Just To Set The Record Straight.

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Apr 5, 2004
Outta Here
Just so everyone that has so graciously accused me in their post of posting photo shopped or stolen pics..FUCK YOU!! :angry: I have absolutely nothing to prove to you or anyone else. I know what I piss through and I know what I tuck into my pants every day.

To those of you that find it so interesting that I took my pics down, now you know why. I'm so fucking tired of other people posting my pic as theirs. I'm tired of people yelling "photo shopped" just because you can't fathom a penis as large as mine. :unsure:

To those of you that left positive comments, thank you. :)

And on that note I bid you farewell. I hope some day this will truly become a support group and not just another place for a few trolls to fuck it up for everybody.
Sorry to hear you have to deal with that crap. Another reason I have no intent of getting any pics, people can believe me if they want, even if I had pics people would be skeptical.

It was nice knowing you Pappy, I'll miss ya bud.
Sorry to hear about all of that Pappy. Personally I enjoyed them.

To all sceptics.... what qualifies you to scream photshop anyway??? Are you professional graphic artists??? Can you tell what is real and what isn't?????

Personally I have worked with graphics for many years at various jobs. The only "true" way to tell if a pic has been photoshopped or not is to actually open it up in photoshop and look at it at the micro level. From there a trained eye can pick out subtle differences in the real thing and the fake.

Please, don't mess it up for the rest of us, some of us enjoy swaping pics and such, keep your "photoshop" comments to youself unless you can say with a reasonable amount of certantity that they are not legit.

And for the record..... some people do crappy work, why waste the time. As for pappy... that's the real deal... not to mention consitent in every pic.
Originally posted by Pappy@Aug 11 2004, 09:03 PM
Just so everyone that has so graciously accused me in their post of posting photo shopped or stolen pics..FUCK YOU!! :angry:

And on that note I bid you farewell. I hope some day this will truly become a support group and not just another place for a few trolls to fuck it up for everybody.

One of the risks that people take when posting to the internet is that other people may doubt their word. It's happened to me before -- and certainly, it hurts a little and makes me angry. You have a choice of acting thin-skinned and defensive -- screaming "FUCK YOU" and bidding everyone farewell as you slink away and sulk and lick your wounds...

...or you can rise above it and stand your ground. Your choice, of course.

You claim dimensions of 11.5 x 9 inches. I'm aware of how thick 9 inches around is -- for comparison's sake, it's the girth of a Campbell's style soup can. The photographs you posted could not have been of a cock that big around. That's not to say that the photos were doctored -- but they don't jibe with your self-description.

You've been a valuable and thoughtful contributor to this board for a long time, and in that time, you've been accused of one lie. None of us are perfect, Pappy, and we don't demand you be either. Why don't you shake it off and come back home?
Please come back Pappy!! I can understand your frustration having to defend yourself all the time, but you add such great contributions in your posts that I'd hate to see you go. :(
Pappy, I've enjoyed your contributions to the group. Hope you stick around.

I don't know the nature of the comments made, but it seems there's a lot of accusations made about stealing pics, shopping pics, etc. I've been accused of it too. I think it might've been Dee or GottaBigOne that said it's sorta flattering that people can't believe it and would assume it's fake.

Eh... I figure that people who make accusations are about as valuable as people who play games with pics. Frequently there's no difference between the two.
TripodMillenium: It's more than a shame you'd leave after so long.......

The group will definately be losing one of its greatest members.... ((this time, pun NOT intended >_< lol))
Thank you all for your positive comments. You&#39;ve all made some very good points that I failed to consider before going off the deep end. Well I&#39;m back in the shallow end of the pool and I&#39;m seeing things for what they are. Yesterday was a really bad day for me and I overreacted to some spineless assholes bullshit comments.

You all have a great day.

You are making me wonder if the same hater that has been sending venom through the wires to a number of us has also done his work on you too. Please do not allow someone&#39;s thinking or insensitive comments to drive you away from a place that was created for men such as yourself.

TO whoever sent Pappy that note: Remember the name of this group "Large Penis Support Group." If you are not going to be a supporting member, please at least leave those who are enjoying themselves and getting something valuable out of it alone.

:) Hi there&#33; I am new here and this is my first message, so bare with me.

I am not endowed in any sense of the word (average and proud) but I tower over most people (hence the nick). Being above normal in height (198cm or 6&#39;6&#39;&#39; now) used to bother me greatly because I thought I wasn&#39;t normal. Had there only been an LPSG-type for tall people back then... I have since learnt to accept myself for what I am, and to accept differences in others. &#39;Vive la différence&#39; like we say in French. Isn&#39;t variety the spice of life?

I for one believe that the vast majority of pics in here are genuine (e.g. Pappy), and have no reason to believe otherwise. Wht would someone post fakes in here?

You&#39;re a great bunch of decent guys and girls; you&#39;re interesting, well-read and level-headed.

Thank you Mark, KinkGuy, Dee, DW, Pappy and all the other fine men and women who post here. ;)
titan, I&#39;m 6&#39;5" and understand, especially when I was 6&#39;0" in the 7th grade and hit 6&#39;5" by end of Freshman year. You could actually watch me grow. Bones hurt, got stretch marks and was clumsy as all get out. It all evened out and by College, my cock had finally made its arrival. Have you noticed how many of these young bucks are as tall as we are....?

