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May 11, 2022 11:13 PM

Sep 2017
Hi guys !

Aaaaaand... music !

There, I wanted some epic bg stuff for that thread ;p

As some of you already know, I've been hiking in the south of France for a bit more than 6 weeks now, trying to reach Italy.

Having always loved this kind of stuff, I'd like to create a nomadic way of life I could teach to others.


I got a silly idea ;p

Since this is a bit of an adventure, I was wondering if you guys would like to choose some quests for me ;)

Not killing boars for xp of course, but things like cleaning some trail, talking to locals, etc.

Could be fun !

Right now I'm in Castellane.

So !

Here are the quests you can give me !

  1. Get some garbage from the forest in a bag to clean it (3 votes)

  2. Gather some nettle and eat it

  3. Take pictures of the flowers in my path

You decide ;)

I'll post the proof of my success, or die failing my lords ! (ok maybe not)

If you guys enjoy this sort of things, I'll make others after that ;p

If not, have a good day anyways peeps !

Edit :

@_Lycka_ it was ! Revived FE series like crazy ;p

Thank you my friend !

@xMizu_ that's so funny, I actually did that just two days ago ;p

It was this one.

Buddhists there were super nice, they showed me around and I got to participate in a prayer indeed ^^

It was really hard to sit still for that long, but I managed it.

Also they gave me oranges, which is cool.

I can visit other temples/churches on my way if you want ;)

@Catalano adding the idea for the next quests, thanks ;p

@Scud wooow that would be pretty neat if I can pull it off !

I'll think about it ;)

Also adding your vote, thank you !
MoonspeakMay 12, 2022 1:50 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
May 11, 2022 11:22 PM
Jul 2018
Awakening was a great game.

I vote that you pick up garbage.

Good luck traveler!
May 11, 2022 11:47 PM

May 2013
Go pray in a monastery, seriously that would be like the one cool thing to do.
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
May 12, 2022 12:55 AM

Oct 2010
put your index finger in some lake/river and try to guess its temperature in Celsius
May 12, 2022 12:58 AM

Jul 2007
Navigate the rest of your way to Italy using only the sun and the night sky as your guide.

Out of those options though I guess it wouldn't hurt to help keep the place tidy.
May 12, 2022 1:30 AM

May 2013
@Moonspeak Really explains your calming spiritual aura that I can feel even over the internet.
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
May 12, 2022 1:41 AM
Jul 2018
Picking up garbage and checking out the churches and monasteries are great. I’m going with finding a hike that takes you to top of a mountain.

@moonspeak I did a pretty awesome one in Mezzocorona, asked a guy who barely spoke English if it was easy and he said yes. It was far from easy and took a couple hours. My higher self packed a lot of food and water that day, thankfully…. The hike was fuelled on adrenaline and fear that I would never make it but locals kept passing us and heading up like it was a daily walk for them. Anyway, got to the top and the view was incredible, the feeling was great and I always think back on how amazing that hike was. Took a cable car down :p! I hope you find something similar to that lol. That’s the description of my quest >:)
removed-userMay 12, 2022 1:57 AM
May 12, 2022 1:42 AM

Nov 2020
After visiting Italy make your way to Balkan Peninsula.

Your quest is to survive, your main enemies are feral dogs and gypsies and you have no allies.
May 12, 2022 1:49 AM

Sep 2017
xMizu_ said:
Really explains your calming spiritual aura that I can feel even over the internet.

Thanks ^^

I'm actually one of the most toxic users here when I get invested in debates (I can get pretty violent ;p) but I have contrasting moments of calm as well when others are stressed ;)

@_meimei noting that, thank you !

Your story is great ;)

I did climb a couple of summits before, so I'm not a stranger to this feeling, this great mix of sensations you're describing is very familiar to me.

@Agelastus that'll be for higher level quests, I need more xp before that ;p
MoonspeakMay 12, 2022 2:01 AM
May 12, 2022 2:03 AM

May 2013
Moonspeak said:
xMizu_ said:
Really explains your calming spiritual aura that I can feel even over the internet.

