Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog Full Review

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 65

  • @rwhunt99
    @rwhunt99 Год назад +17

    The Wart Hog HOTAS has increased in price even though being out for about 10 years, there have been no significant improvements, they just rake in the money.
    Your point about stiction is well known and again Thrustmaster does nothing to improve it. Even Logitech and their X-56 provides different springs tensions for their stick. I can't justify the price even though I would say it is one of the better HOTAS out there but has been super ceded by other vendors out there. Thrustmaster is letting third parties take care of their aging system and simply counting their money. (I understand they recently are working on new products though)
    You video is well done, so kudos there!

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  Год назад

      thanks for watching!

    • @king_jeremy101
      @king_jeremy101 3 месяца назад

      I just got a winwing orion 2 instead. I believe no one should pay that price for the thrustmaster warthog considering it doesn't even have a smooth stick out of the box. And the new price is just insane.

  • @666VIKING1
    @666VIKING1 Год назад +6

    I have had my setup (throttle and stick) for over six years. I have viewed it as a good (although expensive) workhorse during that time but only when I came to listen to your review that I realised mine does that," ........and then regarding stictions I realised " yes mine does that as well" and then something else which whilst not wanting to accept in using it "that too .... and that too". as it is a movement of the stick no initial dive on a target, I am firing off every weapon and flare at once and cannot yet figure how to fix. Your review is therefore very accurate, and given the choice again, I would no opt for another warthog system. Thanks for the honest review.

  • @trevorhallam1883
    @trevorhallam1883 Год назад +8

    Great review, finally an honest assessment. I have had this hotas for 2 years, switched out the throttle a year ago and still have the stick. Absolutely no problems with the stick other than I am not fond of the centre detent. And it is difficult to get it to move smoothly once you've stopped outside of center. Keep up the good work 👍

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  Год назад


    • @crevetta6128
      @crevetta6128 Год назад

      I saw some spring replacements to make it less tight, however would it not be an option to just saw off a portion of the existing spring, reducing the force?

    • @BuggSmasher
      @BuggSmasher Год назад

      Great feed back. Which throttle did you switch out to?

    • @trevorhallam1883
      @trevorhallam1883 Год назад +1

      I found a P40 replica throttle, mixture, rpm lever set made by Gear Falcon. He's just a guy who makes levers and throttles in his home. I fly only warbird Era so it's perfect

  • @memeswithoutcontext4716
    @memeswithoutcontext4716 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much for the ASMR.
    I brought the Stick used and replaced the top red button with a milspec one.

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  9 месяцев назад


    • @linusa2996
      @linusa2996 9 месяцев назад

      how easy is it to replace ?

    • @memeswithoutcontext4716
      @memeswithoutcontext4716 9 месяцев назад

      I would give it a 4/10, there are many tutorials on DCS forums.
      The real problem is to get the correct partnumber, otherwise you'll have to grind in the stick itself (how i had to do it).

  • @yigitpar6492
    @yigitpar6492 4 месяца назад

    That's the review everyone needs. Some have just opinions. But this one stands out. Sound part I loved it. Or buttons. It shows everything you need, leaving opinions to viewers.

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  3 месяца назад

      thank you for the kind words

  • @herrlogan17
    @herrlogan17 10 месяцев назад

    Excellent, thank you very much about the slew firmware update, I´ve had no clue!

  • @WatchMysh
    @WatchMysh Год назад

    Nice review and spot on conclusion. :)

  • @billpii6314
    @billpii6314 8 месяцев назад +1

    Take the grip and put it on a virpil base, perfect!

  • @Meza240
    @Meza240 8 месяцев назад

    Excellent review and spot on conclusion.

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  8 месяцев назад

      thank you for the kind words!

  • @esunmanta3988
    @esunmanta3988 Год назад

    Excellent review. Congratulations.

  • @Tijn_C
    @Tijn_C Год назад +2

    i can agree about the base i have had many issues with it mainly the connector coming lose so i cant disconnect the stick anymore also i cant recommend the grip the switches feel cheap... i dont own the throttle so i cant tell you about that one but im already looking forward to upgrading to stick after minor usage...

  • @tomohalloran5217
    @tomohalloran5217 Год назад +3

    The stickion issue you've shown, while present in a new warthog, is much less pronounced. I bought one new about a month ago and its almost not noticable but you can feel it and i imagine it will get worse over time. Also the slew button has been changed on the newer version as you meantioned. There is 3rd party options out there for those with older sticks if you wanted to change it out. It's also worth meantioning that the red button on the throttle is not great, its way to stiff and hard to pressure with you're little finger

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  Год назад

      that is good that the newer models are better. i do agree that the throttle button is a bit stiff

    • @spectrvm16k
      @spectrvm16k Год назад

      I just bought one and I received the old model. I made a Yotube video about it if you want to check. Search for "Disappointing Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog purchase"

  • @JoeBlogs720
    @JoeBlogs720 11 месяцев назад

    I bought mine about 3 years ago, very solid with a nice feel, would I buy again if they were stolen ? in a heartbeat.

