PMDD and Autism - Why It Hits Autistic Women So Hard

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Hi! I'm Orion Kelly and I'm Autistic. If you’re autistic and feel like you completely fall apart every month-this might finally explain why. PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) can cause extreme emotional and physical symptoms, and for autistic women it can be especially intense. In this video, I unpack how PMDD and autism interact, what it can feel like, and why so many people go undiagnosed or misunderstood for years. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Why do I feel like I’m shutting down or melting down every month?”-this is for you.
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    Orion Kelly is an #ActuallyAutistic vlogger (RUclipsr), podcaster, radio host, actor, keynote speaker and Autistic advocate based in Australia. Orion is all about helping you increase your understanding, acceptance and appreciation of Autistic people.
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Комментарии • 210

  • @SarahBoyd002
    @SarahBoyd002 11 месяцев назад +93

    I love how, in autistic culture, a man can proactively share this information with such compassion and factuality. Great service to women in our community Orion! 👍🏻

  • @blade797
    @blade797 11 месяцев назад +147

    When you said we only get 3 to 7 days that are not symptomatic, I said "oh no". I say that out loud once a month 😂 the fact that this is so prevalent in autistic women, and then nearly guaranteed with early trauma, and I realized all of these are such a strong part of my struggle. I recall the acronym PMDD from side research years back, but just thought my cycle issues were related to diagnosed PCOS. PMDD has been appointed my new special interest to obsessively research 😂. Thank you for helping the community Orion. I found out I was autistic at 35, and you were the first face in the community for me before i discovered my autism and was diagnosed. Youve done a lot to help me, and helping me more today covering this topic , I am guessing youve helped a lot of other women too. Many of us were just gaslit into blaming it on something else

    • @ixykix
      @ixykix 11 месяцев назад +6

      PMDD and PCOS here too

    • @NotTheFirstNoel
      @NotTheFirstNoel 11 месяцев назад +11

      I know! The 3-7 days without symptoms was definitely accurate for me! I finally went on one of the birth control pills where you only get a period every three months and it was life changing. I still get some symptoms each month but they’re much improved from where they were. This reminded me of how bad things were and the fact that I can never, ever stop that pill!

    • @katzenbekloppt_mf
      @katzenbekloppt_mf 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@NotTheFirstNoelfor me that did not help. I just messed up cycle even more after trying out and gained a lot of weight I never lost again☹

    • @NotTheFirstNoel
      @NotTheFirstNoel 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@katzenbekloppt_mfoh no! Yeah I had bad reactions to a lot of them - weight gain and even bigger emotional regulation issues! But they did help with the awful pain so I kept trying until I found one that my body somewhat likes.

    • @katzenbekloppt_mf
      @katzenbekloppt_mf 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@NotTheFirstNoel oh I don't mind about the pain, acne or bloating. They exist, but I would definitly change to immense period pain plus migrane for a week instead of getting completly personality-changed for three days in a month and destroy my life in minutes.
      Edit: oh and I DO have peeiod-pain like giving birth sometimes and have to deal with migrane wanting to smash my head on the wall not able to manage the pain and feeling to vomit and just able to lie down in darkness every some month, I know that's not fun.

  • @zktoons8740
    @zktoons8740 11 месяцев назад +33

    Well, I didn't know about PMDD or PMS either. This actually explains a lot, all those times I'd start crying out of nowhere, those few instances where I would become a lit fuse and had to withdraw from society (I don't like people seeing me angry), or when I felt overwhelmed by insignificant issues (more than usual I mean), all of that every 28 days. I'm glad it's not just a "me" thing. 😅

    • @Nicole.insane
      @Nicole.insane 7 месяцев назад +1

      I am with you. I had many days where my hormons were crazy. I thought it is just period, but it happens I cried few times per day just like that although I tried be happy. I was smiling and then suddenly I just started cry at work! I am happy that times I worked only with my boyfriend - we had 2 person company and small office. But he couldn't stand me that days. I met with friend and she asked me why I am crying! But there was no reason!
      Depression, very dark thoughts, feeling worthless.. or days where I became angry for nothing.
      Now everything makes sense.

  • @thegreatrunofchickina2623
    @thegreatrunofchickina2623 11 месяцев назад +77

    You had me at PMDD
    there is no positivity when PMDD takes hold.
    Everything is fantasic, then day by day, people don't like me any ore. I don't like people any more.
    I'm now 51 and I can tell you. my life is still effed up from the aftermath of PMDD

    • @thegreatrunofchickina2623
      @thegreatrunofchickina2623 11 месяцев назад +16

      Further/ At one point when i was in a mental health unit, after having mixed feelings about unaliving myself and not quite being sure about it, and at the same time self harming, I exprssed to the female psychiatrist that I know it has something to do with my menstral cycle. She literally rolld her eyes. Do you have your period now, she asked. I told her yes. she shrugged and walked away.
      This was prior to it being included in the DSM. Very recently, I brought this up to a female GP, of whom, not only seemed to be making light of my self discovery of being autistic, but also my claim to have PMMD before it was known.
      I told this GP that I apparently didn't have it because it wasn't in the DSM at the time that I was so desperate to find out why I was the way I was.
      This seriously needs further wxamination and a shit ton of spot lights on it.
      My entire life has been the discovery of one diagnosis after the other of which was non egsistent for years/ And until I realised my autism, nothing made sense
      Ansolutely every puzzle peice has fallen into place, but I am sad to say that I am such a mental mess at this point, that few will take notice of my claims, nor believe enough to medically treat me/
      Apologies for my spelong and grammer. my eyesight has been damaged through medication of which I most likely would not ever have requird if some one had only listened 3 or 4 decades ago

    • @zioah4560
      @zioah4560 11 месяцев назад +3

      Sorry to hear what you’ve been through. And the impacts of it.

    • @AutisticAwakeActivist
      @AutisticAwakeActivist 11 месяцев назад


    • @helloitsmeahmario
      @helloitsmeahmario 11 месяцев назад +8

      Yes. No positivity in the world can help PMDD. Last Sept, I was sitting at my favorite beach in the world, on holiday, the sun was shining at 20°C, the wind and ocean waves were not overstimulating, I had my favorite foods with me, no worries in the world...PMDD still brought all the negativity. It was mentally as if I could see the joy of everything around me through an unbreakable thick glass window. I could not enjoy my day, even on the beach, in the sunlight. Nothing. It is unsettling how dark everything can be with the sun shining down right on it.

    • @objectivityisourfriend9631
      @objectivityisourfriend9631 11 месяцев назад

      @@thegreatrunofchickina2623 I got the eyeroll in the psych unit after a suicide attempt. Every single time after every one I'd get my period. In my younger years my cycles were very irregular so I never knew what was going on. I hate to say it but one time almost died, was in a coma, knocked out 5 days, sure enough period comes when I'm awake. I've got a bipolar diagnosis, along with AuDHD, and my sister has schizophrenia, so it's very possible I do have bipolar, but honestly I feel like it might just be AuDHD + PMDD. Maybe that is literally one type of female bipolar disorder - or the definition of bipolar 2 (which is what I have). At the same time, the SSRIs made me really hypomanic. I hope things work out for you. I hate how we aren't taken seriously! It's so horrible that female practitioners would roll their eyes just because THEY haven't experienced it. I've had that from other practitioners.

  • @deborahbennett6544
    @deborahbennett6544 11 месяцев назад +70

    Thankyou Orion this is very important information for women in this community. It's heart breaking to think how many struggle with this without any help or understanding.

