Anxiety - Short Film

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Coming home to find your house unexpectedly empty can leave you with a lot of alone time for your mind to wander...
    There is no shame in getting help. Consider online therapy with BetterHelp... Use this custom link.
    Shot on the Black Magic Ursa Mini 4.6k Pro in 4K Prores 422HQ Dynamic Range Film Mode 23.98fps
    Tokina 11-16mm, Rokinon 24mm, Rokinon 35mm, Canon 50mm f/1.4, Rokinon 85mm, Canon 100mm f/2.8
    Sennheiser 416 shotgun mic & Zoom H6n
    Copyright © 2023 by Michael D. Smigiel Jr.
    Disclaimer - links in this video description are paid affiliate links. But, I only promote products I believe in...
    Also, if you’re wanting to buy a Tesla, you can use my referral link here: (1,000 Supercharger miles)

Комментарии • 19 тыс.

  • @MichaelSmigiel
    @MichaelSmigiel  5 лет назад +4898

    There is no shame in getting help. Consider online therapy with BetterHelp... Use this custom link.

    • @someoneofexitance6907
      @someoneofexitance6907 5 лет назад +11


    • @Twinz4Christ
      @Twinz4Christ 5 лет назад +16

      What is the song used in this it’s beautiful?

    • @mihir1425
      @mihir1425 5 лет назад +8

      Thank you

    • @ash6v
      @ash6v 5 лет назад +6

      A Mike Smigiel Visual whats the background music called ?

    • @treetree2028
      @treetree2028 5 лет назад +46

      My parents say I’m not old enough to be sad enough to get help.

  • @abdua2152
    @abdua2152 6 лет назад +32741

    This is a mix of anxiety, social anxiety, low self esteem and lack of confidence and most importantly a bigass house.

    • @uglymoles2757
      @uglymoles2757 6 лет назад +302


    • @kyalluxi9871
      @kyalluxi9871 6 лет назад +680

      anda bit of depression, she feels shes not good enough until the end

    • @abdua2152
      @abdua2152 6 лет назад +60

      @@kyalluxi9871 facts

    • @thefuckyounevergive1291
      @thefuckyounevergive1291 6 лет назад +148

      Abdu A I relate to all besides the last one.

    • @abdua2152
      @abdua2152 6 лет назад +26

      @@thefuckyounevergive1291 pre much same

  • @agriffiths
    @agriffiths 4 года назад +14309

    ‘Aw I’m always here to talk!’
    Biggest lie everyone has told me,

    • @grachiamoina5517
      @grachiamoina5517 4 года назад +151

      Ify(・´з`・) in reality sometimes they are just feeling obligue to talk to u when u feel this kind of shit.

    • @biaastar_
      @biaastar_ 4 года назад +170

      I've never had anyone say that to me 😶

    • @armieligson1082
      @armieligson1082 4 года назад +24


    • @supreetkaur996
      @supreetkaur996 4 года назад +58

      I say that to my brother each time and i always hope that i can fulfill my words..

    • @nataliescivally
      @nataliescivally 4 года назад +62

      Yes! They tell you that you can talk to them anytime you need it. Well first off, how are you even supposed to start a conversation like that? Every time I have tried it just makes the other person uncomfortable and it makes some freak out.

  • @lettucebaked
    @lettucebaked 5 лет назад +4046

    Everywhere I go I feel like people are just staring at me and judging me. I’m scared to do almost everything because I have having the thought of everyone looking at me all the time and judging me

    • @marissajewel5126
      @marissajewel5126 5 лет назад +108

      Omg I feel it .. but I think in reality it's just in our heads because when I see other people I may look at them but I dont care to judge them or anything. U should try to go out more or bring someone with you who your comfortable around thats what I do. Keep ur head up 😊 u got this !

    • @oceaned5886
      @oceaned5886 5 лет назад +66

      Yah and when I tell people about it they just think I’m selfish for thinking that everything’s about me

    • @guii3895
      @guii3895 5 лет назад +6

      Mee too

    • @geetraldinha
      @geetraldinha 5 лет назад +26

      Same. I wish I wasn't born at all 😭

    • @suzan-fj8zh
      @suzan-fj8zh 5 лет назад +21

      @@marissajewel5126 I feel like I am not comfortable with anyone. So,what can I do? I am even hella uncomfortable with my mother because she also don't talk to me freely about girl things or whatever like I have seen other people do. When I tried to open up to my older cousin I caught myself lying/hiding,not saying everything I tried to say but it just doesn't roll out of my tongue. I literally don't trust anybody...(sorry for my english)

  • @dreamlesssleepart
    @dreamlesssleepart 3 года назад +3868

    This is more about insecurity and self-doubt than anxiety. Anxiety is a whole different beast

    • @adi4032
      @adi4032 3 года назад +92

      When you have both: 👀👁️👄👁️👀

    • @sarangcrochets9583
      @sarangcrochets9583 3 года назад +7


    • @natalia1048
      @natalia1048 2 года назад +41

      "I am the way, the truth, and the life." John 14:6
      Jesus is our hope. He died for us in a cross so we can have eternal life because of His sacrifice. In Him we find perfect peace:
      "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
      Jesus loves you, go to Him! It will be your best decision and i know that because it was mine.

    • @Certifiedslow
      @Certifiedslow 2 года назад +23

      @@natalia1048 please don’t, videos or comments not including religious beliefs don’t need that input.

    • @Certifiedslow
      @Certifiedslow 2 года назад +1

      @♡ Red Queen ♡ they can, but I’m gonna criticize religious shit on things that don’t revolve around religion all day long

  • @streameraleks7889
    @streameraleks7889 4 года назад +3054

    Gosh anxiety is so much more then doubting yourself.

    • @juiceboxjocelyn
      @juiceboxjocelyn 4 года назад +26

      i know right. :/

    • @zerozeroeszeroed
      @zerozeroeszeroed 4 года назад +44

      Yeah...this video didn't cover anxiety at all. It made this girl seem more insecure than anxious.

    • @imogenharrison5709
      @imogenharrison5709 4 года назад +8


    • @chloesmith-je5iu
      @chloesmith-je5iu 4 года назад +7

      Exactly!!!!!!! Ppl r like oh I feel judged no that’s not really anxiety it’s what happens if I go to jail for littering it comes with chest pain feeling sick ect

    • @shyaaammeneen63
      @shyaaammeneen63 4 года назад +1

      @Hannah Baillargeon Ultimately it is all about the mind so do something. For permanent transformation reach a state of mind where nothing disturbs you. Your breath is directly related to your mind causing anxiety. For a relaxed life without anxiety sit on a chair, back and spine as erect as possible, hands on your lap with palms upwards, close your eyes and do nothing. Be still without moving and observe your incoming--outgoing breath and body sensations for around 10-20 minutes. Be as still as possible. Plenty of thoughts will come but slowly negative thoughts will reduce. The mind is slowly reprogrammed to relax. Do twice daily or as per your convenience. Practice not over-reacting to any daily real life situations. Enjoy the above meditation daily without any expectations and doubts and your life will transform. Best wishes. Shyaaam Sir. -Counsellor. The whole world is meditating during the pandemic.

  • @thisusernamedoesntreallymatter
    @thisusernamedoesntreallymatter 5 лет назад +5239

    My anxiety doesn't just tell me that I shouldn't do things! It just gives me random emotions suddenly without knowing why.

    • @piloncillo09
      @piloncillo09 5 лет назад +134

      I can relate sometimes I just feel hopeless or super sad, and I was having a good day, and on a really shitty day suddenly I can come home and feel that was a good day... Or just waking up felt a punch on my stomach when on my mind I just think is a really calm day so it don't make sense at all feeling that

    • @croquetoski
      @croquetoski 5 лет назад +55

      I relate, mine is thinking that people will think that I am weird or idk and they will hate me and have random emotions too or get to excited and mess everything up

    • @wtneys7067
      @wtneys7067 5 лет назад +9

      Ok. I have a lot of forms of anxiety this is social anxiety.

    • @nadhirahbasir
      @nadhirahbasir 5 лет назад +18

      Me too.. i have no friends because i cant control my emotions.. they said that i just overreact little that they know.. i have to fight my emotions everyday just to put smile on my face.. i feel that the world are turning against me and i have no one that can actually undersatand me😌

    • @ibrudejude
      @ibrudejude 5 лет назад

      That why it's called anxiety.

  • @marissahively3079
    @marissahively3079 5 лет назад +32297

    Okay... but my anxiety doesnt just stay home when I decide to leave the house...

  • @joesquivel9437
    @joesquivel9437 2 года назад +553

    This is definitely not anxiety, I deal with severe anxiety and it's nothing like this. Anxiety never leaves you alone no matter how hard you try to make it go away. It makes you overthink and fear every little thing. It stops you from having fun and doing normal everyday things. It is a very real and hard thing to live with, but I've been working on it and I have been doing better.❤

    • @legorockstar2000
      @legorockstar2000 2 года назад +15

      I deal with both GAD and SAD, mine is EXACTLY like this. What helped me is similar to what the ending of this short film had, which was exposure therapy. I didn't leave my room for 6 months because of my fears. I still cannot get on elevators or drive without anxiety but pushing past that and putting myself in these situations so that i must cope has allowed me to learn how to control it enough to get through it. Anxiety manifests in many different forms and will not be the same as the next person, so to say that because you don't experience it means it isn't anxiety is false.

    • @user-zu7xk9ki6f
      @user-zu7xk9ki6f 2 года назад

      hey, how's it going?

    • @jaimevolz9928
      @jaimevolz9928 2 года назад +11

      It’s different for everyone. There’s different levels of anxiety

    • @PotentialPlayer
      @PotentialPlayer 2 года назад

      Man up pussi

    • @kadenceaustin8896
      @kadenceaustin8896 2 года назад +1

      I have severe anxiety too 😧😰😥

  • @irene8001
    @irene8001 4 года назад +2995

    When I go out with friends or when I'm in school I feel like everyone is staring at me and judging me...I'm scared to leave home caz of that...

