The Royal Troll Family of FreeOnes


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I know that you are not Vodka but the way you make threads are very alike. I don't know who you are but as others pointed it out, you know a lot for someone with 70 posts. Check the threads in political section, they will help you to know people better

I'm surprised you would send him there to learn what a dumbfuck you are.
I'm surprised you would send him there to learn what a dumbfuck you are.

Don't even bother to give me lessons. Guess who has 39% of approval rating? Your friend Obama, so apply your adjectives and name calling to someone else.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Don't even bother to give me lessons. Guess who has 39% of approval rating? Your friend Obama, so apply your adjectives and name calling to someone else.

You know I just posted that to troll you. :D
What is funny about calling participants of a Miss Universe contest "whores" or posting an unfortunate pic of a celebrity in order to make fun of her?

I wasn't talking about the Miss Universe thread wiseguy. But if you think the Mila Kunis thread was to incite or be offensive you really need to grow a thicker skin, or better yet, a sense of humor.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm surprised you would send him there to learn what a dumbfuck you are.

The truth is strong in this one.

So much win...
Don't even bother to give me lessons. Guess who has 39% of approval rating? Your friend Obama, so apply your adjectives and name calling to someone else.

and your boy George W Bush wasn't even that high so sad state of affairs when we have garbage to pick from for president is it not
This thread is wrong not to mention the late patriarch FO's trolling, who shall not be named. Pretty sure he's back under another name though.
The King: Blue Countach

Blue Countach has been going through some shit lately apparently, and has been a worthwhile contributor to the board. While I think maybe some of his recent choices have been, uh, questionable I still think he's a decent guy at heart, and just trying to deal with things right now, and maybe having some trouble coping. So, nah. While I might not agree with his politics, that doesn't make him a troll and I don't think going through a rough spot makes him one either. :dunno:
Yup. I think at this point everyone sees that a particular new user is a copy/paste of posting habits from our old... let's say "friend".

I haven't even been in the politics section to see if he's up to his old bullshit there, I've just noticed a particular brand of innate, pointless threads and posts in the talk section.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
This thread is wrong not to mention the late patriarch FO's trolling, who shall not be named. Pretty sure he's back under another name though.

I bet my fat penis he is.

Glad we're on the same miserable page.

I'm reading the same book. Pretty clear to read between the lines, huh?

Mayhem didn't believe me when I pointed out the similarities a couple of weeks ago.