet my randoms will still tell me to swap when the enemy team has a reaper. You can tell that different language is used for tanks than the other roles. You always get told to swap. It’s usually not about your actual skill, people will just tell you that you aren’t allowed to play your hero. This is a symptom of the tank counter problem of 5v5 and I don’t see a way for blizz to solve this rock paper scissors meta without just going back to 6v6. I can’t imagine a solo tank actually being able to play the hero they want.
      I feel like the format is just bad.

    • @donovan4222
      @donovan4222 11 месяцев назад +38

      @@abudgie6909 With 2 tanks, one tank making a mistake was MUCH less impactful

  • @NoisyRogue
    @NoisyRogue 9 месяцев назад +20

    I’m sorry but a weapon jammer has to be the stupidest proposal I ever heard for a secondary fire. Imagine he dives you and jams your weapon, how the hel do you realistically fight back

  • @thetrusora
    @thetrusora 11 месяцев назад +173

    I wasn't listening I was distracted by yeatle chasing brig and mercy for a minute and a half

  • @kevinduckworth3097
    @kevinduckworth3097 11 месяцев назад +10

    A literal tank like Rein charging into a puny human dealing 0 impact damage is crazy

  • @Blovy123
    @Blovy123 11 месяцев назад +312

    This probably wont be read but, I think the idea of removing the ability to fire your primary is awful. Its along the same lines of removing abilities. You are removed the ability to do something because the enemy chose him.

    • @stillnotchill2560
      @stillnotchill2560 11 месяцев назад +76

      Yeah as a tank player I hate this idea he had for Winston.

    • @ianevans9137
      @ianevans9137 11 месяцев назад +32

      I agree! Overwatch has nerfed sombra and (to a lesser extent) CC because the removal of player agency is just not fun. The problem is that OW has a lot of heroes with CC baked in (sombra has the same issue, hack is annoying but baked in to who she is, so they’re stuck). But I feel like they’ve generally done a good job with what they had to work with. Most abilities that remove a players agency have gotten more counterplay baked into their design. If you add that secondary fire to Winston you add the same problem again but worse. The problem isn’t the ability itself, but the lack of a generally available counterplay option.

    • @siege3624
      @siege3624 11 месяцев назад +13

      It could be something like, emptied your entire mag, and you have a forced reload (Inspired by Volgin fight in mgs3)

    • @raystimphil8280
      @raystimphil8280 11 месяцев назад +11

      A weapon disable wouldn't be the worst thing to have in the game, but definitely not something to have on Winston. The point of his alt fire was to give him an option in neutral. Giving him cc like that would just make his kit even more polarized.

    • @awarepillow1180
      @awarepillow1180 11 месяцев назад +11

      Instead he should be able to grab people and throw them a short distance. It'll make for sicker primal juggles and can force people out of position

  • @settratheimperishable7800
    @settratheimperishable7800 6 месяцев назад +5

    8:35 Based Opinion
    There’s nothing worse than when the enemy team has a Widiwmaker and Ana on a map that heavily favors them (ie, trying to push the payload anywhere on Havana). It doesn’t feel like overwatch has a sufficient “counter sniper” pick, yeah there’s Sombra and to some extent Reaper but on maps like Havana snipers have a whole array of places to hit, run, and shoot.

  • @robbiekavanagh2802
    @robbiekavanagh2802 11 месяцев назад +48

    The 'outplayability' is a great insight! Sounds like a great approach to fix the problem!

  • @Voidandknull
    @Voidandknull 11 месяцев назад +5

    Bro really. Tried gaslighting all the rein mains by saying "you only think reins bad cause your nostalgic or your favorite streamer told u he is" nah man, hes bad

    • @yeatle
      @yeatle  11 месяцев назад

      Search overbuff, sort by tank, pickrate then adjust the time window and compare the winrate to other tanks. You can adjust it by competitive or quickplay, doesn't matter. He's historically performed better than most tanks both in terms of winrate and pickrate.

    • @Voidandknull
      @Voidandknull 11 месяцев назад

      Fair enough. Still feels bad to play though

    • @Void-y6j
      @Void-y6j 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@Voidandknull nah
      Big hammer fun as fuck

  • @XxDream_CasterxX
    @XxDream_CasterxX 11 месяцев назад +107

    I think just making the game 5v5 now where the game was 6v6. Kind of messed it up on everyone's playstyle

    • @Itsuki220
      @Itsuki220 11 месяцев назад +13

      Bring back 6v6 gang

    • @XxDream_CasterxX
      @XxDream_CasterxX 11 месяцев назад +9

      @gabriel9062100 fr I've been listening to samito talk about the problems with 5v5. And that 1 tank does not work in ow2. because the game started at 6v6 and the problem was bap and brig making the double shield meta op. Suck and tired of pro players defending this 5v5 game I love flats but come on step it up and tell the game director how you really feel about the game. Not once did he say to him did you read up on any feedback on how the players really feel about the 5v5 playstyle and what can you do to fix it other than reworking certain heroes. They need to add more rank modes other than capture the point or push robot,cart. Make something that is hero/villian like. This is a hero game right. Idk gosh this game just feels repetitive.