    • @reesemartin5431
      @reesemartin5431 4 года назад +66

      for me I get scared im gonna fuck up not that people are gonna judge me

    • @ghostinyourcloset
      @ghostinyourcloset 4 года назад +34

      same. also whenever my best friend wants to hang out or something i'll say and when its like an hour before i leave, i cancel :/ it's bad ik but it's hard to leave my house

    • @jessb5809
      @jessb5809 4 года назад +28

      This is why I hate going to school. I have breakdowns every morning and my sister calls me lazy because I don't want to go outside. I'm scared everyone is looking at me and everyone I pass I'm scared they'll kill me. I also have seperation anxiety with my mum and it's really hard to live with. Feel your pain ❤️

    • @Angonn
      @Angonn 4 года назад +32

      Same, a year ago I found out that it was social anxiety. For me It's so hard to make friends because I always think that I'm too boring, that nobody would want to hang out with me, that I'm too dumb and weird.
      My parents and teacher think I have a speech problem because I'm quiet, I stutter, and sometimes mumble at the end of my sentences. I'm more comfortable talking to my close online friend (been friends for a year now) and my sister. Me and my sister can have long conversations and I don't stutter or mumble at all.
      I mumble, stutter, and don't know what to say with people I barely know because I'm always so scared if I say something stupid or an opinion that everyone else would just disagree with or view me as weird.. Doing presentations are the worst..
      I hate anxiety :(

    • @juanac3433
      @juanac3433 4 года назад +11

      I like being alone for some reason

  • @ashikarameshk
    @ashikarameshk 4 года назад +4237

    I swear if it was that simple I would have got rid of anxiety much earlier.

    • @ashleycurrwun4473
      @ashleycurrwun4473 4 года назад +45

      Yes I feel like the world is getting worse it’s making me feel so helpless

    • @imezra4993
      @imezra4993 4 года назад +7

      But i cant get rid of my anxieties and makes me down i can't do anything because of my anxiety

    • @Mikiluvsu
      @Mikiluvsu 4 года назад


    • @bushraashkir635
      @bushraashkir635 4 года назад

      @@imezra4993 Can I ask you what makes you anxiety? Please tell me I wanna know it.

    • @imezra4993
      @imezra4993 4 года назад +20

      @@bushraashkir635 people, crowded places and my brain i just can't stop the negative thoughts in my brain because of them my anxiety doesn't go awau

  • @katelinecarrasco2044
    @katelinecarrasco2044 5 лет назад +8172

    I don’t even like to look at myself in the mirror or in photos being tooken of me. It ruins my day.

    • @femmechanic1931
      @femmechanic1931 5 лет назад +135

      Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Not everyone is blessed with attractive external qualities -- some are more intelligent (which I personally admire more over looks), some have great personalities and are just generally fun to be around! You have to decide what you are. Don't let a bad picture ruin your day! After all, the day isn't all about you anyway... it's about doing what you can to help others! 😁

    • @caylinadams4782
      @caylinadams4782 5 лет назад +55

      Kateline Carrasco I have to. If I don’t know what I look like, i’m going o be more anxious and more stressed out.

    • @afifassihab7953
      @afifassihab7953 5 лет назад +11

      same here

    • @ermderey1383
      @ermderey1383 5 лет назад +10


    • @Amina-ux7fz
      @Amina-ux7fz 5 лет назад +26

      Don't let such thoughts ruin your day, you must know that you are the only one who notice imperfections or some details in your body, no one is perfect, self acceptence is happiness key, I strongly recommand you read "the subtle art of not giving a f*ck" I hope it will be helpful

  • @kiwiana6190
    @kiwiana6190 2 года назад +26

    bless this comment section for recognizing the difference between anxiety and insecurity.

  • @darkmind8295
    @darkmind8295 5 лет назад +4340

    everyone that keeps saying:
    “she have friends , why would she have anxiety or depression?”
    anxiety and depression are not a feeling but a sickness

    • @maddiemeehan7166
      @maddiemeehan7166 5 лет назад +92

      shook tea thank you. Trust me, I have a lot of friends. Once in a while I think they hate me. It’s not something that you feel, like happiness or anger. It’s an everyday thing that people (including myself) have to deal with.

    • @sameeha303
      @sameeha303 5 лет назад +30

      Maddie Meehan for sure. I always think about “what if my friends secretly hate me?” And worrying about things I know are dumb but my brain tells me id rather be safe than sorry. It’s not something you can help just by doing a simple activity like talking to people. It’s something that takes time to heal.

    • @geeswithane7yrago303
      @geeswithane7yrago303 5 лет назад +25

      You are disgusting.
      Depression is not a feeling.
      Neither a sickness.
      It's a mental ILLNESS.
      I have still both depression and anxiety, my depression has gotten better tho.
      Because being depressed is that you stay in one place not capable of getting up.
      You stay home in bed just laying there.
      Plates of food or mess everywhere around you.
      You lock yourself in.
      You have no friends.
      Because you just locked yourself in.

    • @nataliasurmacz
      @nataliasurmacz 5 лет назад +15

      Exactly, i have a lot of friends who are truly amazing, my family is also awesome, but i still have one hell of anxiety

    • @darkmind8295
      @darkmind8295 5 лет назад +7

      gees the thotTM you cannot say what people that have anxiety do. i had anxiety and depression for 3 years and i had a so many friends and i was going to school everyday having panic attacks. everyone have different look of this. mental ilness is a sickness.

  • @sanity0715
    @sanity0715 4 года назад +4438

    Me: poor girl has to stay home alone.

    • @itsbritneybyotch7471
      @itsbritneybyotch7471 4 года назад +12

      Makes no sense...

    • @imeanidsimp5128
      @imeanidsimp5128 4 года назад +109

      I love being home alone.. helps with the stress of expectations of my parents and family

    • @abcdefgh7655
      @abcdefgh7655 4 года назад +8

      @* S T O R Y * Q U E E N * same

    • @abcdefgh7655
      @abcdefgh7655 4 года назад +6

      @@itsbritneybyotch7471 think about it ill give you time...

    • @razam_kng7133
      @razam_kng7133 4 года назад

      LOLZ SAME!!!

  • @bella-se1mx
    @bella-se1mx 4 года назад +18731

    Being a person who has anxiety, this video is not anxiety at all, this video is just about a girl being insecure, you can never compare it to anxiety

    • @ktamora2131
      @ktamora2131 4 года назад +429

      You're so right

    • @kaaya1119
      @kaaya1119 4 года назад +589

      yeah i agree it isn’t so easy to overcome anxiety

    • @tea_lex1647
      @tea_lex1647 4 года назад +667

      I have social anxiety and it's really not how it is at all. I do have it pretty bad so maybe this is how it is when its a mild case. Everyone experiences anxiety differently.

    • @etetaka8191
      @etetaka8191 4 года назад +121

      Anxiety is worst i think

    • @yoongiscupofcoffee3619
      @yoongiscupofcoffee3619 4 года назад +421

      i was looking for this comment. i 100% agree i thought the plot was gonna be like as soon as she entered the house she’d be worried about her mom not being there and her being alone in that BIG house. this wasn’t anxiety at all. yes it spreads awareness to people who are insecure with mental health issues, but they shouldn’t have named it an “anxiety” film.

  • @creativedreaming2739
    @creativedreaming2739 4 года назад +94

    The end is completely not realistic. You can never just ignore bad thoughts or worrying what everybody else thinks. It's not that easy.

  • @libbymason3054
    @libbymason3054 5 лет назад +3699

    1% of comments saying she's so pretty
    99% of comments about the house

  • @starsongdoesstuff8027
    @starsongdoesstuff8027 5 лет назад +2975

    Okay but like the anxiety’s gonna come with you wherever you go, you can’t just leave it at home.

    • @tasteofk1126
      @tasteofk1126 5 лет назад +25

      Starsong Gamez she’s trying to overcome it

    • @starsongdoesstuff8027
      @starsongdoesstuff8027 5 лет назад +32

      Kira Unlimited
      I get that, but it’s not that easy to overcome anxiety. You can’t just tell it to go away and it does. It won’t.

    • @Ash_W04
      @Ash_W04 5 лет назад +20

      For me, I am able to leave it in a way. If I'm with friends, I think everything is okay and then the moment Im alone (go to the bathroom, get in a car, go home), I instantly know they're talking about me behind my back and they wish I would leave them alone. And I say know, not feel, because I believe everything I'm thinking to be true

    • @starsongdoesstuff8027
      @starsongdoesstuff8027 5 лет назад +2

      Ash W.
      That’s interesting. I’ve never experienced that before, or met someone who has experienced that. My anxiety comes at any time and leaves when it wants to.

    • @graciekearns741
      @graciekearns741 5 лет назад +3

      It’s more a representation of her overcoming it

  • @imsam9095
    @imsam9095 5 лет назад +5848

    Y’all’s parents really just leave on vacation like that

  • @createandevolve
    @createandevolve 3 года назад +28

    Be proud of yourself.
    You went through every type of pain, family issues, trust issues, heartbreak, insecurities, depression, etc. You went through it all alone, but never gave up

  • @desireerifel3763
    @desireerifel3763 5 лет назад +12849

    Is no one going to talk about how she wasn’t scared to be alone in that mansion??? 😂😂 thats all I could think about!! 😁😁😆😆

    • @dariusv8573
      @dariusv8573 5 лет назад +176

      Scared of being alone? I like being alone cuz I can cut myself

    • @desireerifel3763
      @desireerifel3763 5 лет назад +105

      kakyoin senpai dont do that plssss, and yes im petrified of being alone.

    • @dariusv8573
      @dariusv8573 5 лет назад +44

      @@desireerifel3763 i was like that 5 ys ago now I just feel better alone nobody is judging me for what I seem to be or look like nobody loves more the dickhead than the guy who care about them and think about them every day,nobody is hurting my feelings,I hurt them myself,when I am alone I can dream about a good life,I stopped cutting myself cuse I almost got caught,when I am alone nobody is ignoring me or telling me to go away

    • @sereenassaf7745
      @sereenassaf7745 5 лет назад +23

      kakyoin senpai get help frl no joke

    • @dariusv8573
      @dariusv8573 5 лет назад +13

      @@sereenassaf7745 I give signs to my parents every week or so,I even saod I understand guys who cut theyr own skin,tbh I did that not that much bec my parents could find but I did.Now I just hope one day I will be better even if I know it is a lie and I try to save others from being like me,it is not funny knowing people will like you only when you die,bec when someone die everyone is like he was a good person I loved him your crush be like I wanted him to be my bf but if you are alive nobody likes you,I am in this war whit depression for 5 years or more now and I lost some fights but I was about to loose the war more than 3 times(suicide),I used to see everything as a suicide object,nobody deserves something like that,depression helped me understand killers too,and the fact that some serial killers are just crazy because they blamed the world for theyr pain and I understand them,I know I will not have a girlfriend because of that,I can smile only when I see someone else smile,but I do not need a girlfriend if that means I should be a dickhead,idk if you care but my life is preety ok now,I mean I still think about jumping off the higest building in my city but is way better than the last year

  • @yoongiscupofcoffee3619
    @yoongiscupofcoffee3619 4 года назад +6596

    yeah, no. this isn’t anxiety. this is a short film about an insecure girl. dont get anxiety and insecurities mixed up they’re two very different things.

