Jun 1, 2016 3:32 PM
#101 Should be set as completed, it's been over a year since the last episode |
Jun 2, 2016 5:02 PM
#102 Should be Episode of Alabasta - Prologue, as that's what MAL uses for the translation of it for the film version, thus is inconsistent |
Jun 4, 2016 5:56 AM
#103 Add slice of life, it's very slow-paced and focuses on the characters' daily lives more so than anything else. Perhaps remove romance, since while it is shounen ai, there's no real romantic relationship between Haru and Ren and the anime isn't about them as a romantic couple or becoming a couple. It's implied, and Haru certainly likes Ren, but I don't feel like it's strong enough and any sexual/romantic aspects of their relationship is kinda forced maybe. That might just be me though. Tacas said: From the old thread: WataMote OVA's name is Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!: Motenai shi, Nazo Meite Miru (Japanese: 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! モテないし, 謎めいてみる) Small nitpick on the Romanisation. The sub-title should be Motenaishi, Nazomeite Miru. Comma should be 、and not , since we're not AniDB and are actually aware that changing "similar" punctuation marks is just stupid and wrong. |
Zazie122Jun 4, 2016 6:02 AM
Jun 4, 2016 3:14 PM
Koi ni Naritai Aquarium The total number of episodes is 1. |
Jun 4, 2016 9:19 PM
#105 The first 48 episodes closely resemble the original series, whereas episodes 49-51 are an OVA exclusive, and are loosely based on the unfinished final chapter of the manga. Shouldn't they be split up then?Also apparently one of those eps is an unnumbered recap. Should probably be split too. |
ReaperCreeperJun 4, 2016 9:38 PM
Jun 5, 2016 7:34 AM
@ReaperCreeper It looks like one of the episodes is a recap, but I assume it's not split due to original material in the recap episode. Maybe a senior mod would be able to clarify. Episodes 49 and 50 aired on TV despite being specials, so I would assume that this applies: The first release of an anime is the most important one, as long as the majority of it was released that way. For example, if only the first episode was pre-aired online and the rest is released on TV, that would make the entry a TV series and not an ONA. |
vegetablespiritJun 5, 2016 7:40 AM
Jun 5, 2016 12:35 PM
Flash and Dash S is finished. |
Jun 5, 2016 4:18 PM
Mayoiga should have the Horror tag. |
"Hurry up with my damn croissants." |
Jun 5, 2016 5:53 PM
Max said: It looks like it has another recap episode which is numbered, episodes 26. So I guess it's like that for consistency.@ReaperCreeper It looks like one of the episodes is a recap, but I assume it's not split due to original material in the recap episode. Maybe a senior mod would be able to clarify. Episodes 49 and 50 aired on TV despite being specials, so I would assume that this applies: The first release of an anime is the most important one, as long as the majority of it was released that way. For example, if only the first episode was pre-aired online and the rest is released on TV, that would make the entry a TV series and not an ONA. |
Jun 6, 2016 7:36 AM
#110 English title should be Rozen Maiden: Träumend ^English set on Amazon calls it Träumend, altho as to whether it should be capitalized is up to you, since on the box it is written as träumend and on the discs as well In all my research, I've never seen it called Dreaming, at least when it comes to licensing, although Traumend does mean "dreaming" so perhaps that's where the confusion sets in Edit: picture from my own Sentai Filmworks set in the spoiler, and it calls season 2 Rozen Maiden: Träumend |
-renn-Jun 12, 2016 7:11 AM
Jun 6, 2016 9:10 AM
Jun 7, 2016 3:32 AM
#112 Rating: 13+ No sexual relationship. Btw, I know I should edit it by myself but I can't see the "edit button" |
Jun 7, 2016 4:32 AM
#113 Maybe it's strange how two seasons of the same show have completely different genres. From what I remember they are very similar in style and feel. |
Jun 8, 2016 7:25 AM
Request to split this show into 2 entries: A third season is coming in June: Yes, it is referred to as the 3rd season and not the second. Rather, Episodes 14-27 are referred to as the 2nd season in most sources. Yes the second season continues the numbering from Episode 14, but that is no different from shows such as Ushio to Tora and Teekyuu. In addition, there was a month's gap between when the 1st season and 2nd season aired, although, I grant you both seasons had erratic schedules, December 2015 (where season 1 ended and season 2 has yet to begun) was the only month which saw no release of an episode since the show started in June 2015 until both seasons concluded. Comparing the logo of the show in the openings, in the second one starting from the 14th Episode, the subtitle "Wangquan Fugui" appears, distincting it from Episodes 1 to 13 which lacked said subtitle. |