  • @Autism_Forever
    @Autism_Forever 11 месяцев назад +71

    Me at the age of 12: pain is so severe that my heart had just failed. I am bent over at my school desk, gasping for air, trying not to die, feeling in horror as my feet and my legs got paralyzed and it is spreading up my body. In a few seconds, my eyesight is gone too and I am completely blind.
    My NT teacher: hey stop staring at the floor and pay attention!
    Me, trying to say “Piss off you brainless mofo!” only to realize that pain has made me nonverbal, my hands are paralyzed, and I cannot even write it.
    The greatest injustice. I satisfy my rage at least somewhat by managing to spit in the direction of teachers nasty voice.
    What had helped me personally later in life (other than telling NT teachers what I think about them while still verbal) was to take hormonal birth control pills. They made me very fat but they also made me much more comfortable.

    • @CuteCatsofIstanbul
      @CuteCatsofIstanbul 11 месяцев назад +9

      I am so sorry you went through this. You explained the pain soo well. Thankfully I've never had any negativity from people, but doctors would never take my debilitating period pains seriously. The moment I heard the pill helps with the pain, I went on it and I never ever went off of it. At age 46, I'm still on it, like you it caused me weight gain, but looking back I know it also caused a lot of mental stuff for me as well. I learnt this much later in life - after many hospitalisations, crisis moments etc. Can I ask - were you ever diagnosed with endometriosis?

    • @SingingSealRiana
      @SingingSealRiana 11 месяцев назад +2

      And I thought my pain was Bad, glad the pill helped you!
      For me hormonal birth controll messes with my mood tonno end and I Just have Periode pain all the time, Not my usual I throw Up bile and faint from pain Levels of pain, but still very uncomfortable . . . .i felt so relieft when I stopped taking IT and got my period

    • @Jessilya-f7m
      @Jessilya-f7m 11 месяцев назад +3

      Have your doctors checked for endometriosis? The way you described your pain sounded a lot like a mix of endo + PMDD
      I hope you find ways to alleviate your pain and symptoms ❤

    • @hameley12
      @hameley12 11 месяцев назад +2

      ☹️ I'm really sorry you had to go through hell like that as a child. It all describes my mood swings between the ages of 12 to 18 years. My sister had PMS once a month and was able to shake it off and go for swims. For me, my aunt she told me about the steam heating seat which I used to lessen the menstrual cramps. She'd prepped herbs and some tea, all I had to do was seat down and read a book. She understood whenever I explained that I didn't have the strength to go to school for that week. So most of my homework was dropped off at home by my teacher. Then my aunt brought it back to her the next day. God bless her and all the women who go through PMDD and menstrual cycle and who give birth. ❤ ❤ ❤

    • @Autism_Forever
      @Autism_Forever 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@CuteCatsofIstanbul No I have not been. I was born in Soviet Union. Even after it became Russia, if you had pain, many people thought that you are just showing off to get attention. I later learned that this situation exists in other countries, too :) You make a great point about mental health issues that hormonal pills cause. I did not realize that until my spouse told me that my mood swings from blissfully happy to rage monster within matter of seconds terrify him. Thank you for your kind words ♥

  • @DataRae-AIEngineer
    @DataRae-AIEngineer 11 месяцев назад +39

    Nice to have a video from a dude talking about periods in a mature way. Pretty cool. Good work. Also, it looks like I dodged a major bullet with this one. Wow. Sorry to the other women on this post.

  • @Respectable_Username
    @Respectable_Username 11 месяцев назад +20

    Big shout out to Orion for actually talking about periods at all, and also without being weird about it! It seems like a low bar, but one many, _many_ men fail to cross, so it's heartwarming to see it when it does happen /gen ❤

  • @darkydoom
    @darkydoom 11 месяцев назад +31

    Oh look, another symptom that points to me being ADHD/Autistic

  • @tangerinefizz11
    @tangerinefizz11 11 месяцев назад +38

    Thank you for discussing this. I know that I've experienced PMDD, but I had no idea that it disproportionately affected autistic women.

    • @katzenbekloppt_mf
      @katzenbekloppt_mf 11 месяцев назад

      Same. Feels like we catch all the good thinks😐

  • @CuteCatsofIstanbul
    @CuteCatsofIstanbul 11 месяцев назад +57

    Orion, can you also please do a separate (collab) video on menopause? I know these topics can be even more difficult to understand for those not experiencing it, but we need create more awareness so no one feels alone in this exhausting tough journey. And as many women get diagnosed much later in life, we need extra attention to what happens to our bodies, mind, being, existence when we enter menopause because just like PMDD, it can be truly horrific. 😿 As if a 'normal' day is not tough enough for us, add menopause to the mix ....

    • @xxjayboy07xx
      @xxjayboy07xx 11 месяцев назад +5

      For me, it's also the physical symptoms such as temperature fluctuations and sweat. Makes me angry with frustration due to being severely uncomfortable. Not diagnosed tho.

    • @JaCaraKM
      @JaCaraKM 11 месяцев назад +6

      Yes! I’m menopausal and late diagnosed. It has been so difficult trying to get some clarity about what is going on with me physically and mentally especially in the light of having autism.

    • @RuiNa42
      @RuiNa42 11 месяцев назад +5

      Yup, menopausal and late self-identified. I don't have a lot of physical symptoms, for which I am grateful. But I can see why so many level 1 women are diagnosed later in life. It's not just because their kids are being diagnosed... I don't have any. But the executive-disfunction double slam is real.

    • @RuiNa42
      @RuiNa42 11 месяцев назад +6

      oh! and sensory sensitivity, need for alone time! My mask just doesn't work very well anymore.

    • @CuteCatsofIstanbul
      @CuteCatsofIstanbul 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@xxjayboy07xx Oh I hear you! We had the first warm day of the year and I had to catch some injured stray cats. I had 4 moments where I thought 'ok, I'm going to faint now'. Thankfully caught the cats, walked to the vet, back & forth. I came home, completely soaked, exhausted and sooo irritated. And it isn't even summer yet!!! Wish you all the cool breeze out there! 🌬😻

  • @SuperGingerBickies
    @SuperGingerBickies 11 месяцев назад +15

    It all makes sense to this AuDHD woman... Thanks a million, Orion.

  • @sparks3603
    @sparks3603 11 месяцев назад +19

    Oh Orion! Thank you! I reached menopause before my ASD diagnosis. What a relief it was. Finally stopped being ruled by hormones and suicidal ideation every 3 weeks. Primary care Physician didn't pick up on symptoms and she's a woman!! It's doubly awful having that on top of not knowing I'm actually autistic. The emotional dysregulation! Happy to be done with it. Most women's articles bemoan this stage in life. I felt it was a blessing. No desire to be what one calls "fertile" anymore.

    • @katzenbekloppt_mf
      @katzenbekloppt_mf 11 месяцев назад +2

      Oh I long for it to be over for more then 15 years now! I am 48, but my body thinks he should go on producing eggs to eternety🙄

    • @sparks3603
      @sparks3603 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@katzenbekloppt_mf It will happen eventually. It was late for myself. Even as a former smoker, my fertility exceeded statistics. Although my lifelong "hot flashes" should have been one of many clues I am Autistic. It's curious to visit your Dr with all these "symptoms" and be brushed off and no one puts it together.

    • @deilanleaves77
      @deilanleaves77 27 дней назад

      @@sparks3603 hot flashes/profusely sweaty head is related to autism?

    • @sparks3603
      @sparks3603 27 дней назад

      @deilanleaves77 I did experience issues with temperature regulation and hot flashes but it was always that way even in my 20s, and now reaching menopause I don't have that issue anymore.