    • @0rangeeige199
      @0rangeeige199 4 года назад +168

      It’s a poor portrayal but some aspects were still there. The negative thoughts fluttering in her brain stems off of her anxiety, which is why it’s an insecurity. Other than that the short film could have been way better, I doubt the directors or anyone in the cast have actually experienced what Anxiety feels like.

    • @samratalha.
      @samratalha. 4 года назад +47

      Not whole, but a little anxiety is here in this girl.

    • @kelseyt4492
      @kelseyt4492 4 года назад +59

      anxiety is the cause of insecurity

    • @coopersy
      @coopersy 3 года назад +30

      Some people who suffer greatly from anxiety learn early on how to mask it for acceptance, but it leaks through the mask looking like insecurity. Don’t judge unless you know a person well.

    • @talsloz
      @talsloz 3 года назад +32

      Well that’s offensive. This is definitely anxiety. I have anxiety. It’s like feeling like everyone is against you and your alone. Or that you can’t or don’t fit in. Or that you doubt yourself and see yourself differently in a mirror from what you actually look like. Insecurity causes anxiety.

  • @reki2206
    @reki2206 5 лет назад +2545

    You feel trapped
    You feel alone
    You feel like there is no hope
    You feel suffocated and hurt
    You feel your soul is getting burnt
    You feel scared
    You feel as though happiness does not exist
    But the truth is
    It can all be fixed
    From me: be kind to yourself. Be proud of who you are because anxiety is just a thing that is stopping you from being the best you can be!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @reki2206
      @reki2206 5 лет назад +7

      RileyDrumCovers hope you feel better soon! Lots of love!!❤️❤️❤️

    • @robyn9519
      @robyn9519 4 года назад +7

      exactly! we may mot be able to cure it forever but we do have the strength to tell it to f*** off and even though it may still be there in the back of our mind, we are strong enough to ignore it and enjoy life sometimes

    • @midzystick9468
      @midzystick9468 4 года назад +5

      Too me that’s what my depression is doing to me..

    • @helena-pp4rd
      @helena-pp4rd 4 года назад +4

      Thank you for that message ❤️ one of the only things helping me a little to cope with my anxiety is listening to Rex Orange County

    • @robyn9519
      @robyn9519 4 года назад +5

      @@helena-pp4rd hi so uhh just wanted to drop by and say some things that help me cope cuz you never know when they may help someone else :) but uhh mine are listening to music, concentrating on something like an object or a noise and describing it to help prevent panicking, my cat, and more but i cant think of them right now so uhhm :/ i hope it helps you or someone else seeing this :)

  • @JaneGreenholt
    @JaneGreenholt 14 дней назад +1

    What a captivating storytelling in this short film 'Anxiety'! The way they depicted the struggles and emotions was truly powerful.

  • @glwyend450
    @glwyend450 4 года назад +1274

    *anxiety limits you. it makes you unable to do things others can.*

    • @lordforsa2106
      @lordforsa2106 4 года назад

      what do you actually mean?

    • @nataliatokarska130
      @nataliatokarska130 4 года назад +5

      I started thinking its not accurate when she texted back while I’m thinking about the response for 2 days at least ...

    • @shyaaammeneen63
      @shyaaammeneen63 4 года назад +1

      Glwyend, There is a solution to every problem only if we make some effort. For relief from anxiety sit on a chair or on the ground with back erect and do the simple alternate nostril breathing meditation if possible twice a day for 5-10 minutes. This reprogrames the mind. Watch the videos on You tube to see how it is done. It is very simple. After completing the inhalation-exhalation do not get up-Be still and sit for at least 5 minutes without moving observing your breath. Negative thoughts will reduce. Make meditation a daily habit and enjoy life. It has to be done with feeling and passion. Shyaaam Sir-Mentor-Counselor.

    • @shyaaammeneen63
      @shyaaammeneen63 4 года назад

      @Sophie Dent There is a solution to every problem only if we make some effort. For relief from anxiety sit on a chair or on the ground with back erect and do the simple alternate nostril breathing meditation if possible twice a day for 5-10 minutes. This reprogrames the mind. Watch the videos on You tube to see how it is done. It is very simple. After completing the inhalation-exhalation do not get up-Be still and sit for at least 5 minutes without moving observing your breath. Negative thoughts will reduce. Make meditation a daily habit and enjoy life. It has to be done with feeling and passion. Shyaaam Sir-Mentor-Counselor.

    • @D3ATH889
      @D3ATH889 4 года назад +3

      Fr, I hate it so much, I can’t even go outside anymore

  • @niamhlikesplants
    @niamhlikesplants 7 лет назад +640

    “This is the perfect time to get you, when you sleep.” Damn. That line hit hard, it’s so true though.

  • @st4rf1shie
    @st4rf1shie 6 лет назад +5213

    Me: decides to go somewhere for once
    *5 minutes later*
    Me: Actually nvm, it’s best if I stay home.

    • @ZeAmanUelPictures
      @ZeAmanUelPictures 6 лет назад +39

      Me: decides to stay home
      5 min later
      Me: nahh, ima go out

    • @yuu6979
      @yuu6979 6 лет назад +14

      that's so me

    • @pancakesforyou7247
      @pancakesforyou7247 6 лет назад +47

      MY FRIENDS : hey how about we go at the park tommorrow
      ME : yea thats a great idea we will all surely enjoy there
      ME : i JUST realized THAT....
      i dont wanna go i dont feel like it
      then suddenly goes towards my phone and textx my friends that my feet suddenly feels wierd (excuses)

    • @st4rf1shie
      @st4rf1shie 6 лет назад +6

      Shara Napoco lmao that’s me everyday finding an excuse to not go to school

    • @pancakesforyou7247
      @pancakesforyou7247 6 лет назад +5

      @@st4rf1shie omg yes
      I TOO DO NOT WANt to go to school ESPECIALLY in summer class
      i just want my summer to be a good and happy time
      before school starts again

  • @awesomesauce23
    @awesomesauce23 2 года назад +139

    This is definitely insecurity, not anxiety. While insecurity sucks, they're two different things.

  • @evin5975
    @evin5975 5 лет назад +2343

    60% is talking about her house
    40% is talking about anxiety

    • @scarletedits3719
      @scarletedits3719 5 лет назад +6

      These kind of comments are just lazy this isn’t even true ;-;

    • @tala_ii5268
      @tala_ii5268 5 лет назад +1


    • @gaming_xiu8102
      @gaming_xiu8102 5 лет назад

      0.1% is us wanting the house low key

    • @said-eli
      @said-eli 5 лет назад

      0.01% are these

    • @aqueenaija
      @aqueenaija 5 лет назад

      That's a big house😁

  • @DubstepCity7
    @DubstepCity7 6 лет назад +1461

    This is so real I'm actually crying because I feel like this every single day of my life.. but Everytime I think I can go out once I do I always just cancel and leave because it always comes back..

    • @dj.asmine12
      @dj.asmine12 6 лет назад +3

      Dubstep_city_ 7 yeah those demons always come back.

    • @neshawya
      @neshawya 6 лет назад +3

      Dubstep_city_ 7 me to I say I can’t but my brain says no

    • @مرفتمرتضی
      @مرفتمرتضی 6 лет назад +6

      Wow I don’t even have people ever hitting me up at all

    • @nerijussigita4266
      @nerijussigita4266 6 лет назад +3

      Same. But I hide it every single day. Even if I am not fine I hide it with a smile and say I am fine.

    • @AnimeBlahness
      @AnimeBlahness 6 лет назад

      Dubstep_city_ 7 cool story bro

  • @coconutoppa1307
    @coconutoppa1307 5 лет назад +465

    She killed with that “watch me”
    Such a queen.

  • @murpanna
    @murpanna 4 года назад +2206

    The worst thing about anxiety is not being able to talk properly in front of people ,can’t properly breathe sometimes and worrying a lot 😖

    • @D3ATH889
      @D3ATH889 4 года назад +43

      Yup, I’m tired of it

    • @aestaeticedits7998
      @aestaeticedits7998 4 года назад +86

      Sounds like social anxiety. I have it and it’s hell. It makes making friends seem impossible 😭

    • @3L3CTR4H34RT
      @3L3CTR4H34RT 3 года назад +11

      And the paranoia...
      Oh, the paranoia...
      (My first panic attack, I thought I was having an allergic reaction, so that added to the stress)

    • @rattleheead
      @rattleheead 3 года назад +23

      right?People try to talk me and i cant talk so i just smile,this makes everyone forget me.I hate it.

    • @alial-haideri
      @alial-haideri 3 года назад +3

      Yes thats true and this is called self humailited or demolition pattren which iam obsessed with

  • @abraham1064
    @abraham1064 5 лет назад +4229

    She have friends that invite her to hang out, that takes care of she. I even don't have that. :(

    • @darijagrabics3420
      @darijagrabics3420 5 лет назад +14

      Abraham Same...

    • @DerNeue
      @DerNeue 5 лет назад +45

      i'm so sorry about that. either way it can be horrible.
      i'm sure you deserve much more than that.

    • @abraham1064
      @abraham1064 5 лет назад +11

      @@DerNeue I know that feeling, but I'm always cancelling hangouts and they just...

    • @monisworld3965
      @monisworld3965 5 лет назад +72

      Abraham my friends make plans with each other while I’m sitting right in front of them lmao

    • @abraham1064
      @abraham1064 5 лет назад +10

      @@monisworld3965 holy shit, I'm sorry.

  • @Etigress
    @Etigress 5 лет назад +682

    My dad once told me I needed to wear more makeup to get a husband. Let's just say I don't talk to my dad much anymore.

    • @rosalindafiscal4837
      @rosalindafiscal4837 5 лет назад +25

      Etigress FUCK HIM AND HIS DUMBASS STATEMENT. Don’t listen to him. You are beautiful with or without makeup!! If it takes you to not talk to your dad that much then let it be

    • @LoveNaisa
      @LoveNaisa 4 года назад +12

      That’s terrible 😞

    • @robyn9519
      @robyn9519 4 года назад +10

      yes!! you go girl! you never need makeup to look beautiful cuz you are so damn pretty by yourself and I dont even need to see you to know that. only wear makeup cuz *you want* to not cuz someone else wants you to

    • @cvoqx
      @cvoqx 4 года назад +2

      😂😂😂😂 I find that funny

    • @dirtyhooker6317
      @dirtyhooker6317 4 года назад +1

      @@cvoqx I see how I find it funny but it's a bit harsj

  • @TheSpecialPiecePodcast
    @TheSpecialPiecePodcast 19 дней назад +1

    This is more reflective of low self esteem than anxiety in my opinion.