Jun 8, 2016 12:46 PM
kuchitsu said: Maybe it's strange how two seasons of the same show have completely different genres. From what I remember they are very similar in style and feel. Someone seems to have made them more consistent. |
Jun 8, 2016 12:54 PM
Yeah, there seems to be a lot of silent responses to modification requests, which can be quite confusing sometimes... If mods don't want to pollute the thread with responses, maybe they could edit the posts with requests that are done or something? |
Jun 8, 2016 12:59 PM
Jun 8, 2016 2:59 PM
Done. |
Forum set made by my secret santa, Nate! |
Jun 8, 2016 3:37 PM
kuchitsu said: Yeah, there seems to be a lot of silent responses to modification requests, which can be quite confusing sometimes... If mods don't want to pollute the thread with responses, maybe they could edit the posts with requests that are done or something? Database moderators don't have the power to edit posts, so I do my best to reply when I can. |
Jun 8, 2016 5:23 PM
#120 Jap title: テイルズ オブ エターニア THE ANIMATION Main title: Tales of Eternia The Animation +genre: shoujo I believe there was a discussion a long time about about Zero-Sum and the decision was that because the magazine targets both shoujo and josei (as listed on their own site)--anime adaptations will always have the shoujo tag as a lowest common denominator since the mag itself doesn't label which story is which (which is why 07-Ghost and Karneval are shoujo) and that anime adaptations would most likely be aimed at the broader audience (aka shoujo) anyway since josei doesn't bring in as much $$$. Or something like that. +genre: josei |
lanbladeJun 28, 2017 12:26 AM
Jun 9, 2016 7:12 AM
#121 Is this confirmed that it will be 13 episodes? Or this is Sousei no Onmyouji all over again? |
Haters always gonna hate. But they are all dumb asses who always love to bother unnecessarily. "Spread the Hate, Spread the Idiocy." |
Jun 9, 2016 8:40 AM
Rayzer said: Is this confirmed that it will be 13 episodes? Or this is Sousei no Onmyouji all over again? It's long been touted as a two-cour, but it's only selling 13-episode box sets and the airdates fall off in July. While it's probably going to be split-cour, I assume we'll have to wait for the announcement of the second cour before giving that an entry. |
vegetablespiritJun 9, 2016 8:49 AM
Jun 9, 2016 8:56 AM
Max said: Rayzer said: Is this confirmed that it will be 13 episodes? Or this is Sousei no Onmyouji all over again? It's long been touted as a two-cour, but it's only selling 13-episode box sets and the airdates fall off in July. While it's probably going to be split-cour, I assume we'll have to wait for the announcement of the second cour before giving that an entry. It's that Amazon logic again? Since when MAL would use official/legit sources rather than using a hunch on that? Can't the Anime Mods just wait for the official announcement from the studio or producers than just changing it without source? Just set it as unknown (again) for the mean time until it's confirmed. Or else it would be Garo S2. (which is annoying.) |
RayzerJun 9, 2016 8:59 AM
Haters always gonna hate. But they are all dumb asses who always love to bother unnecessarily. "Spread the Hate, Spread the Idiocy." |
Jun 9, 2016 9:11 AM
Rayzer said: Max said: Rayzer said: Is this confirmed that it will be 13 episodes? Or this is Sousei no Onmyouji all over again? It's long been touted as a two-cour, but it's only selling 13-episode box sets and the airdates fall off in July. While it's probably going to be split-cour, I assume we'll have to wait for the announcement of the second cour before giving that an entry. It's that Amazon logic again? Since when MAL would use official/legit sources rather than using a hunch on that. Can't the Anime Mods just wait for the official announce form the studio or producers than just changing it without source? Information regarding the box set has been on the official website since April. Moreover, we regularly use broadcast schedules to determine the airing dates of anime. Neither of these practices are new. |
Jun 9, 2016 9:28 AM
