【講呢D】逆權巨星!緬甸軍事政變下的娛樂圈。輪樂人。[繁中字幕] 香港Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
  • #緬甸 #政變 #myanmar #PaingTakhon #逆權
    今集傾下逆權巨星,緬甸軍事政變下的娛樂圈到底係點樣 ?
    三汶、花姨、巨Jer三個「輪樂人」繼續同你講呢d ~
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Комментарии • 14

  • @koreandee908
    @koreandee908 4 года назад +8

    音質好咗,啲gag 笑死!

  • @ส้มเกลี้ยง-ร2ฦ
    @ส้มเกลี้ยง-ร2ฦ 2 года назад +1

    หล่อ หล่อ ไม่หยุด ฉุดไม่ ใหว โอ้ยหัวใจ สลายยยย❤❤❤ 🥰🥰🥰🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭

  • @sss-ib9xg
    @sss-ib9xg 4 года назад +9


    • @merrymaker2283
      @merrymaker2283  4 года назад +1

      想唔想即刻飛去瘋狂“十卜" 佢呢?

  • @詹森-n1q
    @詹森-n1q Год назад

    雖然好好笑😂😂 但其實好值得反思下我地嘅人生🎉🎉

  • @bangben9645
    @bangben9645 3 года назад +3


  • @patiraphanpanya4415
    @patiraphanpanya4415 3 года назад +2

    Paing Takhon is handsome and Myanmar's ❤❤🐈‍⬛🐈

  • @本人-m9y
    @本人-m9y 2 года назад +1


  • @lorie7125
    @lorie7125 3 года назад +2

    It is so unfortunate that Paing Takhon is in prison. I am afraid the three-year hard labor in prison will change his appearance dramatically: no gym, no diet, no right treatment!!! He will be bullied, beaten, and kept in solitary cell!!! His muscles will be gone, his hair will fall out, his skin will turn into a wrinkled paper! He will be unrecognizable and spiritless! This is scary!

  • @myamya8292
    @myamya8292 3 года назад +1


  • @salibutrabuddha7587
    @salibutrabuddha7587 3 года назад +1

    What are they talking?

    • @merrymaker2283
      @merrymaker2283  2 года назад

      We are speaking in Cantonese from Hong Kong !

  • @honestopinion8830
    @honestopinion8830 3 года назад +1

    Paying Takhon was illegally arrested and imprisoned. He didn't commit any crime. He didn't do anything wrong. He is just a brave and precious one for country.
    Until now, the Military Junta is still creating problem throughout the whole country. He abused power and killing ethnic people. The junta troops burnt down civilians' houses, killed peaceful civilians and raped women (even pregnant woman and postpartum woman are raped in Chin State). Even in the cities like Yangon and Mandalay, they spreaded their soldiers everywhere and creating their terrorist acts time to time. Since we are speaking out the truth about their atrocities, the junta is severely restricting internet usage. Internet data charges was doubled now. Sooner, it will be increased more. That's why I am speaking out here before they are doing something on firewalls.
    Myanmar's Crisis is not internal affair. It is just power abuse of Military Junta on peaceful Civilians.
    We are loosing our human rights day by day. And, the junta is keep killing our ethnic brothers every day. They attacked Karen State and Kayah (Karreni) states by using Jet fires.
    The peaceful civilians have to flee away because of Junta's artillery attack.
    Starting from Coup, the junta killed more than 1300 people, illegaly arrested more than 3000 people and make thousands of civilians flee from their home land.
    We want international friends know the truth and help speak out for us when we cannot reach online like before.