    • @deilanleaves77
      @deilanleaves77 27 дней назад

      @ I’ve always had that too, now starting perimenopause and it’s still going strong. I am looking forward to post menopause if hopefully this symptom stops with it

  • @ThatMoonBoy
    @ThatMoonBoy 11 месяцев назад +7

    Nonbinary person that bleeds monthly here, my PMDD has always messes with my hormone levels leaving me with a much lower threshold for sensory input. Meaning I'm SOOO much more likely to have a sensory overload and a meltdown when I'm on it. It exhausts me, leaving me with no energy to mask my autistic traits. It's both affirming and saddening to see so many other folks in the comments experiencing the same things.

  • @NotTheFirstNoel
    @NotTheFirstNoel 11 месяцев назад +15

    Oh my gosh, this just blew my mind! I was diagnosed with PMDD in my 20s (now in my 40s) and it came close to destroying my life. I went through a series of birth control pills, most of which gave me anxiety, before finding one that helps with the physical and emotional symptoms. I’ve dealt with so many people discounting my symptoms as a normal and acceptable part of being a woman.
    (I am self-diagnosed AuDHD and had no idea there was potential correlation… this was incredibly validating, so thank you!)

    • @objectivityisourfriend9631
      @objectivityisourfriend9631 11 месяцев назад

      That is terrible that you've had people discount your symptoms. They will do this in peri/menopause too, including female friends and doctors. Find the ones who get it, like trained hormonal health / menopausal docs. I'm in an AuDHD support group with women and literally 100% of us have PMDD. I've never felt so validated in my life. Maybe you can check out an online women's support group through AANE. That's how I found mine!

  • @helloitsmeahmario
    @helloitsmeahmario 11 месяцев назад +15

    Non-binary here and Autistic/ADHD with suspected PMDD that my doctor agrees with me on. Just knowing what's happening to me has helped tremendously. I am 34 years old. Knowing that I am suicidal because of PMDD doesn't make it easier but gives me an end in sight. When I am feeling this way, I remind myself that it is PMDD, this feeling will go away, and if it doesn't, then I can decide what to do from there. (Edit: PMDD always lets up so I have never had to make decisions beyond the darkness each month)
    Seeing my doctor next week for possible treatments options.
    For me, the right ADHD medication, eating well, honoring my need to rest, lots of long walks, and a tenacity to weather the storm has been what has kept me going all these years.

  • @carolinehaf21
    @carolinehaf21 11 месяцев назад +19

    I CANNOT thank you enough Orion - having just gone through 5 years almost of physical hell (still ongoing), my last 2 diagnoses of ADHD and autism have helped me put some much needed mental health pieces into the physical health picture... but WOW is this the capper that I needed to now turn my attention to exploring since I have not just the physical experiences but the numbers on my side as an AuDHD woman. I can't express how life saving this will be for many... how crucial this information is just to be armed with as a possibility to investigate with my endocrinologist and others. It can be truly UNBEARABLE wanting to crawl outside your own body even for a brief moment to eacape an ever-present negative internal diatribe that cannot wait to be proven right the next time another interaction with a loved one blows up in frustration and anger and ultimately misunderstanding - then isolation to recover... and over and over it goes.
    I did not know why I constantly have this as an undertone to my existence - but now, realising how much damage is being done to my relationships with anger that WAS inward for 40 years - now turning inward, outward and sideways the longer it continues with no help or recognition.
    This information IS help!
    My eternal thanks to Danielle and to you for giving me a tangible possibility based on symptoms I have/still experience to explain what has felt like a complete waste of the last 5 years of my life and brought me to a standstill personally and professionally... before it destroys me completely mentally.
    Much love ❤

  • @negakirine
    @negakirine 11 месяцев назад +14

    Woah! Such an important discussion!
    I am AuDHD. I used to have PMDD symptoms and also horrifying periods (because of a type of endometriosis). It’s just like you said: I was only ok about 7 to 10 days a month. I’ve experienced a lot of medical gaslighting and been dismissed by lots of people, who wouldn’t believe me how horrible my ordeal was.
    I am on hormonal treatment at the moment (progesterone) which has stopped my periods. The PMDD is gone! I can’t imagine if I had been misdiagnosed and put on mood stabilisers instead.

    • @Alexithymiander
      @Alexithymiander Месяц назад

      Can you say more about the hormonal progesterone treatment you are getting?

  • @ixykix
    @ixykix 11 месяцев назад +27

    Another here with PMDD. Although mine is cured now. I'm 48 and waiting for my autism assessment in 5 weeks time, after waiting 19months on a list. I found the SSRI sertraline helped to some degree, but my PMDD made me horribly suicidally depressed. When I needed a complete hysterectomy (for other reasons) I asked my surgeon to take out my ovaries too. We had a chat about my PMDD (not officially diagnosed until seeing him!) and he said he would honour my request, no question. That was about 6 years ago now. I appreciate not everyone can opt for this, especially if you are planning to have children/more children. I am so thankful to be free of it now. Thanks for highlighting this important topic Orion.

    • @monkiesbanana321
      @monkiesbanana321 11 месяцев назад +1

      Wow that's so interesting! I had PMDD since menses onset and then when I had a hysterectomy that cured my severe adenomyosis pain, I noticed my PMDD symptoms way lessened, BUT I still have my ovaries! Maybe less pain from the uterus lowered my PMDD symptom severity somehow. I also have celiac and hashimotos.

    • @objectivityisourfriend9631
      @objectivityisourfriend9631 11 месяцев назад

      This is interesting. I have "bipolar disorder", which I think *might* just be AuDHD + PMDD, but I have to be careful because my sister has schizophrenia and some of my aunts have bipolar - meanwhile dad is AuDHD so I've got it all from many sides. Regardless, when I was in a psych unit in my 20s at Cedars Sinai, the head psych said after menopause my symptoms and depressions would be way better. I'm 45 now and thought he had it wrong thinking estrogen is what I need to feel stable, and we lose that in menopause! I am hopeful after reading your experience!

    • @meaganwilliams349
      @meaganwilliams349 11 месяцев назад +1

      I have PMDD and hashimoto's as well, and I suspect (especially after all those statistics) autism too. I'm 32 and done having kids, but I'm afraid a doctor won't take me seriously if I request a hysterectomy. Something's gotta give though, I can't keep this up until menopause. Having it all removed really alleviated a lot of symptoms though? I'm starting to seriously consider it

    • @dariosergevna
      @dariosergevna 3 месяца назад

      happy to hear that, heard it doesnt help everyone with pmdd, but Clarityn + Pepcid helps

  • @AmandaSeacrist
    @AmandaSeacrist 11 месяцев назад +8

    Thank you, Orion for covering this topic. And shout out to Dannie O for describing her experience. She hit the nail on the head and I couldn't have said it better myself. It is pure hell to endure. 😢

  • @sarahedwards5766
    @sarahedwards5766 11 месяцев назад +15

    Thank you so much for sharing this video. Two meltdowns before I even clock in at work this morning, having a very very hard time and have PMDD. Perfect timing for this information.

  • @ReubenRovak
    @ReubenRovak 11 месяцев назад +11

    I'm an Autistic trans man. I had PMDD for YEARS, and it just got worse as doctors kept ignoring me. When I started transitioning, things got better (and doctors started paying more attention to my complaints as I looked more and more male), but my PMDD was cured when I got a total hysterectomy. Goodbye ovaries, goodbye PMDD!

  • @nyasmith-assis5168
    @nyasmith-assis5168 11 месяцев назад +6

    This was very much needed for me this morning. The message from the community member who has been diagnosed with PMDD is on point and I can relate with everything she says. Thank you for supporting the group of women in this community it has made a tremendous difference for us to be seen and heard. 🙏🏾

  • @earthdwellingmartian
    @earthdwellingmartian 11 месяцев назад +2

    I’ve described it before like it’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome. It can be like I’m an entirely different person during my period. The emotional dysregulation just brings out my worst.