    • @owen551
      @owen551 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@XxDream_CasterxXI love 5v5 because queue times are much shorter now. I play DPS. I hated old overwatch since I would have to sit in queue for like 5-6 minutes. Now queues are 1-2 minutes/

    • @XxDream_CasterxX
      @XxDream_CasterxX 11 месяцев назад +2

      @owen551 bruh alot of my support games are 5 to 6 minutes. Thanks to tank role being instant queues to suffer through counter switching. Gameplay wise its worse than 6v6, if supports aren't giving tank extreme healing you lose. relying on 1 tank to carry is way too much. Especially when people can counter switch, and also have spawn advantage.

  • @joefamliyguy1551
    @joefamliyguy1551 11 месяцев назад +9

    Ive been a hardcore tank one trick since ow1 and i like other roles, but the feeling of inability to control feels so bad. The reason i play tank is because i control the game, i own the map. Also the fact that that goes the same for the enemy team makes such a tense rivalry between the 2 of you, its so fun, its like your team are just cheering you on while you are just 1on1 brawling with the enemy tank lmao. Same reason i plau top lane

    • @floofyfurryfemboy
      @floofyfurryfemboy 11 месяцев назад +1

      realistically if you don't got any friends to play with its moreso both your team and the enemy team verbally crapping all over you for any mistake you make

  • @Sprixyy
    @Sprixyy 11 месяцев назад +116

    I feel like just generalizing Tanks takes away the charm of playing them in the first place. 6v6 allowed for more unique moments and impact in neutral fights. And I liked playing rein because I could actually kill things and my shatter wasn’t useless.

    • @specificdisc568
      @specificdisc568 11 месяцев назад +34

      I don’t want more reworks to tanks to make them feel better and stronger in 5v5 just add back the 6th person to give tank that much needed extra space and distraction that came with it

    • @abudgie6909
      @abudgie6909 11 месяцев назад +48

      It’s an unfortunate effect of the 5v5 format. Tanks need to be generalists because they don’t have another tank to cover for them. As a Winston main, I often feel like I’m running into a brick wall whenever I play against a jobless team comp like hog reaper bastion. I have no way of outplaying the counters. As long as 5v5 is around, every tank requires more tools to deal with bad matchups.

    • @alexander2019.
      @alexander2019. 11 месяцев назад +1

      Idk man. I used to hate playing Rein into other double shields. Opportunity to shatter a team was slim af. You could normally walk past a barrier but with 2 it’s a whole other ball game.

    • @vopcracker3193
      @vopcracker3193 11 месяцев назад +4

      ​​​@@alexander2019. Take away the barriers then. Half the problem is that mitigation without counterplay has always been unhealthy for the game, whether in Support power creep for eight Seasons with 5v5 or the inconsistent Tank synergies in 6v6.
      Even if making Tanks more generalist _is_ the answer, 5v5's format and 6v6's original off/main Tank design will inevitably drag down the game by rendering characters with the most stat-check potential the most viable. Giving every Tank this ability won't fix this alone, while they are the only role that has to account for incessant counterpicking and overreliance on team synergy compared to other roles.
      6v6 in Overwatch 2 would provide a better spread of damage & health between Tanks as a role, while *the sustain/mitigation design of 5v5 implemented within 6v6* would open up Tank design for better designed characters and reworks in the future, away from OW1's oppressive synergies and OW2's counterpicking and more stoic Tank metas.

    • @Sprixyy
      @Sprixyy 11 месяцев назад +13

      @@alexander2019. I agree but 6v6 as a format was better for tanks. Double Shield was a balance issue and orisa doesn't even have her shield anymore so

  • @baneofbalor5881
    @baneofbalor5881 11 месяцев назад +5

    I stopped playing tank this season. I had some pretty disasterous placements, but I really wanted to try climbing out of it. Problem was though, even though I felt I was playing well, I still kept losing games. I'm not sure if this is a tank specific thing, or a general matchmaker thing, or just me, but it often felt like I had very little impact. I was getting kills and trying to play smart as to not die, but suddenly my backline would be dead and there was nothing I could do about it. The fight seemed to be happening around me, and me and the enemy tank are just staring at each other holding m1.
    I try to play mobile tanks to peel for my team, and within 0.2 seconds, the enemy dps has switched to counter me. Not to sound full of myself, but I can see in the gameplay that I'm better than my opponents, but I'm just unable to do anything about it. At least that's how I feel playing tank. It's like I have to be twice as good just to get a 51% winrate.
    Anyone else finding it hard to climb on tank this season? I feel like it used to be easier...