  • @Ava-xl5fi
    @Ava-xl5fi 4 года назад +633

    anxiety isn't just doubting. it's like wanting to go out with friends, but being scared everyone around you is going to judge you. and yet, still feeling alone.

    • @superdoggopuggowuggo1273
      @superdoggopuggowuggo1273 2 года назад


    • @ilsagita5257
      @ilsagita5257 2 года назад +9

      Isn't that doubting whether your friends will like you or not?

    • @inkspiredsoul
      @inkspiredsoul Год назад +14

      Exactly!! You just don't feel anxiety in your head, you feel it in your body. You want to be left alone but you don't want to be lonely. IT'S SOOOO CONFUSING SOMETIMES THAT I CAN'T EVEN ANSWER MYSELF!!

    • @Monk3y-D-luffy--h3re
      @Monk3y-D-luffy--h3re Год назад


  • @shantcheetah
    @shantcheetah 5 лет назад +448

    i wish i could just wake up one day and realize that my anxiety has gone away forever. i keep waiting for that day to come.

    • @livelikecactus3732
      @livelikecactus3732 4 года назад +8

      same here. but i wish you'll feel better everyday 🌼

    • @shantcheetah
      @shantcheetah 4 года назад +7

      imonionnut thank you for your kind words, i really hope so. I know that if I keep trying to get better everyday I will overcome my anxiety in the future 🙏

    • @shantcheetah
      @shantcheetah 4 года назад +2

      imonionnut btw i make poetry & comedy videos on my channel so feel free to check it out if you want :)

    • @livelikecactus3732
      @livelikecactus3732 4 года назад +1

      @@shantcheetah I really hope you can overcome that ! 😊

    • @livelikecactus3732
      @livelikecactus3732 4 года назад +2

      @@shantcheetah i viewed your channel and i think you're pretty cool so i subscribed 😊 Check out mine too!! idk what i'm doing on my channel but probably random vlogs once in a while 😅

  • @blaxnd
    @blaxnd 6 лет назад +3840

    Ok but why is there so much windows open at never know who could be watching.😂

  • @danyaseymone5909
    @danyaseymone5909 2 года назад +86

    Many people are saying this isn't anxiety but anxiety is a spectrum. People experience it different ways. This is not necessarily insecurity. This is actually how anxiety appears for some people. Just because it does not happen to you does not mean it does not happen to anyone else.

    • @juanmanuelmoramontes3883
      @juanmanuelmoramontes3883 2 года назад +12

      This is not the disorder, everyone gets distracted and imperative from time to time, it doesn't mean you have ADHD, experiencing Anxiety sensations is not equivalent to having a specific anxiety disorder.

    • @Roseinspires
      @Roseinspires 2 года назад +13

      Wow I’m glad you mentioned this I saw a few comments and I also commented that this is the script writers version of what anxiety is for them in their lives in starting to notice that people love writing a lot of negative comments everywhere in RUclips smh 🤦‍♀️

    • @buttarain27
      @buttarain27 Год назад

      @@Roseinspires EVERYONE on YT thinks they're an expert on everything they watch.

    • @ByankaMexia
      @ByankaMexia 9 месяцев назад

      It’s not actual anxiety. There truly is a difference. Of course, spectrums exist. This isn’t one. You cannot label a video as “anxiety” when it’s not a true depiction of anxiety. It should have been labeled “growing up without parental love attention”… “self-esteem” “loneliness.”
      By being too lenient, you take away from the truth of what anxiety is. Believe me, it’s hard already for people to take the condition seriously because it’s so commonly accepted as an expression to being uneasy, stressed, impatient… .
      I take offense at your willingness to continue to blur the lines on things that don’t need blurring simply because because you “can see the other side” without realizing or taking the moment to think how you seeing the other side negatively impacts the side you carelessly opine to be so indistinct as to be the same to something so distinct from it simply because “everyone experiences anxiety differently.” What a general crock of shit statement.

  • @jaxsoncuratolo1470
    @jaxsoncuratolo1470 6 лет назад +768

    Everytime I try to ignore it. It just comes back x10 worse

    • @paologabriel5785
      @paologabriel5785 6 лет назад +2


    • @squidsyd9548
      @squidsyd9548 6 лет назад

      Jaxson Curatolo yes same with mine

    • @lexijern8608
      @lexijern8608 6 лет назад

      Anxiety is like a boat and there is a small whole your just ignore it because your thinking "how could that do any harm!" But the longer you ignore it the worse it gets and after a few days it turns into a big whole but you can't fix it. So just remember the smallest thing can do the biggest harm don't ever ignore your anxiety get help and take meds

    • @bellamolon4707
      @bellamolon4707 6 лет назад

      Please trust me. It will get better. Just talk to someone you trust.

    • @luvvcarms
      @luvvcarms 6 лет назад

      @Jaxson Curatolo it's like the flu.

  • @anisia8487
    @anisia8487 6 лет назад +1789

    I'm literally sick and tired of this shit.
    I'm tired of thinking that no one likes me as a person.
    I feel very lonely most of my time, i feel like no one understands me.
    I keep asking myself why i have to be this sad all the time..
    i just want a normal life..

    • @melo3814
      @melo3814 6 лет назад +11

      If this is your pic, you're cute :)

    • @anisia8487
      @anisia8487 6 лет назад +8

      Young0Kuleczka / yeah it's me
      thank youuu ❤️❤️

    • @henrietjames1645
      @henrietjames1645 6 лет назад +2

      You got this girl!

    • @jazminjoy5071
      @jazminjoy5071 6 лет назад +4

      Well, although I'll never know you, imagine I'm giving you a virtual hug because I would if I could. Also DANGGGGGGGGGGGG YOUR PRETTY

    • @Blackbettyboop813
      @Blackbettyboop813 6 лет назад +1

      I feel the same

  • @Angel-wg2vd
    @Angel-wg2vd 4 года назад +2333

    The worst feeling is when you’re showering and overthinking

    • @nzncy6998
      @nzncy6998 4 года назад +60

      and just crying in the shower and feeling horrible about yourself

    • @sレイア
      @sレイア 4 года назад +24

      I'm glad it's not just me who feels like this.

    • @the_sky_is_blue1239
      @the_sky_is_blue1239 4 года назад +20

      Honestly I just cry in bed when everyone is asleep 🙃

    • @the_sky_is_blue1239
      @the_sky_is_blue1239 4 года назад +4

      @@nzncy6998 yeah that part is the worst

    • @naaomi6205
      @naaomi6205 4 года назад +13

      my best option is to listen to music, helps a lot

  • @blazewastherefr
    @blazewastherefr 3 года назад +2

    Everyone have said to me that "I'm always here for you." but never proven it.

  • @thelifeofanoodle5813
    @thelifeofanoodle5813 4 года назад +6403

    This generation is going to be amazing parents we understand anxiety, depression, school pressure, and always being on electronics!

    • @sickening1019
      @sickening1019 4 года назад +267

      U promoting the last opinion as an attribute, shows the unawareness that people have on electronics. & it’s also ironic, because majority of people that use electronics, use it for social media, and that causes anxiety, depression, ingratitude, etc

    • @Cxhhh
      @Cxhhh 3 года назад +89

      my parents prob left the chat

    • @jennilocke5358
      @jennilocke5358 3 года назад +154

      We aren't the only generation who understand... My father has depression, anxiety, and adult ADHD. We aren't the only ones who suffer.

    • @lifeofjayda1
      @lifeofjayda1 3 года назад +34

      @@jennilocke5358 but the whole generation .. your just lucky.

    • @jennilocke5358
      @jennilocke5358 3 года назад +25

      @@lifeofjayda1 there is more than one person from other generations 🙄

  • @bianca3441
    @bianca3441 6 лет назад +1688

    "if you thought that makeup Is gonna make you attractive, you're wrong"
    That's completely correct. You're already attractive :) 💕

  • @pupisuci
    @pupisuci 6 лет назад +519

    *Am I the only one who wishes they didn't have anxiety and wishes they were normal but gets afraid of being 'normal' because you've gotten so used to anxiety being apart of your life?*

    • @oddiej9967
      @oddiej9967 6 лет назад +13

      Yes. And it hurts. My anxiety has become a security, and a pain.

    • @mariebear5205
      @mariebear5205 6 лет назад

      Little_BangtanTrash A.R.M.Y it's ok anxiety is normal

    • @pupisuci
      @pupisuci 6 лет назад +19

      @@mariebear5205 it isn't normal. Be afraid of every little thing, trying to prepare for things that'll never happen, crying over mistakes you did months ago, being to afraid go ask anyone simple questions, not being able to order food for yourself or look anyone in the eyes isn't normal being in a cage that you made yourself and not being able to get out although you have the key isn't normal

    • @paulineguillena2292
      @paulineguillena2292 6 лет назад +2

      @@pupisuci thats my situation right now and its hard coz you cant talk to anyone else because your afraid theyll judge you.

    • @abbyibarra198
      @abbyibarra198 6 лет назад

      You're not alone... 🤞🤞

  • @BushraJarallah
    @BushraJarallah 3 года назад +29

    as someone who lived with anxiety my whole life .. I find anxiety much more complicated than this .. but i survived in the age of 25 , or at least learned how to control it

  • @sarahmcd7529
    @sarahmcd7529 7 лет назад +65

    I love when your sitting in bed thinking off all the things you’ve done to mess up your life. Like “why did I tell them that??”, “WHY DID I SAY THAT WORD SO MUCH”, “why did I do that action so many times.”, “why did I do that??”. All I’m trying to do is sleep then this wall of fear and regret hits me. WHEN AT FIRST I WAS THINKING OF PUPPYS

  • @H0neyPossum
    @H0neyPossum 5 лет назад +3657

    If you have social anxiety clap your hands 👏 👏
    if you have social anxiety clap your hands 👏 👏
    If you have social anxiety and you don’t want to see society clap your hands 👏 👏

    • @usernameorsomething8930
      @usernameorsomething8930 5 лет назад +8

      Kittenlover 808 👏👏👏👏👏👏

    • @Izabella.N
      @Izabella.N 5 лет назад +7


    • @greyskies578
      @greyskies578 5 лет назад +60

      👏👏👏👏👏 my version if you have social anxiety clap your hands
      If you have social anxiety clap your hands
      If you don't know what to do when a somebody talks to you if you have social anxiety clap your hands
      I was diagnosed with social anxiety and I barely talk when I'm offline or not online

    • @Buggys04
      @Buggys04 5 лет назад +4


    • @aaliyah6287
      @aaliyah6287 5 лет назад +3


  • @klarastopar7946
    @klarastopar7946 6 лет назад +9608

    *they have a nice house*

  • @legorockstar2000
    @legorockstar2000 2 года назад +5

    "they pitty you" this rang loud within my ears. I used to have these thoughts all the time, then a friend (or who I thought was my friend) actually told me this. She said "we are only your friend because we pity you" and now instead of my voice, I hear hers. 5 years later, I still struggle to believe people like me because of what she said coupled with my previous fears socially.