  • @Alice_Walker
    @Alice_Walker 11 месяцев назад +5

    I'm so glad we're talking about this. Getting a Mirena IUD which stopped my periods literally changed my life. I was never diagnosed with PMDD but the severity, intensity and length of my PMS was horrendous and made me feel completely out of control of myself.

  • @Sp00nie
    @Sp00nie 11 месяцев назад +4

    Maaaan. Every time I watch a video of yours it’s like a new connection is made and things resonate so deeply I end up nearly breaking down. This journey of discovery and diagnosis is nothing short of 🤯 for me.
    Everything you said about PMDD is spot on. No one can possibly understand how deep and dark those worst days are… going to bed one night relatively ‘normal’/stable and then waking up the next morning on the absolute hell of mental states. So many hours spent just sitting on the bed starring out the window with tears streaming and not even knowing why. Just knowing the mental and emotional anguish was behind what I could process. ((And in the debilitating physical pain of hormonal migraines and endometriosis)). It’s not sadness as most typically think of it… it’s different; deeper; and there’s no *thing* that is the cause.
    One thing you said that made lights go off even more for me… how autistic women experience the sensory overload etc more intensely during these times than their allistic counterparts and how masking becomes almost impossible for some. 💡
    All of my most intense meltdowns as an adult have been during the peak times of PMDD symptoms. And I never knew what was happening. Just that I was out of my own control. I’d “snap” (for lack of better words) and end up a hysterically sobbing mess on the floor of my closet where I would seek refuge from everyone and everything and would (what I now know to be) stim HEAVILY until I finally was able to come back to myself. This would lead to literal days on end of burnout. Now I know. It all makes SO much more sense through this lens I’m seeing myself through now.

  • @karens8633
    @karens8633 11 месяцев назад +5

    Oh, yes! I had this problem! Three weeks out of every month! It was living Hell! 😢 I was also born with Hypothyroidism, which wasn’t diagnosed until I was three months old. We attributed this to all my “challenges” before we knew I was Autistic.

  • @rubysophiamarie
    @rubysophiamarie День назад

    Thank you for speaking about periods with ease and respect!! So many of the guys in my life are weirded out by this. I love your channel sooo much

  • @mienmiennn
    @mienmiennn 7 месяцев назад +1

    Funny that a guy who's not even a doctor gives me the information that I needed my whole life since I was 12 when I started being on the floor in pain with the hemorrhage. Licensed monsters always told me I was a disgusting person for having the unbearable emotional suffering along with the huge cramps on my vagina uterus rectum and legs. Early menopause was the biggest relief in my entire life. Not that I no longer have the cramps but I have come to terms with the fact that nothing happens to a doctor just because something happens to you. They don't even need to put it in writing. Thank you so much for the info. ❤

  • @llareia
    @llareia 11 месяцев назад +3

    It's actually one of the reasons I love Sherlock Holmes. Obviously it's not exactly what he's going through, and I don't do drugs or anything, but his ADHD burnouts are otherwise almost a perfect description [less physical symptoms] of what PMDD is like. That swing of manic Sherlock to despondent Sherlock really resonates with me. I have ADHD, PMDD, and high-masking autistic traits. I've worried in the past about whether I might have BPD because of PMDD symptoms and how it strips my mask away. I'm at least able to understand it a bit better these days, which honestly helps so much with managing it.

  • @Jae-by3hf
    @Jae-by3hf 11 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you for this video! I’m 38 and all the maybes point to me! I have a light diagnosis of PMDD from my GP, but theres nothing really anyone can do about it! I have either extreme anger (coming from nowhere) or I’m crying constantly! It is so horrible and there is nothing I can do! My GP suggested anti depression tablets but it would take weeks to work and defeated the object! I also have PCOS, and I feel like women should have period days off, especially when we are diagnosed with things! The condition is awful because you are not in control of your emotions and you can’t snap your way out of it! It comes on about 10-14 days before my period and the day of my period it instantly disappears, it’s so wild! During and after my period my PCOS makes an appearance, so yes the 3-7 days checks out for me too!

  • @agirlnamedbrett.
    @agirlnamedbrett. Месяц назад

    i was diagnosed with PMDD in 2009 at the age of 21 and boy has it been a ride since. it is nice to see more and more information coming out about this because when i was first diagnosed there was almost nothing about this subject. it has affected every aspect of my life and is something i believe that should be talked about just as much as PMS.
    i have found pharmaceuticals to have never helped with my PMDD, natural remedies have been the way to go for me. i needed something to help me be more of myself for longer then just a week span. i still disappear sometimes the week before i get my period because you never know what crazy version of yourself might emerge. PMDD is no joke and is a completely different experience from PMS.
    xo much love to all my silent suffering PMDD women xo

  • @NeurodiverJENNt
    @NeurodiverJENNt 11 месяцев назад +9

    You are a brave man. This was absolutely fascinating! Thank you so much for being willing to do this video.

    • @katzenbekloppt_mf
      @katzenbekloppt_mf 11 месяцев назад

      Yes, did You made the same experience beeing fascinated how different men in "our" age (35 - 55) can be? How nice, listening, really seeing us equal without opening a discussion about feminist topics?
      I really seem to like autistic men!
      And I had really reached the "I hate men"-status before for many bad experience in life that had not to do with love-affairs or relationships.
      Just too much of that dominant man-splaining "old white cis male" behaviour.
      Could we invent a NT-vaccination for men, please😂

  • @CircaBEFORE
    @CircaBEFORE 11 месяцев назад +3

    I have PMDD, I was diagnosed in 2019 after decades of suffering (still suffering but at least I know why)
    And I did know the link between PMDD and autism.
    Let’s just say it’s nothing short of a miracle that I
    Am still alive.

    • @226iamacake
      @226iamacake 6 месяцев назад

      @@CircaBEFORE ❤️‍🩹

  • @ariadgaia5932
    @ariadgaia5932 11 месяцев назад +1

    I am an adult-diagnosed autistic soul who was recently diagnosed with PMDD as well.... in my late thirties! All my life... I've had both... and had no ducking clue until about TWO YEARS AGO! When I got my diagnoses basically back to back? My entire life suddenly made so much sense I cracked and started laughing like Loki after he's taken a beating by Thor. And trauma!? Don't get me started.... Life's been hell... but now that I finally understand my mind? My life has become a freaking game~ Just understanding what's going on has given me so much more control over my life. I finally... at nearly 40... am enjoying my life~ The symptoms aren't gone! I just understand them, so they no longer control my life. Plus? I finally found true love~ Having him in my life has been a greatest blessing! He's so supportive and understanding that he only asked how he can help~ I love my man so freaking much! Having people who love and support you makes even the torture of PMDD bearable.

  • @sarahcb3142
    @sarahcb3142 11 месяцев назад +3

    Here's my theory: it's suggested that serotonin deficiency is connected with pmdd. Thus, is it a stretch to say serotonin plays a role in the system in not having excess pain and the mood swings that would normally be caused by the period cycle? So for people who have lower than normal serotonin (aka people with Trauma caused by having to live a life by neurotypicals who don't like you???) they would experience pmdd at a Much higher rate than those who have normal serotonin levels.

  • @MayraHollis-hc1hc
    @MayraHollis-hc1hc 4 месяца назад

    This made me tear up. I’ve been recently diagnosed with ASD. Labeled high functioning. I was diagnosed with PMDD in my early 20s, ADD in my early 30s. I remember joking with friends that I only have 1 good week in an entire month.