  • @famulanrevengeance3044
    @famulanrevengeance3044 11 месяцев назад +242

    About Ramattra: Vortex just fucking sucks. Sometimes you can get a good predict and force the enemy to walk through the entire length of it, but that almost never happens, it just gets spammed out 99% of the time. Make it more engaging, more meaningful, more satisfying and not ''Well I hope they're gonna walk through the hallway I just vortexed''

    • @fizzlock
      @fizzlock 11 месяцев назад +49

      It's so weak for such a long fkn cooldown; if it was a 7-8 second Cooldown, that'd be one thing, but it's far too weak to be an 11-12 second cooldown

    • @sethpatchett7400
      @sethpatchett7400 11 месяцев назад +13

      It’s not weak at all that cooldown is really good ur team just farms the person you hit in vortex everytime

    • @alyssaOW
      @alyssaOW 11 месяцев назад +26

      as a rein OTP, vortex is really strong if used correctly. It does not need a buff

    • @sp_ce.
      @sp_ce. 11 месяцев назад +44

      As a Ramattra main with about 200 hours in him, it’s actually a fairly powerful ability. I most of the time use it in Omnic Mode to slow enemies and can then consistently headshot them. In Nemesis mode, it keeps them from running away and in Annihilation it does the same, able to massively extend your ult. It’s not a lethal ability unless you combo it very well with your other abilities, increasing its lethality A LOT. I think it’s in a decent place where it is now, but the height change in this video would be great.

    • @famulanrevengeance3044
      @famulanrevengeance3044 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@alyssaOW It's too easy to avoid, even for 0 mobility characters, it's insanely inconsistent and that's no fun

  • @yazan_q
    @yazan_q 11 месяцев назад +16

    6:50 I’ve always wanted vortex to reach infinite heights
    I wanted them to put it in the April Fools update and implement it in game like the dva squish

    • @jacksonhorrocks4281
      @jacksonhorrocks4281 11 месяцев назад +12

      I'm still not sure why you would make an ability that pulls flyers downward unable to hit flying characters while they're flying...

  • @josnardstorm
    @josnardstorm 11 месяцев назад +71

    As a DVA main in high Diamond/low masters…eh…idk if she needs that. Frankly, I think the temptation of enemies being able to kill baby dva is part of the power of her ultimate. I will hide behind my bomb sometimes, and enemies will die, thinking that they can kill me. And it doesn’t really make sense for her as a character. I don’t think her ultimate is as weak as people say, honestly.

    • @mentlegen3887
      @mentlegen3887 11 месяцев назад +19

      It's also SUPER STRONG during overtime on most maps, and contrary to what a lot of the playerbase thinks, ults should not always be a guaranteed kill alone, they should be setups for the kill!

    • @josnardstorm
      @josnardstorm 11 месяцев назад +8

      @@mentlegen3887 also, sleeper strat that no one seems to know about: dva bomb is the best counter to wholehog. Place it on the ground (no boosters), and it can tank infinite dmg for you, while at the same time telling the hog to back away

    • @knyt0
      @knyt0 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@josnardstorm matrix is the best counter to whole hog..

    • @fat2slow
      @fat2slow 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@josnardstorm Except Hog just uses Breather and Tanks the Bomb and barely takes any damage

    • @josnardstorm
      @josnardstorm 11 месяцев назад +11

      @@fat2slow yes, hog is able to survive the actual bomb damage. But often he’s not at full health, often you’ve burned some time off of the ult with matrix, and often you’ve gotten him to use hook on you as well. Plus his teammates have to flee, so he often doesn’t have the same level of support. All of these together make it counter wholehog

  • @minguigui9741
    @minguigui9741 11 месяцев назад +4

    Those zarya and hog changes are not it man

  • @Fdjj-l3c
    @Fdjj-l3c 11 месяцев назад +38

    Wake up babe new ball man vid.

  • @bigfudge2031
    @bigfudge2031 11 месяцев назад +3

    Regarding *Mauga's passive* it should be tweaked so he is only granted overhealth when he eliminates an enemy and it should be based on a percentage of the character's health pool. This means he will be rewarded more for shooting squishes and shooting the enemy tank is more risky because you will get a bigger reward if you secure the elim, but if you don't, then it is a waste of resources

  • @DavidKyokushin
    @DavidKyokushin 11 месяцев назад +13

    Man, i miss the OW1 days where there were a lot of fun interactions, like mccree flashbanging above or below a rein's shield. It made the game so much more interesting and interactive

  • @rckxu5969
    @rckxu5969 11 месяцев назад +3

    Starting from 0:49, Yeatle is spitting straight facts: the tanks are the most "wanted" players in the lobby

  • @AnotherGradus
    @AnotherGradus 11 месяцев назад +17

    He almost broke the Ball Rework NDA for this vid!

    • @thirdeyyye
      @thirdeyyye 11 месяцев назад +3

      Shhhh 🤫🫢😆

  • @farslashenjoyer
    @farslashenjoyer 11 месяцев назад +40

    I think one of the single biggest problems with Overwatch right now is the acceptance of terrible matchups as unavoidable. Obviously many heroes have very polarizing strengths and huge differences in play styles, but the fact that the balance team's solution to "Winston has a nearly unwinnable matchup against Bastion" is to just swap off Winston is terrible. Heroes are 100% the main reason why people play Overwatch. You can't get the experience of playing Lucio or Winston or Genji anywhere else, not even close. Therefore, it should stand to reason that we should try to minimize polarizing matchups so people can play the heroes they launched the game to play! Glad someone with a voice is finally bringing this concept up.

