Call of Duty (series)
(Redirected from Call of Duty 4)
Call of Duty is a video game media franchise dedicated to military history.
Call of Duty
[edit]- Capt. Price: [Being rescued from a prison] Well… Goodness me, Americans! Made quite a racket didn't you? That's quite alright. [grunts] I can still walk.
- Sgt. Moody: Elder, ever steal a car?
- Elder: Only when I need one, Sarge.
- Commissar: [addressing soldiers on a ferry to Stalingrad] Comrades, this day will be the proudest day you've ever lived! You will fight the fascist Nazi invaders with all your strength! For each and every fallen Soviet soldier, you will make them pay with ten of theirs. There will be no mercy for defeatists, cowards, or traitors. Anyone caught deserting his post, will… be… shot! Remember, great Comrade Stalin's orders: Not one step backward. You will be well equipped for the battles that lie ahead. You will have food, water, weapons, and plenty of ammunition. What did you suppose the Germans have? Nothing! Their supply lines are stretched too thin; their dash to the Volga has left them without the strength to bring us a proper fight. With our superior strength and numbers, and our boundless courage, victory is ours! We shall stop the Fascist invaders there - at Stalingrad! [The commissar is interrupted by German dive-bombers]
Call of Duty: United Offensive
[edit]Call of Duty 2
[edit]- Capt. Price: Well that's a spot of luck! Not bad McGregor, nice find! Right, listen up, we're finished here! Well done boys!
- Pte. MacGregor: [carrying a crate of alcohol] Aye, I'll drink to that sir!
- Soldier 1: You hear that Norman's been sent home?
- Soldier 2: Lucky bastard.
- Soldier 1: That "lucky bastard" lost his leg.
- Soldier 2: Well, at least he's out of this bleeding desert!
- Pte. MacGregor: Sir, are we there yet?
- Sgt. Carver: NO! Stop asking and watch for Jerries.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
[edit]- Capt. MacMillan: Look at this place. 50 000 people used to live here… now it's a ghost town. I've never seen anything like it.
- Gaz: Good news first. The world's in great shape. We've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against Ultranationalist rebels, and 15 000 nukes at stake.
- Capt. Price: Just another day at the office.
- Gaz: Khaled al-Asad. Currently the second-most powerful man in the Middle East. Word on the street is that he's got the minerals to be top dog down there. Intel's keeping an eye on him.
- Price: And the bad news?
- Gaz: We've got a new guy joining us today, fresh out of Selection. His name's Soap.
- Capt. Pelayo: I'm hit! Keating is KIA! Hostiles are moving in fast! I could sure use some help down here!
- Outlaw Two-Five: Hold on, we're coming to you.
- Lt. Vasquez: We got 90 seconds, Jackson! Get the pilot! No one gets left behind! Jackson! Pull her out of there and get back to the LZ! Do it! [Jackson pulls Pelayo out of the helicopter wreck] Get to the Seaknight! We'll hold these corners down. Go!
- Outlaw Two-Five: Lt. Vasquez, this is Outlaw Two-Five, now would be a good time to get the hell out of here, over.
- Vasquez: Roger that, we're on our way!
- Command: Outlaw, this is Command. We have a probable nuclear threat in the capital. Proceed to the minimum safe distance until the all clear is given by the NEST team. [moments later, while the helicopter is leaving the city] All callsigns, this is Command. We have a confirmed nuclear threat in the city. NEST teams are attempting to disarm. I repeat- [in the Remastered version: All callsigns, this is Command. We have a confirmed nuclear threat in the city. NEST teams are attempting to disarm. I repeat, we have a confirmed nu-] [radio cuts out as nuclear bomb explodes]
- SSgt. Griggs [about al-Asad]: Well, we got that bastard.
- Capt. Price: Still, he's not the one responsible for killing your Marines. Sorry, mate.
- Gaz: Imran Zakhaev, eh? That man's a ghost. Intel says he's gone underground.
- Price: Well I got a plan to find him.
