How To Make The Most Powerful Antenna In The World! Plug Into The TV And Watch All The Channels

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Hello everyone! You are watching video "How To Make The Most Powerful Antenna In The World! Plug Into The TV And Watch All The Channels"
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    On Creation Holic channel, you can learn various inventions, science projects, crafts and DIYs teaching how to reuse or recycle.
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    #diyprojects #tipsandtricks #diy #DIYAntenna

Комментарии • 812

  • @creationholic101
    @creationholic101  Год назад +63

    Please enable subtitles in your language❗😊 Thanks for watching 🤗😘

    • @Hasan_Erturk07
      @Hasan_Erturk07 Год назад +12

      Yine harika fikirlerle dolu bir video!! Böyle devam et, seni destekliyoruz!!

    • @董仔王
      @董仔王 Год назад +1


    • @ThanhHongVo-jv3py
      @ThanhHongVo-jv3py Год назад


    • @kgl2689
      @kgl2689 Год назад

      새로운 것 대단히 감사드림니다.것​@@ThanhHongVo-jv3py

    • @rankoknezevic9335
      @rankoknezevic9335 Год назад +1


  • @dailuu7146
    @dailuu7146 Год назад +4


  • @メンタル-f5m
    @メンタル-f5m Год назад +11


    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Thank you so much for your comment! have a nice day!

    • @user-hhelibebcnofne-9y
      @user-hhelibebcnofne-9y Год назад +4


    • @9T17-Triode
      @9T17-Triode Год назад +9


    • @polestarg6512
      @polestarg6512 Год назад +1


    • @RamseyAbel
      @RamseyAbel 7 месяцев назад +1

      No, it doesn't work

  • @4486xxdawson
    @4486xxdawson Год назад +15

    Nice yagi antenna , old invention but thanks for the recap ....many of you who are older will recognize this as we all had large aluminum ones on our houses, todays generation wouldnt know as they mostly are all gone now , full circle, old tech made to work still today ...

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад +2

      Thank you! Cheers!

    • @wenalynhernandez9432
      @wenalynhernandez9432 Год назад +1

      Hi there! Can you point out important notes about Yagi Uda antenna, and how to make an efficient one such this. Does it require any measurements, etc. Thank you!

    • @Kinann
      @Kinann 11 месяцев назад +1

      Yagi-Uda to be specific. Poor Mr. Uda-san..

    • @DIYTrends95
      @DIYTrends95 10 месяцев назад

      @@Kinann great, excellent, wonderfull

  • @DeniFishingKaliabang
    @DeniFishingKaliabang Год назад +6

    Thank you for your education on how to make a really great antenna, I will practice what has been made with you, hopefully it will be useful... Greetings, I come from Indonesia, warm greetings

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Hello! Welcome to Creation Holic channel. I am very happy to read your comment. Have a good day!

  • @eloinesaim4314
    @eloinesaim4314 Месяц назад

    Gracias, GRACIAS AMIGOS por compartir sus muy útiles ideas

  • @j7ndominica051
    @j7ndominica051 Год назад +21

    He only replicated the rough shape of yagi without measurements. The two wires go to only one of the booms through a balun. A multi-element antenna needs to be aimed at the transmitter.

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад +1

      Thank you for sharing your feedback and expressing your perspective

    • @duylinhtruong7043
      @duylinhtruong7043 Год назад

      Cần có thêm con tụ gắn ở đầu ang ten ko ?

  • @dirceuverdi4299
    @dirceuverdi4299 Год назад +14

    Antena simples ,vou fazer ,vou procurar as conexões de isolação ,valeu pela apresentação,gostei.

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад +1

      I'm glad you enjoyed this project! Feel free to connect with other viewers in the comments section and share your results. It's always inspiring to see what everyone creates

    • @petrepopescu8497
      @petrepopescu8497 Год назад

      Vreau toate dimensiunile

    • @gianniarruda
      @gianniarruda Год назад

      Br em todo lugar. Sempre!