  • @pinkmann8399
    @pinkmann8399 11 месяцев назад +21

    My favorite case study is Roadhog - a unique playstyle screwed over by the switch to 1 tank, and then unfairly nerfed to oblivion because Kiriko's existence busted him to meta.
    Rather than nerfing their favorite sassy, vacuous OP healer, they destroyed roadhog's one shot alongside all of his appeal.
    Your "suggestions" are horrible, completely misunderstanding the entire point of his playstyle. Mobility buffs? Spread narrowing? He needs to be "flexible"? What even is this character anymore? Why is every tank forced to be this generalist hodgepodge? You played Hog to get satisfying one shots, to be a "one man apocalypse". This was fun even when he was far outside the meta. Irreversibly changing him to force his relevance to the detriment of his unique playstyle is everything wrong with overwatch.
    Nothing more painful than every tool Hog used to one shot with still being there, but now he only does 150 damage with the combo, and this useless mine thing which just delays his one shot - removing all of the satisfaction but adding nothing - and making it impossible to kill anyone with a teleport ability.

    • @MurderedByBirds
      @MurderedByBirds 11 месяцев назад

      Arguing against limited flexibility is an argument in favor of counter swapping a.k.a. ass cancer.

    • @mackeralsmackers
      @mackeralsmackers 11 месяцев назад +2

      Lowering hog's damage will make him unable to pressure the enemy tank. He'll lose his main source of map pressure, his kill potential. A hog that can't get picks is pretty useless. He'd just be a slow fat source of ultimate charge that every dive hero will stomp on him every time where even if you get hooked, who cares if it does 150 damage lol? Reaper gonna have a good time with him, Tracers, Zen can get up close, Sojourn is gonna dive his ass every time and walk all over him.

  • @S3nCh4n
    @S3nCh4n 11 месяцев назад +19

    Getting rid of tanks weaknesses does not make them fun. Working together with your other tank made it fun, regardless of synergy. Balance < Fun

    • @vyor8837
      @vyor8837 11 месяцев назад +4

      See, here's the thing... getting rid of weaknesses isn't balanced either.

  • @simple7708
    @simple7708 11 месяцев назад +18

    The hog change suggestion sounds fuckings horrible. You weren't cooking with that one

    • @vyor8837
      @vyor8837 11 месяцев назад +6

      All of them are.

  • @setsu2221
    @setsu2221 11 месяцев назад +6

    Weapon jammer in an fps... mhm what a great idea.

    • @spicymeatballs2thespicening
      @spicymeatballs2thespicening 11 месяцев назад +1

      Idk what he was thinking with that one lol, imagine being reaper and not being able to primary fire

  • @Potatojoe24
    @Potatojoe24 11 месяцев назад +16


    • @Emerald3480
      @Emerald3480 11 месяцев назад

      Omg I was looking for someone to also notice this disgusting abomination lol

  • @GraphiteBlimp27
    @GraphiteBlimp27 11 месяцев назад +1

    This video seems like the most to the point yet comprehensive video I’ve seen to actually make tank fun in 5v5. If Blizzard tries these suggestions and people still don’t like tank, we can confirm 5v5 is chalked. Much better to try and make tank fun in the better format (easily fixed by allowing Rein/Winston/Dva/Zarya to be playable without needing OWL tier synergy rather than double shield or Hog/Ball torture, let alone the fun new tanks in 6v6). No wonder people didn’t like tank in 222 role queue when it was instant double shield meta and the devs were “busy” while “working” on OW2/PVE. Instead we have to add all sorts of new abilities and make all the heroes do everything to avoid any weaknesses being exploited, when that was the fun of the game before.

  • @VesperEm
    @VesperEm 11 месяцев назад +4

    An elaboration on your idea for Zarya alt fire--let her charge up alt fire, consuming more ammo for increased speed / decreased gravity. This means a few things:
    -she can't pressure snipers as efficiently as ram or orisa (good, she's supposed to be short range)
    -trade off between ammo consumption and fire rate / ease and range of hitting a shot builds on dynamics
    -original trajectory is intact and skill expression from old zarya players is maintained

  • @michaelj49
    @michaelj49 11 месяцев назад +3

    tbh ultimates getting canceled because the user died, like tracer's pulse, ashe's bob during cast time, nano, beat is pretty meh considering losers like the rat get to keep their ult when they have been already killed, this one literally makes 0 sense

  • @afterthought9538
    @afterthought9538 11 месяцев назад +22

    Some great suggestions, but I disagree that Rein's problem is a lack of consistency. IMO his problem is his lack of mobility. He can charge in, but can't get out. Increasing his charge damage would do little to solve his problems - he would charge in, maybe get a pick, but then he'd just die.
    I think the better change for him is REDUCING his Charge damage to the point it can no longer one-shot (but leave option open to combo primary) in favor of shortening the cooldown, or (my personal favorite) putting charge on a distance-based resource with more speed and control. This would mean you could budget Charge usage, giving you more options. You could use up the entire resource for more distance if you wish to quickly contest point, for example. You could use it partially to get in and skirmish, then use the remainder to get out. This would drastically improve his skill expression and make him heaps more fun to play! I'd love to see what everyone thinks about this!

