Relaxing Jingo-ji to Hozukyo Hike in Kyoto with the Hasselblad XCD 3,4/75P

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Experience the vibrant beauty of Kyoto's fall foliage as we embark on a day hike from Jingo-ji Temple to Hozukyo. This scenic trail offers stunning views of crimson and golden leaves, peaceful rivers, and serene mountain landscapes. Along the way, I captured the breathtaking scenery using the new Hasselblad XCD 3,4/75P lens.
    Whether you're a hiking enthusiast, a photography lover, or simply looking to immerse yourself in the magic of Japan's fall season, this adventure is sure to inspire.
    #FallFoliage #KyotoHike #JingojiTemple #HozukyoTrail #HikingJapan #AutumnColors #NaturePhotography #HasselbladXCD #LandscapePhotography #SilentAdventure #JapaneseAutumn #AutumnVibes #KyotoNature

Комментарии • 6

  • @new-poem-chat
    @new-poem-chat 4 месяца назад

    Aiya, next week I fly to Japan

  • @carlosezetagomez
    @carlosezetagomez 3 месяца назад +1

    2:39 Wich bag is that? Looks great for that camera

    • @sakeandstories
      @sakeandstories  3 месяца назад

      It is Pgytech Camera Top Loader:
      You can also take a look at Hyperlite Mountain Gear CAMERA POD for a lighter option.

  • @new-poem-chat
    @new-poem-chat 4 месяца назад

    京都市 頂妙寺 , 有棵老银杏树。

  • @广东寨主
    @广东寨主 4 месяца назад

    when is it take?