Giant ICE Block vs. LEGO TOOLS!
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- Check out Krazy Ky's Bricklink Store for your LEGO brick needs!
In this video I build LEGO Tools, then try to break a HUGE ICE Block containing a RARE $300 Collectible Minifigure. If I cant free the Minifigure in 1 hour, I'm giving it away FOR FREE...
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I would have gotten distracted and tried carving the ice into a sculpture lol
I know you
Hi B3!! (pls more 24 vile)
Me too😂
@@Jaime-_-1234 me to what?
More 24 bill plsssss I agree
Congratulations on 800k Brick Science or Riley🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
😎 thanks!!
@@Brick_ScienceCan you try making a box full of different technic mechanisms and try to make them turn a gear? Also, thanks for liking and replying to my comment.
@@Brick_Scienceif I were you then I would’ve put a plate on the top of the hammer to make it more durable
You. Are. Smart😊😮
I love the methods to which he resorted in the end.
Sup dude
you are so talented 🍰
gimme the Lego cake
No I want it
@@Rex_the_Pug i want it
@@marioagbada3113Hell no
I watch your videos day and night.
Cool video!
Also, if you ever attempt anything like this again, I recommend building a circular saw. This way it will both cut and hopefully use friction to heat the ice. :)
You are very very very smart
@@Munkeelordd1128 agreed
@@Munkeelordd1128 e
nice thinking!
@@Ness_from_Earthbound uh e boy? Or e for agreed
Congratulations on 900k
This gives me vibes of those mine it gold toys lol. W video though!
Your really talented when it comes to building legoes
I recommend you use brackets because brackets when you put a plate and two brackets when they connect they make a really strong connection I learned it over the 20 years of building Legos a very useful piece
Yeah fr
By favorite yet, keep up this great work also the ice breaking was very satisfying.
*By far*
*By far my favorite yet* Rip my grammar
@@jonash303gaming2 its a clickbait video god damn it
@@goshdamn its not?
That was good. you should do more of these videos.
He said thanks dad but hes wearing a shirt saying "I'm Moms Favorite".
Ahh yes another tool video. Just what I needed.
Um ok Whatever
@@Pvpgodmonkey ur cringe
Jamison s
Your builds are awesome!
You are doing a great job at getting to the minifigure.
This is mind blowing! Great job!
This is my main source of inspiration for lego
I loved this! SUper creative, even if the LEGO tools wernt super practical.
You only needed 1 hour so ice melts 😂 nice vid❤❤
Brick Science never disappoints❤
..prob a bot..
He almost made the tools turboflex mode, he just needed some more technic pieces. I think you kind of forgot about the sturdiness as you made more tools. The chisel and hammer, in my opinion, were the strongest.
Hi your videos are so good 🎉
Love it!!! Fingers crossed I win it never could afford to buy one myself. Thank you
I love your name Rilley😊
This was really a great video, because it was really exciting and because I didn't know if you could get the lego minifigure out in time! So good job 🎉
*- and
Rileys shirts I can’t😭🤚
The fact that he made tools that are not only functional (for the most part), but *look nice* as well??? Now that’s skill 🤩
@@woodentrainseriesofficial9511 your saying its skill. 😮😮😮
Your so talented
@@easterbunnyfan247 drive to dad
Super cool video
I like how his shirt says I'm mom's favourite 😂😂
It’s true 😂
Xavier of my friends who is
Can I get one of the weeapons and my cousin he wants the drill and I want the hammer 🔨.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💅🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@Brick_Sciencelol 😂
All you needed to do was build a working lego flamethrower
2:00 IV literally watch 2 min and I already see something break now that's dedication!😏
i love the shirt "i'm moms favorite" XD its hilarious i really want it
I love ho he can combine science, programing and lego . Plus the video are amazing and the warden one is so cool. Mojang should see your work. And we don't forget about the ender dragon
I always love the shirts he Weres lmafo 😂
Great ideas... I'll try to develop them for my videos too!
Shirts preety cool 0:35
the fact that the builds are *somewhat* functional and yet still look good
I got the original comment above this one LOL
@@ryanfenchel8289 same
0:37 bro that face😂
I‘m Moms Favorite😂
Who cares
He will never run out of ideas
I love your Lego content original fun and cool,nice 👍
Can you do a video where you make a Lego x-box that works!