    • @astupidlylongnamethatstoolong
      @astupidlylongnamethatstoolong 11 месяцев назад

      If it doesn't take half a year to start up, sure. Then I'll take that.

    • @heyyou9903
      @heyyou9903 11 месяцев назад +3

      Sounds fun I think it could keep the one shot if it keeps the wind up
      It barely one shots now anyway

    • @afterthought9538
      @afterthought9538 11 месяцев назад +8

      @@heyyou9903 Or better: Damage on Charge scales upwards with distance travelled. That way he can't just one-shot people back-to-back, but can still one-shot with Charge with the right conditions.

    • @heyyou9903
      @heyyou9903 11 месяцев назад

      @@afterthought9538 yeah idk where my second reply went but that was the suggestion in it

    • @zebraarbez9410
      @zebraarbez9410 11 месяцев назад

      Why are y'all being so generous with Reinhardt buffs like other people aren't already stupid strong

  • @mercilesschara5753
    @mercilesschara5753 6 месяцев назад +2

    these are horrid.. And i swear, someone who sits there and hooks people off the map can never be listened to for balance.

  • @Chef_Ramsay
    @Chef_Ramsay 11 месяцев назад +14

    Dont let this guy give roadhog any rework

  • @szelski.
    @szelski. 11 месяцев назад +2

    This video is the most batshit insane takes and suggestions i ever heard i loved it.

  • @jptrady1997
    @jptrady1997 11 месяцев назад +4

    that first clip chasing a brig for 2hrs 💀

  • @wbib6253
    @wbib6253 11 месяцев назад +2

    I also think a cool Reinhardt passive would be: any damage with his swings would regenerate like 75 hp per swing back on his shield. He's so underpowered right now the least he can have is some way to get his shield back faster while remaining in the fight.

  • @IronOW
    @IronOW 11 месяцев назад +15


  • @WaffleHouse1955
    @WaffleHouse1955 11 месяцев назад +2

    My biggest issue isn’t kits or balance. It’s pushing. As a tank, it is literally your job to lead the charge and gain ground, but for some reason no one will follow you even if there’s a massive opportunity to take a point. I cannot count the amount of times where I’ve started a really good push that could’ve potentially won the game and everyone just stood behind a wall. That’s not saying I don’t make mistakes, because I definitely do. I just feel that other people have no idea how to play as a team

  • @T1J
    @T1J 11 месяцев назад +6

    the funny thing is the things that make tanks more interesting to play also make them harder to play (i.e you have to think more), which i'm not sure blizzard wants.

    • @THYnameISsarcasm
      @THYnameISsarcasm 11 месяцев назад

      Since 2016 I have been waiting for a hitscan tank with no spread, it's the only role that just isn't allowed to aim diff

    • @ciahkid
      @ciahkid 7 месяцев назад

      @@THYnameISsarcasm mauga 1 gun fire basically has no spread

    • @THYnameISsarcasm
      @THYnameISsarcasm 7 месяцев назад

      @@ciahkid nah, go to the training range and test it out. Maybe turn on the show accuracy cross hair setting too, it's pretty noticeable

  • @drip8758
    @drip8758 11 месяцев назад +2

    12:20 that was a crazy hook and body block

  • @Skyline-bt1ls
    @Skyline-bt1ls 11 месяцев назад +3

    7:35 sorry but when the fuck has the been a zarya rollout :O

  • @common_cross
    @common_cross 10 месяцев назад +1

    Its cool coming back to this and seeing some of these ideas actually implemented.

  • @standardcake18
    @standardcake18 11 месяцев назад +8

    im a diamond tank. i used to play rein and rein only. i would swap if needed, then ow2 came, i played a multitude of tanks up till season 3.. i stopped playing tank entirely. its not fun, i find no joy in being bullied 24/7 by the supports or dps. anytime i do play tank now, im doing it so my friends can have fun, while i suffer in silence

  • @therealosama7368
    @therealosama7368 6 месяцев назад +2

    A tank with a 725 health pool and that crit potential doesnt need cc immunity

  • @Pamijay
    @Pamijay 11 месяцев назад +6

    What if Ram had to actively parry CC like how the Genji change in the April Fool's patch makes you click to crit when deflecting? Could add more depth to block because, right now, it's really not interactive and makes Ram's CD cycle a little boring.

    • @NonJohns
      @NonJohns 11 месяцев назад +3

      I think abilities that require precise timing are probably really frustrating
      there's inherent ping/polling issues that don't really crop up too often, but every genji main can tell you how maddening it is to hear your deflect come up and DEFLECT THE PROJECTILE and die to that very projectile because of ping
      Timing based abilities are very cool but outside of LAN, overwatch can't handle it and i think it'd be overall bad to have an ability that feels like RNG to use

    • @uwotmeow
      @uwotmeow 11 месяцев назад

      @@NonJohns very true - side note: I feel ow2 I feel is much worse for this general desync issue than ow1

  • @rushbros
    @rushbros 11 месяцев назад +1

    Idk, as a doom main, I feel like something needs to be done about Sombra. A good Sombra is absolutely miserable to play against because she hard counters you with very little risk and her punish window is tiny. Gameplay should feel better than just running from her all game. To anyone who hasn't played doomfist in the current season, watch Zbra's "I have to play perfect" video.