    • @TorabamanRuzaneh
      @TorabamanRuzaneh 11 месяцев назад

      دروغگوئید،دروغگوئید.اینها نامردیه.بی صفتیه انواع مختلفش روامتحان نمودم، همتون کلاه بردارین،نامردا،گدائی کنید بهترازاینه.حیف وقت.

  • @aisonnam5141
    @aisonnam5141 Год назад +9

    Я нахожу это очень интересным. Я еще этого не сделал, но попробую. Thank you

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад +2

      I'd love to hear if you've tried this idea yourself or if you have any other creative suggestions to share

  • @philippehaesaert2597
    @philippehaesaert2597 3 месяца назад

    Superbe travail.aucun risque pour la tv!! Idées 💡 géniales le français est il disponible merci beaucoup 🎉

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  2 месяца назад

      ❗Please enable subtitles in your language 🙋🏼‍♀ Thanks for watching 😋🤗😘

  • @حامدعواد-ذ2ص
    @حامدعواد-ذ2ص Год назад

    دعني يا امير الامراء اقول انك فعلا انسان طيب ورائع وتستاعل كل خير...

  • @frederichr.hormelsteinlich6099
    @frederichr.hormelsteinlich6099 5 месяцев назад +1

    Looks really cool! Would look great on top of a Doll-House, but is no better than a paper clip for the RF of TV/Radio. Neatly soldered! The pop-can 'dish' is a nice look!

  • @ЮрийШевченко-ь6г
    @ЮрийШевченко-ь6г Год назад +6

    Дуже цікаво ,обов'язково попробую це зробити. Дякую вам.😊

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Hello, you are so kind to leave me a comment! If you have any other better ideas, please share them with me! Wishing you health and happiness always!

  • @lhadjlhadj2749
    @lhadjlhadj2749 Год назад +2

    Je suis du Maroc et j aime ce que vous faites

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the video and found it helpful

    • @lhadjlhadj2749
      @lhadjlhadj2749 Год назад

      Moi aussi je suis marocain et merci

  • @agamaktp2014
    @agamaktp2014 Год назад +1

    Saya Datang.. Dari Indonesia 👋🇲🇨😁😊

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад +1

      Hello! thanks for your comment. Wish you all the best!

    • @agamaktp2014
      @agamaktp2014 Год назад

      @@creationholic101 Terima kasih kembali.. sukses selalu.. salam dari Indonesia 👋🇲🇨😊

  • @aleksandermojstrovic2279
    @aleksandermojstrovic2279 Год назад +4

    I will make it. Hi Aleksander Slovenia Europa

  • @scarabeelesuperba9682
    @scarabeelesuperba9682 Год назад +2

    Je vous regarde depuis Abidjan, la Capitale économique de la République de Côte d'Ivoire.
    Merci pour le partage de vos expériences techniques et technologiques.

  • @AtilaHigi
    @AtilaHigi Год назад +2


  • @ОлегЛитвин-в9и
    @ОлегЛитвин-в9и Год назад +2

    Мощь из неё так и прёт,сразу видно-полезная штука...

  • @arnolddispo9760
    @arnolddispo9760 Год назад +1

    Thank yuo the idea tome becevery day ibuy morr antennabut one station clear the others is nothing thank you very much again

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Hello! Welcome to Creation Holic channel. I am very happy to read your comment. Have a good day!

  • @Watchmanfortruth
    @Watchmanfortruth 11 месяцев назад +1

    A list of materials and tools needed would be nice to add in description for us do it yourselfers. 😉

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  11 месяцев назад

      ❗Please enable subtitles in your language 🙋🏼‍♀ Thanks for watching 😋🤗😘

  • @robertosoares9309
    @robertosoares9309 11 месяцев назад +1

    Fiz e deu certo . Ja Tem um Bom Tempo . Valeu 👍

  • @henryshockem9242
    @henryshockem9242 Год назад

    I made this and it works very well. I use it on my CB radio and was talking with some ET's from the Andromeda star system. But then some Men in Black type of guys showed up at my shack and told me to take it down. I haven't done it yet so if I come up missing, well you know why...