  • @SimpleBanana
    @SimpleBanana 10 месяцев назад

    So the sticktion is cause by the casting lines on the gimbal and the pegs that go through it. They can be sanded off for a huge improvement. I still want a warBRD base though for a smoother center detent.

  • @WoLF-xp3cy
    @WoLF-xp3cy Год назад +3

    1:51 what was causing the vibrations in your hand and the joystick ? Is it a feature ?

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  Год назад +1

      i was exaggerating to show that the spring is stiff

  • @kajmolin297
    @kajmolin297 Месяц назад

    What I'm wondering is whether you can program the different LED lights for different functions?

  • @SaschaKohler
    @SaschaKohler 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for your great video! How did you set it DCS so that you can make a cold start? For me it is not simulated when I switch from the position "Off" to "IDLE". Thanks so much

  • @crashmetwice
    @crashmetwice Год назад

    Great and informative video! I am a rotorhead but currently looking into a throttle setup for ED. I have been using my collective as a throttle for now but it does get a bit old. I am deciding between the Virpil, the Thrustmaster, or the WinWing. Cheers!

    • @TheRobstar1983
      @TheRobstar1983 Год назад

      Go virpil or wingwing this was a good stick years ago but virpil or wingwing are miles ahead.

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  Год назад +1

      thanks! i hope you find the one that works for you!

  • @CaptainFredo_msfs2020
    @CaptainFredo_msfs2020 8 месяцев назад

    Merci pour cette présentation,
    Je l ai acheté il y a peu et il est extraordinaire.
    Je recommande vivement des supports de bureau pour baisser le throttle et le joystick au niveau des accoudoirs du fauteuil sinon, posés sur le bureau et même si l ensemble ne bougent pas, ça devient vite fatiguant pour les bras

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  8 месяцев назад +1

      Merci pour les aimables paroles ! J’ai posé mon accélérateur sur mon ordinateur.

  • @XTango01
    @XTango01 7 дней назад

    How did you do the 130 buttons thing?

  • @GD_Miot
    @GD_Miot 4 месяца назад

    I have around a 500€ budget. Should i buy this one or something else?

  • @YlmazDALKIRANscallion
    @YlmazDALKIRANscallion Год назад


  • @algroyp3r
    @algroyp3r Год назад +1

    I think this HOTAS was obsoleted by Winwing Orion, which costs just a bit more for much higher quality and function.

  • @XTango01
    @XTango01 7 дней назад

    Ended up buying on of this because winwing stole my money, the hotas never reach me

  • @jussi8111
    @jussi8111 Год назад

    the stick is very good but the base has quality issues

  • @scorpi6991
    @scorpi6991 8 месяцев назад

    Hello I have the Warthog here is my question how to get LED backlighting of the throttle. Thanks I'm on a translator

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  8 месяцев назад

      download the target app from thrustmaster's website

  • @andreacucchini449
    @andreacucchini449 9 месяцев назад

    Can it be handled with the left hand?

  • @EduRamse
    @EduRamse 11 месяцев назад

    Hola este se puede usar con xbos serie x

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  11 месяцев назад

      probably not but maybe

    • @EduRamse
      @EduRamse 11 месяцев назад

      @@dcstutorial thanks

    • @dcstutorial
      @dcstutorial  11 месяцев назад

      @@EduRamse no problem

  • @herrlogan17
    @herrlogan17 10 месяцев назад

    ....too bad it jitter like crazy. It´s useless in DCS.

    • @Error_404_Account_Deleted
      @Error_404_Account_Deleted 9 месяцев назад +3

      Tell us you’ve never tuned an axis without telling us you’ve never tuned an axis 😂

  • @kajmolin297
    @kajmolin297 21 день назад

    My have a better one

  • @mrmadunit3923
    @mrmadunit3923 Год назад

    mate thats one ugly thumb lol exellent vid mate lol

  • @Freeway7
    @Freeway7 Год назад +10

    WHY buy someting very old when you can buy Winwing , it wont break , got way more buttons .... thre is realy no need to buy Thrustmaster

    • @RW-zn8vy
      @RW-zn8vy Год назад +1

      Not only Winwing but you have vkb and Virpil as well! But thrust master isn’t bad either it’s just over priced for what it is. Also the buttons on Winwing are horrible just all over the place imo it kinda throws everything off.

    • @andybanov4319
      @andybanov4319 Год назад

      @@RW-zn8vy I got the warthog stick and throttle for £330 on scan last week

    • @andybanov4319
      @andybanov4319 Год назад

      i just went back on scan its now £449 ???

    • @windshearahead7012
      @windshearahead7012 Год назад +2

      Listen. Because it's old doesn't mean anything. Winwing f16 stick is not necessarily better. The NWS switch for example ruins the look for me. Virpil or VKB don't make F16 grips. Now you could go for realsimulator but they also ruined their grip by making the pickle switch move 4 way, which is literally the dumbest thing ever, and also the trim switch is pressed in. There are no other options for f16 grips other than Thrustmaster if you want a full replica if you think about it....

    • @RW-zn8vy
      @RW-zn8vy Год назад

      @@windshearahead7012 you can use thrustmaster grips with Virpil bases.