  • @chloeschreiber5672
    @chloeschreiber5672 6 лет назад +2261

    This is a good film but this doesn’t really feel like how anxiety affects me. My anxiety isn’t like fat shaming me and making me think my friends are fake. For me it’s more like just a constant state of feeling nervous for little things, constantly struggling to get a good deep breath. When I’m having a panic attack there’s no other way to explain it except that my mind just goes blank and I can’t think straight its horrifying. To me this film is more like she has low self esteem, I’m not saying you can’t experience this with having anxiety but for me personally I don’t experience anxiety in that way, still a great film though.

    • @AppAlaysha
      @AppAlaysha 6 лет назад +57

      I agree seems hers is self esteem issues. I've suffered from anxiety my whole life it's been debilitating some days. Its hard and scary and i hate it. You are not alone. I feel the same way you do.

    • @chloeschreiber5672
      @chloeschreiber5672 6 лет назад +5

      app alaysha4 thanks ❤️

    • @sparkIe.jumpropequeen
      @sparkIe.jumpropequeen 6 лет назад +6

      That’s the same for me

    • @wolfieplays8295
      @wolfieplays8295 6 лет назад +29

      I describe panic attacks as feeling like you’re suffocating when in reality you’re still breathing

    • @anitasewell9616
      @anitasewell9616 6 лет назад +4

      Yepp I get it same with me

  • @dasunflower8079
    @dasunflower8079 5 лет назад +2146

    My anxiety is kinda different. I feel this overwhelming stress and then one day (mostly happens when I'm in school) I just burst out crying and it feels like my throat is closing up. Does anyone else have this? I really want to see if I'm not alone 😓

    • @cameronvaughn6247
      @cameronvaughn6247 5 лет назад +61

      You're never alone

    • @barchieendgame3931
      @barchieendgame3931 5 лет назад +33

      i know how you feel :( it's gonna be okay

    • @lilasziee
      @lilasziee 5 лет назад +24

      Yeah same exactly :/ I hope you get better it’s never easy but you’re not alone !

    • @klare4948
      @klare4948 5 лет назад +82

      I feel the same. I feel a lump on my throat then it gets hard to breath and then my heart starts beating so fast even if I'm just resting. I also cry without knowing the reason, I just feel sad and start thinking about problems that doesn't directly affect me. I'm not clinically diagnosed so I can't say that I have anxiety or depressed.

    • @autumnp9022
      @autumnp9022 5 лет назад +14

      I get the same sensations feeling like I can’t eat or swallow or my chest is heavy , it’s real feelings BUT ALWAYS no it will pass & you will be OK 🙏🏽

  • @coolgirl882
    @coolgirl882 6 лет назад +355

    Anxiety makes you feel like there is another person just judging you and that just wants to physically throw you down. It sneaks up when you are feeling vulnerable. Anxiety pretends to be your friend so you could trust it. anxiety wants to make you isolate yourself but you cant because the only person there is your anxiety, picking at the small little flaws in your day. Anxiety pursuades you that none of your friends want you and that you are just there for when they want you, anxiety will tell you the opposite of everything. What if this or what happens if. Just remember to keep your head held high and that you are beautiful. You are you for a reason. You have a quality that someone falls for that no one else could ace like you do. Be brave, smile and show your anxiety who is boss.

    • @pharaohphoenix9373
      @pharaohphoenix9373 6 лет назад

      Hey Joanna, so true! Anxiety is like a puppeteer in your mind! Beyond our control! Well, except we can control. We just need to change the pupperteer from a negative story to a good story! Hope that makes sense! Checkout my channel for more info! Get in touch anytime you need support or help! Big Hug :)

    • @hannahhegarty3554
      @hannahhegarty3554 6 лет назад +1

      Pharaoh Phoenix I have subbed to you

    • @hannahhegarty3554
      @hannahhegarty3554 6 лет назад

      (If some of this dosnt make sence it is becuse i copied it from a difrent comment that i commented eariler )same it's like me at the dentist except I am not excited and then I end up having a really big panic atack agian I tend to have them a lot now since going up to high school last year but luckily I had a really good guidance teacher who helped me through it like not have them as much but sadly she moved to Dubai so I am getting a new guidance teacher and I feel as if I'm going to have a panic atack Becuse I don't know who there I am like what if they don't get me I also have dyslexia so that doesn't help because I over think in classes like English if I'm stuck I sit there for basically in till the period is over just so I can build the courage to go ask for help to spell a word that "normal people" can spell easily but its so annoying Becuse I don't just have dyslexia and anxiety I also have food allergys and I'm allergic to some skin stuff (I have eczema) and I have asthma and I have really big panic atacks. Also auto correct is my life saver I would not have been able to write this with out it . I don't know if you read this but if you did thanks a lot it's nice to be able to tell somebody who would not have to reply also if you are reading this I hope your having a good day /Night where ever in this world you are. Also it's hard for me to control my panic atacks because I could be fine one moment and then something happens and I am like just breath you'll be alright and then I go and try to find my brother and fail so I find one of his friends and ask them if they know where he is and then I end up breaking down. Most of the time for me to try and call my self down it is putting my hand on the back of my head and basically squeezing my head with my arms I don't know how it works but it helps me out a lot. Also to help me is not getting screamed at for having a panic atack or not having loads of people around me and getting slowed to take as much time as I need to calm myself down. I highly doubt that you read this. But if so thanks I hope your having a great day/night where ever you are in this world you beautiful your one of a kind smile more (from @Romanatwoodvlogs (my favourite youtuber))

    • @xHammyx
      @xHammyx 6 лет назад

      So if I have some of those that’s mean I have anxiety ?

    • @hannahhegarty3554
      @hannahhegarty3554 6 лет назад

      TheFrozenSnowQueen panic atacks?

  • @wrldme
    @wrldme Год назад +2

    It's so true it's always my mind judging my every step no matter what I do it always makes me think about myself
    Makes me insecure about my appearance even though I get compliments it makes me feel like I'm so ugly, not worth it makes me feel like I don't deserve friends or I'm just useless

  • @samhamilton6265
    @samhamilton6265 6 лет назад +473

    this is a way to cope. i have too much anxiety. i'm super insecure and terribly shy. i'm really scared to go out or talk to people because i know that they'll probably judge me. sometimes i just cry and cry but that does nothing. today i've started to write in a book everyday and just express what i'm feeling in words. i'm always getting attacks out of nowhere and feeling anger and sadness at the same time and i just don't know what to to but cry. like right now, i was really nervous just to post this comment and not handling what people say. i just get crazy mood swings at points and i'm just relieved to read the comments and see how many people can relate.

    • @benicazzim3693
      @benicazzim3693 6 лет назад +11

      I`ve been there, i was feeling like that two months ago and it was so hard for me, i let a lot of things undone, i cancelled a lot of plans and i cried every single day, for no reason. The book you are writing it´s and excellent thing to do, in my case i wrote how i was feeling in my iphone notes, a few hours later i readed that text i realized how stupid were the things i was thinking and nothing bad was going to happen, you don`t know how much i can relate to your case. Right now i have learned to control anxiety. and trust me, you can too. Sometimes you think like this anxiety is getting over you but you just have to let it, you can control it, i learned how, and i`m pretty sure you are going to learned too.
      I hope you can get over this, and remember, everything would be okay.
      I`m just trying to let you know that it`s not as bad as you think and you are not alone.

    • @tupokiwe
      @tupokiwe 6 лет назад +2

      Samantha Rose Hamilton
      Be anxious for nothing. But all things through prayer and supplication, with thanks giving, let your request be made known to God..
      Philippians 4:6
      Jesus helped me through this.. It is well for you.

    • @bambip5718
      @bambip5718 6 лет назад

      Me too :(

    • @kitatv1759
      @kitatv1759 6 лет назад

      U N A C C E P T A B L E same 😪💔

    • @lasterthemaster-myvideosar2709
      @lasterthemaster-myvideosar2709 6 лет назад +1

      Be strong i have the same as you i bern bullied my life sucks my dippresion people hate me and i wanna die

  • @shenandoahstackow5937
    @shenandoahstackow5937 6 лет назад +701

    You can't just ignore it, it will come back 12x stronger

  • @Hayden_Cat
    @Hayden_Cat 7 лет назад +158

    For me it’s more like
    “something could go wrong and you will look like a idiot”
    “I will embarrass myself” ,
    “no don’t think that way, I could have fun”,
    “no it’s better safe then sorry”

    • @KF-91
      @KF-91 7 лет назад

      Me too!

    • @nashic1563
      @nashic1563 6 лет назад +1

      Omg, that's just the perfect example of me, including the regular anxiety attacks that I get along with those thoughts

    • @gabriellefindley3833
      @gabriellefindley3833 6 лет назад

      Hannah Cat YES the "better safe than sorry" things is my main security blanket when my anxiety comes out to play...... I'd just rather not go at all

    • @babehi5009
      @babehi5009 6 лет назад

      Hannah Cat IKR

    • @hurricanemeem
      @hurricanemeem 6 лет назад


  • @Ivy3h
    @Ivy3h 3 года назад +19

    I think I have social anxiety but this isn't really what I experience.
    I can't just ignore it.
    If I know I'm going out with my friends later, I will physically shake and get butterflies in my tummy.
    I don't hate myself but there's always a little voice saying "your friends don't like you, they think you're weird, they don't want you there" and the worst part is that I know it's irrational, but there's still part of me saying "but what if it's not?"

  • @Paintwithspace
    @Paintwithspace 6 лет назад +918

    Thinking of anxiety gives me anxiety.😶

  • @elaketner7019
    @elaketner7019 7 лет назад +2355

    Thank you. I struggle with all anxiety and this is very good for ppl to understand. It is troubling and glad ppl like us have a voice. Just want to say thank you so much

    • @MichaelSmigiel
      @MichaelSmigiel  7 лет назад +17

      Ela ketner Very glad to hear that my work can help you and others. That means a lot to me.