- Griggs: I'm listening… daddy's boy!
- Price: Zakhaev's son. Commander of the Ultranationalist forces in the field… rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The loyalist Kamarov has got a location on the kid.
- Griggs: Uh, and the little punk will know how to find Zakhaev?
- Gaz: The sins of our fathers…
- Griggs: Heh, ain't it a bitch?
Call of Duty: World at War
[edit]- Cpl. Roebuck: [after saving Private Miller from being executed by a Japanese soldier] Miller, you're okay. Thank God! We're gonna make 'em pay for what they've done.
- Sgt. Sullivan: [stabbing a Japanese soldier in the throat] Fuckers! [hands Miller a helmet and a pistol] Grab a rifle! We're gonna tear this place apart! Roebuck, signal the strike team!
- Sgt. Reznov: [after rescuing Dimitri Petrenko in Seelow Heights] Dimitri? [to Chernov] Finish those rats! Once again, you cheat death. Our tanks are ready to smash this line and… CHERNOV! I am not hearing gunshots…
- Pvt. Chernov: There is no point, Sergeant. They are already bleeding to death.
- Sgt. Reznov: Then maybe our friend will help them bleed faster…
- [A group of Russian soldiers have cornered a German soldier]
- Russian 1: He wants mercy.
- Russian 2: You do not deserve mercy!
- Russian 3: What mercy did you show to our brothers?!
- Russian 2: [aims his gun at the German] Time to die!
- Russian 1: Wait! Wait! He may help us...
- Russian 2: Help us? He can die for us! [shoots the German in the head]
- Russian 3: Pff, mudak!
- Pvt. Chernov: This is not war, this is murder!
- Sgt. Reznov: This is how you end a war, Chernov!
- Commissar Markhov: [over a loudspeaker] Citizens of Berlin! A ring of steel surrounds your rotten city! We will crush all who dare resist the will of the Red Army! Abandon your posts! Abandon your homes! Abandon all hope! URA!
- Sgt. Reznov: [after Reznov killed the SS officer, who ambushed and shot Dimitri with a Walter P38 on the top of the Reichstag building, with a machete] You can make it, my friend. You always survive. [after cutting the flag of the German Reich] The honour should be yours… [after Dimitri places the flag] As long as you live, the heart of this army can never be broken. Things will change, my friend. As heroes, we will return to Russia's embrace…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
[edit]- NORAD HQ: Sand Bravo, we're reading 70 bogeys in your sector, please verify.
- Nome AFB: Very funny, station. That's a big negative, over.
- Tech Voice: Yeah might be a glitch in one of the ACS modules...
- NORAD HQ: Sand Bravo, be advised, running diagnostics to scan for malfunction.
- Nome AFB: The skies are clear, station. You got yourself some phantom dots, over.
- NORAD HQ: Zulu X-ray Six. Signs in your sector of some 100 bogeys, please advise.
- Vandenberg AFB: Negatory, station. Scope is clear, I don't know what to tell ya. Solar interference? Heavy sunspot activity today.
- NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta, uh.... we may have a minor ACS fault here. Do you have anything on your scope?
- Air Traffic Control: [radio transmission] They're everywhere!
- NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta! Repeat!
- Air Traffic Control: [air-raid sirens wail in the background] I'm looking at fighter jets over I-95! How the hell did they get through?!
- NORAD HQ: Standby, attempting to contact the nearest unit in that sector.
- Sgt. Foley: I read you. This is First Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. Sergeant Foley, acting command of Hunter 2-1. Do you copy, over?
- NORAD HQ: All Stations, be advised. Satellite surveillance has been disabled. SOSUS and Pave Paws arrays are inoperative at this time...
- [Soap and Price are making their way through an aircraft boneyard in Afghanistan as Makarov's and Shepherd's men fight; Price attempts to contact Makarov on an open radio channel]
- Price: Makarov, this is Price. Shepherd's a war hero now. He's got your operations playbook and he's got a blank check. Give me what you got on Shepherd, and I'll take care of the rest. [silence] I know you can hear me on this channel, Makarov. You and I both know you won't last a week.
