In regards to the camera in Derek's room fiasco, which DIK do you guys think is most likely to be a betrayer?
Nick - Mid to low chance. He's got a good heart and he's always nice to us so him being a betrayer would be a bit shocking. But the whole Heather dilemma means he's got some chains on him which someone could use to control him.
Tommy - An asshole born and raised, an utterly irresponsible dick ( fitting he's the main OG Dik). But still he values the diks as family and knows when he's gone too far. Him being a betrayer seems unlikely but could his relationship with Vinny and drugs be the cause for him to betray his family? I'll give him a mid chance.
Rusty - Nice lad and a good friend. But his insecurities get the best of him a lot of times. As of the Halloween episode, his insecurities as flaring up a lot (especially him beibg rejected and his reaction to you dating Jill). He needs someone to sit him down and talk to him because he's a ticking time bomb. His likelihood of betraying is slim though.
John boy - Just a chill guy (*insert meme here*). He's probably the guy with the least worries in the group. He just wants to spread love ( and his girlfriend ) with the world (which could create a rift if he becomes insecure ). Chances of him being a betrayer are low.
Leon - Leon's a cool dik. But he's constantly afraid of losing his best friend. He worries about him so much that it sometimes feels obsessive. He has the best intentions in his heart but the way he's pushing it is wrong. Can his fear be exploited by someone to control him to do their bidding? I'd give it a slim chance.
Jaimie - Jaimie has no idea what he wants. He's like leon. In the sense he's afraid of not finding love if he lets go of his ex. His ex wants to mold him into her ideal man giving no thoughts into how he feels about it. He needs to realize that a relationship is a two way street and both need to change themselves or accept each other for what they are because nothing good can come from their current relationship. In terms of betrayal, he's got nothing to gain from betraying the diks. So I'd give him a low chance.
Jacob - Jacob's a good guy who hasn't found that missing piece to his puzzle yet. His character isn't that explored apart from being an artist and being the moral compass of the group apart from the mc. He needs some good development in the coming episodes. Him being the betrayer is very low.