Love your videos and this might be my favorite yet!
Youtoube algorythm will put me at the top of the comments😮
I really really really really love Legos
Me too
You inspire me
I always love a good Lego video 😂
You should have made a big pyramid, put it on the floor and then dropped the ice on
1:01 I was wondering why you didn’t use a motor or something like that as a weight. Still really awesome video!
9:03 he said PICKAXE!😂😂😂
Dang you lost the figures and all the pieces that broke 😂 but you honestly got a lot farther than I thought you would
I have something better: throw the ice on the floor!😊😊😊
An amazing tool vid. Probably my fave one yet
cause he is the favorite.. :)
I'm mom's favorite 😂 and 0:38 that smirk
Cool! Always love to see a new upload
This was a great idea!
Your tools looked awesome. Too bad they didn't work as well as the looked!
The way you build the tall is Noel is correct and very good it’s the Legos that are messing up snot you building in the building was find the building is perfect but the Legos how flimsy an easy they are the break apart weren’t letting you sexy because well through Legos are easy to take apart so I believe if you could glue them together and make like metal Legos, you could definitely break into the ice block within like half an hour so I believe in you if you try this again
I wonder how Lego feels about people using their pieces for things like this
Like damaging peices
Nah Lego is already doing bad stuff with Lego just step
On a brick and tell me if it hurts more than a hammer being smashed on ur fingers
@@KolejowySzynszyl901 ye
Legos don’t have feelings
@@gwengoldfish-pg1hh he says about company not legos itself
should've just used the infinity gauntlet you built and snapped half the ice away
Good idea
I’m amazed at how well Lego works against ice
The ice is melting which is weakening it slightly. Thats probably why it works so well.
lets just appreciate how theres 300$ on the line and he still picks out colors.
Your videos are always so well made and thought out! Thank you!
Bro should be a master builder
after seeing the hand saw I want you to make a chainsaw man helmet kinda like the iron man one
how would you see tho (I’m probably very dum)
Hold lower on the hammer handle to pet better Labridge
Couldn’t you have used multiple motors to make the drill more powerful? Have one motor spin the next motor, which spins the next motor after that, and so on. Additionally, using multiple motors would have allowed you more control over how fast the drill spins.
Your a disappointment
He is way too underrated❤
bro riley is so gigachad
and every video his shirt gets better
Your channel so coooooooool🎉
Your videos are great, and really entertaining. Keep up the good work! 🥶🧊
He never fails to make us laugh
True 😂
Hi I watch a lot of your videos! Hope your having a good time!
Fun Fact: Using Coins for the hammer is actually a bad idea. The coins rattle and move around since they are multiple bodies acting as a mass for the weight. Them moving and hitting eachother makes them lose their kinetic energy, and decreases their kinetic output when hitting the chisel.
And adding that to multiple coins, the output of said energy is so inefficient, it would be better to just put a single body as a weight instead of coins. For example, a small block of iron/steel. Or if you want more kinetic energy, a small block of tungsten, as it's heavier because of the atomic mass, which is higher than the other metals. Basically, A single body acting as mass is far more efficient than multiple bodies of mass rattling around, making you lose 60-80% of the kinetic energy.
Its a clickbait video
He isnt gonna read nonbot comments
Btw the minifigure costs 12 dollars not 300
@@goshdamn I mean, even if it's clickbait, there's no reason not to talk about it.
I couldn't care less either if he reads it or not. I just made my comment, and what happens to it afterwards, I don't care.
@@goshdamn wdym clickbait
@@phantamanta4453 then why did you post the comment if he is not gonna reply
@@laser_uhhhh clickbait is when someone fakes/stages a video making the people that scroll trough yt videos believe that the video is real and so gaining views.
And also by using sub-bottings
Like-bottings and comment-bots they illegally gain money
Likes=what the hell should i know
good luck on 800k sub's
and i am subscribed
I can believe your moms favorite
hey, can you make a flame torch out of echo?
Damn, I really want that Jengo fett
No me
i love this guy.