    • @noeiianh
      @noeiianh 7 лет назад +2

      Ela ketner I struggle with anxiety

    • @karinafafara7665
      @karinafafara7665 7 лет назад +7

      i agree totally. anyone else always feel like everyone hates you behind your back? even your closest friends? i do and i want to hear from ye

    • @emilycoutu3458
      @emilycoutu3458 7 лет назад

      ᗩt ᒪeᗩᔕt ᔕoᗰeoᑎe ᑌᑎᗪeᖇᔕtᗩᑎᗪeᔕ ᕼoᗯ ᗩᑎ᙭ᑌety i tᕼoᑌgᕼt i ᗯᗩᔕ tᕼe oᑎy oᑎe

    • @emilycoutu3458
      @emilycoutu3458 7 лет назад

      i really like your comment because now i dont feel alone. it sucks ti have it

  • @bikbik-t2f
    @bikbik-t2f 6 лет назад +2264

    At least she have friends who contact her :(

    • @Frostyad7251
      @Frostyad7251 6 лет назад +31

      Thea Sevilleja Yoo Maximum Ride. Sweet. Also, my only friend is my thirteen year-old cousin, and I am sixteen. But things get better, and honestly people do not really need friends. We can do the same fun things by ourselves. 😊

    • @justinrenee821
      @justinrenee821 6 лет назад +22

      I will be your friend? I'm Justine and I like fandoms and puppies and cats and also butterscotch milkshakes.

    • @bikbik-t2f
      @bikbik-t2f 6 лет назад +6

      Justin Renee heyyy!!! I also like cats and milkshakes (choco) :)

    • @justinrenee821
      @justinrenee821 6 лет назад +6

      Hiii! You should really be sleeping unless you're in a different timezone than me but that's like the pot calling the kettle black right now. Is it okay if I send you an email/instagram? I'll probably delete the comment with it after I know you've seen it

    • @justinrenee821
      @justinrenee821 6 лет назад +4

      Okay I'm going to bed because It's one in the morning here, but know that I'm not ignoring you I'm just really really really really sleepy

  • @ldg479
    @ldg479 Год назад +1

    Wow I felt this in my bones. Especially the end because as someone with anxiety, denying your worries takes SO MUCH willpower and guts but it feel SO good. It's one of my favourite feelings.

  • @ceciliaventicinque4892
    @ceciliaventicinque4892 5 лет назад +504

    To the ones saying that this isn't anxiety:
    IT 100% IS ANXIETY.
    Insecurity is anxiety.
    Being doubtful of others' opinions is anxiety.
    Questioning your self image and your view of yourself is anxiety.
    Anxiety isn't not wanting to do anything, that is more linked with depression. And in most cases, depression is pretty much your body shutting down, your mind is shutting down, and listening and allowing these intrusive thoughts of your anxiety take over. Not in all cases.
    I don't want to sound like a know-it-all or anything, I've been through multiple therapist and doctors all say the same things about anxiety. I suffer from an anxiety disorder and ptsd, and often have brief depressional states.
    Anxiety isn't chemical. It's a human emotion, a human reaction. A lot just have it worse than others. A lot have anxiety disorders.
    Anxiety is thinking no one actually likes you or wants to be around you. Thinking that you're just a charity or an annoyance to everyone else.
    Anxiety can cause people to not want to go out, AKA social anxiety. Have a anxious symptoms while out in public, everyone around you feeling like you're being judged looked at Etc.
    Anxiety is questioning your every move, your every thought, your every action, choice in clothes, music Etc.
    Intrusive thoughts, examples include: "They don't actually like you" and "They're only talking to you because they feel bad or because they feel like they have to"
    Anxiety is more than just fear and panic attacks. A lot of people don't know the full view of it or what an anxiety disorder is and does to people.

    • @beaa3956
      @beaa3956 4 года назад +8

      xFreakShow social is with people ( you are scared to go out) and generalized is normal anxiety like for the basic things ( stress because of school is generalized) !!👍

    • @robyn9519
      @robyn9519 4 года назад +15

      @@BERRANTv im not sure how to explain it but i have both and in my case social anxiety is where I'm too afraid to interact with people because of irrational fear of interaction, and self-consciousness, or embarrassment and generalized anxiety is constant worry, restlessness, and trouble with concentration and just a lot of over thinking

    • @torin6258
      @torin6258 4 года назад +11

      This film was a pretty superficial take on it though. You can’t just walk away from it like that.

    • @MintPro47
      @MintPro47 4 года назад +5

      I have anxiety and i actually can relate to this video a lot. A week ago i would go to my friend's house for my first time. I thought they would tell me bad things even if i knew they woudn't. Plus i'm a shy girl so bruhhh. But it all got fine. Me and my friend had a good time.

    • @torin6258
      @torin6258 4 года назад +3

      Fłąť Ëäŕţh I am glad you are feeling better, but when anxiety is treated that fast, it is not that severe.

  • @reneekalinka8431
    @reneekalinka8431 4 года назад +2063

    People don’t understand true anxiety. It doesn’t go away , no matter how hard you try.

    • @calmanxiety
      @calmanxiety 3 года назад

      But you can try some Anxiety Therapy Music to help relax and get your mind to calm itself

    • @calmanxiety
      @calmanxiety 3 года назад +9

      But you can try Anxiety Therapy Music to help you to relax and calm your mind

    • @faith4today
      @faith4today 3 года назад +42

      Get Jesus and receive His Holy Spirit, and take authority over that 'spirit' of anxiety in Jesus' name, because it is an evil spirit tormenting you.

    • @hyacinthaya9747
      @hyacinthaya9747 3 года назад +6

      @@faith4today amenn

    • @faith4today
      @faith4today 3 года назад +4

      @@hyacinthaya9747 Thank you...and God bless you!

  • @churgerbeese2273
    @churgerbeese2273 5 лет назад +915

    Did her anxiety really called her fat??? She is just perfect.

    • @qveenora3
      @qveenora3 5 лет назад +9

      Sakshi Kamble her anxiety hating

    • @officialholyzac
      @officialholyzac 5 лет назад +4

      Ikr?? People think so irrationally about themselves

    • @kags6767
      @kags6767 4 года назад +1

      OMG I know

    • @Sam-np5sc
      @Sam-np5sc 4 года назад +8

      Yup anxiety is that feeling of worry or unnecessary deep concern that bring in a certain kind of uncomfortability and unsettling... It is that kind of worry about every thing,
      he or she usually don't think anything can be in a good state or perfect condition, he tends to think more about even little things, he or she tends to think more or deeply concerned about something than any other person would think because he just think something is wrong somewhere, he or she doesn't think a thing that pops up in her mind doesn't need a cure of her thought or deep concern, he or she doesn't think a thing can be in a perfect state, but usually think there's something about it that's bad somewhere even if he doesn't see it... He thinks something is wrong, imperfect, or not already made up...

    • @MiaTedrick
      @MiaTedrick 4 года назад +1

      Hating BTS doesn't make you cool agreed and agreed on the name too lol

    @DUSKvsDAWN 2 года назад +1

    Anxiety is so much more than just being insecure. Literally everything makes you doubt yourself. And you're afraid the people you care about will die, all the time. You're afraid people will leave you, all the time. You think about all this stuff so much you literally would not have the energy to go out to that party anymore. You would just cry yourself to sleep because you're exhausted and can't handle it anymore.

  • @rubyacnc7784
    @rubyacnc7784 4 года назад +1782

    Them: “Im always here for you”
    My mind: “actually they dont care”

    • @kamalg363
      @kamalg363 4 года назад +17

      fr im so sorry you feel like that but ily

    • @kerenosterman2397
      @kerenosterman2397 4 года назад +4


    • @darealdylan1909
      @darealdylan1909 4 года назад +3


    • @cottoncloud0987
      @cottoncloud0987 4 года назад +8

      Honestly I wouldn’t say “they dont care” They do care... but I understand what you mean
      Like if they say that they have something else to do or they’re busy or something. It can seem like they don’t care... but they really do

    • @hoshi_animatezzz940
      @hoshi_animatezzz940 4 года назад +2


  • @ellaramsey2770
    @ellaramsey2770 6 лет назад +93

    i have social anxiety where
    -i feel like everyone hates me,
    -i cant go out on my own
    -i feel like everyone’s judging me,
    -i feel like i’m ugly,
    -i’m scared to talk to people
    -i can’t get my words out
    -i can’t even order food or drinks because i’m so scared
    -i panic and feel so fat
    -i cancel so many things because of this stupid anxiety

    • @dandansoysauce8762
      @dandansoysauce8762 6 лет назад +2

      I can definitely relate. But there is a way out of it, and I know, because the things you just listed, I used to relate to, but as I grew older, I don't relate to some of them anymore. With the right type of people, I think you can at least get your head out of that dark hole. It'll just take awhile, and it is a huge challenge, but it is possible to get better. I am still scared, trust me, but at least not as bad as before

    • @ellaramsey2770
      @ellaramsey2770 6 лет назад

      Dandan soysauce ive has social anxiety for around 2-3 years i’ve had panic attacks almost every night but it isn’t as bad as when i first had it :)

    • @ellaramsey2770
      @ellaramsey2770 6 лет назад

      Kay Bae Thank you for this. It just changed how i look at everything :)

    • @Jade-hw1me
      @Jade-hw1me 6 лет назад

      -I’m scared to talk to people
      And other things that I can’t form in my own words 😕

    • @D3ATH889
      @D3ATH889 4 года назад

      I feel you

  • @tammiesherrie
    @tammiesherrie 7 лет назад +475

    I have anxiety in the middle of the night .. I would find myself crying until I could fall asleep it isn’t a joke it’ll have you thinking of the worst possible things... the best relief for it all is prayer and laughter ! 🤞🏽 trust me

    • @basicallyeve3799
      @basicallyeve3799 7 лет назад +3

      Forever Tee thanks for the advice

    • @saeedhussein910
      @saeedhussein910 7 лет назад +2

      Forever Tee read the quran it will help

    • @babyjass764
      @babyjass764 7 лет назад +1


    • @saeedhussein910
      @saeedhussein910 7 лет назад +1

      baby jass thnk b

    • @tammiesherrie
      @tammiesherrie 7 лет назад +2

      Ava Gatling wow I know how you feel , all I can tell you is to keep the faith and I promise those thoughts are going to go away and sometimes it feels impossible to ignore but like the girl In the video did she challenged herself she said fuck that bullshit and she chose positivity and yes I been through the insecure phase I don’t even know how you look but I know you are beautiful just by the way you approached me you’re brave and you can get over this I promise 😏

    @MAWSHASPAWS Год назад +1

    This video is so relatable. ANd i say this BECAUSE it does not have anything to do with anxiety, BUT the problems there is the same problems i face

  • @soybestie3438
    @soybestie3438 6 лет назад +666

    Why is that house bigger than my happiness?! Ty for the likes and replies I liked them all and read them all

    • @jeonxgguk6485
      @jeonxgguk6485 5 лет назад +7

      Why is that house bigger than my self esteem?

