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Jan 26, 2021 10:04 AM

Oct 2013
The Madoka Magicaisms continue to continue, so I was basically waiting all episode the miraculous transfiguration into the mythical "Episode 3" where shit hits the fan.

And, uh, yeah, this was shockingly dark, even considering the tone of the 1st episode, and that ending... Mami PTSD.

Jan 26, 2021 10:07 AM

Aug 2015
Nice episode. I liked the animation a lot. It seems like Rika is frozen like the statues or...?

I like that its Anime original so we don't know what's upcoming!
#FreePalestine 🇵🇸
Jan 26, 2021 10:18 AM

Jul 2019
dompsterfire said:
only thing is that you can sometimes notice the lack of in-betweens drawn in the animation

I dont think thats correct to say. Series like this, with so many incredible animators, tend to sometimes have those "less fluid" cuts, not because they are lacking time to do the in-betweens, far from it, but because these animators just prefer to draw them this way. For example, this episode starts with a cut of the water of sea made around 6 frames per second, that was made by ken yamamoto, a guy that, although most of the time does more fluid cuts, still does more framy animation every now and then (his work on fate babylonia is a really good example of this). And he certainly isnt the only one that does this, another example is Norifumi Kugai, one of my favourite animators, and although he hasnt appeared on the show, im really crossing my fingers that he does, as he almost always does this really framy animations with amazing art that just look amazing (He probably wont appear as he is probably doing something on madhouse, but considering keiichiro saito and nobuhide kariya, guys that also mostly just work on madhouse, worked on the opening, im really hoping he does.)

Ryuseishun said:
VP2003boi said:

Dude, i really like you, and you have your opinion, but what you have said right here, is a crime.

Nah, regardless, it's inevitable in terms of pointing out in how peculiar (for better or worse) those action scenes were. Then again, the action scenes overall in this series aren't exactly normal looking to say the least with all those missing animated frames.
Liked i explained above, those are not really bad animations, but ill be honest that i cant criticize someone for not liking them, as, like you said, are certainly different than normal.
Jan 26, 2021 10:19 AM

Sep 2012
Good episodes, the characters are quite interesting in this anime, despite the weak plot, it's still very interesting to follow.
Jan 26, 2021 10:38 AM

Jun 2015
Shaping up to me one of my fav shows this season. The visuals are a treat and the story is pretty wild.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Jan 26, 2021 10:45 AM

Jul 2014
This show just keeps getting better though. I wonder if Rika needs to be saved the same way as the rest?
Jan 26, 2021 10:47 AM

Apr 2020
Okay hold up so the Sensei is a possible groomer, like WTF. We saw from Ai's flashbacks of Koito and now he's targeting either her mom or herself. Fucking sketchy there m8.

Well in this episode, we are introduced to Rika Kawai. And even though her name puts justice in her looks and outside impressions, inside she's nothing cute as her 'cuts' reveal her depressing past. So she's trying to revive Chiemi, a loyal but fat fan of hers that died just after she shoved her away. And it looks like it's going to be a hard road for her to redemption, as she's now transformed as a rock statue in that CLIFFHANG-

But dude that OST during a sakuga-filled fight scene was creepy as F. Very nice scene and I just can't process the amount of detail CloverWorks had put on this anime. Very great stuff dude, although once again that cliffhanger...WHYYYYYY.
Jan 26, 2021 10:48 AM

Apr 2020
One last thing, those two fans that killed themselves because their idol did so have the same hair color as Billie Eilish. Like my eyes are not fooling me because their hair color is brown and then the other side is lime green. Nice easter egg there CloverWorks, and the fact that they also have facemasks on all the time. I'm calling it 2021 is going to be the year where face masks are now being implemented as part of the character designs of some standby anime characters. The effects of Corona-chan just cannot be shunned in anime.
Jan 26, 2021 10:53 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
I hope they dont kill Rika right there and then, that would bother me.
Jan 26, 2021 10:56 AM
Mar 2015
Rika is annoying but I don't want to see her die
Jan 26, 2021 10:59 AM
Apr 2019
this anime is so meaningful, i hate that it’s so underrated 😭😭
Jan 26, 2021 11:02 AM