Max said: Rayzer said: Max said: Rayzer said: Is this confirmed that it will be 13 episodes? Or this is Sousei no Onmyouji all over again? It's long been touted as a two-cour, but it's only selling 13-episode box sets and the airdates fall off in July. While it's probably going to be split-cour, I assume we'll have to wait for the announcement of the second cour before giving that an entry. It's that Amazon logic again? Since when MAL would use official/legit sources rather than using a hunch on that. Can't the Anime Mods just wait for the official announce form the studio or producers than just changing it without source? Information regarding the box set has been on the official website since April. Moreover, we regularly use broadcast schedules to determine the airing dates of anime. Neither of these practices are new. Then what's with Sousei no Onmyouji? Wasn't this show was been included on the Chinese site? Those shows was written on same article. And as usual MAL was the only Anime DB site did this. |
Haters always gonna hate. But they are all dumb asses who always love to bother unnecessarily. "Spread the Hate, Spread the Idiocy." |
Jun 10, 2016 1:49 AM
#126 Official site: Max said: Rayzer said: Is this confirmed that it will be 13 episodes? Or this is Sousei no Onmyouji all over again? It's long been touted as a two-cour, but it's only selling 13-episode box sets and the airdates fall off in July. While it's probably going to be split-cour, I assume we'll have to wait for the announcement of the second cour before giving that an entry. Considering Time Bokan 24 will be replacing Gyakuten Saiban time slot starting October 2016, at the very least I don't think Gyakuten Saiban is split-cour. |
melina_putriJun 10, 2016 2:00 AM
Jun 10, 2016 5:12 AM
#127 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka OVA Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria What the fuck even is consistency anyway? EDIT: The OVA hasn't been aired and no further info has been announced other than that it's happening. |
Zazie122Jun 10, 2016 5:15 AM
Jun 10, 2016 6:12 AM
melina_putri said: You just pretty much confirmed it's a straight 2 cour.Considering Time Bokan 24 will be replacing Gyakuten Saiban time slot starting October 2016. At the very least I don't think Gyakuten Saiban is split-cour. Gyakuten Saiban : April - Sept = 2 cour. So, MAL should change it back to unknown right away. |
Haters always gonna hate. But they are all dumb asses who always love to bother unnecessarily. "Spread the Hate, Spread the Idiocy." |
Jun 10, 2016 6:49 AM
#130 Should be Hibike! Euphonium 2nd Season, since the official Japanese title has 第2期. |
Jun 10, 2016 9:02 AM
#131 Concrete Revolutio S2 is 11 eps long, not 12. |
Jun 10, 2016 12:10 PM
#132 Genres need to be changed to Comedy, Harem, Romance, School. Mecha and Sci-Fi are excluded because Origami's mecha suit doesn't appear in this OVA. |
Jun 10, 2016 3:40 PM
Rayzer said: melina_putri said: You just pretty much confirmed it's a straight 2 cour.Considering Time Bokan 24 will be replacing Gyakuten Saiban time slot starting October 2016. At the very least I don't think Gyakuten Saiban is split-cour. Gyakuten Saiban : April - Sept = 2 cour. So, MAL should change it back to unknown right away. Not necessarily; split cour anime does not always have a gap of one season. It really looks like something else will be broadcast in its timeslot, though I will change it if I am proven wrong. Please be patient. |
vegetablespiritJun 10, 2016 3:52 PM
Jun 11, 2016 10:08 AM
Max said: Then if you are "proven" wrong stop doing that mistake since it's been a pain to repeat that rookie mistake. Rayzer said: melina_putri said: Considering Time Bokan 24 will be replacing Gyakuten Saiban time slot starting October 2016. At the very least I don't think Gyakuten Saiban is split-cour. Gyakuten Saiban : April - Sept = 2 cour. So, MAL should change it back to unknown right away. Not necessarily; split cour anime does not always have a gap of one season. It really looks like something else will be broadcast in its timeslot, though I will change it if I am proven wrong. Please be patient. Seriously, Why MAL ignores information from credible sources? Instead relying on Amazon logic even without confirmation. |
Haters always gonna hate. But they are all dumb asses who always love to bother unnecessarily. "Spread the Hate, Spread the Idiocy." |
Jun 11, 2016 10:37 AM