    • @Ozzatron20
      @Ozzatron20 5 лет назад +3

      It’s a lot bigger than my will to live

  • @Daniella400
    @Daniella400 16 дней назад +2

    I have struggled with anxiety for years and then I found the book, "The Power of Now." I recommend everyone read this book. It really helps.
    Also, for social anxiety, the best social skills book I have read is "The Like Switch." It has really added to my confidence.
    Doing daily positive affirmations are quite powerful as well.

  • @leoniesophie869
    @leoniesophie869 5 лет назад +7825

    I’m sorry but this is what insecurity looks like. Not what anxiety looks like. [The way I started an actual civil war with this comment eye-]

    • @humanllusion590
      @humanllusion590 5 лет назад +944

      Was about to comment that. I fully agree. Anxiety is more complex and deeper than that. It is not just a bitchy voice telling you're fat,ugly and no one wants you. it's a way to see the world and ourselves we cannot (think we can) escape from. it consumes us from within and expresses itself in our actions and thoughts making living a torture. it slowly becomes an inevitable reality. but what is reality to start with ? Existence itself is very dark and confusing... and one cannot just shut it off, it's more delicate than just ignoring it once and for all.

    • @shaniquaj6647
      @shaniquaj6647 5 лет назад +340

      Yea this is low self esteem .

    • @jahmyrastarr1241
      @jahmyrastarr1241 5 лет назад +38

      Human !llusion well I believe that some times whatever we go through sticks with us for a reason. And a good 1 at that. There’s nothing wrong with seeing red flags🚩 🚩🚩. Our job to is to grow through them so that we know which way to go more clearly the next time we get stuck.

    • @andersoncallout3707
      @andersoncallout3707 5 лет назад +4

      Literally @leoni

    • @avery7895
      @avery7895 5 лет назад +148

      It’s kind of both because anxiety is avoiding things or not going out because things aren’t good or you don’t feel right. I don’t experience it as a conversation but it’s just my thoughts... I think those things and so yah I think it’s also anxiety

  • @trash246
    @trash246 5 лет назад +368

    she doesn’t leave her anxiety at home. it’s a metaphors, she breaks through the chains that the anxiety holds on her and is able to go out. i’m high and wone

    • @karla3153
      @karla3153 5 лет назад +1


    • @torin6258
      @torin6258 4 года назад +2

      Even metaphorically, you can’t walk away from anxiety that easily.

  • @aftabahmed5343
    @aftabahmed5343 3 года назад +14

    I was suffering anxiety from Last 13 years , now I'm 30, but I work on it and now m all good, every time I joined fb groups or try to get help I feel more anxious, I started searching on every where about it, after 4 months that shit was gone, and I felt alive again, I just want to tell you all this is all about your thoughts, and only you can change your mind, if you reading me then listen I love you , I'm alone single in my life but I can relate, I really care about you because I know how bad and painful it is, hey random people I love you,

    • @anshsaxena8916
      @anshsaxena8916 2 года назад

      I take screenshot of it, so whenever I feel low...i can read this

    • @infj1601
      @infj1601 2 года назад

      connecting with genuine people is key

  • @sophia_yt774
    @sophia_yt774 4 года назад +696

    People: “You don’t have anxiety, so stop pretending you do” me: wow I’m cured

    • @AngelicaRae13
      @AngelicaRae13 4 года назад +9

      I go through the same thing :(

    • @shyaaammeneen63
      @shyaaammeneen63 4 года назад +2

      @@AngelicaRae13 Take some action to enjoy life and develop your mental muscles. . Meditation heals anxiety as it reprogrammes the mind. Watch alternate nostril breathing meditation videos on Google and do it for 5 to 10 minutes if possible twice a day. You can sit on a chair or on the ground and do it. Inhale-exhale slowly and feel the relaxation flowing through your mind and body. Negative thoughts will reduce. Shyaaam Sir, Mentor. Make meditation a daily habit to enjoy life.

    • @stephmetc53
      @stephmetc53 4 года назад +6

      Me: -looks in camrea on phone-
      My anxiety: wow why is your face so square? Cover it up with your hair and hide your teeth there ugly

    • @imnotangryimlonely9930
      @imnotangryimlonely9930 4 года назад +1

      I hate that

    • @khloe4195
      @khloe4195 4 года назад +5

      Yeah they call us fakers when we are diagnosed, sadly there are people faking it for attention. They dont actually know how hard it is.

  • @alysialenore30
    @alysialenore30 5 лет назад +593

    1:37 Shes right, make up won't make her attractive because she is beautiful just the way she is ❤

    • @lunalopez9692
      @lunalopez9692 5 лет назад +7

      Alysia Saab I’m sorry but you are not helping

    • @alysialenore30
      @alysialenore30 5 лет назад +9

      @@lunalopez9692 Im sorry, but nobody asked for your opinion

    • @krisgraves7018
      @krisgraves7018 5 лет назад +6

      Thanks for your comment
      I agree she beautiful

    • @mikasz
      @mikasz 5 лет назад +1

      @@lunalopez9692 man you're so mature am i right?

    • @lunalopez9692
      @lunalopez9692 5 лет назад

      Only Tae no coffee and you are?

  • @Sarapharos20202
    @Sarapharos20202 6 лет назад +113

    You know what's more scary ? The amount of people who suffer from this , it's just getting bigger and bigger and what's the reason ? We are living in a toxic world that you have so many reasons why you can't overcome it easily

    • @deletednbwa1599
      @deletednbwa1599 6 лет назад

      Di iz honeslty couldn’t have said it any better

  • @Cheto-ratta
    @Cheto-ratta 3 года назад +7

    Dealing with anxiety and depression and it’s scary I’m a wife and mom and I feel like this will never be over . I’m always upset crying , thinking about things .

    • @ByankaMexia
      @ByankaMexia 9 месяцев назад

      I know the feeling. I wish I had an answer except… don’t do it. Keep on trucking even if you crawl.

  • @nattcattt
    @nattcattt 6 лет назад +1246

    This isn't what my anxiety feels like. It doesn't tell me I'm ugly and make me think my friends aren't my friends. It tells me there is something horribly wrong but I have NO idea what that thing is most of the time. Or it tells me I will fail my classes and I won't amount to anything and I'll never have the life and the career that I want. To me it seems like most of the issues highlighted in this video are self esteem related. Idk if that is what anxiety looks like to some people but to me that is not at all it.

    • @jermaindavis8257
      @jermaindavis8257 6 лет назад +3

      Nat Cat Happy New Year! Check out my short film, Paths of Interest.видео.html

    • @emma-hv4rv
      @emma-hv4rv 6 лет назад +39

      This comment made me start crying because I relate so much... I hope we both find peace from this someday ❤️

    • @naomijenkins7848
      @naomijenkins7848 6 лет назад +30

      My situation is so similar i go through phases where i get panic attacks on a weekly basis and spend hours every night worrying about failing college and my future and its wierd but i end uo getting panic attack when i think about having panic attacks

    • @DeBellanadi
      @DeBellanadi 6 лет назад +12

      Nat Cat same here ... it’s more about some type of doom awaiting me ... it gets worse when I’m in school and have assignments due

    • @d3bzvnzyl_12
      @d3bzvnzyl_12 6 лет назад +2

      Know the feeling

  • @user-lg4yo7vp4q
    @user-lg4yo7vp4q 5 лет назад +611

    I know she did not just leave all those lights on!!

  • @kiwiicy
    @kiwiicy 4 года назад +362

    what my anxiety feels like:
    worrying about developing a phobia
    worrying about not being able to sleep if all the bad thoughts pop up
    worrying about never getting mental peace
    its a constant struggle, everyday, every time :'(
    i was never like this before, i just want to be normal again :'((

    • @witchvelma6954
      @witchvelma6954 4 года назад +2


    • @ahanabhattacharya8945
      @ahanabhattacharya8945 4 года назад +19

      I think its because of the coronavirus quarantine I have been feeling anxious too for the past 2-3 weeks which has never happened before but its getting better with time so just believe in yourself and you will be fine

    • @kristinaarchie3449
      @kristinaarchie3449 4 года назад +6

      I know exactly what you mean. It is so exhausting constantly thinking about everything and constantly worrying. I wish to be "normal" again too.

    • @hasnahamza8932
      @hasnahamza8932 4 года назад

      @@maxie8511 I feel the same tooo!

    • @hasnahamza8932
      @hasnahamza8932 4 года назад

      @@almudenac.9463 How can i get rid of this!!

  • @raggedynomo1974
    @raggedynomo1974 3 года назад +1

    I have a really bad anxiety disorder, and have for over 20 years. This film does not depict anxiety like it truly is. Anxiety is a cruel, cruel, unloving beast!! It is extremely debilitating. This video was not done with very much research, obviously.

  • @cantgetfiredbecauseidontha1072
    @cantgetfiredbecauseidontha1072 6 лет назад +1472

    I wish it were as easy as that, btw great short film

    • @pharaohphoenix9373
      @pharaohphoenix9373 6 лет назад +9

      Anxiety is not easy to overcome! Its very difficult BUT not impossible! You may not know it or believe it yet, but YOU do have the strength and you can overcome it! Never feel alone! Come on over to my channel for support! Get in touch anytime you need to talk! Big Big hugs and stay strong :)

    • @hopetonawai2309
      @hopetonawai2309 6 лет назад +1

      Can't get fired because I don't have a job I love your username

    • @myusernamesmellsodeosyours4204
      @myusernamesmellsodeosyours4204 6 лет назад

      Can't get fired because I don't have a job yeah honey

    • @jermaindavis8257
      @jermaindavis8257 6 лет назад

      Can't get fired because I don't have a job Happy New Year! Check out my short film, Paths of Interest.видео.html

    • @jamie-1608
      @jamie-1608 6 лет назад


  • @johanna6424
    @johanna6424 6 лет назад +740

    It's getting worse. Everywhere I go. When I say hi to my friends in the halls, I note every single detail about their response. Their smiles. Their nods. "Fake," the voice in my head tells me. "Clearly you're delusional if you think they ever liked you." Wherever I go, it just gets LOUDER and LOUDER. theyhateyoutheyhateyoutheyhateyoutheyhateyoutheyhateyoutheyhateyoutheyhateyoutheyhateyouTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOUTHEYHATEYOU.
    and suddenly, I feel like I'm about to cry. The voice has convinced me that nobody ever liked me, I annoy the fuck out of everybody I talk to, and that there's nothing I can do about it. So I stay silent now. It hurts less if you push people away first before they do it to you.