- Makarov: And neither will you.
- Price: Makarov, you ever hear the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"?
- Makarov: Price, one day you're going to find that cuts both ways. Shepherd is using Site Hotel Bravo. You know where it is. I'll see you in Hell.
- Price: Looking forward to it. Give my regards to Zakhaev if you get there first.
- Lieutenant General Shepherd: Five years ago, I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye and the world just fuckin' watched. Tomorrow, there will be no shortage of volunteers, no shortage of patriots. I know you understand.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
[edit]- John F. Kennedy: [talking with Alex Mason in the Pentagon] We are in grave danger from the communists. Our freedom… our very way of life is at risk. [pushes forth a folder with a photo of Nikita Dragovich, the main villain] Dragovich. I'm told you are the very best that we have, anywhere. You will need to be. Mr. Mason, take care of it.
- Viktor Reznov: [addressing the inmates of Vorkuta during the riot] Brave comrades of Vorkuta, the time has come to rise against our oppressors! Today, we show them the hearts of true Russians! We have all given our blood for our land. We have answered its calls without question. We gave our youth, our hearts, our very souls for its protection. As brothers, we fought side by side against the German fascists. We crawled through dirt and blood and sand to achieve our glorious victory. Not for medals or glory… but for what was right. We fought for revenge… When Berlin fell, how did our leaders repay us? We returned not to the rapturous welcome… but to suspicion and persecution. In the eyes of our leaders we were already tainted by the capitalist West. Torn from the arms of our loved ones, we found ourselves here… this place… this, this terrible place. Here we have languished, with no hope for release… No hope for justice. We have toiled in Dragovich's mines until the flesh peeled from our bones… We have watched our comrades succumb to sickness and disease… We have been starved. We have been beaten - but we will not be broken! Today, we will send a message to our corrupt and arrogant leaders. Today, my comrades… Vorkuta - BURNS!
- [Mason beats up Dragovich]
- Mason: You tried to fuck my mind up! YOU FAILED!
- Dragovich: You don't know ANYTHING...
- Mason: You tried to turn me against my own! You tried to make me KILL my own President!
- Dragovich: [smirking] Tried?!
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
[edit]- Makarov: [from intro] All warfare is based on deception. For years, the West's hypocrisy has made the world a battlefield. The corrupt talk, while our brothers and sons spill their own blood. But deceit cuts both ways. The bigger the lie, the more likely people will believe it. And when a nation cries for vengeance, the lie spreads like a wildfire. The fire builds, devouring everything in its path. Our enemies believe that they alone dictate the course of history... And all it takes is the will, of a single man.
- Vladmir Makarov: You know who I am?
- President Boris Vorshevsky: Yes.
- Makarov: Then you know what I want.
- Vorshevsky: You're insane.
- Makarov: Russia will take all of Europe, even if it must stand on a pile of ashes. [steps forward] I want the launch codes, Mr. President.
- Vorshevsky: You'll never get them.
- Makarov: [pause] Every man has his weakness. [to his men] Find the girl.
- Makarov: [Receives a call] Who is this?
- Captain Price: Prisoner 6-2-7. I'm coming for you, Makarov.
- Makarov: Haven't you heard, Price? They say the war is over.
- Price: My war ends with you.
- Makarov: Like it ended for Captain MacTavish? Tell me, Price: how long did it take him to die? I've destroyed your world piece by piece. It's only a matter of time until I find you.
- Price: You won't have to look far.
- Price: This is for Soap.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
[edit]- Frank Woods: If Russia wins in Afghanistan, they'll be looking at China next.
- Alex Mason: No one likes the Russians, huh?
- Frank Woods: You know me… I don't like anyone.
- Raul Menendez: Martyr me for Cordis Die.
- Frank Woods: I swear to God, I will shove this wheelchair right up your…
- Alex Mason: [finishes Wood's sentence] ass. Woods… you look like hammered shit.