  • @عصامجاسر-ش9ل
    @عصامجاسر-ش9ل Год назад

    Good idea.. . But it needs to be more strong materials if you want to use for out side.. i am from Syria hope you the best always.🌷🌷

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Thank you for sharing your feedback. Have a good day!

  • @nobody-z8z
    @nobody-z8z Год назад +2


    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад +1

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Thanks so much for watching our video. Wish you all the best

  • @CARA-tl6sv
    @CARA-tl6sv 7 месяцев назад +1

    Mantap❤❤❤terimakasih ilmunya bang

  • @josehilariodesousa2708
    @josehilariodesousa2708 Год назад +3

    De Recife, Brasil. Curtindo suas intenções. Paz e saúde pra ti! De onde você é?

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Thanks so much for watching our video. Wish you all the best

    • @sagn1962
      @sagn1962 Год назад

      Também fiquei curioso, pelo que vi escrito na lata de coca, acho que é da Tailândia...

  • @victorpaulesguardiola5463
    @victorpaulesguardiola5463 Год назад +1

    Ya lo probaré le veo desde Lleida España

  • @TipsDIY8989
    @TipsDIY8989 Год назад +6

    Thank you for all these great tips. Keep these ideas coming. Great video.

  • @rajilaoye7997
    @rajilaoye7997 Год назад +4

    The demonstration is clear and encouraging.

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Hope you have a good time while watching the video

  • @mohdbaabdullah2553
    @mohdbaabdullah2553 Год назад +10

    ممتاز جدا 👍
    لكن لم تذكر اي نوع من الترددات ممكن استقباله ؟
    مثلا: VHF او UHF ؟

  • @marilynelym7513
    @marilynelym7513 Год назад

    Bjr excellente vidéo
    Merci de Dunkerque tout au nord de la france🎉🎉🎉🎉

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Hope you have a good time while watching the video

    • @marilynelym7513
      @marilynelym7513 Год назад

      @@creationholic101 yes i liké watch your video

  • @MorrWorm8
    @MorrWorm8 Год назад +2

    Very well done

  • @dr.GazdaPeter
    @dr.GazdaPeter 11 месяцев назад +1

    Finest! 🙂 I'm from Budapest, Hungary. (The Creation Holic have asked the visitor's country and enabled using the own language, so in hungarian: Nagyon klassz! 🙂)

  • @brazilcreative1063
    @brazilcreative1063 Год назад +6

    I made one with a paper clip and tune in to all open channels,👍🇧🇷🇧🇷

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад +1

      Hello, you are so kind to leave me a comment! If you have any other better ideas, please share them with me! Wishing you health and happiness always!

    • @reneedolmo8019
      @reneedolmo8019 Год назад

      How did you do it, with paper clip

  • @AtuRuhiyat-nv5kn
    @AtuRuhiyat-nv5kn 8 месяцев назад +1

    saya dari bandung senang nonton kreatif anda pengen nyobain hasil karyanya

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  7 месяцев назад +1

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Hope you have a good time while watching the video

  • @rohitmarines1
    @rohitmarines1 8 месяцев назад

    No matter what shape and size you make . It will still recieive the signals of all frequencies . Till the time it is used as a reciever . The elements should not be connected to each other for good gain . This antenna will not have much gain

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  7 месяцев назад

      Hello! thanks for your comment. Wish you all the best!

  • @lakishadeberry1122
    @lakishadeberry1122 11 месяцев назад +2

    I'm sorry if I have to do all this, I might as well go buy one

  • @sakiskar
    @sakiskar Год назад +1

    Είσαι πολύ ωραίος. Μπράβο

  • @josemarques3121
    @josemarques3121 10 месяцев назад


  • @kherrick1
    @kherrick1 Год назад +1

    what kind of fitting is that one that fits to the coke can side?

