Disturbed by lolicon and bestiality.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2016
There is a new trend amongst Patreons who vote for lolicon, rape and bestiality in games. My sister Mia, Lida's Adventures and Katie's corruption are the ones I've played where bestiality and/or rape have been introduced. I also see a number of Lolicon posts. Whilst I'm not the best person to judge, I believe that any form of sex has to be between two (or more) consenting adults (human or alien...:))) even in games as posted on F95zone. Abusing defenceless or voiceless beings in my books is just not on, quite repulsive actually.
I'm very careful to read the tags now before DL a game.
Do you think we are getting insensitised to this type of abuse as we are now to graphic violence in movies and games?
Just curious to know if anybody else feels the same way.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
I myself believe that anything goes as long as it stays in fantasy land. Specific content is not someone's cup of tea? Perfectly fine. Said content is another man's holy grail? Also perfectly fine. Liking any debatable fetish won't transform you into a rapist/pervert/threat to society.

As far as games including such fetishes/themes go, I guess it depends. If it's the game's primary focus then all someone has to do is just stay away from it. If it's just side-content (like Katie), as long as it's optional and avoidable I hardly see a problem in it being included for the people who actually enjoy it.

Slightly off-topic, but since it's mentioned: I've always found it weird that so many people are into anthro/furries (which is quasi-bestiality in my books) but are really appalled by bestiality. What gives?
Jun 20, 2017
"Do you think we are getting insensitised to this type of abuse as we are now to graphic violence in movies and games?"

Is that you Jack Thompson? Is that you Anita Sarkeesian?

Golden rule for any kind of fictitious content:

What happens in fantasy land doesn't have any bearings outside fantasy land.

Playing Rapelay doesn't make you a rapist because you know rape in fantasy land isn't the same as rape in real land.

Rape in fantasy land = good.
Rape in real land = bad.

Extend that to any other kind of "controversial" fetish.


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Former Staff
Oct 19, 2016
I believe that any form of sex has to be between two (or more) consenting adults (human or alien...:))) even in games as posted on F95zone. Abusing defenceless or voiceless beings in my books is just not on, quite repulsive actually.
Do you feel the same way about blackmail/forced sex? What about hypnosis/mind control? There is a high percentage of games on this site that would fall under the category of non-consensual sex. This is all fictional, so no it doesn't bother me what people get off to.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2016
LIke I said, I'm not the best person to judge (and I'm neither Thompson nor Sarkeesian) I do like my Twist, DoD , LOP and BB, more curious about general opinion. But interesting replies and POVs.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
I am ok with lolicon as long as the characters are age appropriate, like ariane grande i would classify her as a lolicon. like i would list what age i think is ok, but because of laws an things governing porn in my area it must be like 18 or 20. where as in fictional things that are drawn or animated should be allowed to go by the legal age, aka so and so did so and so when whichever finally became legal. would open up more accurate story telling of waiting for age, cause not many countries actually have legal age to consent to sex at 18. but hey laws are laws.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
Games like this are here to scratch that fantasy itch. Those that like a bit or rape, incest and/or beastiality can do so without it hurting or affecting anyone because pixels don't have feelings.

It's fantasy, it isn't real.

Most people are able to make that distinction which is why games like that exist. They get their fantasy and nobody is hurt.

I'm going to be "that guy" here and sound like a dick but it is a case of if you don't like it and it offends you then move along. I don't see why everyone has to lose out because someone is oversensitive about other peoples fetishes.

We're not here to keep you happy, we're here because we all have our kinks. Mine is heavy BDSM. I can't do it at home because my wife isn't into it so I come here for the fantasy side. Other people have their reasons.

Whatever yours are, that's your business and if you can't accept other peoples then jog on. I don't have the time of the day for people that judge others and think things should be censored because it offends them.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
There is a lot of evidence that games greatly impact IRL, but most of the crazy claims are far off base and unfounded.

For example, the game franchise "Grand Theft Auto" did not cause an increase in auto thefts. It caused a lot of kids to drive virtual cars. Auto sales, and auto thefts have steadily declined, and 30% of 23 year olds don't even have driver's licenses.
Much the same for violence... killing sitting at a computer, is far from killing on the streets. violent gamers rarely leave their mom's house.