BTW, I hate basketball. :rolleyes:

Pappy, please hang with us. If for no other reason than to piss &#39;em off. ;)
Pappy, I&#39;m happy that you&#39;ve decided to stay. A lot of us have been accused of being PhotoShop fakers because there are so many PhotoShop fakers out there. I&#39;ve come to this conclusion: let the scoffers scoff. What they think has no bearing on the truth of the matter. There have been people who doubt my word about the size of my cock, but you know what? Their doubts do not make my cock any smaller. I&#39;ll be very blunt about this next point: there are liars here at LPSG. We all know it, but most of us have a pretty clear idea who are clear candidates for that title. You are not in the running for it. Most of our frequent posters aren&#39;t. We who actually do sport larger organs can detect the ring of truth, or the lack of it, in the posts. We know the reality of the situation, and we can recognise it in the words of others. These posts like "I have a dick so big that it&#39;s totally unfunctional and I can&#39;t have sex with it and I hope it gets even bigger" are the type of post that I just scroll past knowing that the poster has no clue of the big cock experience. You, on the other hand, post on situations that many of us can identify with. We can see in your posts, "Hey ... that&#39;s my life&#33;" So keep on posting, Pappy. Let the assholes continue to stink; they mean nothing to you. You&#39;re among friends here.
Thank You DMW, that makes me feel a whole lot better. I received an IM from one of the nay sayers today, it is below in it&#39;s entirety with my reply to him. I have removed the name of the sender for his protection.

Hi Pappy,

Glad you stuck with it big fella, we need people like you to provide some common sense and experience to the group. I was really sorry to see so many nasty comments that questioned your integrity. It can&#39;t have been the first time you&#39;ve had vicious comments related to your size - I have a friend who&#39;s a little bigger than you and his adolescence was so traumatic that he can&#39;t bring himself to dicsuss it even now he&#39;s in his 30&#39;s.

You might have noticed that I was one of the people to draw attention to the fact that the same pic had been used by 2 members within a few days. I also hoped that you picked up that I wasn&#39;t criticising you but was suggesting ways of protecting your image. I always seem to end up suggesting the same thing - just hold a piece of paper in the shot with your LPSG nickname on it. Technology being what it is, it&#39;s not infallible but it does deter the opportunist.

The thing that the photo-thieves forget is that this site is probably the biggest congregation of hung guys and their fans in the world, and it&#39;s packed with cock experts&#33;&#33; There are probably less than 100 guys of your size that have ever posted their pics on the net...and most of those guys and their pics are very well known to those that take an interest.

I really hate it when guys steal pics and pretend they are them, especially here as it&#39;s been a place based on trust where people have always been taken at face value - although that has been changing recently. When the theives and the fraudsters move in even the most open-minded people become cautious.

I&#39;m one of the handful of members who&#39;s lived through all the re-incarnations of the site for about 6 or 7 years and I&#39;ve seen the shift away from support group to being far more frivolous now that it&#39;s more widely known. It&#39;s also got it&#39;s fair share of idiots.

Like I said, I&#39;m glad you stuck with it and I hope you come out fighting. Maybe a new pic, complete with ID in shot, would silence the doubters and show the group that it&#39;s that other guy who has something to explain

I hope you log in to the chatroom sometime too:)


Here&#39;s my reply to this person:

I&#39;m too old to fight and futhermore there&#39;s nothing to fight about&#33; I know the truth about what I have between my legs and that&#39;s all that matters. The pictures I had posted were taken by my ex-wife years ago and I&#39;m not going to have new ones made just to appease a handful of skeptics.
Artema: One way to show that your pictures are unaltered would be to make several new pics; shots around your penis with your hand in picture. If that many angled shots "agreed with each other" then it&#39;d be obvious that you are that big. I have thought of that myself in other forums, but since I&#39;m only 8x6 I believe no one in LPSG will doubt such a relatively modest size, and thus have no need for it myself. Or you could simply ignore people like that. After being on the net for well over a decade things like that roll off my back. There&#39;s no test to show you&#39;re not an asshole before you sign up for a net connection. Unfortunately.
Ah, I don&#39;t think he has to prove anything. I&#39;ve seen some of those shots, including one with his hand in the pic. I have no doubts that Pappy is the real thing. And like DMW said, you can "see" the truth in his comments that he&#39;s made.

Besides, I&#39;m glad Pappy stayed not b/c of his huge cock (which is of course very lovely) but because he is wise and has A LOT to contribute to this forum and others like him.
Hey, KinkGuy and titan1968, you should move to where I grew up. No fully-grown woman in my family (on my father&#39;s side at least) is under six feet tall, and every man in Rapid&#39;s at least six feet by my estimate.

Yeah, we all know about the "my dick can&#39;t possibly function and I want it even bigger" posts. That being said, I will accuse Pappy of PhotoShopping one of his pics: His first avatar, with the baby on it.
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