  • @objectivityisourfriend9631
    @objectivityisourfriend9631 11 месяцев назад +2

    Yep - it's one week that I'm good and fully functional. Right now, I'm in that week. I feel good! Empowered, not anxious, and the RSD is manageable. Catch me in two weeks - different story. I have a bipolar diagnosis, but I'm now sure it's just ASD/ADHD mixed with PMDD. I have had 10 suicide attempts, all during PMS period. My hormones were checked out and determined to be "normal". I got my diagnosis at 44 because the hormones got out of balance enough to get the diagnosis. When I take estrogen I get really really hyper and feel better. So though I take my bipolar meds, it's obvious that the "hypomania" comes when my estrogen is higher and after PMS. So god knows. My sister is schizophrenic, though, which is highly related to bipolar. We'll see how menopause goes, and I'm not looking forward to it. It's true that it is harder for ASD women and women with any mental health condition.

  • @AndreaCrisp
    @AndreaCrisp 11 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you so much for creating this video despite not suffering from this condition yourself or even being female. I so appreciate you! You've helped me so much. I won't get an official diagnosis, because it doesn't make sense at my age or life circumstances, but understanding myself and lived experience through the neurodivergent lens has brought so much understanding, self-compassion and healing. Forever grateful to you and the neurodivergent community and advocates on RUclips. 👏 🙏🥰

  • @genevievegreene1595
    @genevievegreene1595 11 месяцев назад +4

    Thank you Orion. This is totally me. I don't have to try to explain it to anyone else. It is enough just to know that it is a real thing and I am not just some lazy idiot making excuses for herself so she can lie around doing nothing. Yes I believe every rotten thing said to or about me, and there are plenty. This is so freeing for me.

  • @JaCaraKM
    @JaCaraKM 11 месяцев назад +2

    I’m a 54 year old autistic woman who believed her whole life that she just had PMS. Only in recent years have I realized that I have PMDD. I am menopausal now and still experiencing this. In fact it has worsened since menopause started and even with hormones supplements it hasn’t improved much. I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago but still have my ovaries. Every month I go through 2-3 weeks of hell and I regret not having my ovaries removed as well. The pain is so intense that I have to lie in bed for days until the feeling passes. I feel like this video validates my experience. Thank you for doing this video.

    • @objectivityisourfriend9631
      @objectivityisourfriend9631 11 месяцев назад

      You might still be ovulating, maybe you should see an OBGYN about it? Some women go through menopause at 55 or later! Perhaps you are still ovulating and that's why the mood swings and pain are there. Hopefully it'll pass. My one friend finally stopped ovulating at 57.

  • @TricksterModeEngaged
    @TricksterModeEngaged 11 месяцев назад +3

    IDK if this will maybe be helpful for someone else but basically all my period-related problems were fixed by 1) changing my birth control and 2) finally getting my thyroid function tested after my Dr noticed a pattern in the symptoms I'd come to her for help with over the years. Turns out if you have thyroid problems, it can make your period waaaay worse and also cause problems with depression and general emotional regulation (and if you already had problems with that,it makes it worse). It also turns out thyroid problems are more common in autistic women than the general population.

    • @meaganwilliams349
      @meaganwilliams349 11 месяцев назад

      Very very helpful! I have hashimoto's and I always figured it was connected to the pmdd somehow. I have adhd and possibly autism, but highly masked enough to only be realizing it now that I'm in my 30s. Can I ask what birth control helped? I'm done having kids and am wondering if a hysterectomy would solve a lot of problems 😅

  • @KatieB33
    @KatieB33 11 месяцев назад +3

    🙏 thank you. I was only diagnosed with PMDD at 49 yo after monthly suicidal ideation which had been diagnosed as major depressive disorder and borderline personality. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 53 yo with menopause and this year (55yo)it’s bloody obvious I’m autistic.
    I knew I was quirky and most people didn’t get me but I’d accepted that part of me. 😂

  • @dededouble327
    @dededouble327 11 месяцев назад +3

    Hi Orion (and community) I am new to the autistic community & everything that goes along with it. We recently learned our 9 year old's "obvious" ADHD, is actually Autism, and our neurotypical daughter (7) is actually ADHD... and wow. has this spun me upside-down. My husband was diagnosed as ADHD at 30-ish, which is why we assumed our son's "issues" were ADHD,.. however,.. after his assessments, and learning, not only does our daughter resonated more with my husband, but I am in-fact, learning that I, myself am autistic. Everything is honestly making so much more sense. But at the same time,. causes even more melt downs. The thing is, as the "neurotypical" partner in the relationship, it was MY job to figure everything out to help my husband function in this world. Since having kids my 'issues' have gotten worse, and was "baby blues', then 'post partum depression', then 'anxiety' etc.. it has been so, so hard to be the one who has to make everything work, as the 'normal' one. What I am trying to say is,.. I am finding lots of resources for things like people who may have both adhd and autism. Or relationship help for people who have one neurodivergent and one neurotypical person in the relationship. But I am having a hard time finding videos and articles to help people where one person is autistic, and the other adhd. He can't function like me, and I can't function like him. And the past decade has been really hard on me trying to make things easier for him in this world, where I have to be more flexible and understanding. He is learning along with me too, about my needs, but because things have been like this for so long, I don't even know where to start, or what to do. All I know is I can't keep functioning like the 'normal' one to help everyone else function, but he can't either. I guess I am just looking for resources on how to help me navigate getting to a healthier mental place...

    • @objectivityisourfriend9631
      @objectivityisourfriend9631 11 месяцев назад +1

      Find a neurodivergent therapist/specialist maybe and opt for couples/family therapy? I couldn't believe it when I found a neurodivergent specialist/therapist on my state health insurance. She's awesome, and she is in fact in a similar marriage - she is ADHD and he is ASD.

  • @lizzygreenhood9631
    @lizzygreenhood9631 11 месяцев назад +2

    All of this would have been great to know *before* I hit menopause. I suffered horribly from PMDD. Everyone just thought I was a b*tch. I was misdiagnosed, and never got treatment. Now I'm done with periods, and am symptom-free. Now I have the freedom to be the crazy old swamp witch I want to see in the world.

  • @deilanleaves77
    @deilanleaves77 27 дней назад

    Loving kindness meditation is amazing for ‘zooming out’. Say it for yourself, then people close to you then people a little further, inching out and out until you cover the whole world, galaxy and universe

  • @autismenlightenment
    @autismenlightenment 11 месяцев назад +2

    I have pmdd and im about to turn 40. I feel like an insect or other creature that lives and then dies shortly after reproduction. I ovulate and then lose lose my will live. Every month. I pray my 3 yr old will be spared. I will hit menopause when she enters puberty and this is scares the you know what out of me😢😢

  • @danas7631
    @danas7631 Месяц назад

    Thank you SO much for sharing this. I have autism, ADHD, and PMDD. I’m trying very hard to finish up my undergraduate degree, but my PMDD and everything else makes it so hard. With my PMDD, I blackout from pain, and I’m usually bed ridden for a few days. The bleeding lasts 10 days. I have to take 6 extra strength Advils usually for the first 6 days. And usually 2 weeks before bleeding I start to present symptoms. I have to take a reduced course load because of everything, so, consequently, I’m in my 6th year of university. I’m currently struggling very hard with PMDD symptoms. I finally have an accommodation this year for my PMDD, but I’m scared to use it. Thank you again for this video.