Thanks ^^

I'm actually one of the most toxic users here when I get invested in debates (I can get pretty violent ;p) but I have contrasting moments of calm as well when others are stressed ;)

You'd be that guy then coz everyone else is fed the fuck up.
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
May 12, 2022 6:48 AM

Sep 2017

Edit :


Glad you like it ;)

Ideas noted, thank you dear quest giver ;p

MoonspeakMay 12, 2022 7:17 AM
May 12, 2022 7:03 AM

Jun 2017
this is so cool! the background music seriously adds to it x)

-i also like the trash idea & checking out a church!
-you could take pictures of and identify 5 animals
-(safely) climb a tree and show the view from the top
-share a meal with a fellow hiker adventurer :)
-to get some real game like chain quest ask a local if you can be of any help to them, but idk if you have time for that x)

be safe! good luck with your hike adventurer!! <3
May 12, 2022 8:26 AM
Jul 2018
I say climb to the top of some mountain and see if there's any secret loot hidden up there. Might even be a place of power.

Maybe you'll find Roach coming down the other side.

May 12, 2022 8:56 AM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
Try to make it to Japan, I'll be waiting.

That's your main quest.

I don't know what side quests to give you. Throw away all your fancy clothes and rely on paleolithic ones made from animal skin and bones only. Those have much higher base stats and will help you throughout the rest of your journey.
May 12, 2022 9:10 AM

Oct 2017
1- During the entire journey eat only fruits and vegetables.

2- Try to make your own medicine out of plants.

3- Shirtless during the entire journey.

4- Start a fire out of two stones.

Sidequest: Once in Italy try to woo a woman and make her your companion.

''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
May 12, 2022 9:58 AM

Jul 2021
Cool BG music and amazing adventure. You are liviing my dream.

1) Plant something. Take a picture and show us its growth. Maybe GPS coordinates too in case someone here gets out there someday.

2) Climb a tree.

3) Have a coffee at a roadside cafe.
May 12, 2022 12:38 PM
Jan 2022
A wonderful thread.

I'll give you a wonderful joke to tell, my favorite one, and you can tell us if anyone had any good reactions when you tell it, if you end up doing so.

Joke= I used to be a male in a womans body.

Punchline, i usually say after a bit of a pause = but then i was born.
Read it and weep. Your ethnicity and culture are weak.
May 12, 2022 12:45 PM
Jul 2018
MilkMonster said:
A wonderful thread.

I'll give you a wonderful joke to tell, my favorite one, and you can tell us if anyone had any good reactions when you tell it, if you end up doing so.

Joke= I used to be a male in a womans body.

Punchline, i usually say after a bit of a pause = but then i was born.

Amazing. Never gets old. Your dad jokes are on point
May 12, 2022 11:52 PM

Sep 2017

Thank you guys so much for your kind messages !

Here's my camp taken minutes ago as a gift !

Your ideas are great (even if some are quite challenging ;p) !

I'll do one quest at a time, you'll have to be a bit patient my lords ;)

For now, let's find a place to desacralize pray in ;p

I'll answer your messages after that, thanks again !

May 13, 2022 1:30 AM
Jul 2018
Moonspeak said:

Here's my camp taken minutes ago as a gift !

Nice digs, so verdant there it looks like a little fairy forest.
May 21, 2022 6:17 AM

Sep 2017

Back to posting ! ;)

My quest was to find a church, and I found several... but all were closed.

So !

I did discover something more original :

A sanctuary !

Here it is :

Loved the mosaic ^^

I ask you my lords @xMizu_ @_meimei @ridingwithstars, is this holy place to your liking ?

May 21, 2022 10:09 AM
Jul 2018
Moonspeak said:

My quest was to find a church, and I found several... but all were closed.

So !

I did discover something more original :

A sanctuary !

Here it is :

Loved the mosaic ^^

I ask you my lords @xMizu_ @_meimei @ridingwithstars, is this holy place to your liking ?

I am appeased… for now..

Very nice :) really like the imagery, do you happen to know it’s meaning?

@Moonspeak ooo, interesting! Thanks for the info.
removed-userMay 21, 2022 3:58 PM
May 21, 2022 12:39 PM

Jun 2017
for sure! super cool, you get a SS rank! x)

hope your travels are going well!
May 21, 2022 12:51 PM

Sep 2017

Yes ;)

It is Maria, as usual, catholics are usually more fond of her than protestants.

Here the mosaic represents her as "Sainte Marie des eaux vives" in reference to the place where the sanctuary is, which is a cavern facing a rapid river between sharp clifs, a bit after Saint Auban.

We call that path "Clue", it is a rather dangerous road built at the cost of many lives at the time, and the sanctuary was where locals would gather to pray, calling it "Notre Dame de la Clue".

On that note...

Quest complete !