Rayzer said: Max said: Rayzer said: melina_putri said: You just pretty much confirmed it's a straight 2 cour.Considering Time Bokan 24 will be replacing Gyakuten Saiban time slot starting October 2016. At the very least I don't think Gyakuten Saiban is split-cour. Gyakuten Saiban : April - Sept = 2 cour. So, MAL should change it back to unknown right away. Not necessarily; split cour anime does not always have a gap of one season. It really looks like something else will be broadcast in its timeslot, though I will change it if I am proven wrong. Please be patient. Then if you are "proven" wrong stop doing that mistake since it's been a pain to repeat that rookie mistake. Seriously, Why MAL ignores information from credible sources? Instead relying on Amazon logic even without confirmation. I am using the most recent information available, which tells me that there may be a six-month gap in between this cour and the next; you, on the other hand, are making an inference based upon the timing of two separate entities. In my eyes, these assertions are equally likely to be wrong, so it is up to me to decide which should be prioritised. Please do not come into this thread and treat the moderators like shit. It should be enough for me to say that I will revert it if you are correct. |
Jun 11, 2016 10:52 AM
Max said: Rayzer said: Max said: Rayzer said: melina_putri said: You just pretty much confirmed it's a straight 2 cour.Considering Time Bokan 24 will be replacing Gyakuten Saiban time slot starting October 2016. At the very least I don't think Gyakuten Saiban is split-cour. Gyakuten Saiban : April - Sept = 2 cour. So, MAL should change it back to unknown right away. Not necessarily; split cour anime does not always have a gap of one season. It really looks like something else will be broadcast in its timeslot, though I will change it if I am proven wrong. Please be patient. Then if you are "proven" wrong stop doing that mistake since it's been a pain to repeat that rookie mistake. Seriously, Why MAL ignores information from credible sources? Instead relying on Amazon logic even without confirmation. I am using the most recent information available, which tells me that there may be a six-month gap in between this cour and the next; you, on the other hand, are making an inference based upon the timing of two separate entities. In my eyes, these assertions are equally likely to be wrong, so it is up to me to decide which should be prioritised. Please do not come into this thread and treat the moderators like shit. It should be enough for me to say that I will revert it if you are correct. All I'm saying is to remove that episode count and end date since it's unsourced. I'll rather believe China's largest streaming site than Amazon and that time slot logic. And when was that 6 months gap happened? Maybe it's 5-10 years ago? Lastly since when a split cour got 6 month gap and been release at 2 different years? (consecutive) |
Haters always gonna hate. But they are all dumb asses who always love to bother unnecessarily. "Spread the Hate, Spread the Idiocy." |
Jun 12, 2016 7:12 AM
Ren-chan said: English title should be Rozen Maiden: Träumend ^English set on Amazon calls it Träumend, altho as to whether it should be capitalized is up to you, since on the box it is written as träumend and on the discs as well In all my research, I've never seen it called Dreaming, at least when it comes to licensing, although Traumend does mean "dreaming" so perhaps that's where the confusion sets in Edit: picture from my own Sentai Filmworks set in the spoiler, and it calls season 2 Rozen Maiden: Träumend --Bump-- |
Jun 12, 2016 7:42 AM
#138 Correct me if I'm wrong, but it has more episodes, check out the official site: First two episodes - June 6, and June 8 Another 4 episodes: June 13 - June 22. ------- Remove ~ from the Jap title, there's no such symbols in the anime logo. Seems like the title was just copied from AniDB. Neither official site nor Jap wiki use ~ in the title. And remove colon from the main title, all other Jewelpet entries don't have colon too. |
AkarinJun 12, 2016 1:04 PM
Jun 12, 2016 11:00 AM
The oni chichi: refresh hentai i'm pretty sure has finished since a sequel has aired but it is still shown as airing. |
Jun 12, 2016 1:00 PM
#140 Flash and Dash S has been already completed |
Jun 13, 2016 12:33 AM
#141 It's not Comedy, Ecchi. It's Dementia, Music. Change the genres please. Remove all genres except Comedy, Ecchi. |
AkarinJun 13, 2016 12:37 AM
Jun 13, 2016 2:30 AM
if we send a modification to a moderatro for approval do we get a message or something if it got accepted or not? |
. |
Jun 13, 2016 6:46 AM