  • @rockleex1000
    @rockleex1000 11 месяцев назад +6

    Trans men can also experience PMMD.
    Obviously, I don't think it's WRONG not to acknowledge trans men and nonbinary people in discussions around female reproductive health, but it is nice, I think.
    A lot of trans men and nonbinary people will avoid discussions centered around the topic of female reproductive health due to feeling alienated by the exclusionary framing of such discussions.
    Even just one little nod to the fact that not everyone experiencing these problems is necessarily a women can go a long way in opening people up to learning useful information. I think it's especially valuable in content specifically having to do with autism giving the disproportionate population of trans and nonbinary people withing the autistic community.
    To be extra clear, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this video or anything like that. I'm just noting how benedictional it can be to potential viewer that might be transgender or have a transgender friend that they might be able to share the information with, when discussing the topic of reproductive health and things related to it.

    • @helloitsmeahmario
      @helloitsmeahmario 11 месяцев назад +3

      Non-binary AuDHD here with PMDD. While I would word things differently if I made this video, Orion did mention at the beginning something about "people with PMDD". That is satisfactory for me. There is a give and take when it comes to Women's Health and Trans Health.

    • @Lillit-q3l
      @Lillit-q3l 10 месяцев назад +1

      I was friends with a trans man that definitely had pmdd as well as PCOS and I can confirm they had a really hard time even admitting to people they had periods in fear it would invalidate them which was really sad and made his life harder :/ He also was diagnosed with bpd but I think him having pmdd and not addressing it made it so much worse or it may have even caused it or been misdiagnosed. I agree they should be included, but I think there should be a whole different video and niche for trans men to support them through their reproductive alienation because it is really not talked about enough at all. Trans autistic people in general have such specific struggles which really need to be niched out for discussion- but unfortunately autism and trans rights on their own struggle to be advocated for in general. I feel like trans autistic people specifically too are way more likely than anyone else to substance abuse and self harm out of lack of support- which is also not talked about either...

  • @jolienwillowtree2248
    @jolienwillowtree2248 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yes, thank you so much for sharing this bdw. Ik suffer from pmdd to. This is also the reason why women get mis diagnosed with borderline. Because of the mood swings. If it's okay to share, I have some videos about this topic to. ❤

    @SKASKASKASKAAA 11 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for your work

  • @kattail1429
    @kattail1429 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you, I am not professionally diagnosed but you always talk about my problems. And you are spot on again today. I am French and 48, it's the first time I can put a name on that. Thanx.

  • @cozycasasmr4510
    @cozycasasmr4510 11 месяцев назад +1

    it's so validating to hear this. I've been told my whole life that I must just get over the pain, take some painkillers, im just overreacting (which to a certain extent it is for me once you come out of it you realise how silly you were being, but when you so deep in it in the moment then it feels impossible to see it any other way) and the physical uncomfortable feelings of getting a period made me have meltdowns and panic attacks. if I knew my period was coming in a few days I would freeze up from panic and not be able to function. combined with the suicidal thoughts and already feeling weird and lonely from being autistic and people not undertanding me it was so so painful. now that I'm almost 30 I can handle it a lot better and have a system set up for myself but wow it was a struggle to get here. if you're struggling with this just know that it CAN get better ❤❤ it might take a few doctors, bunch of money, and a few years but it won't be bad forever ❤❤ thanks Orion

  • @stephv1563
    @stephv1563 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for showing that guys can talk about women’s health respectfully and with compassion! You are awesome! I have adhd and had severe perinatal depression and I think I have developed PMDD. It sucks but it’s comforting to hear there’s an explanation of being more sensitive to it being a neurodivergent person. Thank you for making this video.

  • @xTheGreatDestroyerx
    @xTheGreatDestroyerx 11 месяцев назад +5

    My partner is asd1 and I've been diagnosed BPD, PTSD, bipolar and DID. I've often wondered if it's really just PMDD for myself as meds for the other issues have never worked for me. During my monthly curse I'm extremely depressed, usually starts 2 weeks before my period.

  • @blastypowpow
    @blastypowpow 11 месяцев назад +1

    This is why I love your channel!! You’re out to educate even if the issue doesn’t apply to you, and you do it with empathy! We have such a lovely community. You don’t see many men in the allistic community, unless they’re a physician, talking about women’s issues.
    I’d love to see a video about menopause and autism because so many of us women are late diagnosed women! I’m 44 and none of my doctors seem very concerned to tell me what exactly my body is about to go through soon. I’m definitely perimenopausal. I’ve been trying to learn on RUclips. Many women suffer in silence and don’t know to even ask for treatment. Sometimes, doctors dismiss women’s symptoms as a “natural part of aging” when it’s a totally treatable condition. Sometimes, the symptoms can be so severe that it causes us to have pain during intercourse which can lead to loss of intimacy with your partner. My advice ladies: advocate for yourselves!! If your doctor or ob/gyn dismisses you, find a new doctor! Ask them to check your hormones!! They make bioidentical hormones now from plants. The compounding pharmacy I use for my kitty’s prescription makes them so they’re out there. 😘🥰

  • @LinneaofBorealis
    @LinneaofBorealis 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for talking about this. I have PMDD and am currently on the process of getting diagnosed with autism as well. At the age of 29. After wondering what is wrong with me since I was 13.

  • @misspat7555
    @misspat7555 11 месяцев назад +1

    So what you are saying is that, as an AuDHD woman, I am super lucky NOT to have PMDD, and to not have even gotten PMS until my late 30’s! Now that I do get PMS for a couple days before my period, though, imagining being that out-of-sorts for over half my life?!? Wow, I am so lucky…. sooooo lucky… 🍀

  • @kunibob2
    @kunibob2 11 месяцев назад +1

    "The camera adds 10 lb" hahaha I enjoy your humour so much :D

  • @alexadellastella5247
    @alexadellastella5247 4 месяца назад

    Thank you SO MOUCH Orion! I really appreciate that a man talks about this, I suffer so much from it as well as endometriosis and hypermobile EDS and cptsd..... and professionals do not get me at all even the so called specialist doctors!!!!

  • @launacasey6513
    @launacasey6513 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for making this video. One can get to a place where they gaslight themselves and that makes everything so much worse. It seems that the top treatment is an SSRI, followed by a hormonal birth control. I HAVE to follow up with my Dr - I feel absolutely insane and volatile and sad and full of rage. It's really hard to do anything, show up in the world, go to work, maintain friendships or relationships when you're having your Hell week (or weeks).

  • @configurine
    @configurine 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for making these videos tackling and spreading knowledge on the autistic experience in women/anyone that goes through menstruation and raising the discussion and awareness among people! liked and subbed!!!

  • @MyHumanSuit
    @MyHumanSuit 11 месяцев назад +6

    Sounds like what I had. But it wasn't diagnosed. "It's just normal to feel that way...". But I stopped having them all together until just after 40. They still say it's stress.

  • @Livinginthegrayarea
    @Livinginthegrayarea 11 месяцев назад +3

    Soooo grateful for you and this topic!

  • @artosbear
    @artosbear 11 месяцев назад +5

    Very important to say this, especially because so many trans people are neurodivergent so quite possibly have eyes on this video: *any* trans person can experience this too. Some trans mascs and men still have periods even on T and this can still affect them.
    Trans femmes and women often start getting periods, and they absolutely can develop even the extreme pain (y'know because they're women)
    Google still lies, medical training often misinforms doctors and medical professionals. Therapists. Etc. look here's the quote of the first result on Google. Notice it does not include pain, shortness of breath, reduced or lack of circulation to limbs, heart problems, etc...yknow the kinds of things people are describing in the comments
    "A severe, sometimes disabling extension of premenstrual syndrome.
    Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome that includes physical and behavioral symptoms that usually resolve with the onset of menstruation.
    PMDD causes extreme mood shifts that can disrupt work and damage relationships. Symptoms include extreme sadness, hopelessness, irritability, or anger, plus common premenstrual syndrome symptoms such as breast tenderness and bloating.
    Drugs and lifestyle changes may help."