Jun 2017
Another amazing episode. I love the depth of this new seemingly contradictory character, Rika, can't wait for her development later in the series. OST and animation breath taking as always.
My candies: ¨
Jan 26, 2021 11:06 AM
Sep 2020
2077 said:
another amazing episode, new ‘kawai’ girl is pretty cool, like her design.
she looks rly cool in this frame especially.

didn’t expect her to have scars though, that stuff could be triggering so might wanna watch out for that if ur sensitive about that stuff.

this anime is really does psychological stuff well and hiw it portrays it is really interesting. the animation on those battle scenes was gorgeous af, probably the most beautiful stuff i’ve seen this season. got a lot of new information in this episode and nice developments too. really loving this anime so far, definitely one of my top for this season.

also, i just realised but could there be some symbolism behind rika's weapon, it looks like a box cutter which she might've used for yknow..
Absolutely her box cutter is symbolism, the second i saw her weapon at the beginning of the episode i could immediately tell that she was some who cuts or used to cut.
Jan 26, 2021 11:06 AM
Jul 2016
Were back with ANOTHER banger in Wonder Egg episode 3!

It seems like each episode will have it's own core theme, similar to classic children's fairy tells that teach morale lessons in the resolution of the story.

For example, in episode 1 the main theme was sticking up for your friends, not allowing bullying to persist.

Then in episode 2, the subject matter consisted of standing up for yourself against bullies, becoming more assertive and confidant in yourself.

While as in this episode, the central idea revolving around the consequences of toxic idol culture, and not taking out your pent up frustrations on others.

Therefore, when you combine each of the themes into one package, overall the main morale of wonder egg seems to be anti-bullying and becoming more honest with yourself through self reflection.

And let's just say, I LOVE THIS TYPE OF STORYTELLING! Wonder Egg is a very introspective show; it's a deep dive into each of the girls shattered mentalities. Each episode consisting of Oito assisting similar depressed girls suffering through terrible trauma.

However, the person who arguably needs the most help is Oito herself. In every episode Oito has made major leaps in growth, but how much of it is real? Oito is definitely changing subtly but if you pay attention to her conversations with each girl, you realize that she's hiding deep internalized pain that she wishes to ignore.

Quite ironic right? The great hero of this story, shining her light onto others, healing their great pain. Is the one in need of the most therapy...

This is especially prevalent in episode 3, as we meet a new character named Rika. A seemingly cheerful confidant and powerful girl. A type of friend Oito needs the most in her life; however it's quickly revealed that Rika is actually quite shallow.

Rika supposedly chooses her friends based on their appearance, exploits others for their money, and describes herself as "kawaii" because she's cute... WOW WHAT A BITCH!

However, in Wonder Egg there is always something far deeper at work! Throughout the episode, Rika follows Oito around and seemingly tries to befriend Oita in her own selfish way; labeling Oito as her personal wallet...

And as expected, Oita doesn't take too kindly too to Rikas personality, side eying her and throwing small jabs at her time to time. However, Rika is completely unaffected by Oitos antagonization, because Rika is actually quite Intuitive.

She calls out Oito for wanting attention from her counselor, and I believe this scene revealed much about Oito's relationship with him. So far we know Oito hates him for some unknown reason, but looking at the flashback of her retreating in tears, as she sees koito pressed against him; makes me believe that she wanted the counselor herself.

Remember, Oito never actually liked Koito for the good portion of their relationship. She wanted nothing to do with her, seemingly to avoid being bullied. However, now that we know the counselor is dating her mom; pent up jealousy could be the leading factor of Oitos hatred for the counselor. This makes since for a teenage girl, because teenagers are not rational, leading to much overblown drama.

Nevertheless, Rika's judgement can't just be taking as word of god. Because Rika herself is quite projective; She plays many things off as nonconsequential behind her laid back personality. However, it's revealed that she is suffering from some internal trauma, as we witness scars on her arm.

Thus hinting at self harm. And this no surprise because remember, depression is the core theme all the girls in this show share. It's very common for the depressed to inflict self harm onto themselves.

THEN BAM, the grand reveal of Rika's tragedy is revealed. It turns out Rika used to be a failed idol with only one fan, but no ordinary fan, the toxic fan which no celebertiy wants. At first Rika exploits the fans good will to receive any merchandise she wants, until it's divulged that the fan was shoplifting to afford her beloved Idols gifts. And rationally Rika does what almost any person would do in her situation; server ties with the criminal.