  • @snuouun9672
    @snuouun9672 5 месяцев назад +1

    I main mauga and I completely agree with such a re-work, most of the time I cant play him effectively because I focus the tank. If the enemy team has a pocket ash or soldier, well you might as well give up, not only will that melt through your health, making you relay on shooting the enemy tank just to stay alive, but you can't really save yor team from such a comp if they don't know what they are doing. Mauga's kit might seem simple, but its very situational. Such a change would give him more options without making you relay on focusing a single target. Anybody can play mauga, but playing him well is harder than you think. Also nerf Dva.

  • @tailgrowth
    @tailgrowth 11 месяцев назад +17

    Tanks absolutely need to have the ability to more easily overcome their counters. People often say swapping is just "how the game works" and that "if you're good you can outplay them", but because there's only one tank, you're pressured significantly more than any other role by a counter.
    If you play Widowmaker and you're popping off, the enemy team might try to counter you. Let's say they go Winston and dive you. That puts pressure on you to switch or outplay him. But you don't HAVE to, since there's another DPS on your team who can switch instead. If your partner goes Reaper, you STILL get a Winston counter without you having to change anything. Meanwhile the Winston gets hard countered and has much fewer options. They lose their advantage, and if they swap they lose the ability to keep the enemy Widow in check. They might be forced to a hero that they're not good at (and worse, they don't find fun), and their entire team will have to work around their composition shuffling while remaining at a disadvantage against the strong Widow. It's such a broken, unbalanced system. You can't balance tanks on a similar level as the other roles because they're already at a massive disadvantage in numbers. It would be okay to design tanks to be overpowered in stats and abilities, because they already have a natural handicap in the game's design, but the dev team seems so afraid to do so and tries to keep the tank role "balanced" stat-wise, only giving them small buffs in their stats, which is no where near enough and only makes the ENTIRE game poorly balanced.

  • @miltaire3235
    @miltaire3235 11 месяцев назад +2

    I think hack should function differently for tanks. It's incredibly bullshit to have an invisible character just right click and take away needed cooldowns and even ultimates such as flux. She punishes ability dependent tanks too much given how little effort it takes to just hold right click from invis and auto target you. Honestly it's the most cancerous thing in the game to deal with

  • @allenli915
    @allenli915 11 месяцев назад +8

    Honestly, all the changes that Yeatle proposed would make every tank immune to their weaknesses, and would eliminate counter swapping issues. However, by doing so, tanks would lose the unique qualities that make Overwatch a great game.

    • @denjii9
      @denjii9 11 месяцев назад +9

      it would also make the game unbearable for dps and support players

    • @jacksonhorrocks4281
      @jacksonhorrocks4281 11 месяцев назад +4

      I don't personally consider required swapping off one's main a minimum of once per match/round that great

    • @wildeskompositum9556
      @wildeskompositum9556 11 месяцев назад

      @@denjii9you mean the roles that had a great time for the last 10 seasons? Good

    • @astupidlylongnamethatstoolong
      @astupidlylongnamethatstoolong 11 месяцев назад

      It wont make Winston immune to his weaknesses, but it'll definitely enable another kind of issue to prop up for a more annoying version of dive meta. Rein changes wont make him immune to his issues either.

    • @krisztiantoth3430
      @krisztiantoth3430 6 месяцев назад

      Except doom

  • @Lifesteal8
    @Lifesteal8 29 дней назад +2

    Queen needs a way to counter anti heal, imo shout should cleanse her

  • @AzureRoxe
    @AzureRoxe 11 месяцев назад +24

    One of the best tanks in the world and the dude legit says that, in order to fix some of the tank issues, Orisa needs to fly and Doomfist needs to contest while ulting.
    This video is the ultimate proof that being good at a game means absolutely nothing when it comes to balancing it or giving solutions.

    • @THYnameISsarcasm
      @THYnameISsarcasm 11 месяцев назад +2

      I feel like those weren't really all that serious, he said his real Orisa changes and said Doom is basically fine

    • @candybetta4061
      @candybetta4061 11 месяцев назад +5

      If Doom can't contest while ulting, Reaper, Mei and Venture shouldnt be able to contest with their basic Shift abilities

    • @animeanime7849
      @animeanime7849 8 месяцев назад

      ⁠@@candybetta4061That’s because contest has a height limit. The same way if you fly straight up on Dva, it will no longer be considered a contest on a cart. Mei shift and reaper are both on the objective but are invulnerable with their abilities. Doom Ult isn’t on the Objective so that wouldn’t make any sense.