- Woods: No. You, you stay right there. [touches Alex to see if he is real] Mason… I shot you.
- Mason: Turns out you are a lousy shot.
- Woods: My ass. Where the fuck have you been for the last 30 years.
Woods:you can't kill me.
Call of Duty: Ghosts
[edit]- David "Hesh" Walker: Dad taught us many things, but one lesson always stood out. Good men are defined by the choices they make. Logan and I made a choice, a promise. To the fallen Ghosts before us. To Dad. We'd fight Rorke and We'd stop matter the cost.
- Gabriel T. Rorke: Look at what you did. [kicks Hesh, and turns to Logan] you're good. You would have been a hell of a Ghost. But that's not gonna happen. There ain't gonna be any Ghosts... we're gonna destroy them together.
- David "Hesh" Walker: Logan. Logan! LOGAN!
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
[edit]- [Jonathan Irons addresses the UN General Assembly]
- Jonathan Irons: I am honored to be the first CEO of a private corporation to become a member of the United Nations Security Council. Unfortunately, my appearance today has been clouded by a flurry of speculation that my company is developing a weapon of mass destruction which would be capable of targeting specific ethnic groups. [tries to calm delegates at the revelation] I want to address these allegations head on. Are we developing such a weapon? No, we are not [Assembly members applaud]... because we've already developed it. [Assembly members aghast] But with all due respect, the United Nations is a relic from a different time when nations were unique in their ability to solve the world's problems, but that just isn't the case anymore, primarily because you have you have outsourced the job to me. I have sent people to die in your wars. So I feel uniquely qualified to tell you, your wars don't work! [delegates get angry] Which is why my priorities have changed; from profits to policy, because politicians don't know how to solve problems, but I do. So let's be clear. I am here to solve the world's problems and I believe the world's problems begin [points fingers at a restive audience] with you.
- Jonathan Irons: Democracy? [mocking] Democracy? Democracy's not what these people need, hell, it's not even what they want. America has been running around the globe, trying to install democracies in nation after nation for a century and it hasn't worked one time. Now why do you think that is? Because these countries don't have the most basic building blocks necessary to support a democracy. Little things like, "we ought to be tolerant of those who disagree with us." or "We ought to be tolerant of those who worship a different god than us!" or, that a journalist ought to be able to disagree with the fucking president! And you think you can walk into this country, based on fundamentalist, religious principles, drop a couple of bombs, topple a dictator and start a democracy!? [scoffs] Give me a break... People don't want freedom. They want rules, boundaries, protections. From invaders and from themselves. People need a leader who can both provide the constraints and the support to keep chaos at bay, and you give them that... and they'll follow. And that's where I come in.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
[edit]Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
[edit]- [The SCAR team led by Dan 'Wolf' Lyall has just repelled SDF intruders from a base on Europa - Wolf wakes up as all three lie in the snow-covered icy terrain, as their oxygen supply remains at 1%]
- Sipes: T?
- Tee: Yeah.
- Sipes: Wolf?
- Wolf: We need air.
- Sipes: Coming to you. [crawls towards Wolf, but a pair of SDF soldiers run in and restrain him and Tee. One of them begins viciously hammering the butt of his rifle against the visor of Sipes' helmet when a gunshot rings out - Admiral Salen Kotch, flanked by two C6 SDF military robots, interrupts the proceedings.]
- Admiral Salen Kotch: Get him up, he needs air. [SDF soldiers lift up Wolf, and Kotch kneels down and connects an oxygen canister to his suit.] Catch your breath, trooper.
- [One of the SDF soldiers approaches Kotch, kneeling beside him.]
- SDF Lieutenant: Admiral Kotch. Gun destroyed. Data retrieved. Initiating RIAH.
- Admiral Salen Kotch: [nods; to Wolf] How many did you come with?
- Wolf: We're it.
- Admiral Salen Kotch: What about the airship we shot down?
- Wolf: [looks at Sipes and Tee.] My men need medical.