    • @artosbear
      @artosbear 11 месяцев назад +2

      I looked at multiple results. Johns Hopkins medical, Mayo clinic, nhi, and more. NO ONE seems to include extreme pain, potentially life threatening, etc. The most they describe is "cramps" or "tenderness" or "ankle swelling" "bloating." Like the word pain is not mentioned. Christ I hate how this shit is treated. "Oh dear you're just hysterical take these antidepressants"

  • @Mamaofchaos2
    @Mamaofchaos2 11 месяцев назад +3

    Thankyou so much for this video. This was so well research thankyou for taking the time to explain this so thoroughly a lot of my personal experiences make a lott more sense now. Thankyou so much.

  • @Mybestfriendlivesinboston
    @Mybestfriendlivesinboston 11 месяцев назад +1

    I feel this to my core ! Thank you ❤

  • @keyc.1109
    @keyc.1109 11 месяцев назад +1

    That explains why I get super moody when I am off BC. My husband noticed too.

  • @thomsonclan5878
    @thomsonclan5878 11 месяцев назад +2

    So I have pcos, so because of this I rarely have periods. But when I do I have pmdd, so 8 days before my period comes I liturally can’t get out of bed, I’m so tired it’s like I’m anemic. I then have all the symptoms until my period finishes which used to be 7 days before kids now it’s 4 🎉
    My symptoms extreme tiredness, nose bleeds, headaches where I have to have a wet flannel on my head, tummy pains (went away after having kids) I feel like the world is going to end, like we’ve just been told a asteroid is on its way, paranoia I feel like no one likes me, I have had s-side ones but was more when I was a teenager.
    When at school I had the perfect 28 day cycle, I’d have 7 days of period and I probably Altho can’t remember had the 8 days before tiredness. But the moment my period started it would it me, I’d go to the nurses office to ask to go home, and they’d be concerned about my nose bleed and not the fact that I was so fatigued!
    It’s awful, other than the fertility issue with pcos it’s very handy not having periods! 😁
    Pmdd is pms on steroids!

  • @jdsdsjhkds
    @jdsdsjhkds 11 месяцев назад

    Orion thank you for putting this through and I can just see from the comments how many people you've managed to reach and it's amazing, thank you again for taking my suggestion and posting my experience too. I hope this helps spread awareness and help more people recognise this condition.

  • @cynthiag3065
    @cynthiag3065 11 месяцев назад

    WOW, this explains so much about my childbearing years. Add migraines to the PMDD. Yep, menopause was absolute hell, too and no one believes it.

  • @curlyem3513
    @curlyem3513 2 месяца назад

    Recently went through grieving my closest family member. That feeling of grief is exactly the same as some weeks before my period. The only thing they recommend is anti depression meds or the contraceptive pill both of which I would not consume.

  • @tabithabasye2440
    @tabithabasye2440 8 месяцев назад +1

    I had never heard of PMDD, thank you… explains so much.

  • @highparadise11
    @highparadise11 11 месяцев назад +4

    Yes 3-7 days is my life

    • @highparadise11
      @highparadise11 11 месяцев назад

      Maybe the pmdd is the “autism”

  • @actipton80
    @actipton80 10 месяцев назад +1

    Before I went on birth control, I'm pretty sure I had PMDD. Out of a five week cycle, I only was symptom free for one of those weeks. The week between my period and ovulation. My sensory issues were way worse during my period and the days leading up to it, especially my tactile issues.

  • @BlueRoseHelen252
    @BlueRoseHelen252 11 месяцев назад +1

    Oh my..... Mind blown..... I have spent most of my life since I was 10 with what I thought was normal PMS, went on birthday control when I was in my late teens and no periods no pain so i stayed on them until i was about 30 because I didn't want the periods back. And as soon I came off them i was spending most weeks in agony again... Since having my 3 kids I noticed it's been slightly better but I still get all the symptoms for weeks at a time. I've been in peri menopause since roughly 2019 ISH and the more painful symptoms got worse slowly so when I got to having 10 day migraines and constant joint pain especially in my elbows which was waking me up and stopping me sleeping I opted for HRT patches, in 3 days I already noticed my aches were less and my migraine had gone, after a few weeks I felt soo much better. I still get awful swelling for weeks before and crippling stomach aches etc but it's much improved..... Sadly both my girls appear to be struggling with similar symptoms so the only way we were told we could help to elevate some of the pain etc was to put them onto a mini pill at 12 and 10 years old! They still get pain etc but it's much better than it was and they seem to be much better taking the pill. I am grateful the doctors told us about this for them, but I felt soo bad for them realising they were feeling as awful as I had at such a young age too. Thank you Orion, I had no idea about this. 😊

  • @imasimpfordabixd8388
    @imasimpfordabixd8388 11 месяцев назад +2

    I get symptoms 12 days before my period, and it puts life on hold. When my period comes, I have severe cramps that cause me to bend in half. I tried birth control, however… it gave me two periods a month. I have autism, and I had no idea these two could be linked.

    • @sarahleslie1316
      @sarahleslie1316 11 месяцев назад

      Finding the right birth controls is definitely a lot of a trial and error in my experience- even with ones specifically supposed to help with PMDD. There are other treatments possible too! I hope you are able to get your life back. ❤

  • @unrulycrow6299
    @unrulycrow6299 11 месяцев назад +5

    You just made me realise I may have a case of PMDD myself. My experience matches exactly what you describe 🥲 now time to try and get it diagnosed, which is gonna be fun because my country is hm 40 years late on that sort of matter 🥲👍 Plus I can't take birth control because it makes me depressed and I'm already struggling with depression so I really don't need that on top

    • @alllscination
      @alllscination 11 месяцев назад

      I'm in the same boat. I hadn't heard of it before but it would explain a lot and on birth control my depression was much worse, too.

  • @syranblurfaelad1258
    @syranblurfaelad1258 11 месяцев назад +3

    I've come across this before and it resonates with me. Yet when bort up with my doctor/s the feed back was I'm over weight, its normal. I pushed for answers and was told I'm not allowed any hormone pills to balance mood because I'm over weight. So I gave up asking.

  • @devotedheart
    @devotedheart 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks for this ❤
    As a PCOS+adenomyosis, my mood gets worse like 3 weeks before my period and people around me said that I'm on extreme beast mode 😢, sometimes they see that I suddenly destroy or throw things.

  • @nope4779
    @nope4779 11 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for making this video

  • @AlexisTwoLastNames
    @AlexisTwoLastNames 11 месяцев назад +2

    this is really interesting.

  • @kutenikk6083
    @kutenikk6083 11 месяцев назад

    I’ve struggled with this condition for over 20 years. I’m also AuDHD woman 43 years old. Self diagnosed as of 10 months ago w help of a friend who is a therapist. Started supplementing with magnesium, b complex, folate, omega 3 and within a month my PMDD is gone only get regular short PMS for few days. Magnesium folate b complex mimic an IV drip and work for PMDD well. Magnesium alone is calming to nervous system.
    PMDD made me feel like She Hulk for two weeks per month. It was a feeling of being a live wire. Ready to snap at smallest thing. Feeling out of control. Ready to have an argument with anyone. Hating people. People hating me or thinking I’m bipolar. Bullying at work starts up because I can’t hide symptoms. Just feeling like need to crawl out of my skin and hide under a blanket. Not deal with anything. Horrible. I don’t think birth control or antidepressants, aka the standard medical treatment in USA, are the answer.

