8th September 2023, 04:41
ATKGirlfriends Cecelia Taylor - Set #404677 - 186 images (09.08.23)
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8th September 2023, 14:39
ATKGirlfriends Re: Cecelia Taylor - Set #404677 - 186 images (09.08.23)
Capitalized this girl's name in my collection after the first gallery or so. Now I have 41, and it's almost certainly gonna be more. She might hold the record for my quickest elevation to capitalized status.
She's an ATK Girlfriend. I've said enough about the name of the site already. Hands-down my favorite site-name. They have some very, very pretty girls. It's not the absolute best photography but it's pretty good.
Image-quality is definitely sub-par (at least in the close-ups), which to me seems like a terrible flaw because it seems so correctible! Images from 10 years ago are actually better! This I do not get.
I'm not sure who is my favorite currently actively shooting regularly-atk/amk/etc girl. It might be Cecelia Taylor. Like other girlfriends, she is both sensationally beautiful and even sexier than she is beautiful. You know, it might not be the most insightful or surprising to say about girls but one of the best things they can ever do is

It took me no time at all to find a picture of Cecelia with a pretty
She'll smile like that while you're smelling between her thighs and cheeks. Thank-you lady!
Last edited by cryn; 8th September 2023 at 14:41.
8th September 2023, 23:30
6th December 2023, 05:17
ATKGirlfriends Re: Cecelia Taylor - Set #404677 - 186 images (09.08.23)
ATKGirlfriends Re: Cecelia Taylor - Set #404677 - 186 images (09.08.23)
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