  • @mutiaraofficial
    @mutiaraofficial Год назад +1

    Terimakasih bos qu sudah berbagi ilmunya semoga bermanfaat aminnnn 🙏🙏🙏🙏👍💪👍

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the video and found it helpful

  • @rickdosiak9931
    @rickdosiak9931 Год назад +3

    I'm in Modbury a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Thanks so much for watching our video. Wish you all the best

    • @lubomirhorny
      @lubomirhorny 6 месяцев назад

      Zaujímave návody ďakujem som z SK

  • @lecreole05
    @lecreole05 Год назад +3

    Les étapes sont super Super bien détaillées, c'est super astuce, bravo et merci pour le partage

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      "Hello! Welcome to Creation Holic channel! I am glad you like this ideas. Wishing you all good things!

    • @seblebresilien7027
      @seblebresilien7027 Год назад

      C pas vrai vs vivainou

  • @petrapleikies9600
    @petrapleikies9600 5 месяцев назад

    Aus DE, interessiere mich sehr dafür, Dankeschön

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  5 месяцев назад

      Gern geschehen! Viel Spaß mit deinem Projekt!

  • @flprojectile7454
    @flprojectile7454 Год назад

    Thank you...worked for me!

  • @alejandrogustavocormick2363
    @alejandrogustavocormick2363 Год назад +1


  • @henripamphile
    @henripamphile Год назад +2

    Merci pour vos vidéos ! Question : puis je utiliser ces antennes pour ma radio, pour une meilleure réception

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Hope you have a good time while watching the video

  • @МухторЮлдашев-л4у
    @МухторЮлдашев-л4у 6 месяцев назад +1

    Menga; xam èkdi albatda taèrlaeman ishlsa ishlamasa xam, bu wideo xalqlarni birlashtiruw bulibdi, Uzbekiston Kokand shaxridan salom.

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  6 месяцев назад

      Salom, rahmat! Sizning fikringiz juda qiziqarli.

  • @a7medalcapone424
    @a7medalcapone424 5 месяцев назад +1

    From Libya 🇱🇾 ❤

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  5 месяцев назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Thanks so much for watching our video. Wish you all the best

  • @ElesiusEtukemka-z9q
    @ElesiusEtukemka-z9q 6 месяцев назад

    Iam watching from Nigeria. Quite interesting.

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  6 месяцев назад

      Thank you for watching from Nigeria! I'm glad you find it interesting!

  • @donstarr2351
    @donstarr2351 Год назад +2

    Very innovative and clever. Watching from Blaine, Washington State. Northwest USA on the border with Canada. I would drink the coke later, with a little rum, while watching TV.

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Hello, you are so kind to leave me a comment! If you have any other better ideas, please share them with me! Wishing you health and happiness always!

  • @AliJafari-yj2se
    @AliJafari-yj2se 2 месяца назад

    Hello, excellent and beautiful, thank you very much. ❤❤❤💛💛💛🌿🌺🧚🏻‍♂️🌷🌷🧚🏻‍♂️🌺🌿🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  2 месяца назад

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so glad you liked the video. 🌸

  • @poulbalslevsrensen4860
    @poulbalslevsrensen4860 9 месяцев назад

    Det er meget flot lavet. Tusind tak for din video

  • @eltuneronorteno1355
    @eltuneronorteno1355 Год назад +2

    Nacimos en Nueva Rosita Coahuila MÉXICO.

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Hope you have a good time while watching the video

  • @大平克己-d6o
    @大平克己-d6o 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for sharing your experience! I’m glad it worked well for you!

  • @adahannah5627
    @adahannah5627 Год назад +2

    Incredible connections

  • @qm4829
    @qm4829 Год назад


    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Thank you for sharing your feedback. Wish you all the best

  • @tantran9133
    @tantran9133 Год назад +1

    Tôi được xem nhưng chưa làm thử theo.Không biết có được như chỉ dẫn không?. Xin Cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ. Chúc sức khỏe và thành công trong tất cả đam mê!

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Hello! thanks for your comment. Wish you all the best!