- Admiral Salen Kotch: ...You care about your men? [stands up, steps away, and aims his sidearm at Sipes - but instead shoots the SDF Lieutenant in the chest, puncturing his suit. He kneels back down, grabbing Wolf.] Care clouds judgment... That is why you cannot win. This place...[looks around, and glares directly into Wolf’s helmet cam] ...isn't yours anymore. [removes oxygen tank, and Wolf immediately begins gasping for air. to soldier] Kill them. [walks away, discarding the canister, as the C6s move over to Sipes and Tee] And save the bullet.
- [C6s crush Sipes' and Tee's heads beneath their feet, and Capt. Bradley Fillion knocks Wolf to the ground with the rear end of his gun. Wolf sees another SDF infantryman plant a flag on Europa's surface, before Fillion straddles him and punches his visor repeatedly, shattering it.]
- Admiral Salen Kotch: We will bury your brothers, we will hunt your sons, Death is no disgrace. Today, the front embarks on a conquest. Our world is just beginning, theirs is dying! There cities will burn along with the pages of their history, Mars aeternum.
Call of Duty: WWII
[edit]- Radio Broadcast: With unmatched ferocity, Hitler's War Machine has launched its blitzkrieg against Western Europe pushing it to the brink. As we brace for our darkest hour, we must summon our strength to be the bulwark against oppression. The Nazi onslaught will be the greatest test we'll ever face. But with our Allies, face it and defeat it, we must.
- Roosevelt: This day we set upon a mighty endeavour. A struggle to preserve our civilisation and to set a free a suffering humanity. Our sons. Pride of our nation. Lead them straight and true. Their road will be long and hard. Men's souls will be shaken with the violences of war. In this hour of the greatest sacrifice, we shall prevail.
- Daniels: Paul, it's 6 June 1944. Wish you could see this brother. We're invading some frog beach I'm not supposed to even know the name of. Also, we can take back France from the Nazis. But the waiting's been half the battle… I made some good buddies in basic, and they're all on the boat with me. Everybody's scared as hell, but nobody's letting on. I hated Zussman the first week of basic, but now he's probably the best friend I have in the world. He's always looking for trouble. If there wasn't already a war on, he'd been trying to start one. Stiles says he's gonna be a photographer for Life Magazine. Kinda looks like Clark Kent, except when he takes off his glasses, the only thing that happens is that he can't see shit. Aiello's the vet, but being honest, he's what Ma would've called a bit of a rube.
- Stiles: Oh! Briefing's at 18:00, we're gonna be late.
- Zussman: I've got us covered Daniels, don't worry about it.
- Pierson: Briefing's about to start, what the hell are you boys doing?
- Daniels: Then, there's Sergeant Pierson. A real sweetheart.
- Pierson: Oh, you think you're special, huh? [to Daniels] The Krauts are gonna eat your lunch.
- Zussman: No, not our lunch Sergeant. Our lunch is secure.
- Pierson: Watch your lip, Zussman… On me.
- Zussman: Since I'm obviously on a lucky streak, whatever happens, stay close. First Normandy, then the Rhine. We got this, Daniels.
- Davis: Today with our Allies we embark on an operation with unparalleled importance. To establish a beachhead at Normandy and roll back the German aggression that has terrorised Europe for the past five years. We are all that separates the world from darkness. This is so much more than a chance to be heroes in our own lifetimes. If we prevail our triumph will be etched into the hearts and minds of a grateful world for untold generations. I'm talking about glory gentlemen. True glory.
- Daniels: Colonel Davis sure can give a nice speech. His pep talk reminded me of the one Coach Johnson gave us on our Thanksgiving Day game versus Austin. I'm sure you remember we lost that game by 42 points. Always looking over Pierson's shoulder is Lieutenant Turner. He's got him on a tight leash. But if Pierson breaks free, we'll all get bit… Ever since I could hold a rifle, I wanted to be just like you Paul. You've always been a tough act to follow. But I'm damn sure gonna try… It's now or never.