However, the way she went about the breakup is the ultimate failure in this lesson. Instead of feeding her fan a sorrowful sandwich; which basically means to mix the bad news with goods news. Rika resorts to her bitchiness, insulting her looks and tossing her aside like trash!

Unfortunately resulting in an expected tragic suicide from a mentally unstable child. Therefore, birthing Rikas resolution to fight; saving her one and only fan. And this tragic theme is wonderfully executed in Oito and Rikas battle to save two similar toxic fans )who committed suicide after their beloved idol died) from impeding doom of the "bystanders" and the worst type of fan of them all; the sachiko; a.k.a the delusional fans that resort to violence to attract their idols attention. Think of the serial killer from perfect blue as the best example.

And right when we thought things would end happily for our girls, as they vigorously charge at the monster, Rika ends up frozen in a tragic cliffhanger... PLEASE DO NOT KILL OFF REKA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE!!!!

And that's it for another wonderful episode of wonder egg priority! Do you guys think this will be a madoka magica situation with the girls tragically dying off?

Also forgot to mention they carry fucking KEYBLADES!
Jan 26, 2021 11:14 AM

May 2017
this episode got me hooked. Looking forward to next week.

Incredible production man. What a beautiful show. Bless the staff.
Jan 26, 2021 11:16 AM
Jan 2021
This was the best episode so far, and the animation was definitely at it's best here. I really think this show is going to become a classic if it keeps delivering like this. I'm not going to overhype myself but I'm very optimistic for the rest of the show's run.
Jan 26, 2021 11:24 AM
Sep 2020
Another fantastic episode with more great characters, visuals, and music. I was a bit skeptical about Rika at first, but by the end of the episode I think I understand her much better. She is a very blunt and open person that isn't one for being very gentle or delicate about things very much the opposite of Nieru. I also think the reason she was so blunt and cruel to Chiemi about not coming to see her anymore came from a place of caring, no doubt it absolutely broke her and she should have gone about it in a better way but I think it partially came from Rika not wanting to see Chiemi go to such extremes to feed an unhealthy obsession though I also think it was partially do to her not knowing how to deal with something like this and being much to cruel because of it. Obviously we don't know that much about Chiemi but based on how much of an avid fan she was of Rika I would assume its because in her regular life she has a lot of trauma and to her Rika was an escape from that even though it was very unhealthy. I think when Rika snapped at Chiemi that was the last straw for her and what probably caused her to commit suicide so Rika feels guilt about what she might have caused. Overall this episode dealt with themes of toxicity with fandoms and more specifically how horrible Japanese idol culture can be, and how crazy, obsessed, and unhealthy it can get.

I also like the symbolism with their weapons, the second I saw Rika's weapon I could immediately tell that she was someone who cuts or used to cut. I don't exactly know what the symbolism is behind Ohto's pen, though I would assume that it is the fact that it is a multicolored pen just like her eyes.

The last thing I found really interesting about this episode was the short scene of Koito crying to the teacher in the school. It left me a bit confused at first but after thinking about it I have come up with a what I think was going on and it might add to more of the reason why Koito killed herself. I think it is highly likely that Koito was going to the teacher for comfort instead of Ohto which made Ohto slightly hate her over it. This is more of a theory but I think that maybe the teacher was taking advantage of Koito's vulnerability and that added with the students bullying her over being friends with Ohto and being close to the hot teacher could have caused her to kill herself, though I think that there is a lot more to why Koito did it that we will learn throughout the show. Just to add on I think that possibly the teacher is maybe trying to do what he did to Koito to Ohto and it is why he keeps showing up at her house

