- Dora the Explorer
614 Superbabies - Dora
Superbabies Dream Adventure - Dora the Explorer
French Baby Dino - Dora the Explorer
416 Superbabies - Dora the Explorer
Twin Babies - Dora the Explorer Super Baby
Fox - Dora the Explorer Super Babies
Dream Top - Dora the Explorer Super Babies
DVD - Dora the Explorer
Catch the Babies - Dora the Explorer
Twin Babies Cry - Dora the Explorer
Happy Birthday Superbabies - Dora the Explorer Super Babies
VHS - Dora the Explorer Baby
Winky Hug - Dora the Explorer Super
Spies Livedash - Dora the Explorer Super Babies
3Kid - 56 Dora the Explorer
Catch the Babies - Dora the Explorer