    • @Dystopie173
      @Dystopie173 7 месяцев назад

      Yeah some of these are absolutely not thought through.
      -Disarm on Winston? That would be the most broken ability in the whole game. How
      - Buffing strongest hero dva rn w/ any drawbacks? Her ulti is strong enough even if it just seeves as an insane push/zoning tool.
      -also rein is absolutely fine rn

  • @Bestboy2
    @Bestboy2 11 месяцев назад +2

    Listening to him talk:❌
    Watching brig survive:✅

  • @ploepiplayer6150
    @ploepiplayer6150 11 месяцев назад +6

    I like Paladin's version of Shatter, where the character Raum crushes shields, destroying them and then still gwts the shatter on everyone behind it. I think a rein ult that at least shreds the shields and then stops there would do him good

  • @artimist0315
    @artimist0315 7 месяцев назад +1

    To me they should really change the interactions some tanks have with anti-heal, sleep and hack very specifically. Make wrecking ball ball form be a transformation rather than a channel ability so hack does not interrupt it, just like bastion's tank form. That's the most obvious change in the world, I don't know how ball getting destroyed because of hack is in the game. The only thing hack should do to ball is to break his hook, stop fire ball and maybe make him unable to exit the ball form for 1,5 sec.
    For anti-heal, make it not apply to self heal. Heroes that rely on self heal for their survivability shouldn't be evaporated by a single nade. This only really affects Roadhog, JQ and Mauga since the other hero with self heal are reaper and Moira and both of them can cleanse themselves.
    As for sleep dart, it shouldn't work on defensive tank cool-downs. It shouldn't work on ball in ball form (I don't like the adaptive shield change because it makes it impossible for Ana to counter an agressive ball), it shouldn't work on Doomfist or Ram block, and I would even argue that it shouldn't work on take a breather. If Dva who can negate it for free with with matrix is still vulnerable to it, every tank should have an available way to block it if they aren't a direct threat to the Ana. However it should only be tied to abilities that aren't active while the tank is shooting as Ana should still be able to sleep a tank who's on top of her.
    It might also seem trivial but make tank colision always take priority over non tank heroes. You shouldn't be able to body block a dive tank with a random tracer.

  • @mortystraphouse5077
    @mortystraphouse5077 11 месяцев назад +10

    5v5 was a scam
    6v6 will return by Halloween i promise

    • @cousinit1686
      @cousinit1686 11 месяцев назад +2

      The 5v5 6v6 debate is a scam, just give it up already

    • @mortystraphouse5077
      @mortystraphouse5077 11 месяцев назад +9

      @@cousinit1686 OW2 is the biggest failure in video game history. the 5v5 people were wrong. blizzard will be forced to bring back 6v6. you were wrong dude. get over it

  • @jacobbaartz7710
    @jacobbaartz7710 6 месяцев назад +1

    I'm surprised so many people feel he's so entitled to that kill on brig. I love playing monke, but god we have a sentiment double standard problem

  • @daesonhow
    @daesonhow 11 месяцев назад +3

    As a Dva main of 6 years, enemies not knowing how much DM i have left is definitely a huge advantage

  • @NevanSlone
    @NevanSlone 11 месяцев назад +2

    I’m going to say it. I miss the 2 tank style.

  • @AGKari
    @AGKari 11 месяцев назад +7

    Bro you taking a Whole minute to kill a POCKETED Brig in the intro 0:20. Instantly made me Sad and Dejected. 😔 ☹️ Why is my role not fun 😢

    • @Braden_Snapz
      @Braden_Snapz 7 месяцев назад

      Winston isn’t suppose to be good against pocketed players usually you want to find players out of position also Winston deals 60 dps and mercy heals 55 per second so ya

  • @madlad1511
    @madlad1511 11 месяцев назад +1

    "tank usually does the most damage" shows a clip of winston literally unable to kill someone with a mercy pocket

  • @chase0373
    @chase0373 11 месяцев назад +4

    My thought has always been that tank cooldowns shouldn’t be able to be interrupted. That would give a lot of tanks (doom and ball specifically) counterplay to cc, but also has to be intentional. There’d have to be exceptions though, like cardiac or shout

  • @pilegrin
    @pilegrin 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yeah, lets make tanks versatile, lets make miscast buttons even more game ending, lets add even more pressure on tanks.
    P.S. Alternate fire which can disable primary fire is boring and not frustrating enough. Lets allow Winston disable controllers or monitors.

  • @Samsjunk
    @Samsjunk 11 месяцев назад +15

    plz dont say egg and banana sandwhich ever again

    • @RikkeDK1996
      @RikkeDK1996 11 месяцев назад +1

      i cringed hard when i heard it. Glad im not the only one who noticed

  • @LetsReadPodcast
    @LetsReadPodcast 11 месяцев назад

    tbh, if they don't at least try to implement these, but casually give us meaningless April Fools changes, I can only assume that the dev team is cooked.