That is all I have to say about this episode, I am absolutely loving this show so far and can't wait till episode 4. If you would like to talk to me about the show or just anime in general I am new to mal and always looking for new friends so feel free to message me or send me a friend request!
MoreFoghornJan 26, 2021 7:43 PM
Jan 26, 2021 11:29 AM
Nov 2019
This show is very realistic based on real life actions even though this kinda show isn’t my fort this show somehow makes me not want to drop it.
And its scary how admiration or affection actually is with Chiaki(i prolly butchered her name) stealing goods and selling it only to worship Rika as someone supreme and even forfeiting her life as those 2 girls as well having sugar daddies only for their idol and giving up their life as soon as their idol die.
Honestly its sad.
This show truly does interpret it very well the meaning of life and actions regards to it.
Animation and OST are top notch as always and love the camera angles as well
Lol that pillow fight talk bw neiru and Ai was funny
Love this show Cant wait for more
Jan 26, 2021 11:31 AM
Jan 2009
roqueamartinez said:
deg said:
that Rika Kawai girl is really sexy hot eh but damn her personality is some bad extrovert type although looks like she is still a good person deep inside

i wonder why she become a stone though or she lose some willpower because of the damage of that attack on her

the action here is nice they can become superhuman more and more it seems the more they achieve self-realization?
seek some help rika is 13

dont worry just like violent games do not make people violent or that porn does not make people rapist

its japan anyway they sexualize teenage girls so watch more anime
Jan 26, 2021 11:31 AM

Nov 2011
So this episode proved that the girls weapons do have a strong connection into what each girl is going through. We know Rika has duel wielding box cutters, and seeing her arm we are well aware of that connection. So now we have to find out what Ai's weapon, her multi-colored pen, has to do with her past trauma.

One Sawaki and Koito Theory I had is that Koito was being buillied since she became friends with Ai, obviously confined in Sawaki since he was an advisor, and Sawaki took advantage of the situation. Just a theory on why Koito actually took her life.

There is also another Theory I heard from a friend and they said this could all be a dream and Ai was the one who actually tried killing herself and she is currently comatose. In a sense it does make sense because you can not bring people back from the dead, but if the main goal for Ai was to get her friend back then maybe she has to go through all of these psychological tests to eventually wake up and be with Koito again.
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Jan 26, 2021 11:50 AM
Dec 2020
I thought this episode was really good both storyboard and animation wise. I really hope that Rika isn't dead because she was one of my favorite characters thus far but do the rest of y'all think they pulled a Madoka and killed her off?
Jan 26, 2021 11:53 AM

Jan 2011
another good episode, this anime will be the best this season

I liked the fact that they can share same dream
Jan 26, 2021 11:57 AM

Jun 2019
I like how stylish the animation is during the fight scenes, but I think it gets a little too ambitious at times, leading to some choppy animation and wonky character models. That being said, I liked this episode more than the last one and thought that they did a good job with the new girl’s character.
Jan 26, 2021 12:05 PM

Aug 2015
Looks like Rika is the type who hides her true feelings and instead feigns indifference, disgust and contempt. I want to hate her but it's hard to.
Jan 26, 2021 12:38 PM

Jul 2013
Kosmonaut said:
deg said:
seriously that male teacher is sus lol is he targeting AI next with his alleged pedo ways? or he is monitoring AI to not alert the police about his sus actions against Koito?
My two theories up to this point are that either Koito was being groomed by the teacher, or she had a crush on the teacher and got rejected by him. If it's the first, then he'd be keeping tabs on Ai. If it's the latter, then maybe he genuinely wants to help her deal with Koito's suicide.

i hope it's the latter, i feel like it'd be such a nice trope subversion especially for the psychological genre. i think it's the former because as much as i love this anime i don't want to get my hopes too high that they'd go for the bluff OTL
Jan 26, 2021 12:39 PM

May 2019
I like the new girl but she's a little too rude for now. She's hiding her sorrow behind rude actions, not a fan of that. But she's still a nice girl.

I don't think the teacher is a pedo. I think he's just trying to help Ai.

This anime has the best animation quality I've ever seen since idk when. Every single episode is on a movie level. And the best thing about the art is the character designs, everything from hairstyles to fashion is done very neatly. Nothing overly flashy, just three (for now) very nicely designed teenage girls. Bad thing is that I'm not very invested in the story so far

What was the meaning of that last scene tho? She dieded? Or just petrified temporarily until the end of the boss fight? Probably the latter but I wonder how that works.
If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend.
Jan 26, 2021 12:43 PM
Apr 2019
Great episode...

Does anyone else think that Rika died?
Jan 26, 2021 12:43 PM

May 2010
Rika might be unlikeable at first due to her outside personality but deep inside, could be a kind-hearted one and just hides it, because that's what idols do, being good at looking happy outside.

Speaking of idols, this episode tackles idol obsession. Man, I freakin' love how the writer has a specific social/mental issue each week.