What would you have me doing next, my lieges ? ;p

1. Climb a mountain (2 votes)

2. Climb a tree (2 votes)

3. Make medecine out of plants (1 vote)

@ridingwithstars thank you, it is going well ;)

@xMizu_ glad you like it as well !
MoonspeakMay 23, 2022 12:02 AM
May 22, 2022 11:29 PM

May 2013
@Moonspeak Um yeah that's, quite nice.
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Jun 7, 2022 1:32 PM

Sep 2017
@_Lycka_ @_meimei

My lords !

Is this high enough for you ? ;)

(I climb these things quite often these days actually, but I don't always have enough battery ;p)

No loot spoted at the top I'm afraid... but I do hear wolves now and then ^^

I'll try Caradhras if you want me to go higher ;p

Jun 7, 2022 3:07 PM
Jul 2018
That’s pretty high, gorgeous view. You have successfully completed my quest. Good job!
Jun 7, 2022 3:25 PM
Jul 2018
Moonspeak said:
@_Lycka_ @_meimei

My lords !

Is this high enough for you ? ;)

(I climb these things quite often these days actually, but I don't always have enough battery ;p)

No loot spoted at the top I'm afraid... but I do hear wolves now and then ^^

I'll try Caradhras if you want me to go higher ;p

Beautiful. Do you know your elevation?

No place of power either? Damn. Maybe your princess is on another mountain.
Jun 7, 2022 8:43 PM

Sep 2017
_Lycka_ said:
Beautiful. Do you know your elevation?

No place of power either? Damn. Maybe your princess is on another mountain.

Around 1200 to 1400 meters, I'll be losing altitude now that I'm heading south east.

No place of power, but I do have my beloved runes :

(that's a GR mark, the kind of hiking paths I've been following from the start ;p)

So, quest complete !

Now, what is your will, my good masters ?

1. Climb a tree (3 votes)

2. Help a local (3 votes)

3. Shirtless for an entire day of my journey (1 vote, I modified it a bit ;p)
MoonspeakJun 9, 2022 7:13 AM
Jun 7, 2022 9:46 PM

Mar 2021
These are some really great and wonderful snaps of your travels. Do keep them coming! Very Yuru Camp indeed.
Jun 7, 2022 9:53 PM
Jul 2018
Help a local would be most fun but I'd Raju like to see a picture from when you climb the tree... can I do half on both?

(Also I'm still higher than you kekw)
Jun 7, 2022 11:19 PM
Dec 2010
It's time you collect some plants, flowers or fruits to make something!
Jun 8, 2022 6:19 AM

Sep 2017
@GenshinRosaria well thank you, that's really nice of you ;)

@_Lycka_ you can vote for both if you want, no problem ;p

I'll just do one after the other.

@IceySongstress noting that !

Kinda ahead on this one, got some surprise in store for you guys ;)
Jun 8, 2022 6:24 AM

Nov 2009
I deeply very much think you should help a local
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Jun 8, 2022 6:29 AM
Jul 2018
IceySongstress said:
It's time you collect some plants, flowers or fruits to make something!
Ooo I like this one a lot. Would love to see what you come up with @Moonspeak
Jun 8, 2022 7:21 PM
Dec 2010
@Moonspeak @_meimei
I didn't specify anything so it's a real mystery rn.

Jun 15, 2022 1:28 AM

Sep 2017
Well met, my lords !

Let us hear what the bard has to sing !

My task was to (safely) climb a tree.

The main issue here is most of them don't have many branches (pines and such) and are very dry and breakable...

Still !

I set up camp for the day, and figured I had some time to try a small one in front of me :

Didn't get that high, but it was a nice bit of adrenaline rush hearing the branches crack under my weight ;p

The view :

Are you satisfied, my elvic masters ? ;p

@_Lycka_ @barsoapguy219 @ridingwithstars
Jun 15, 2022 5:58 AM
Jul 2018
Yes! Nice pic! Very good looking foot you have there.

More quests more quests!!

Jun 15, 2022 8:05 AM

Sep 2017
Very well ;)

On that note, quest complete !

What shall I do next ?

1. Help a local (3 votes)

2. Make something with plants (4 votes)

3. Navigate using only sun and stars until I reach Italy (1 vote)

You decide ;)
MoonspeakJun 15, 2022 9:34 AM
Jun 15, 2022 8:41 AM

Mar 2021
Have you been out in the grass AGAIN? Moonspeak all this grass touching is only going to incur the wrath of our resident and visiting incels and NEETs. Might have to do a side quest to defend yourself right here when they accuse you of being a filthy normie. Or have they already began their assault?

