It's not complicated but it's helpfull to know how a real volleyball match works.How does the volleyball minigame actually work? It seems to be lacking in a tutorial. I have no idea when to click or what the dial even means.
1. Heads or tails set what team start serving the ball first by flipping a coin as usual
2. Your team serve (you): You are presented with many options of serving (hoover the mouse over each button to see an explanation).
3. Each one has its own difficulty grade represented by the speed of the cursor sweeping that "dial" you talked about.
4. Once chosen how will you serve, you have to click on the "green zone of the dial" and try to set the cursor there to set the grade you've been successful.
5. You have to get good results in 2 aspects: Power and Accuracy. The most in the green zone you set both cursors, the better you play.
6. Choices to position yourself to receive in case you lost in '1.' (not sure how it works and found it a bit random while playing)
7. While receiving sometimes game checks your stamine levels to see if your reception of the ball is ok
8. When you attack you can either "Set" meaning, prepare the ball so that your partner try to score the point or...
9. ... your partner prepare the ball and you have to try to score the point.
10. Following step nine, you have that same dial and possible ways to hit the ball to try to score.
11. Same explanation. Try to set the 2 cursors on the green zone of the dial to be successful.
12. Team that scores to 5 first (with a differnce of 2 points over the other team) wins.
You have the opportunity to play girls x girls or girls x guys but I won't spoil your fun regarding the prizes in each case.