Also, a Co-Op and another map. But I wonder, why is it a flowerfield near the beach though.

Thoughts summarized here
StormViruzJan 27, 2021 2:11 PM
Jan 26, 2021 12:47 PM
Jul 2018
I am awaiting for an episode to let me down, but it hasn't yet. Rika was a pain at first, then she was still a pain but less annoying.
I thought of Billie Eilish for the fans' hair too, a wtf moment.

Kosmonaut said:
deg said:
seriously that male teacher is sus lol is he targeting AI next with his alleged pedo ways? or he is monitoring AI to not alert the police about his sus actions against Koito?
My two theories up to this point are that either Koito was being groomed by the teacher, or she had a crush on the teacher and got rejected by him. If it's the first, then he'd be keeping tabs on Ai. If it's the latter, then maybe he genuinely wants to help her deal with Koito's suicide.

I wasn't considering that second scenario, only the first, but it could be, it would be less disturbing. However the show looks like it's going for the most disturbing scenarios so far.
Jan 26, 2021 12:56 PM

Apr 2016
I cannot believe they topped the first episode. Holy shit.

This show might be on its way to becoming a classic. Another fantastic episode.
Jan 26, 2021 12:57 PM
Dec 2020
Teacher is giving me *weird* vibes but I hope they don't go with a sexual abuse plot. Not because this show couldn't execute it sensitively, but because I think they could effectively explore complex trauma in a much more subtle way that is rarely seen. Whatever backstory they go for, though, I think he has something to hide and is trying to make sure Ai doesn't leak whatever it is.

Also I kind of like Rika, but her saying those things about Koito was pretty uncalled for even if she is blunt and socially awkward. I want to see Neiru in action too - so far she's my favourite of the gang. I like the realistic irritation that she has towards Rika (who I 100% do not think died permanently)

EDIT: On further reflection, is anyone else mildly skeeved that they seem to be putting girls' souls in gacha eggs to be bought and sold like disposable products? And does anyone else suspect that's the same fate Ai and the gang are heading for...?
listingexistingJan 26, 2021 1:06 PM
Jan 26, 2021 1:14 PM

Sep 2020
Highlight of the episode for me was when Ai walked into the room which made Neiru smile and Rika walked in which made her immediately frown again.

Jan 26, 2021 1:27 PM
Jul 2019
I haven’t said my thoughts about this series yet but here it goes. I’m loving this series quite a lot. Three episodes in and this series does a good job at tackling issues like bullying, self harm, abuse and suicide. The visuals for this are absolutely stunning. I especially love Ai and her dynamics with the cast and her development potential. Rika was great addition as well for being a failed idol who is now fighting to save her only fan. That cliffhanger at the end has me wanting for more and I hope Rika survives. Looking forward to next week.
Jan 26, 2021 1:37 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
just realized how ART the op is, this whole anime is art, the colours are art, the shots and cuts and timing are art, the voice acting is art, the animation, it's movement is all art, the inside of her FRIDGE was art, the thigh-feeling-up was art, and if its visuals aren't enough, when there's a side shot of a mouth, it's not a hole in the side of their cheek that usually is the case, such as in your typical moe. This anime feels like it was made with love and creativity and freedom and I love it. I'm also a real sucker for some good solid lighting and I was mesmerized by the freaking lamp behind neiru as she was sitting in bed texting ai. And yeah this girl cool af with her tragic past and converse and varsity-style jacket and pink streak highlight and boomerang scissor blades... did our madoka magica show just have a baby with kill la kill

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jan 26, 2021 1:45 PM
Nov 2020
really great episode, but unlike the others it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger so im excited to see what happens next episode.
i like rika a lot, but I didn't expect that she cuts herself. so that might be triggering to viewers so be careful. i think that rika might have some trauma from being an idol from the way neiru talked about her, and from the way she talks herself.
the animation in the battle scenes are impressive and eye catching. i really like the art style, and overall aesthetic.
Jan 26, 2021 1:50 PM
Jul 2019
Also anyone else think that Rika gives off Ryuuko Matoi vibes?
Jan 26, 2021 1:50 PM
Jan 2018
I've never wanted to discuss or analyze an anime this much. I love it, so upset about the cliffhanger!