Exposure desensitizes, to be sure, but this impact is usually positive. In children's games, your virtual pet dies, if you don't properly care for it. Kids learn to care for animals, or they decide that shit just ain't for me, and they don't get a pet IRL. Both positive outcomes. Beloved pets are well cared for, and those who don't have time for pets, kill virtual animals rather than real ones. In adult games, pets have different needs that some girls may be neglecting IRL.

Playing Tomb Raider didn't make people reckless or impulsive. Watching Lara miss a jump, and fall to her death over and over again taught them to be more careful IRL, because there isn't do over. Boys playing as Lara, learned to sympathize with women's issues like lower back problems, and camel toe.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2016
Games like this are here to scratch that fantasy itch. Those that like a bit or rape, incest and/or beastiality can do so without it hurting or affecting anyone because pixels don't have feelings.

It's fantasy, it isn't real.

Most people are able to make that distinction which is why games like that exist. They get their fantasy and nobody is hurt.

I'm going to be "that guy" here and sound like a dick but it is a case of if you don't like it and it offends you then move along. I don't see why everyone has to lose out because someone is oversensitive about other peoples fetishes.

We're not here to keep you happy, we're here because we all have our kinks. Mine is heavy BDSM. I can't do it at home because my wife isn't into it so I come here for the fantasy side. Other people have their reasons.

Whatever yours are, that's your business and if you can't accept other peoples then jog on. I don't have the time of the day for people that judge others and think things should be censored because it offends them.
Interesting that you say you fulfill your 'kink' of heavy BDSM here. If you could have it IRL, wouldn't you take it up? And if fantasy can be turned to reality for someone, would they take it up or remain in fantasy land? Don't get me wrong, am not trying to start a flaming war of words here, just trying to understand, not judge anyone. And I certainly do not believe in censorship, I do not believe anyone can impose what we read, watch or play. Personally I love role play to the point that i often P4P. I guess that's my 'kink'.
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Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
Interesting that you say you fulfill your 'kink' of heavy BDSM here. If you could have it IRL, wouldn't you take it up? And if fantasy can be turned to reality for someone, would they take it up or remain in fantasy land?
For me personally, not really. I like a great deal of stuff on fantasy land that would really dislike in real life. If I had to quantify it, I'd probably enjoy watching RL videos for 50% of those, and enjoy RL participation in 10% of those, or something like that.

What someone finds enticing to wank off to, is not necessarily directly correlated with his RL preferences.


Jun 4, 2017
For me personally, not really. I like a great deal of stuff on fantasy land that would really dislike in real life. If I had to quantify it, I'd probably enjoy watching RL videos for 50% of those, and enjoy RL participation in 10% of those, or something like that.

What someone finds enticing to wank off to, is not necessarily directly correlated with his RL preferences.
I agree with this.
There is a huge difference between what people fantasize about, vs what they are willing to do for real....

for example: ANAL. Looks fun and kinky in porn. Icky and gross in real life.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
Interesting that you say you fulfill your 'kink' of heavy BDSM here. If you could have it IRL, wouldn't you take it up?
I did, once, with the woman that showed me how to be a dom many moons ago. Now, no.

My wife likes a bit of light play but nothing beyond a bit of tying up, blindfold and light spanking. I like pain but the furthest she will go on me is shredding my back with her nails, it's just not her thing.

Even if she said she'd do to make me happy I wouldn't. I wouldn't cheat on my wife to find someone to do it with either.

I have no problem what fetishes a person has as long as it isn't hurting anyone.

Someone into beastiality playing a game about fucking a dog isn't hurting a dog or forcing it into anything, it's pixels. People are free here to partake in any fetish they like free of judgement.

As I said earlier, and stand by, what offends you is your business. We aren't here to create a safe space for someone that can shut down something that offends them, we're here because we're pirates with perversions.

As shitty as it sounds it really is a case of deal with it. Fetishes aren't going to change because you don't like them and people aren't going to stop doing what gives them a bit of pleasure because it offends someone.

Tumblr is a nice place to go for offended people.