    • @vladimir-dxdx7653
      @vladimir-dxdx7653 Год назад

      @@creationholic101 Immediately noticed that the television of Vietnam. In past years, I corresponded with the foreign broadcasting of Radio Voice of Vietnam. Received QSL cards and 1 time received postage stamps of Vietnam. I'm from Ukraine.

  • @AntonioNnn-z9k
    @AntonioNnn-z9k Год назад +1

    Es increíble 😮😮

  • @FloraPascual-h8j
    @FloraPascual-h8j Год назад

    Its Encouraging Thnks for the good Idea

  • @tavares39
    @tavares39 Год назад +5

    Mano depende da localização que a pessoa mora, tem lugar que só de você conectar um pedaço de fio de 20 cm já dá sinal

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Thank you for sharing your feedback and expressing your perspective

  • @paulziminskin2ghr282
    @paulziminskin2ghr282 Год назад +2

    So tell us what Antennna modeling program do you use "?

    • @wimtel
      @wimtel 3 месяца назад

      You as a licensed Radio Amateur know that this isn't a yagi with parabolic reflector (but just a simple monopole). There are more similar misleading videos around. They encourage people to spend time and material to make something with bad performance. Just a simple dipole (using two soda cans), works better

  • @RamonAr100
    @RamonAr100 Год назад +1

    Hola soy Ramón desde Valencia España y me pregunto si con esta antena casera tambien valdra en mi pais gracias y un saludo

  • @ШукриМустафаАли
    @ШукриМустафаАли 11 месяцев назад +2

    Helal sana kardeşim.Supersin

  • @Tioasanja
    @Tioasanja Год назад

    Good kebetulan saya membutuhkan antena model ini kelihatanya sderhana dan praktis is okey

  • @adembey11
    @adembey11 Год назад

    Kolay gelsin, mükemmel olmuş teşekkürler 👍

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the video and found it helpful

  • @MehmetSahin-zo9jx
    @MehmetSahin-zo9jx 2 месяца назад

    İlginç..deneyeceğim..Ümit ederim ki yararlı olacaktır..

  • @KenichiShimizu
    @KenichiShimizu Год назад +1


  • @sauromagnani4541
    @sauromagnani4541 Год назад +1

    Spiegato molto bene complimenti

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      I'm glad you enjoyed this project! Feel free to connect with other viewers in the comments section and share your results. It's always inspiring to see what everyone creates

  • @426superbee4
    @426superbee4 8 месяцев назад

    Nice job 👍👍

  • @louisschartz5480
    @louisschartz5480 10 месяцев назад

    I've now seen a few of your videos, very amused and when I read the comments I unfortunately have to realize that the stupid ones never die out and that such dumbing down is a good thing.

  • @kyoukookazaki
    @kyoukookazaki Год назад


    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Thank you so much for your support

  • @DraculaBoss-i4i
    @DraculaBoss-i4i Год назад

    TOGO en afrique de l'ouest your are the best

  • @delfimaureliodasilva34
    @delfimaureliodasilva34 10 месяцев назад

    Aí pega quero ver 👀 onda no tem antena Digital 😮😮

  • @miroslavhruska5760
    @miroslavhruska5760 Год назад +3

    Ja jsem koupil běžnou pokojovou anténu obalil alobalem a přijímám i všechny satelitní kanály 😄😃😁🤣🙃🥳

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Thanks so much for watching our video. Wish you all the best

  • @غلامپنداره
    @غلامپنداره Год назад

    سلام خسته نباشی ؛ ایا کنالهای ماه واره هم میشه دید یا فقط کانال تلویزیون از ایده شما ممنونم اگه جواب بدید خوشهال میشم

  • @miguelfortesn1491
    @miguelfortesn1491 Год назад +3

    gostei, muito bom; mas teria uma antena para rádio também

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Hello! thanks for your comment. Wish you all the best!

  • @juansalas7047
    @juansalas7047 Год назад

    Una sugerencia colocar las medidas de cada alambre que vas cortando Gracias

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Hello! thanks for your comment. Wish you all the best!

  • @SambaDiallo-m6k
    @SambaDiallo-m6k Год назад +2

    Très intéressant vois êtes un geni

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Thank you so much for your comment! have a nice day!