- Zussman: Hey. I wish I was coming home to her.
- Daniels: Just wait until we hit Paris.
- Zussman: Seems like a long way off.
- Turner: Remember, no digging in at the shore, you gotta advance. You need to stay low and do not bunch up. You stick to your training and you'll make it through. I'm proud to lead you fellows into battle. Anytime, anywhere.
- Aiello': Alright, give 'em hell boys!
- Zussman: The beaches are supposed to be flattened right?
- Pierson: You sound scared private.
- Zussman: No, sir.
- Pierson: You should be…
- Soldier: Hey Daniels, got a light?
- Daniels: Sure thing.
- Soldier: Watch out! GET DOWN! 500 yards! We're gonna have to pull off!
- Turner: No, we stay on mission. You're taking us in.
- Soldier: We must've drifted. I can't see the landmarks!
- Pierson: You heard the lieutenant! Full speed!
- Turner: INCOMING! Hold tight!
- Soldier: 200 yards! 20 seconds!
- Turner: Same plan! Get to the seawall!
- Pierson: Kopelson! James! Get the Bangalore to the wire, fast! Everybody ready! Here we go!
- Turner: Drop the ramp!
- Soldier: There's no cover!
- Pierson: That was an order, goddamn it! Drop it!
- Turner: Over the side! Get your head down and keep moving! Daniels on me! Take the Bangalore and get to the seawall! We have to clear a path to the bunkers! Daniels! This is what you trained for! Now pick up that banger! You can do this!
- Daniels: Yes, sir! Oh Jesus…
- Pierson: Now go breach that wire!
- Zussman: Daniels! Use the banger, I'll cover you! After we breach, keep pushing toward the bunker! We're almost there!
- Daniels: [Lights up the Bangalore] Fire in the hole!
- Zussman: Come on!
- Turner: Weapons ready! Attack!
- Pierson: Stiles. Aiello. With me. Daniels, you and Zussman clear the last bunker. Rally at the top of the bluff, and for fuck's sake, don't get yourselves killed!
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
[edit]Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
[edit]Russell Adler:No one is gonna brand us heroes or villains.No one is gonna know us.As for me...I have been chasing this ghost for thirteen years.It ends now. Adler: ...It was never personal
Call of Duty: Vanguard
[edit]Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
[edit]- [After finding out the truth, Captain Price confronts General Shepherd about the remaining missile and the betrayal from Shadow Company's forces.]
- Capt. Price: You hid this. Why?
- Gen. Shepherd: We all keep secrets, Captain.
- Capt. Price: Why the hell wasn't I informed?
- Gen. Shepherd: Consider yourself well-informed now, John.
- Capt. Price: Oh, that's really fuckin' helpful, General. Thank you. But, you're a day late and a missile short. There's three of them - we only found two.
- Gen. Shepherd: Then, point yourself in that direction and fix it.
- Capt. Price: And who fixes you, eh?
- Gen. Shepherd: I don't need fixing. I'm a patriot protecting my country.
- Capt. Price: Protecting your own ass.
- Gen. Shepherd: I do what needs to be done, and no one holds me down with a roll of red tape. I know what's best for the cause!
- Capt. Price: [chuckles] You've lost your mind, General.
- Gen. Shepherd: And you've forgotten what you're fighting for, John! To do good, you've gotta do some bad! When we shit, we bury it, that's how it works!
- Capt. Price: Yeah... But we don't bury each other with it, do we?
- Gen. Shepherd: You need to turn off that side o' your head and face down the real enemy.
- Capt. Price: You need to call off your shadow.
- Gen. Shepherd: Graves?
- Capt. Price: Yeah.
- Gen. Shepherd: [chuckles] He's a dog with a bone, and I highly recommend you don't try and take it.
- Capt. Price: This is your last chance to change your mind.
- Gen. Shepherd: Then what?
- Capt. Price: Then after I go for him, I'm coming for you.
- [Price closes the laptop, shutting off the uplink.]