Remembering how Ooto Ai was coated in goo I wonder if Rika being statue-fied will be temporary and will go away once the monster is defeated. I also think that her being offed so quickly would be antithetical to the purpose of the anime. The darkness comes from what happened before, and the mental states of the characters. This feels like a show about grieving and healing. Killing one of the characters so in need of healing, so early on, would go against the message of the show, and I have more faith in the storytellers than that.

Also, I keep thinking about the conversation between Ai and Neiru. It was cute how Ai made the joke about "pillow fights." I have a feeling it was more than a joke, I think it was a deflection. Due to her history, both witnessing Koito being bullied for a potential relationship with an adult and suspecting Koito of having an illicit affair with the teacher, I'm sure Ai feels heavily uncomfortable with the subject. I don't think Ai was okay with how Neiru was discussing minors flirting with adults and wanted to deflect, because she still has those very mixed feelings about Koito.

TL;DR the ways this anime is showing interactions between people and healing from trauma, grief, mental illness, etc, is powerful. Oh heck I'm hooked.
Jan 26, 2021 1:54 PM

Apr 2015
Okay nice, I had a feeling it was gonna be episodic stories of girl(s) needing protecting, but this is good. Ending on a cliffhanger with Rika turned to stone, I do have to say that thing really looked a lot like Medusa.

Right now I am still a bit so-so on the new girl, her attitude is bothering me, however the second half did set that straight a little bit.

Great episode as usual, it keeps delivering right now!

Glordit said:
"Junior Idol' could mean bedroom stuff."

"Like... Pillow fights?"


I laughed by ass off that that. Ooto is too cute.

Same here, She's so pure and innocent, which made her not getting what was said so adorable.
Jan 26, 2021 2:00 PM

Jul 2017
This show continues to be really refreshing, exciting and slightly unnerving to watch. Another very strong episode, although I'm still not really feeling Rika, kind of an ass still even though she wants to atone for what she did to Chiemi back in the day. Visually still really solid, well-directed and full of life with its explosiveness. Might be one of the best original anime I've seen since like A Place Further than the Universe (although that's in a whole league of its own) and Megalo Box when it comes to recent times already.
Jan 26, 2021 2:03 PM
Oct 2018
Wtf? Director hasn't done anything before and yet this is one of the best productions I've ever seen. THis guy has some future. Also, character writing in this anime is fucking crazy, I didn't know that so many could be built without almost any exposition. Best of the season? Yeah, probably. At least until Re:Zero and Beastars really start moving the plot
Akkarin! Hai!
Jan 26, 2021 2:08 PM

Apr 2012
So, we get mini-CGDCT, not "Ai interacts with different characters in their mini-arcs"?

gopadres19 said:
Being in the same house as that counselor must be so awkward and weird and bad, I feel really bad for Ai.

Kosmonaut said:
My two theories up to this point are that either Koito was being groomed by the teacher, or she had a crush on the teacher and got rejected by him. If it's the first, then he'd be keeping tabs on Ai. If it's the latter, then maybe he genuinely wants to help her deal with Koito's suicide.

I'm sure hoping it's the second one man, if she was being groomed by him that would all kinds of messed up. Knowing some of the themes of this show so far though, I'm worried it will be the first one :(

Why? Becoming a victim of a pedophile teacher or committing suicide due to the refusal of the teacher you crushed is both pretty cliché tropes for teenage drama.
Jan 26, 2021 2:48 PM

Feb 2015
This might be a bit of a controversial opinion, but I actually would've liked it more if Rika wasn't just pretending to be a bad person. It would've been refreshing to see a (main) character who is actually driven by an extremely selfish and bad reason to get someone back in a show like this. Especially cause her following Ai around and sleeping in the same room as her could've been a ploy to get her to fight in her dream instead, so that she would be able to revive her "wallet" faster with the help of someone else.
Would that make her unlikable? Definitely, but it would've been a bold move imo.

Having said that, this was another fantastic episode :)
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Jan 26, 2021 3:08 PM
May 2020
Is it just me haven't realize it from previous episode or something? So the one that actually rape and do sexual abuse to Koito is the teacher that comes to Ai's house himself... Well, didn't expect that, i consider it as a little plot twist.