  • @guillermofernandezvalverde5274
    @guillermofernandezvalverde5274 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @Dorian-gi6wx
    @Dorian-gi6wx 7 месяцев назад

    no estás dando las medidas específicas de la antena ví corte todo los alambres pero me gustaría saber cuántos tiene q tener cada uno de menor a mayor tamaño

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  7 месяцев назад

      The shortest segment is 4 and the longest segment is 10

  • @ThiagoSimoes79
    @ThiagoSimoes79 Год назад

    Would you think this antenna work in a car? My reception is terrible here in São Paulo countryside...

  • @giuliosalis
    @giuliosalis Год назад +3

    Wonderful bullshit! I am sure you get Martian breaking news! Change pusher😂👍👋

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад +1

      Thanks so much for watching our video. Wish you all the best

  • @nelsonjunior17
    @nelsonjunior17 9 месяцев назад

    caraca,, o que não falta na net e professor pardal.....rssssssssssssssssss

  • @JoseMauricioMerino
    @JoseMauricioMerino Год назад +3

    De El Salvador muy bueno

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Hello. Welcome to my channel. Thank you for your feedback!

  • @manuelhermosinponce3975
    @manuelhermosinponce3975 8 месяцев назад

    Me gusta, pero tengo un Panasonic modelo TH-42PA20 es de plasma progresiva (antigua no tiene HD ni HDMI ) como podría ver esta TV?. Gracias.

  • @domenicodamarco1811
    @domenicodamarco1811 11 месяцев назад

    Ai una cultura ..impressionante , bravissimo complimenti ,. Se tu scrivessi ogni cosa che fai potrei farli leggendoli ....che ne dici ? Grazie comunque damarco.

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  11 месяцев назад

      ❗Please enable subtitles in your language 🙋🏼‍♀ Thanks for watching 😋🤗😘

  • @謝順水-k6b
    @謝順水-k6b Год назад


  • @brutonuk
    @brutonuk Год назад +2

    you built the connector wrong. This will short inner to outer

  • @bilenbram
    @bilenbram Год назад

    heb hoge verwachtingen!👍👍👍

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      Welcome to Creation Holic channel! Thanks so much for watching our video. Wish you all the best

  • @Antiatheist1524
    @Antiatheist1524 11 месяцев назад +1

    How much wave energy does it generate

  • @thanhlamnguyen8162
    @thanhlamnguyen8162 Год назад +1

    Quá tuyệt vời 😂😂👏👏

  • @hk_ff_1899
    @hk_ff_1899 11 месяцев назад

    Merci et bonne chance

  • @milankral5891
    @milankral5891 Год назад +1

    Anténa určitě funguje, pokud mám před domem vysílač.

  • @viewyou1secondago
    @viewyou1secondago Год назад

    I made an antenna as you shown in the thumbnail, Now I able to watch Netflix for free...
    Thank You 💩

  • @funayamajp
    @funayamajp Год назад

    How can I apply this technology to indoor shortwave radio antennas? Please give me your advise.

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад

      I will research and send it to you when there is a good solution

  • @DungNguyen-x4n3n
    @DungNguyen-x4n3n Год назад +4

    Chào Bạn. Cách chế tạo ra một chiếc anten thu phát sóng trên truyền hình đâu phải làm là được. Phải có tần số quét thu hút sống mới rõ nét và âm thanh của nó. Mình từng làm một cái vành xe đạp. Nhưng có lúc bị nhiễu sóng nhòe không khả quan nhé Bạn. Chúc bạn thành công

  • @RyshaAcademy
    @RyshaAcademy Год назад +1

    Will it work? And free for chanel?

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  Год назад +1

      Please try and feel. Be sure to place it high and in a well-ventilated location

  • @oussoumanemohamadou8516
    @oussoumanemohamadou8516 6 месяцев назад

    C'est formidable

    • @creationholic101
      @creationholic101  6 месяцев назад

      Merci beaucoup ! Content que vous trouviez cela formidable !