Okay, I've just completed the following. (Please note that it can take a few minutes before the entry appears updated.) Some requests were fixed by other mods, so don't appear here. Others I still need to look at; I'll be going through the entirety of the thread tonight to make sure all have been taken care of or reported. Thank you for your contributions! #101 - Done #103 - Slice of Life added, I've kept Romance though; Watamote OVA updated #107 - Set as complete; series still needs to be approved but will be done shortly #108 - I agree; done #110 - Fixed; "Dreaming" put as an alt. title instead #120 - Done, done, and done #130 - Done #132 - Done #141 - Done GFearJ said: Request to split this show into 2 entries: A third season is coming in June: Yes, it is referred to as the 3rd season and not the second. Rather, Episodes 14-27 are referred to as the 2nd season in most sources. -snip- Comparing the logo of the show in the openings, in the second one starting from the 14th Episode, the subtitle "Wangquan Fugui" appears, distincting it from Episodes 1 to 13 which lacked said subtitle. Thanks for the information regarding the subtitle! I will update this one later to have split seasons. Do you by any chance have the correct characters for the subtitle as well? Are you aware if the third season has a new subtitle? Any help would be appreciated! Akarin said: Correct me if I'm wrong, but it has more episodes, check out the official site: First two episodes - June 6, and June 8 Another 4 episodes: June 13 - June 22. The June 16 - June 22 episodes appear to be re-broadcasts of the earlier website; see titles and corresponding pictures. I've removed the ~ from the Japanese title on the Jewelpet entry. I'll need to confirm the title thing, since the !? at the end might be the reason there's a colon. The other Jewelpet entries don't appear to have punctuation at the end of their titles. |
Jun 13, 2016 7:35 AM
I feel like Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu should have the Historical tag added. |
"Hurry up with my damn croissants." |
Jun 13, 2016 3:56 PM
Jun 13, 2016 4:23 PM
Akarin said: It's not Comedy, Ecchi. It's Dementia, Music. Change the genres please. The entry type should also be Music. |
Jun 13, 2016 8:37 PM
All right. I went through and fixed some other requests. If I happened to miss any, please do not hesitate to re-post them or message me. I apologize in advance for any trouble! #144 - Done #145 - Done #146 - Oops, fixed. Comments/resolutions forthcoming.... #39 Kuruneko merge #39 Megumi to Taiyo merge #39 Teekyuu and Yami Shibai #39 Keiichi Tanaami works to delete #39 Yami Shibai and Teekyuu number scheme #52 Fairy Tale (2014) name change #69 Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden franchise name change #79 Aikatsu! Idol Katsudou! name change #138 Jewelpet: Attack Chance!? punctuation (Thank you for your patience.) Nicholaevich said: Does this need the (Movie)? Yup. First Doukyuusei we have in the DB is a music video from 1985: And there are a few entries with the same name after that. Zazie122 said: Starmyu → Starmu, it's short for Stardust Musical. If スタ is Star and not Suta then ミュ should be mu, not myu. -snip- Sorry for the delay here. After some discussion, it was determined that for this particular case it would remain as Starmyu. This has more to do with differentiating it from how one usually read "mu" (moo), since the intention is for it to sound like an abbreviation of "musical." Instead, I've added Starmu as an alternative title on the three entries. DuelGundam2099 said: Reposting requests untouched last week. Slice of life and school tags (literally half the episodes in the franchise and most of the specials qualify for both): For the specials, can you point out which qualify? And give a brief explanation of why they and the main series should have them? Then I'll go ahead and change it. Thank you. |
Jun 14, 2016 12:14 AM
lanbladeJun 28, 2017 12:27 AM
Jun 14, 2016 12:17 AM
Fennoah said: All right. I went through and fixed some other requests. If I happened to miss any, please do not hesitate to re-post them or message me. I apologize in advance for any trouble! Here we go: Tacas said: From the old thread: WataMote OVA's name is Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!: Motenai shi, Nazo Meite Miru (Japanese: 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! モテないし, 謎めいてみる) (This has been done.) Gintama° OVA should be Gintama°: Aizome Kaori-hen, as it says in the synonyms. DearS Special is called DearS: Kin no Tama desu no? Hajime no Ippo Special is Hajime no Ippo: Boxer no Kobushi Also, why doesn't Hikaru no Go have Sports as its genre? I understand that it already has Game but isn't Go - similarly to chess - a sport as well? Chihayafuru also has both Sports and Game as a genre. |
Jun 14, 2016 3:33 AM
#150 "Hengen Taima Yakou Karura Mau! Sendai Kokeshi Enka" would be a better title. |
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