    • @geometry9541
      @geometry9541 6 лет назад +6

      That's how I feel...
      Stay strong :/

    • @Ranrinrunren
      @Ranrinrunren 6 лет назад +3

      I actually don't know what to say, because I myself never felt the same way like that. But stay strong, don't care too much and think too much about what other people think about you, be yourself. You live once dear, do what makes you comfortable;) (sorry if my suggestion is not good or not according to what you mean TT)

    • @jermaindavis8257
      @jermaindavis8257 6 лет назад

      joho Happy New Year! Check out my short film, Paths of Interest.видео.html

    • @bea5087
      @bea5087 6 лет назад +4

      today I don't leave home besides going to college and to work. anxiety has given me a lot of insecurity and I can not go out or talk to someone, afraid of being criticized or just end up disturbing the lives of others, so I usually stay in my room alone. I have two or three friends that I barely speak, it always seems that I am disturbing them and that I should not talk or express my feelings. I discovered that I have heart problems because of anxiety, and I am afraid that it will get worse.

    • @katejullian7429
      @katejullian7429 6 лет назад +1

      That's exactly how I feel

  • @lilyliliane1439
    @lilyliliane1439 5 лет назад +593

    At least she has friends to call her , and try to comfort her
    Some of us dont

    • @AriGJohnson
      @AriGJohnson 5 лет назад +29

      You just haven't found your people yet- they're out there!

    • @angeljohnson5115
      @angeljohnson5115 4 года назад +10

      if you ever need, try to find an online community. you deserve to have people who understand you, it helps so much

    • @twilightkaur9113
      @twilightkaur9113 4 года назад +2

      @@AriGJohnson haha that comment made me smile :)

    • @baxter8042
      @baxter8042 4 года назад +1

      Like.. me

    • @saanvi3267
      @saanvi3267 4 года назад +1

      u okay 🥺 if you want to talk I’ll be here xx

  • @RodMartinTV
    @RodMartinTV 2 года назад +9

    I love the story and the acting... like how the story was nicely written and the contact emotions between the main character and the secondary character very spot on.

  • @ashleycalderon7766
    @ashleycalderon7766 5 лет назад +1920

    No one :
    Literly no one:
    Not a single living thing on earth:
    My brain: Rich boy check?

  • @injacerkvenik2462
    @injacerkvenik2462 6 лет назад +1060

    my anxiety doesn't tell me i look ugly it just keep saying that my "friends" they aren't really my friends and that they're talking shade behind my back and every word they'd say... it's about me. and i wanna go out it's just im so afraid that they think im annoying and no one really invites me anywhere and it was fine until i lost my best friend. my only friend. i don't know how to make new friends because anxiety keeps telling me they won't like me and that they will think im annoying & cringey and they won't like who i really am. anyone else?
    Edit: thank you all so much for replying to this and giving me great advice 💕

    • @naturelover2066
      @naturelover2066 6 лет назад +10

      Inja cerkvenik yaa i can totally understand u first its really hard to make frnds for me but when they have become my frnds its so hard to really understand sometimes i think they ignore me,they are not intersted in me i dont feel like they are my real frnds especially everytime when u are making efforts to get attentions or trying to get involve in frnds grp convo sometimes i m like no i overthink but really its too hard to find frnds of same intrst and who actually understands u

    • @debsmasters6124
      @debsmasters6124 6 лет назад +11

      inja cerkvenik omgg I’ve never related to someone more, I’ve recently lost my best friend too and now I feel so lost and paranoid that everybody hates me, I’ve lost all my motivation and self esteem and it’s not about my appearance it’s about my personality and how much I hate myself xxxx dm if u ever wanna talk sweetie @debs.masters

    • @linlin-dd8zx
      @linlin-dd8zx 6 лет назад +14

      Well , i was betrayed and hurted by the people i considered " friends " and what funny is that , they actually gave me anxiety and somehow depression when they left me, i have to face them everyday at school and that suck cause i have several panic attacks per day , it makes me feel so sick in my stomach, so tense up, i cant breath normally but i cant show how horrible im feeling whenever im in class or in public . The worst thing is that now im so alone and so isolated at school that i just want to disappear , when will these feelings stop haunting me?

    • @naturelover2066
      @naturelover2066 6 лет назад +4

      @@linlin-dd8zx i m so sorry for what u r going through i can totally understand trust on god 🌸because god will never leave ur hand in any difficult situation

    • @linlin-dd8zx
      @linlin-dd8zx 6 лет назад +2

      @@naturelover2066 thank you so much for what you said , it make me feel better somehow , and i also wish that one day , you will live your life with happiness and supports ❤

  • @jakity3717
    @jakity3717 6 лет назад +1645

    This film has anxiety pretty wrong. Someone with anxiety wouldn't be able to drown out thoughts that quickly and confidently, as I'm speaking from personal experience.

    • @reptilegirl1309
      @reptilegirl1309 5 лет назад +57

      jakiTy ikr I have anxiety as well and this is all wrong

    • @kenhollis6197
      @kenhollis6197 5 лет назад +69

      You can get some control of it if you treat it properly. For me, that meant a combination of cognitive therapy, medication, learning to efficiently interact with my thoughts and emotions, and spiritual healing.
      I know it's hard, but it can be done. That's not to say that things are perfect. I still have my days, but I'm self aware enough to not let it ruin my life anymore.

    • @lafemmeenmarron830
      @lafemmeenmarron830 5 лет назад +68

      jakiTy It was trying to teach you that you CAN overcome your anxiety. Even if it isn't that easy, they want you to know that it's possible.

    • @aimee2338
      @aimee2338 5 лет назад +52

      The thing is, it is that easy. That's what makes anxiety so frustrating. There is nothing stopping us from just getting up and doing it, but we just can't bring ourselves to.

    • @Zainab-gz9bm
      @Zainab-gz9bm 5 лет назад +18

      they’re just trying to be positive smh

  • @ab02hi
    @ab02hi 2 года назад

    Anxiety isn't as simple as that. It doesnt always says that u cant do it, its a feeling of knowing that you just can't do anything, the intrusive thoughts, the fear of everything, the intense crushing pressure of knowing that even after efforts, you'll fail, that everyone is ahead, its just something i cant express through words

  • @javinewhitter5393
    @javinewhitter5393 5 лет назад +321

    My anxiety would have given my physical pain and started making me cry to keep me in the house she is lucky

    • @sindifarhana9400
      @sindifarhana9400 5 лет назад +12

      I CAN relate. Me + anxiety = stomachache, nausea, and vomiting

    • @WhiteAngelLovesEarth
      @WhiteAngelLovesEarth 5 лет назад
      Come hang out and talk more about mental health! Join Twitch!

    • @krisgraves7018
      @krisgraves7018 5 лет назад +3

      Anxiety is different. How do we know she's lucky? This is a video

    • @Natalie-mm2ii
      @Natalie-mm2ii 5 лет назад


  • @daniella6575
    @daniella6575 6 лет назад +255

    For me, I would get ready, perfectly fine. I would actually be excited to get there. But when I do get there,
    My brain decides to have 10,000 mental breakdowns because of crowds/parties/clubs.

    • @fawnowen3922
      @fawnowen3922 6 лет назад


    • @naritruwireve1381
      @naritruwireve1381 6 лет назад

      For me, it's the opposite. I overthink everything before the event, then during the event, it's pretty decent.

    • @daniella6575
      @daniella6575 6 лет назад +2

      Juicy Pear tbh I kinda do both.

    • @judekimi408
      @judekimi408 6 лет назад

      The sound of music would start eating my brains

    • @mariap1883
      @mariap1883 6 лет назад


  • @uhohthepoorguysheadisspinn7978
    @uhohthepoorguysheadisspinn7978 5 лет назад +329

    "Lets be honest, you'll look fat in anything...."
    That spoke to me

    • @montsevazquez4941
      @montsevazquez4941 5 лет назад +1


    • @benfine2328
      @benfine2328 4 года назад

      My day starts with remembering you .And my night ends with your loving thought, .I so love you my baby,.You stay in my every thought!

  • @JcVilchy511
    @JcVilchy511 3 года назад +1

    I hope everyone watching this can get through the difficulties of fighting anxiety. As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression it’s hard escaping but I know that we can all fight through it.

  • @kittyface27
    @kittyface27 6 лет назад +225

    I hate even leaving my house at all since I feel like everyone is looking at my thighs and acne. Plus I have anxiety about people dying, getting injured, failing at something, not completing what I start. And being judged for a mental illness. Life sucks sometimes.

    • @alyssabruce7914
      @alyssabruce7914 6 лет назад +3

      I feel this.

    • @katiralabelle2271
      @katiralabelle2271 6 лет назад +1

      kittyface27 right i know what you mean hate going outside ..

    • @anonymoushippie2267
      @anonymoushippie2267 6 лет назад +2

      Anxiety is ruining my life too

    • @amirasaleh7665
      @amirasaleh7665 6 лет назад

      kittyface27 me too!I get told about my spots by my bros

    • @JenDegenhardt
      @JenDegenhardt 6 лет назад +3

      kittyface27 same man I have intrusive thoughts of those same exact things

  • @afilipaisidro
    @afilipaisidro 7 лет назад +520

    At least your friends call you when you cancelled...

    • @rorscach1
      @rorscach1 7 лет назад +82

      :,( at least people invite her out and aren't just her "friend" out of school/work convenience

    • @nightcorish6447
      @nightcorish6447 7 лет назад +2

      April Trevino true dat

    • @Jelila4ever
      @Jelila4ever 7 лет назад +23

      at least she has friends

    • @manager-nim2623
      @manager-nim2623 7 лет назад +3

      Ana Isidro at least your friends invite multiple times

  • @logainmohamed4816
    @logainmohamed4816 6 лет назад +354

    I hate that self confidence issues it sucks

    • @jermaindavis8257
      @jermaindavis8257 6 лет назад

      Logain Mohamed Happy New Year! Check out my short film, Paths of Interest.видео.html