And now the Wonder realm is getting more serious, it's not even episodic anymore, they just left the cliffhanger there. But still i love this episode too.
Jan 26, 2021 3:15 PM

Jul 2020
Well this episode just adds more to the mystery element of what happened to her friend as we start to puzzle things together but don't want to jump to conclusion yet.

Another good episode, this show continues to get more and more interesting as we learn things. Yet as we know more, we have more questions...
Jan 26, 2021 3:24 PM

Mar 2016
that teacher is a BIG BIG creeper.

Jan 26, 2021 3:53 PM

Feb 2019
This episode is a bit more of a mixed bag than the last two. For one, it's a bit weird that they're introducing some new girl to partner up with when the other 'main' one hasn't even really had an episode for her yet. Whatever thought it was trying to get across with all the idol stuff is also pretty muddled and unclear. The new girl is a self-harming idol who had a super fan who bought her things, which she was fine with until she caught her stealing, so to get her to stop, she told her she hates fat people, which drove the girl to anorexia and death. I understand the guilt, but the girl had already gone of the rails before getting Harry and the Hendersons'ed.

Meanwhile, the savees-of-the-week were two other superfans who killed themselves because their favorite idol killed herself. That certainly feeds the theory that they're in some kind of purgatory, saving dead girls from hell. But the two girls here are stark raving lunatics, unrepentant for what they did, or even comprehending that they did anything wrong. They're punchlines that are being mocked. It's hard to muster up sympathy for them or belief that they can or even should be saved as they race straight to the monster in order to taunt it. Which the protagonists also do! Ha ha. You're old and you like idols. What a disgusting freak. Totally not like these innocent girls who are different because they're 16 instead of 40. Even aside from the weird hypocrisy, I question the wisdom of directly attacking some of your core base there.

Jan 26, 2021 3:55 PM
Dec 2017
Monster, "I like women"
Girl, "Then get a prostitute!"

I just wanted the monster to reply to that with "PROSTITUTION IS ILLEGAL IN JAPAN YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!"
Jan 26, 2021 4:08 PM

Jul 2012
Kosmonaut said:
deg said:
seriously that male teacher is sus lol is he targeting AI next with his alleged pedo ways? or he is monitoring AI to not alert the police about his sus actions against Koito?
My two theories up to this point are that either Koito was being groomed by the teacher, or she had a crush on the teacher and got rejected by him. If it's the first, then he'd be keeping tabs on Ai. If it's the latter, then maybe he genuinely wants to help her deal with Koito's suicide.

I thought the same thing. Actually the second scenario was the first that came to mind, especially because of the teacher's behaviour. When Ai found them in the classroom he didn't seem to get shocked or worried of her finding out "about them". Granted, it was only a few seconds and we don't know what happened next.
He doesn't give me "sus" vibes, but you never know.

Anyway, another great episode. This keeps getting better.
Visuals and animation are just gorgeous!
Jan 26, 2021 4:18 PM

Apr 2013
Lmao. The pillow fight text was so cute. Pure as fuck. Or like someone else said she just pushed it to the back of her mind, but that would be pretty adorable if it was the former.
Jan 26, 2021 4:26 PM

Jan 2018
Great episode. Really like the new girl, and how they made me go from pretty much disliking her instantly, to thinking she so far is the deepest character of the 3. She's bad at putting her feeling into words, and so while she meant to make her fan stop giving her money and care for herself, she lead her to her death and now she feels deep responsibility for it.

Also, y'all are way to suspect of the teacher, my lord. I said it last episode, maybe it will turn out how everyone suspects, but right now it's just been a counselor counseling a student, or 2 (Ai), and maybe one mom (though the implication seems to be there is an attraction there). The fact the Ai states she does not hate him in the last episode, and the fact the he did not freak the hell out when she walked in on Koito crying on him, tells us a lot with very little. At the most, if I wagered anything, perhaps Koito, in her reliance on him for counseling, became infatuated and he turns her down, but that's just pure speculation. Nothing yet, however, should lead to the conclusion that the man raped his student.

So far it seems that the particular situation that these girls are in is because they were the cause of the death of someone they cared for. We are learning slowly that Koito did not confide in her friend Ai, and Ai took that to heart. Rika directly causes Chimie's death, and time will tell on how Neiru was somehow directly or indirectly the reason her sister died, but I'd put money on it.
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