He is rayan
Reilly is so smart and perseveres through all the hard times he has to face.
i’m new to this channel and this is the first one i watched and i like this
3:33 I was thinking that you could use gear racks for the saw blade.
Actually a smart idea!!
@@Brick_Science 😂🫨🫨😇😜😇😇😇😇😅🤣😁🤣😁🫣😘🤩😍😒😆😅🥰🫢😘🤭🤩☺️🤣😘🤫🤣☺️🤫😘🤪🤩😘🫢🤗🤩🤪😅😗😍🫣😁😆😗😇🤭🫣😅😆🥰😆😅🥰☺️😅😆🥰☺️🥰🤣😆😚🤣🫣🤩😝😆🤣🫣😝🤣😆😍😚😅🤣😚😝🤣😆😚😍😚🤣😆🥰😆🥰😅😚😆😂🥰😆😅☺️🥰☺️😅😆🥰☺️😅😆🥰😅😆🥰😂😅😆🥰☺️😆😅🥰😅😆🥰☺️☺️😆😅🥰☺️😆😅🥰😂😅😆🥰☺️🥰😅😆😅😆😚🥰😅😚😆🥰🙂😆🥰😆😅😆🥰☺️😆😅☺️🥰😆😅😚🥰😅😆😚🥰🤩😅☺️🥰😆😅🥰☺️☺️😅🥰😆😅😪😌😔😮😵🫨😌😵💫😪🤠😴🤣😒☺️🤩😅😆🥰🫢😅😆🫢🥰🙂😁😆🥰☺️😅🫣🤣😍😙🤣🤩😆😚🤗😝🫣😗😗😘😝🫣😗😁😆😇🙂🤬😈👿👿👿👿👿👿👾👾🙊🙈🙈🙈👾💋🙈🙉💋🙉💋🙈💋💋🙉🙈🙉💋🙈🤖🙈💋🤖🙈💌🤖🙈💋💋🤖👽🤖👽😺🤖👽😺🤖👽😺🤖👽👾👽💋😺👽🤖💋🤖👽👾💋👽😺👽👾😺😠👻😺😠👻😺😠👽🤖💋👽🤖👽💋😠😤😺😠😤😺😠🤯🥴🤤🤯😪🥴🤯🥴😵🤯😵🥴😮😵😟😮😟😵😵💫😮😟😮😵😟😵🫤😮😮🫤😵😵😮🫤😵😮🫤😵🫤😯🥸😚🤭☺️🤗🫢🤭🤗🫢🫢🤗🤗🫢🫢🤗🫢🤗🫢🤗🤗🫢🫢🤗🫢🤗🫢🤗🫢🤗🤗🫢🫢🤗🫢🤗🫢🤗🫢🤗☺️😘😗😘🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆😅😅😅😅😅😅😘😘😅😅😅😅😘😅🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃😉
@@racerstanley5019bro fell asleep on the emoji tab 💀
AWESOME VIDEO! (as usual). You could try making Mark Rober's glitter bomb using ev3s and motors. And I am soooooooo GLAD that you know what sarcasm is!
As always never disappoint us , great job my man , sorry for being late I was celebrating eid happy eid muslims
Your just plain smartness
Your videos are the best a❤❤and can I come to your house one day
You can actually heat the tools a little bit and then try to brake the ice, it will make it easier and also break the ice or just create more friction for it
I'm surprised you decided not to build everything before using it on the ice, would have definitely bought you more time. Also, why didn't you use one of the big drill bricks from power miners/Harley's drill tank? It would have worked amazingly with one of the super motors
Hi brick science
It was cool that you actually made the Hammer weighted with the coins😮
Jeez, im 25 and remember seeing this fig on eBay for $70 in like ~2009. I never got one but, I will eventually. Cant even tell you what id do for one of these.
i just subbed cause i love these challenges
Don't give it away
This is epic dood!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
I like the tools and the coins I think is Riley’s dad
I love the Lego tool and he put much effort on it
Good luck on getting it out brick
What you should have done: Step 1. Get the tools onto a base plate. Step 2. Set the plate on the floor. Step 3. Drop the ice onto the plate. 😅