  • @tjfkc
    @tjfkc 11 месяцев назад +4

    yeatle's youtube content is so good. i really appreciate how well thought out, well explained, and concise his opinions are

  • @mrap4249
    @mrap4249 11 месяцев назад +1

    I think with Winston it would be better if the primary fire was just slowed instead.
    Stopping a player from using their primary fire would be completely frustrating and unfun.
    So just slowing the fire rate by 35%, restricting the ability range to 10 meters and making it a slow cooldown would be more fair

  • @travon4924
    @travon4924 11 месяцев назад +6

    Never let this dude cook😅

  • @okok-sf9yk
    @okok-sf9yk 6 месяцев назад +1

    take in consideration that these opinions and ideas comes from one of the best tank players in the world and not some random gm peaker dps main

  • @WhoIsKai000
    @WhoIsKai000 11 месяцев назад +6

    its already hard enough getting kills with doomfist ult when the ana you are ulting walks 2 cm to the right and negates 70% of my damage you want to make it so she KNOWS where im going to land??? the ult already does sound and you can tell who is going to get ulted from that, adding an indicator would only make it impossible to get kills without the cast time being lowered.

    • @krisztiantoth3430
      @krisztiantoth3430 6 месяцев назад

      Literally.. Also hacking is only a problem on ball apperantly -_-

  • @tropicata
    @tropicata 11 месяцев назад +1

    The cooldown on JQ's shout is too damn long and it's the biggest reason I never play her. Shift abilities are you primary engagement/escape tool, and they're largely quite short. Almost universally under 8s. Rein charge, Winston jump, Ram nemesis, etc. Yet shout is 14s and the cooldown only starts after the effect wears off, which means when you hit shift it's a whopping 19s before you're allowed to use the ability again. That's basically an entire team fight and I think is WAY too punishing. It forces you to play so much more passive while you wait for the ability to come back and it's boring af. Personally I want shout to be more frequent but less powerful. We need less "all-in" abilities in general. I think it would make JQ's playstyle significantly more engaging

  • @gloves_ow3107
    @gloves_ow3107 11 месяцев назад +3

    kinda crazy how good you are at these sort of meta analysis and problem solving type videos, they gotta get you in the lab frfr

    • @pilegrin
      @pilegrin 11 месяцев назад

      God have mercy on @gloves_ow3107....

  • @ZachofPotatoes732
    @ZachofPotatoes732 4 месяца назад +1

    God I hate playing counterwatch sometimes. You shouldn’t HAVE to switch to have a chance to win. Sometimes I just want to play the hero I want to play

  • @Bolita300
    @Bolita300 11 месяцев назад +4

    winston weapon jam is the dumbest idea ever

  • @nietrelevant3338
    @nietrelevant3338 11 месяцев назад +2

    why don't we just give pilot d'va a 150 shield during her self going off? much easier then changing the entire dynamic and doesn't get rid of a very cool part of her kit (squishing enemies with mech call)

  • @archaeologyB0Y
    @archaeologyB0Y 11 месяцев назад +4

    "ultimates should be cancelled on purpose or not at all" - i really believe ults should only be cancelled by other ults. hack sygma or jq out of ultimate? nah. emp them out of it? sure. an ultimate is supposed to be an all-poweful ability and yet it can be nullified by a cooldown. a basic hack/hinder/doom punch shouldn't cancel any ult, and matrix/grasp/javelin shouldn't absorb things like grav or tracer bomb or illari's solar ball explosion extravaganza. as a dva/sombra player i know how satisfying it is to get in those cheeky little plays, but i also know the frustration on the other end all too well. controversial, i know, but i'm all for an ult4ult economy

  • @pranker1792
    @pranker1792 11 месяцев назад +2

    such a good video, thanks for existing Yeatle

    • @herobob
      @herobob 11 месяцев назад


  • @tabam
    @tabam 11 месяцев назад +3

    What are the best tanks to play solo?

    • @Kiddos77
      @Kiddos77 10 месяцев назад +1

      roadhog, zen, roadhog you can heal yourself if your supports are bad, you can one shot combo most of the heroes if your dps are bad, and you have 800 hp

  • @underrrrstand
    @underrrrstand 10 месяцев назад +2

    I only play tank so I can spam "and they say" on doomfist

  • @BenzyOW
    @BenzyOW 11 месяцев назад +1

    My take on this is that (1) counterswapping is - regardless of whether or not one likes it - a fundamental element of the game and will therefore probably never be removed. I think it's a matter of preference at the end of the day - I for one enjoy counterpicking and being able to flex to what is needed. My enjoyment playing tank comes from being able to outplay my opponents with game sense (knowing when and what to swap to, hereby enabling my team) and being able to be really good at multiple heroes. (2) We are going to have to face that certain heroes will always be stronger/weaker than others until they are nerfed/buffed in the next patch. This also brings variety to the game - the reason the game feels so boring for many tank players right now is that the meta is arguably boring. I'm sure just one season of Rein rush meta would bring back a lot of fun into the game for many. Rinse and repeat for all the other tanks (based on how much the community enjoys playing them). (3) I doubt that trying to balance out every tank to a point where they are all one-trickable is a realistic task - especially because new heroes are constantly getting released.
    Finally I'd like to add that I really like the discussion around tank in Overwatch and some of the suggestions in the video (ram vortex, orisa fly, ball cc immunity) are really good and I'd love to see them tried out in game.

  • @gunilive781
    @gunilive781 10 месяцев назад +1

    rein just got destroyed by 5v5 since a melee tank cant peel nearly as good as the second tank would have done