GenshinRosariaJun 15, 2022 11:17 AM
Jun 15, 2022 8:41 AM

Jun 2017
Moonspeak said:
Well met, my lords !

My task was to (safely) climb a tree.

The view :

Are you satisfied, my elvic masters ? ;p

awh sick! great view! once again continue to travel safe :) <3 this looks so fun!

making something with plants sounds cool! navigating with sun and stars does too but I dont want you to get lost so I wont cast my vote for that x)

good luck adventurer :^)/ <3
Jun 16, 2022 11:31 AM

Jul 2021
That is sick. Makes me want to go for a hike or a bike ride. You are living the dream bro!
Jun 16, 2022 4:43 PM
Mar 2022
What! i thought this guy was another delusional dude. I thought his return to nature was campping in his parents backyard or something. Looks like you've vindicated yourself. You are still cringe though.
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
Jun 30, 2022 9:10 AM

Sep 2017
@Fate_Saber88 @ridingwithstars @IceySongstress @_meimei

My lords !

You trusted me with the task of making something with plants...

Here is my tale !

Edit :



Maybe on a subconscious level ;)


I like the idea, noting it for later ;p
MoonspeakJun 30, 2022 10:50 AM
Jun 30, 2022 9:54 AM
Jul 2018
Moonspeak said:
@Fate_Saber88 @ridingwithstars @IceySongstress @_meimei

My lords !

You trusted me with the task of making something with plants...

Here is my tale !

Did the thread about lemon trees inspire you to use a lemon? :D

@Moonspeak shoot! I thought this was my surprise.
removed-userJun 30, 2022 9:57 AM
Jun 30, 2022 10:27 AM
Jul 2018
I’m impressed, wasn’t expecting jelly tbh! Don’t worry about the solidifying I’m sure you’ll hone your jelly making skills over time.

I was honestly expecting something simple like this:

So if you are open to more side quests, a flower crown is pretty fun. I’ve only ever made one but now I feel like I should give it another go. Flower power~

@_Lycka_ Love the incentivizing >:) that pic is really cute ngl

@Moonspeak sounds good haha, no pressure ;)
removed-userJun 30, 2022 1:03 PM
Jun 30, 2022 11:20 AM
Jul 2018
_meimei said:
I’m impressed, wasn’t expecting jelly tbh! Don’t worry about the solidifying I’m sure you’ll hone your jelly making skills over time.

I was honestly expecting something simple like this:

So if you are open to more side quests, a flower crown is pretty fun. I’ve only ever made one but now I feel like I should give it another go. Flower power~

Nice! @Moonspeak I have a quest reward of you complete @_meimei's request.

Jun 30, 2022 12:14 PM

Jun 2017
don't worry I think that still counts x)! even though it didn't solidify you got a product x)!

A flower crown sounds cute ^!

that song is so good too (ノ≧∀≦)ノ ♪♬

stay safe adventurer :D <3!
Jun 30, 2022 2:56 PM
Dec 2010
That's pretty good on your way to making a herbal honey!
I'm not sure about the process of this jelly-making tho. It sounds as if you are making a honey pudding in your description but the process seems different. If you wanted a gelatin, perhaps, a fruit will do better?

And adding a lot of sugar to honey, @+@!!
I'm surprised there ain't a battery-powered hand mixer. Where did your cooking utensils drop from, outlander?

Oh and I found this.

Apparently, we are all wrong.
Butterfly_WhiteJun 30, 2022 2:59 PM
Jul 1, 2022 2:32 PM

Sep 2017

You're on pal.

Get ready for some flowers next time ;)

@ridingwithstars thanks !

Safe ain't always my fav cup of tea though ;p

Will try not dying, promise.


I wanted agar agar because of the recipe I got it from :

Found only pectin tho in the local market, but it should have done the trick as well. Think my pH was too high, I should have used more lemon.

Thanks for the info though !


I have now my new main quest, given by none other than my dear lil sister !

I must reach Rome before August !

She'll be in the city at the start of the month, so we thought it'd be funny if I could get there before ;p

That means going from where I am now (Le Suquet), which is a bit before the italian border... to the heart of the country in less than a month.

I will need speed this time !

No more fooling around in mountain hikes (even if I love it), that's regular road by night for me now (still by foot though) !


I will be claiming Rome for romantics !

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