  • @MyWits_End
    @MyWits_End 11 месяцев назад

    Orion, thank you!! I have PMDD. Even after an urgent hysterectomy 2 years ago, I still get symptoms, albeit they have changed now with the accompanying menopausal symptoms. It is horrific and has stolen my life and affected the life of my daughter. There is little recognition for it. In fact, I self diagnosed years ago after heavily researching why my 21-day cycle left me suicidal and struggling to function for 3 weeks in the month. I’ve been unable to work, socialise or effectively and consistently function day-to-day for 30 years. Hearing the statistics around autistic women with PMDD is excruciating, at the same time as being profoundly validating. Not that validation helps to physically change a whole lot but it helps to know I’m not crazy, or lazy, or inept at being a human. If only it hadn’t ruined so much of my life for so long, to the point where I am so isolated and withdrawn after giving up trying to find support for so many decades. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do and for helping me feel a little less useless and alone 💞

    • @meaganwilliams349
      @meaganwilliams349 11 месяцев назад

      I feel this deeply! You aren't useless or alone! Since I first started menstruation 20 years ago, I have felt like a different person in the weeks leading up to my period, in the absolute worst way. Prozac helps somewhat, but most of the time I feel like I'm just taking up space. I've actually considered a hysterectomy, but am concerned I won't be taken seriously because I'm 32. Are your symptoms lessened since yours??

    • @MyWits_End
      @MyWits_End 11 месяцев назад

      @@meaganwilliams349So very true! You feel like an alien invader has taken control of you. I felt desperately guilty for a long time, not being able to “handle it” and “just get on with it” and be a “normal person”.
      The hysterectomy came about because all treatments for high grade abnormal cells were failing to eradicate them and I was at risk for ovarian cancer. The hysterectomy has definitely improved the suicidality levels, which is a huge relief. I still experience difficult hormone-related challenges and even though I no longer menstruate, I can still follow my cycle due to the PMDD and physical symptoms (emotional state, body pains, energy levels, gut symptoms etc) but they are far less than before the surgery. Now I get severe night sweats every night which is a whole other load of fun. /s
      I’ve always had temperature reg problems and had mad hot flushes and sweats but these night sweats are on a whole new level. The hysterectomy itself was bittersweet and very difficult to process.
      I don’t know if that answers your question. There are many welcome improvements but other challenges in their place. It’s just a rough unpredictable ride.
      All the best to you with it! I truly feel for you 💞

  • @animatorme
    @animatorme 11 месяцев назад

    Wow, thank you for this video! Very interesting. I don't consider myself with autism or ADHD but I do find when my PMDD flares that I have symptoms which could present as ADHD or autism.

  • @SingingSealRiana
    @SingingSealRiana 11 месяцев назад

    This IS a crazy Connection!
    Thanks for talking about IT!

  • @SarahBoyd002
    @SarahBoyd002 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yep, got a radical hysterectomy because of this condition. Life destroying and life threatening (PMDD that is)

  • @guera18cpt
    @guera18cpt 10 месяцев назад +1

    Holy 💩, I didn’t know this was a thing! I thought my symptoms were part of PMS. I get very melancholy and deal with suicidal thoughts, and like f life. It gets bad. I am just discovering I’m also AuDHD. And the fact that is linked wow 🤯.

  • @deilanleaves77
    @deilanleaves77 27 дней назад

    Extremely helpful, thank you.

  • @hamster3mpire
    @hamster3mpire 11 месяцев назад +1

    I love watching these videos and being like oh! My life makes more sense now 😂

  • @PotatoWisdom
    @PotatoWisdom 11 месяцев назад +1

    😪And here I thought I was normal for me to only having one good-energy week per month.

  • @ixykix
    @ixykix 11 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for all your fantastic content. Just curious have you made a video about autistic kids experiencing puberty? I'm been reading up as besides my own neurodivergence, my daughter is autistic and 9 years old. What I've read details autistic girls often experiencing the onset of puberty significantly earlier than neurotypical girls. But that for boys there was no statistically significant difference at all (I'm referring to birth sex here not gender). Blythe Corbett, PhD, professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center), led a study in 2021 which found that on average, autistic females experienced the onset of puberty 9.5 months earlier than their peers. It's been our experience too.

  • @jscire__872
    @jscire__872 11 месяцев назад

    Wow I have never heard of this 😮 Those are some shocking percentages

  • @caraziegel7652
    @caraziegel7652 11 месяцев назад

    oddly my periods were really not that bad when i was young, but as i started approaching menopause it changed. It started in my 30s, feeling uncomfortable in my skin in the PMS period. I then had a late pregnancy and things reset, but things started changing hard again in my 40s. in my 50s i had several years of average cycle length 23 days, with 3 days of extreme moods before hand and the first 4 days of bleeding being entirely useless - no focus, no motivation, no energy. from having had easy periods to having basically 2 good weeks out of 3, it was horrible. I didnt stop having cycles until 58!!

  • @SabrinaDHenson
    @SabrinaDHenson 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yes. I struggled with PMDD for so long and my doctors just wpuldnt listen to me. She just kept saying I was bipolar no matter how many times I said my symptoms only happen 2 weeks before my period. I realized later on that I'm autistic and of course she ignored that too and told me I don't need to pathologize everything. Lady. Almost getting raped because you didn't understand a guy was flirting with you isn't pathologizing everything. You're just not listening to me.

  • @JusticeGypsy
    @JusticeGypsy 11 месяцев назад +1

    Age 14 I was put on birth control, NOT to stop birth but to stop the period. Got shot a week EARLY each time so I wasn't loosing my seizure medication. They took me off it a few years ago and now im 24 and I haven't had a cycle in 10 years.Yes, I've been diagnosed with trauma, problems in the sensory system, anxiety, thyroid problems and a lot of others since. I have many everyday. I've always been confused by it and wondering what and why I'm so over emotional. My own mother calls me a baby for it even though I can't control it. Pft, I can't even see a sad movie or think about something depressing without crying, is it just me?

    • @Lillit-q3l
      @Lillit-q3l 10 месяцев назад

      I definitely identify with the birth control messing up your body thing. Each time I was out on birth control I had gotten dangerous su*cidal and I could not stop crying the entire time(like literally almost 24 hours a day) . Even after I was like that for years and even now I either feel completely numbed out alone or completely emotional and anxious. It's even more difficult to maintain jobs because of the emotional outbursts and also not scare people away. If I didn't have bpd before I definitely developed something similar to it after birth control and I find that so evil. How can they put us on a pill to try to "fix" us just for it to basically disturb the rest of our lives just because they don't respect female anatomy to begin with? Sorry about your family. Mine isn't living but I do understand the ostracization for being emotional and they don't have to understand to be respectful! I'm learning a lot of this stuff just takes super radical self love and acceptance to preserve ourselves from the judgement and oppression of others unfortunately...

  • @LifeofLyd
    @LifeofLyd 11 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for this video, Orion. As a recently diagnosed 51 year old woman, this is blowing my mind. I was diagnosed with PMDD years ago and can totally relate to only having about a week of good days during a given month. And now I am really struggling with perimenopause/menopause. I am convinced that perimenopause has contributed to my life-altering autistic burnout. Thank you again for your important, generous work.

    @SKASKASKASKAAA 11 месяцев назад +1

    This is EXACTLY my life

  • @AutisticAwakeActivist
    @AutisticAwakeActivist 11 месяцев назад +2

    I used to be moody a week before during and about a week after

  • @celeste8157
    @celeste8157 10 месяцев назад

    I don't think I have PMDD, but I've had the worst time with my hormones for years. It's an ongoing nightmare.